MTL - The Sweet Stepmother and Her Cute Cubs-Chapter 169

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There was news of the house on Xiao Wu's side, and the next morning, the whole family went to see the house near Capital University.

Today is Hancheng driving, and I meet Xiaowu early.

Most of the hutongs near Capital University are large one-story bungalows. They are not as grand as courtyard houses. Generally, they are one main house with several bedrooms, with kitchens and bathrooms on both sides to form a large courtyard. There are many people in the family. The area of ​​the yard will be reduced, and two more rooms will be added on both sides. The structure of the house is somewhat similar to that of the rural yard in Sujia Village, except that most of the houses in the city are shared by several families in a yard or a large family cannot share the production. Separate families still live together, have independent property rights and are willing to sell not many.

Xiao Wu managed to find two places. These two yards are next to each other and belong to the same owner. The house was confiscated during the big movement. Later, it was rehabilitated and returned to the original owner. The family members were also scattered. There are only two orphans and widow mothers left as the heirs. They have the deed in hand, and there is no property rights dispute. The hostess of the house is still a bit powerful, otherwise the house will not be able to be kept.

The hostess's name is Bai Lan. She is about forty years old and has a friendly face. Her son, Chen Ping'an, is twenty this year and has graduated from high school for two years. Seeing the resumption of the college entrance examination this year, she will take the test. In an ordinary normal school, he wasn't here today, and Xiao Wu came back from inquiries.

Everyone who has experienced the big movement has lingering fears, for fear that it will happen again. In this era when most families are crowded into a dozen or so flat-pipe buildings, orphans and widows have two large families in Sijiucheng. The yard was too dazzling, and I was always worried that if it was taken back one day, I felt uneasy. Bai Lan and her son decided to sell one of the yard after summing up, and it was safer to have some money in their hands.

The location of the house is very good. It is in the hutong near Capital University. As soon as the news was released, many people came to see it. Most of them were out-of-towners whose children were admitted to the capital's universities and had some spare money in their hands. They either disliked the high price, or worried about what to do if the house was taken back, and they were always undecided. In addition, some people liked the house, but Bai Lan didn't like them and they didn't want to be neighbors with them, so the house was particularly difficult to sell.

There have been a lot of people visiting the house recently. It was the first time Bai Lan saw someone like Su Xiaoxiao who brought a bunch of children with him.

What made Bai Lan even more strange was that the children not only came to see, but seriously participated in it, and Su Xiaoxiao was also seriously discussing with the children.

Xiaoroubao wrinkled his cold red nose and said aggrievedly: "Mama, I think this house is a little broken. It's not as beautiful as the yard of brother Zhuzi's house and uncle's house. I don't like it here."

The rice ball pointed not far away: "It doesn't matter whether the house is beautiful or not, the key is to be convenient. Don't you remember that we just passed that beautiful big archway? Mom and Dad are going to go there for classes in the future. It's convenient to live here and walk. We can go there, and didn’t we also pass through middle school and primary school when we came? In the future, both the elder brother and the younger brother can go to those two schools to study, and it is convenient for our whole family to go to school if we live here.”

Xiaodoubao knows his brother best, he said: "Brother, didn't you see many food stalls when you just passed the Hutong entrance? There are also sugar gourds, and there must be a lot of food to eat when you walk in. Don't you want to go out the door? Can you buy a lot of delicious food?"

Xiaoroubao thought about it seriously, and reluctantly agreed with the younger brother: "It seems to be eating a little more, but Mama won't let me buy food from outside. It's useless."

Rice **** and bean buns: "…"

Su Xiaoxiao explained to Rice Ball and Doubao why they wanted to live near the school two days ago. They also heard that the house was not easy to find, so they tried to persuade Xiaoroubao.

Onigiri rubbed his brother's face: "My sister is not as squeamish as you, why can't you be able to live with my sister?"

Su Xiaoxiao rescued Xiaoroubao from the rice ball: "Is it good for Xiaoroubao, my mother thinks it's pretty good here, and I want to live here, but it's not pretty now, but my mother plans to find someone to repair it and put the walls They are all painted into big white walls. In the future, some sweet-scented osmanthus and bougainvilleas will be planted at the door and by the walls. There will be a small vegetable garden to plant some side dishes and fruit trees. It doesn't matter, you can go to live with the uncle or brother Zhuzi, either."

When Xiaoroubao heard this, he burst into tears with a "wow", hugged Su Xiaoxiao and said, "No, no, I want to live with Baba, woo woo woo..."

After Xiaorou Bao hugged Su Xiaoxiao, he ran over to hug Hancheng and complained, rubbing his tears and snot on Hancheng's pants: "Baba, does Mama dislike Xiaoroubao and don't want Xiaoroubao anymore, woo Woohoo, you have to decide for Xiaoroubao, woohoo woo..."

Su Xiaoxiao: "..." Why didn't she know that there were so many acts of this little meat? When did she say these things?

Xiaoroubao was crying while peeking at his mother, how aggrieved the little one looked.

Han Cheng bent down and picked up the little guy, wiped his tears with a handkerchief: "Mom didn't say that, it was you who said you didn't like it here, Mom just let you choose."

Xiaoroubao was still aggrieved and said: "Anyway, Xiaoroubao is not good, and I didn't have enough to eat in the morning. It may take two strings of candied haws to get better, woo woo woo..."

Su Xiaoxiao: "..." It turned out that she was waiting for her here. For the first time, Su Xiaoxiao had the urge to spank a child. This stinky boy just wanted to trick Tang Hulu into eating.

Su Xiaoxiao rarely straightened her face: "If you want to eat candied haws, you can tell your mother, you can't lie, and you can't play tricks."

Xiaoroubao also knew that he was wrong, and drooped his head: "Mama, it's true that the house is broken, it's true that Xiaoroubao wants to eat candied haws, and it's true that Xiaoroubao eats too much."

Su Xiaoxiao: "..." It seems that the child is old, and he knows that he eats a lot.

Han Cheng patted the child's **** twice: "Okay, go buy candied haws with my brother, but next time you are not allowed to lie or arrange your mother."

Xiaoroubao immediately burst into laughter, hugged Han Cheng's neck and sighed: "Baba, you are the best Baba in the world, and Mama is also the best Mama."

The rice ball took his younger brother from his father and patted his butt: "How does my brother usually teach you? If I cheat again, I won't take you to play."

Xiaoroubao hugged his brother's neck tightly: "Brother, why don't you let me tell me that the house is not beautiful and it's so expensive? I've heard it all, that's the money that can buy a lot of candied haws." Xiaoroubao was the biggest.

Rice ball: "Then tell me how much is a bunch of candied haws?"

Xiaoroubao ignored his brother, and looked at Bai Lan with dark eyes: "Auntie, can your house be cheaper? I eat a lot, and the family can't support me anymore. If you are cheaper, I will have the money to buy it. Eat candied haws."

Bai Lan has only one son, and her son didn't like talking to her very much since he was a child. When he was young, she and her husband had an accident, and they were always carried by the old man, so that when he grew up, he didn't kiss her, and she didn't remember his son. What was it like when I was a child, is it also as cute as these children.

There were waves of people watching the house, and Bai Lan never let go of a penny. Now, seeing these lovely children, they were very kind and wanted to be neighbors with them. Bai Lan nodded without thinking: "Okay, auntie will give you a hundred yuan cheaper, can you get a year's worth of candied haws?"

Xiaoroubao leaned on his brother's back and squinted his eyes: "Thank you, Auntie! We'll treat you to a candied haws later." He turned around and asked the rice ball, "Big brother, how much is one hundred yuan? Can I buy one? Are there so many candied haws in the year?"

Rice ball: "…"

Bai Lan rarely shows a happy face. What kind of bull, ghost, snake and **** has she not seen in these years? The so-called distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. This family has an excellent family atmosphere and the children are very cute. Maybe they will be neighbors for decades in the future, let alone a hundred yuan, even if they are a few hundred dollars cheaper, she is willing to have a good neighbor nearby to take care of them. .

Xiao Wu sucked in a breath of cold air. A bunch of candied haws only cost a few cents. One hundred yuan is enough for this little meat dumpling to eat candied haws for ten years, right? According to the current price of houses, a small yard can be bought for a few hundred yuan in a remote and smaller place. Everyone thinks that it is expensive because most of the people who need a house are outsiders. This is the capital, compared to their hometown. The price of the house is of course a lot more expensive. The location here is good, and the yard is large. The price she sells is really not expensive. Xiao Wu is embarrassed to press her price.

When the children were gone, Su Xiaoxiao said: "Sister Lan, you don't need to listen to the children's nonsense, your house is in a good location and the price is already fair, we can't take advantage of you any more, if you are willing to sell it If it is given to us, the transaction will still be made at the original price, and we will bear all the costs incurred in the transfer procedures."

Su Xiaoxiao knows that every inch of land is worth every inch of land here in the future, Bailan is a good person, and the house is suitable. If it is broken, it will be broken. It will take some effort to repair, but the location and size are suitable. Of course, her price is the market price. It's right that it's not cheap. People who sell houses now will regret it later. She really doesn't want to take advantage of others.

Bai Lan sighed with emotion for a while, and saw that Su Xiaoxiao's family were good people, but she didn't expect it to be so good. Everyone else tried their best to lower the price. She was good, but she was worried that she would suffer. There are many bad people in this world, but there are also many good people.

Bai Lan couldn't be more satisfied with such a neighbor: "Your family are all good people, and I will not hide from you that this house was confiscated before, and it was only returned not long ago. I can help in case it is taken back after we have made a deal. It's not yours, can you take the risk?"

Su Xiaoxiao naturally knew that such a thing could never happen again, shook her head and said, "You don't have to worry about this, the house can be transferred to us, it's ours, there is no risk," Su Xiaoxiao pointed to the next door, "This is also next to you. yard right?"

Since the villain had already spoken before the gentleman, Bai Lan had no worries: "Yes, both places are mine. There are two more rooms in this yard, and the other side where I live is missing two houses. It's the same size, you can sell any one, I see you have a lot of family members, this should be more suitable."

Su Xiaoxiao nodded: "Yes, I have a lot of family, and it is more suitable to have two more rooms. Then I want this. When will it be convenient for you to go through the transfer procedures?"

Bai Lan: "I can do it. It depends on your schedule. I don't have a job right now. I'm idle all day. There was a rent tyrant in the household, who refused to pay the rent and refused to move out. I was afraid when I saw it, so I thought of selling one."

Su Xiaoxiao looked at her in astonishment. She should not have reached retirement age in her forties, but she thought that even if she was rehabilitated, she would not be able to go back to work if the original unit refused to accept it.

"Then let's go back and prepare the money first, and come over tomorrow morning to go through the transfer procedures. No matter how short of money you live, don't sell it. If you don't have money, you can find a way to make more money. After the house is sold, it will be difficult to buy it back." Su Xiaoxiao can only click to stop.

Bai Lan nodded: "I won't sell it again, otherwise my son and I will have nowhere to live."

The cubs came back after shopping for a long time, not only buying the candied fruit, but also some other snacks.

They wouldn't eat outside food without Su Xiaoxiao's permission on weekdays. Today's opportunity is rare, so they might just buy a little more at a time.

"Mama, I like it here, there are a lot of delicious food in Hutong!" Xiaoroubao was generously distributed to Xiaowushu and Aunt Bai.

Su Xiaoxiao pinched his little face: "If you like it, you can only eat one bunch of candied haws."

Xiaoroubao squinted and took a bite of the sweet and sour candied fruit: "I know, Mama~~"

The house was settled, and Su Xiaoxiao became more at ease, and the whole family went home with a bunch of candied haws sweetly.