MTL - The Sword Dynasty-Chapter 30 Queen

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In the same night, a woman is walking on a stone road.

On both sides of the stone path, there are many gongs standing on the gongs. At least there are several kinds of squads that can easily kill the cultivators of the fourth world.

This woman is very beautiful.

The two maids behind her are also stunning, but compared to her, it seems to be just a young child.

Because of her beauty, it is not the beauty, not the kind of charm, but the kind of dignity, the dazzling, the beauty that looks up.

Among her beauty, she is extremely majestic.

On both sides of her, the shadow of the magnificent royal palace, seems to cringe on the sides of the stone road, worshipping at her feet.

She is the queen of the Daqin dynasty, the mistress of Changling.

Even if her face is impeccable, perfect to the extreme, even if it is a hairline, it is like the best painter in the world, but the entire Changling, but not many people dare to look at her seriously, see her Face.

At this moment, a masked cultist wearing an apricot-colored robes at the end of the stone road waiting for her in front of her study room did not dare to look up at her. She always looked at her body with great respect and bowed her head. Full of respect and tension.

Although she did not dare to look up, the practitioner’s mind was always following her feet. She knew that the most noble woman of the Daqin Dynasty did not like red tape and did not like any nonsense. She felt that her feet were about to pause. At the moment of the down, the practitioner said with the most respectable voice: "The goddess, the head of the night has gone to the gods to supervise the body of Song Shenshu, confirming that it is indeed the nine dead silkworms, but that person’s cultivation is very Low, at most only the refining environment."

The Queen's footsteps stopped.

Every movement of her is noble and dignified and perfect to the extreme.

Including her at the moment, she looked down at the movement and look of the practitioner.

Her look has not changed.

"Telling the family, it is not only simple to get the practice method of the nine dead silkworms in the refining environment. But the same telling the family, don't be nervous, don't do anything special during this time. Now the Daqin Dynasty It is not the Daqin dynasty more than a decade ago. There is no one person's strength that can threaten the present Daqin dynasty, as long as I don't make mistakes toward myself." She said calmly, the tone is full of supreme majesty.

"Yes." The practitioner was stunned in his heart, and then said: "Today, Hou Hou intercepted the night head outside the gods, and the two played against each other."

The Queen said: "In this case, don't think about who can rely on Changling to deal with her. Isn't the Baishui of Yunshui Palace recently seen a trace? Let the family use all the strength in the white mountain water, just find out The white mountain water, since the night of the cold has come back, it is natural that she is responsible for the end of the matter."

The practitioner was even more awkward and asked: "Today, the White Sheep Cave Du Qingjiao came out of the mountain and intervened in a Jianghu gang. The family wanted to listen to your opinion."

“Is the family more and more confused recently?” said the Queen: “Since Sheng Sheng has already agreed to Du Qingjiao’s return to the old, Bai Yangdong has already paid the due price for his fault, and the family does not need to consider this anymore. In terms of the problem, you tell me the number in the family. Although the Holy Spirit is practicing with one heart and thinking about longevity, it does not mean that he is different from before. His will represents the final result. Although the family is strong, yet the family is strong, yet It is always strong behind you to stand on the top of the Holy Spirit. Never think about what you can do over the Holy Spirit. Don’t think about changing things that have already been determined."

Although the Queen’s voice was still peaceful, the practitioner had already heard strong threats and warnings, and his vest could not help but drop a drop of cold sweat.

"Also, let the family warn Lianglian. The matter he did is too simple and rude. In Changling, it is no better than fighting with the enemy. It needs more gentle means. Changling water depth, never think that you can easily crush any people."

The queen began to move, walked from the side of the practitioner and walked into the study.

The practitioner’s clothes were wet and felt the atmosphere of the queen. The queen in today’s day and night did not change anything compared to peace and day. It was still perfect, but he always felt that the hostess of the world. Peace seems to be a little different.


The queen sat down on the phoenix chair in the study.

In front of her is a living spring.

The bubbles that are constantly emerging in the spring water are exuded with a large amount of visible to the naked eye, and have a milky white aura that is amazingly nourishing for the five gases in the practitioner.

Dense aura, the number of flowers in full bloom with snow-white, and she was as near perfect lotus.

Lingquan above, it is a patio.

In some spar roof of refraction, as if in a radius of several stars are refracted over, substantial floating down the Lingquan years.

"Wood show in the forest, the wind will destroy. Too good people, they go to extremes, they are more vulnerable to jealousy days."

Empress quietly watching Lingquan front of him and said quietly:. "Only know what they want, not what other people want to know is, here is the greatest sin before you die I do not know what the idea is, there are no wake, but since you're already dead for so many years, do not feel at ease? "

She slowly looked up, her gaze seemed to spread out through the starlight falling down in front, and along the straight and straight road of Changling, it spread infinitely.

Her expression gradually became imperfect, and it became a bit too cold, and a faint flame appeared in her eyes.

"Even if something is left, it should be well preserved, and you will not be completely wiped out, so that you can leave a trace in this big world, so that future generations will know your footprints in this dynasty. It used to exist."

"After all, it is because of you, we can destroy the Han Dynasty, to destroy Zhao, to destroy the great Wei, only then there is the Daqin Dynasty at this time, there is such a long tomb."

The dazzling beauty, the strange majesty, and the cold and over-perfect eyebrows of the gods in the temple make her not like a human being at the moment, but like a legendary god.

However, in a more cold tone, she said softly to herself: "You should understand that there is no **** in this world. Anyone is a flesh and blood. There are seven passions. People who are not living for themselves, That is the real abomination."

Then, her flawless beauty face, but it is more abominable, even exudes strong hatred and grievances: "And you actually have a biography... Your nine dead silkworms have actually stayed, your Nine dead silkworms, your sword meaning, you have to pass it to me, you pass it on to others, not passed it to me!"


As usual, Ding Ning at sunrise, looking at the back of the long-haired shallow snow of the dressing up.

Then he quickly completed the washing and helped Sun Xiaoxue start the glutinous rice porridge.

When the fire was about the same, he slowly squatted with a small fire, carrying his own special thick porcelain bowl to go to the shop where he often went to buy noodles.

The reason for this is that the long-term Sunshine is clean and does not like to eat outside, and in the long-term practice, she has become accustomed to this light and simple diet.

In addition to making wine, all the chores of the wine shop, eating and drinking, are all Ding Ning taking care of the long-term shallow snow.

However, Ding Ning is very meticulous, very reconciled, even like this kind of gang, Sun Xuexue, porridge, looking at the fire of the fire, watching the long-term light snow in his not far away walking, he will I feel very warm and very happy.

Because there are some things, it is best not to think about it again, but some people must cherish it.

The man who died did not see the shallow snow of his grandson, and did not even have enough time to see her, but he finally saw it clearly.

After eating a large bowl of red soup and fat intestines, Ding Ning washed the bowl with the heat of the bowl while watching the long-haired shovel of Xiaokou, and said softly and earnestly: "The person who is too imaginary will pick me up. Going to Aries Cave... I promise that as long as I can come out, I will definitely come back to practice with you, so you must not be impatient. You should understand that the last time was very dangerous."

The long-haired Sun Xiaoxue glanced at him and didn't answer, but he still had a small mouthful of porridge.

Looking at her eyes, Ding Ning could not help but laugh.

Because he knows she has promised.

A carriage sounded in the quiet lane of the morning and finally stopped in front of the wine shop.

That should be the carriage that Wang Taixu sent to pick up Ding Ning.

But Ding Ning was sitting still, but waiting quietly.

The long-haired Sunshine brows slightly, and finally couldn't help but look up at him and ask: "Since you have decided to go, since you have already arrived, why are you still not going."

"I will wait for you to finish, help you wash the bowl and go."

Ding Ning looked at her deeply and said softly, "You don't usually do these things."

(Each book has a little grade, there is always someone ridiculing in the book review area, saying that I am not as good as this, not as good as that. In fact, I don’t understand, if you compare others with me, even if you win, you have any pride. I have the ability to compare myself with me... and I am really arrogant, the speed of writing books, the quality of synthesis, the pure writing of books, I really don’t think I am better than others. ... grace, finally sincerely seeking collection, ticketing)