MTL - The Sword Dynasty-Chapter 16 Eventful autumn

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Ding Ning, who was throwing the rough porcelain bowl into the basin, was frowning at the shallow snow of the long-selling wine that was put into a small altar. He said with dissatisfaction: "Things of this kind of market and rivers and lakes Does it bother you?"

Ding Ning naturally knows that with the perception of Chang Sunshue, the conversation between himself and the person must be clearly heard. He also frowned and said: "This is not an ordinary thing in the city, but on the upper floor of the two floors. It has occupied a small business in the south of our city, but I have heard that most of the dark kiln flowers and gambling houses in Changling have accounted for a few, and they have been doing it for ten years. The foundation is already very stable. I didn’t pay much attention to it before Tang. It seems that I just did some caravans and carrying business on the surface. Suddenly I jumped out to grab a two-story site. I don’t know what happened behind it.”

"so what?"

The long-term grandson looked at him coldly and coldly, and said indifferently, "Whether it is a two-story building or a Jinlin Tang, it is not a dog raised by the big people in the temple. The left and right are some uneven gates. And already."

"This may be the case elsewhere, but the capitals of the dynasties are not that simple."

Ding Ning understood what she thought in her heart. He shook his head gently and patiently explained: "The size of each dynasty city is much different than the rest of the big city. Take Changling as an example. As early as the former population, It has reached millions, especially in the era of Han, Zhao, Wei, and a large number of women and children who have been transferred to Changling as slaves. Since then, they have not been allowed to move in. Until today, the long-term population may have more than doubled, not to mention There are travellers, caravans of all countries. This is only a matter of more than a decade... The forces of the front gates are not falling apart in this short period of more than a decade. Now even those Houfu, the wife and wife of the wife are still married. It is necessary to select those door valves for marriage, with some strength. Changling is too complicated and intertwined. No one can insert too deep, even if it is strictly the same as Li Xiang. Otherwise, follow the two. People's abilities and ideas, where there are so many rivers and lakes in Changling, there are only a few of them left for them."

"The time is too short. There are too many things to be managed in the ruling and the wild, and we must cherish our own party feathers. There are many dragons hidden in the market of Changling's city, and it is possible to fight these dragons. But I really want to be bold. Let these dragons admire, but they may have folded a few arms, and they can't keep their position in the middle."

After the meal, Ding Ning went on to say: "The capitals of the other dynasties are also very different. Although the dynasty has been established for a long time, the emperor's son was born too much, and the divided aristocratic fields were not recovered. The forces of the gates and princes could even shake the palace. The decision inside. Which prince can succeed, which woman can be a queen, must see which woman's natal family has the absolute advantage at that time."

The long-term Sun Xuexue understood the meaning of Ding Ning, and these words reminded her of her past events, and her face slowly covered with a layer of frost.

At this time, Ding Ning did not notice her expression. He thought of the old man in the fish market who was carrying a black bamboo stick. He thought that many years ago, in order to let those gates and nobles make concessions, in order to let the Daqin Dynasty and the rest of the dynasty When he became different and paid the price, his mood was a bit heavy, and he unconsciously lowered his head.

"As you said, if the city Jinghu Lake faction is only a dog raised by someone, the death and injury will be smaller, but most of Changling's city Jingjiang Lake factions are only for the benefit of some big people, the relationship of mutual use, the most fear is which The big man has ambitions, secretly trying to push, and wants to reorganize the pattern of some places. This will be more bloody, not knowing how many people will die."

"I am not afraid of killing people, but I am afraid of the troubles. I have to spend a lot of effort to sort out some clues, and we can't even show the identity of the practitioners. I don't even have the third place. When I go in, I don’t know what the consequences will be.” When Ding Ning hangs his head and said this, he was worried, but the old man in the fish market and the people behind him, will not be involved in this. The field is in the storm.

The long-haired Sun Xue’s eyes are very cold. She finally has no interest in Ding Ning’s, because for her, Ding Ning’s plan has been disrupted, his cultivation is still too low, and even his plot can be achieved. His business.

She has only one thing in Changling, that is, to catch up with all the practitioners who walked in front of her.

She only wants to consider her sword, her cultivation, she can even not go out of this wine shop every day, she is the easiest.

She used to be as simple as before.


That yellow shirt master Xu year is not wrong, although it is not very good for making wine, but the wine shop of Chang Sunshue and Ding Ning is indeed the best shop in Wutong.

Near the noon, the table inside the wine shop was almost full, and most of them were diners who brought food and meals to the wine.

Ding Ning's weak and sly slumber on the counter, the ear is sensitive to capture the words in the air.

A light carriage drove into the indus and stopped in the cyan wine. The passengers on the carriage jumped agilely and walked into the wine shop door.

This is a young man wearing an eggplant-colored satin coat. The bright, shiny black hair is on the top of the head with two cyan ties.

This is in Changling, only foreign strangers will do this.

The Qin people in Changling are generally simply wearing hair, or sticking their hair behind their heads. Even those noble people are only used to hooping them with jade rings, or using jade.

The stranger picked up a table with an empty seat and sat down with Ding Ning on the counter against his chin. "Small two, come to the wine."

The alcoholic in all the shops looked at him and smiled with a bad smile.

Ding Ning raised his head and lazily sighed: "To drink, we must rule."

Is the shelf so big?

The shelves are so big, the business is so good, is the wine in this small wine shop really so good?

The young man in the idyllic satin coat stunned and finally reacted to why the alcoholic people around him looked at their eyes and looked at a great awkwardness.

He stood up in anger and walked to Ding Ning's face.

"Twenty copper coins a pot. Salt water peanuts five copper coins a dish." Before he spoke, Ding Ning ordered a jug and a dish of peanuts on the counter, indicating that he took it.

The young man’s brow was awkward and he couldn’t say anything. He threw out twenty coins and just took a pot of wine.

Returning to his desk, the young man was drinking a little bit of pride. Unlike the ordinary drinker who took a small drink and sipped slowly, he opened the lid directly and poured a sip into the mouth.

However, in the next moment, the face of the young man became so ugly that his throat seemed to be pinched by him. The "squeaky" sound had already reached the mouth of the wine and sprayed directly from his mouth.

"It’s so sour, it’s like a rice water mixed with glutinous rice. Is this still a drink!”

He glanced at the shackles of the surrounding alcoholic, and glanced at his own pot. His fingers trembled and he couldn’t help but yell out loudly. "Then the distiller's grains are not filtered out, so The thing is also equipped with wine! Is there such a big reputation?"

Looking at his grief and indignation, all the alcoholic people around him looked at each other and knew that this person must really love wine, but at the same time their faces were mocking smiles.

Did you come to this wine shop, is it really for wine tasting?

Stupid is not stupid?


In the angry yell of this stranger, Ding Ning's look was always calm. He nodded seriously and replied: "The wine in this store is so delicious."

A slamming sound of "啪".

The angry young man broke the jug into the ground. He was obviously very angry. He called again: "Is this a wine!"

“What count as wine?”

"The wine of our Qin people is like this. If you drink it, you can drink it. If you can't drink it, it is your own problem."

"You are a Chu people. Do you still want to be wild in the Changling?"

Changling people do not like the strangers, and this stranger is obviously Chuyin, and should not even be the Daqin Dynasty. With the loud sound of the table, the people in the wine shop stood up.

"How about the Chu people?"

The young man looked around and the angry face showed a sarcasm and pride: "Your Yangshan County is still not assigned to me?"

As soon as this statement came out, there was no sound in the wine shop. All the alcoholic eyes and eyes were burnt red.

This is no longer a fight.

In the third year of Yuanwu, the Daqin dynasty of the Zhao, Han, and Wei dynasties had a great battle with the Chu dynasty. In that great battle, Qin Jun was smashed by 200,000, and the lost chariots suffered numerous defeats. As for having to cut the ground and seek peace.

So far, the Yangshan County that was cut has not been recovered.

The Dachu Dynasty only sent an unloved prince as a proton in Changling in accordance with the covenant at that time.

One son is easy to six hundred miles, and it is still a shame that all Qin people are replaced by the sons of Chu Wang who have changed six hundred miles of fertile soil and hundreds of thousands of Qin people.

Seeing that the alcohol was burned into murderous, there would be blood on the cool ground. At this time, the inside of the wine shop suddenly wore a cold voice, "going to fight, it is a matter of soldiers and practitioners, If you don't drink well and want to think about these things with people, then go out and don't make troubles with me."

With this icy sound, the curtains leading to the backyard were opened, and the frosty long-haired Sunshous Snow was a customer-friendly face.

The anger and murderousness in the eyes of all the alcoholic guests have once again become a sense of dryness and enthusiasm.

The first few people who stood up first sat down with a smile.

The young people who are ridiculed are suddenly petrified.

He did not think of it, in such a wine cellar will see such a beautiful and beautiful.

Looking at the beautiful and shocking eyebrows of the great-grandson, he breathes a little irregularly, and finally understands why so many alcoholic people come to the wine shop from time to time.

Wine must be warm.

A wine that can warm people's hearts is a good wine.

Although the wine in this wine shop is difficult to enter, it is hard to see her. However, I am afraid that not only the warmth is the heart, but these ordinary market mans don’t know how long they will be hot.

"This is the beauty of a person comparable to a county..."

For a time, this foreign youth also looked a little bit mad, and his heart was hot, just want to ask the woman's name.

"Hey, the broken jug is going to be lost."

However, at this time, Ding Ning, who looked up on the counter, yelled at him lazily: "When you are still walking, you will clean the debris on the ground, so as not to be tied."

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