MTL - The Sword Dynasty-Chapter 25 Night banquet

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Wang Taixu's eyes instantly smashed.

He couldn't believe it. He had already considered the question that he couldn't understand for a long time. It was just a few questions and answers. Ding Ning actually found out the crux of it.

"what is the problem?"

He looked at Ding Ning seriously and asked modestly.

"Since it is impossible to be an external problem, it is naturally your own problem." Ding Ning said calmly.

Wang Taixu’s breathing was a meal, and the tiny eyes suddenly shot cold.

"Even if you are asking for mercy, ask you to give a living, always have some weight, but also worry that you don't want to give a living." Ding Ning smiled and said: "Now they can't bring more people, the place is your choice. The key lies in the mediators who are invited, and they are not enough weight. This is the biggest doubt. The lack of Jinlin Tang’s Tang is not afraid that you are not giving Lei Yutang’s face to the fat man?”

When I heard these words from Ding Ning, Wang Taixu’s face became more and more gloomy.

However, Ding Ning did not seem to notice his face at all, and then said: "And you said earlier, the lack of the back of the mountain behind them is likely to be the characters in the temple, for those in the temple, Although I can't make a lot of noise, I don't dare to use the private property of the emperor's majesty. However, the life of the rivers and lakes practitioners who lacked this kind of cultivation is not much different in their eyes from the cats and dogs. So they don't Will allow Tang to lack such an easy failure, and he will definitely let him fight harder."

Wang Taixu’s face was colder. He lowered his voice and said slowly: “So your judgment is that there are problems with people around us?”

Ding Ning nodded and looked at him: "I don't know where you are going to have a banquet negotiation, but I'm afraid it will not only make you imaginary, but will have a final feast for your life."

Wang Taixu took a deep breath and whispered: "But my brothers are all fellow villagers, and they are all friends who have blocked their swords."

"People will change, and for the momentary situation, they may do something that they would not be willing to do. People are in the rivers and lakes, and they are involuntarily. The true meaning of this sentence should be clearer than me." Micro-Mocking: "And everyone has weaknesses, and you have weaknesses."

Wang Taixu’s face was ugly: “Do you see what my weakness is?”

"You are probably very faithful, so it is the same when I talked to me about conditions. You take it for granted that I am the same person as you. Maybe the atmosphere of your two-story building is also the same on weekdays, so you naturally feel that every one around you All the brothers are just like you." Ding Ning looked at him calmly. "You can be the owner of the two-story building now. You are of course a very intelligent and extremely far-sighted person, but you are such a simple thing. I don’t understand, I can’t see clearly, just because you have such weaknesses, because you don’t think about it at all, you don’t think about it at all. Before you look at things, you should cover one eye and you should Some people who watched also went out, how can you see the whole picture?"

Wang Taixu is silent.

He is not a pedantic person, otherwise he will never personally consult Ding Ning, who is still a child in the eyes of most people.

He also began to admit that there is such a possibility.

Then this feast is really not just a feast to decide on the pattern of rivers and lakes in Changling City. It is not a question of how to live on the second floor and go further, but it is directly related to his life and death.

A few drops of cold sweat unconsciously flowed down from him.

"Just tonight."

He did not cover up anything. He wiped his cold sweat with his hands and coughed. He looked at Ding Ning and said: "Tang is short of the fat man, and I will negotiate with me at Hongyunlou tonight."

Ding Ning browed slightly and did not speak.

Wang Taixu covered his mouth with a silk scarf and went on to say: "If it wasn’t for Fuling Jun, I’m here today. If I didn’t come to see it myself, I heard your words, then, tonight, I may be dead."

"Life and death... At this moment, think about it, people's lives are sometimes too fragile."

A solemn look appeared on Wang Taixu's face. He looked deeply at Ding Ning: "Today's feast, I want you to go with me. I will do something for you... Then, if I can live safely Tonight, I am on two floors and will not forget you in the future."

"I can go with you." Ding Ning said without hesitation, "but you are rich, please forget."

Wang Taixu.

If today's Jinlin Tang can be completely solved, then at least for a long time, the two floors will have a higher status in the rivers and lakes of Changling.

The gratitude and support of such a gang will be a valuable asset for anyone.

However, Ding Ning now seems to be afraid of having more relationships with them in the future.

He didn't want to understand, so he couldn't help but ask: "Why?"

"Sometimes, things are different, it is best not to owe each other too much. I only need mine, you only need yours, so clean." Ding Ning looked at him and said calmly, "I have expectations, there will be in the future." May be disappointed with each other."

Wang Taixu’s brow was deeply wrinkled.

"It seems that the world you want is different than what we are looking at. If so, I hope that you will get your wish and enter the Lushan Jianzong."

He covered his mouth with a silk scarf and said this sentence very sincerely.

"Let's go. I need to prepare for the big dinner tonight."

Then he stood up and signaled that Ding Ning followed him.

In the backyard, the long-haired grandson who listened to these conversations had been slightly wrinkled. She seemed to want to say something to Ding Ning, but in the end she was still annoyed and bowed her head, regardless of Ding Ning who left with Wang Taixu.


The setting sun will fall, and the night will slowly come. If there is a **** in the distance, it will slowly pull a black flag and walk through the sky.

A black carriage slowly descended from the corpse of the gods, and the black carriage was opposite to the dark sky in the distance, seemingly welcoming the night.

Along the way, many officials of the gods are standing in the air, full of awe and disgust in their eyes.

The rushing black carriage is a servant with a face, like a zombie. In the carriage, the supervisor of the white skirt, who is still in the white skirt, has cold eyes and seems to have fallen asleep.

The extraordinary character has its own extraordinary atmosphere. Although this black carriage has no mark, it is unimpeded along the way. All the carriages are consciously or unconsciously let go.

However, when the carriage was on a very wide road, a very majestic carriage was slowly, facing the black carriage face to face and finally stopped opposite the black carriage.

The reason why this carriage is described in majesty is that it is very big, it is a carriage that needs four horses to drag.

Secondly, its decoration is not like the rest of the carriage, with gold and silver or jade, but completely with black mystery.

Even the horses of the four trailers are covered with scales.

The four horses are very tall, and the calves are very strong, and the pace is almost identical. It is obviously a horse that has been trained for a long time.

Looking at the majestic carriage that was like a cast iron, the old servant who was driving the black carriage was still expressionless, but he slowly stopped the carriage.

The two carriages looked across each other.

"Is it a nine dead silkworm?"

A sound like the friction of gold and iron, from the iron-cast carriage carriage, the strange non-proliferation, like a line into the carriage of the black carriage.

The night policy of a white dress was cold until then, and he opened his eyes and said with a blank expression: "Yes."


The passengers in the iron-casting carriage seemed to sneer, and then went on to say: "After the business is over, let's ask the night secretary to get off the bus and talk about private affairs."

The sound did not fall, the sound of the carriage slammed, and even the four horses that stood still, countless scales were constantly shaking.

The heavy iron curtain opened.

A tall and tall man, stepping out of the compartment.

The heavy carriage lacked a lot of burden, and suddenly it jumped slightly.

This is a very tall, very fat man.

His body shape is roughly equivalent to three tall men huddled together.

Every part of his body, on his arms, legs, face, neck, and stomach, is a pile of fat.

It is true that only such a large carriage can sit down with such a fat man.

It’s just that a man who is so fat is bound to walk away. However, he is different. Every piece of fat in his body gives people a feeling of horrible power.

So even if he is full of fat, his eyes are squeezed by fat and fat, but his feelings are extraordinarily majestic, extraordinarily terrible, like a majestic mountain.

Almost all Changling people know him.

He is Xu Bing, the most ordinary soldier of the Daqin Dynasty, and the strongest descendant of the Hengshan Sword Academy in history.

One of the thirteenth times of the Daqin Dynasty!

Hengshan Xu Hou!

The night wind is soft.

A white dress appeared in the streets of Changling, covered in gray and black.

A calm night, the cold came out of the carriage, standing opposite the mountainous prince.

Her figure is petite, compared with Xu Hou, like a slender white flower.

(Today is my birthday, so after watching the update today, I will vote for two more votes. What more?)