MTL - The Sweet Stepmother and Her Cute Cubs-Chapter 153

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Su Xiaoxiao looked at the gentleman who could not see his identity and asked, "This comrade, do you have anything to do with our children?"

The person who came is Xiao Liu, who is in the mouth of the principal. Siswenwen, who is in his thirties and forties, looks like he can talk very well. He is a brick in the high school department. Comrade Su Xiaoxiao, right? I'm Xiao Liu from the senior high school, so the principal asked me to ask your family, Comrade Han Jing, if he has time to help the third-year comrades make up English lessons, as you know, taking the college entrance examination this year There are a lot of comrades, not to mention the third year of high school, even the teachers of the first and second high school are full of teachers and there is still a shortage of teachers, so I want to ask Comrade Han Jing if he can find time to help in the class."

Su Xiaoxiao widened her eyes and looked at him in disbelief: "The person you want to invite is Han Jing, not Han Cheng?"

Xiao Liu waved his hand: "We know that Director Han is busy, so we don't dare to ask him rashly. Let the leaders arrange the work of Director Han. The third-year-old comrade heard that Comrade Han Jing only went to school for half a day, so he took the liberty to ask him if he could Take the time to come and help in class, if we really don’t have time, we won’t force it, so let’s just ask.”

This little Liu's emotional intelligence is quite high, and he speaks well.

Rice **** don't have to go to school today. They are teaching Xiaoroubao and Xiaotangyuan in the house. When Xiao Liu shouted "Comrade Han Jing" outside, he heard him, and asked Xiaodoubao to take his younger brother and sister and fly out by himself: "Which one? Comrade looking for Comrade Han Jing?"

Xiao Liuwang suddenly forgot to speak to the high-spirited boy in white.

The rice ball glanced at Xiao Liu, who was stunned, and asked Su Xiaoxiao, "What's wrong with Mom? What is this comrade looking for with Comrade Han Jing?"

Onigiri loves the title "Comrade Han Jing" so much, it feels like he is treated as an adult.

Su Xiaoxiao couldn't help laughing when she saw the majestic cub with his hands behind his back, who was about to wag his tail: "This comrade wants to ask you to help the third-year-old comrade in English class, and ask if you would like it."

The smart little rice ball's head went down, and pointed at his nose with round eyes: "Class? Me?"

Xiao Liu reacted: "Yes, yes, Han Jingtong... classmate, it's like this, you have a perfect score in the English test and everyone recognizes you very much. Some comrades who want to apply for the English major want to invite you to teach them a class, and send me to ask. Do you have time?"

Faced with such a childish baby girl, Xiao Liu couldn't say the word "comrade", so he changed it to "classmate".

But when the rice ball heard that "Comrade Han Jing" became "Classmate Han Jing", his face instantly collapsed, and he waved his hand and said, "I don't have time, my parents are busy studying, and I want to help my brothers and sisters at home."

Xiao Liu paused, then said, "Can I bring my younger siblings to class?"

Onigiri shook his head and said, "Anyway, Han Jing doesn't have time. Maybe Han Jing can find time."

Xiao Liu was confused by the rice balls. Comrade Han Jing has time, what does it mean that Han Jing has no time? Isn't it all him?

Su Xiaoxiao couldn't help but give a "poof" smile: "Okay, don't be skinny, son, go if you want, but this is more rigorous than teaching the little monkeys to doodle the big tree and the others, and they can't be sloppy at all. It will also be deeper, younger brothers and sisters can follow Xiaodoubao and Xiaozhuzi to class, it's up to you whether you like it or not."

Their family has always been very democratic, respecting the wishes of all children, and will not force them if they don't want to go.

In fact, onigiri really likes to teach children, and often tutors the classmates who play well with him. He basically enlightens the dragons and phoenixes. At home, he often takes the small blackboard to teach the dragons and phoenixes, forcing them to call Mr. Han, two When I was young, I deliberately went against him, insisting on calling "big rice ball" or "big brother", so angry that he bit them in the face.

With a flash of inspiration, Xiao Liu patted his forehead: "Yes, Comrade Han Jing, we sincerely invite you to come and teach us a lesson. Can you spare some time?"

Xiao Liu is also a good person, and he specially emphasized the word "comrade".

The rice ball clenched his palm into a fist and put it on his lips and coughed lightly. He felt that this comrade was quite good. He used the honorary title not only "comrade" but also "you". Comrade Han Jing was very satisfied, and was deeply impressed by him. Impressed by his sincerity, he nodded solemnly: "It's fine in the morning of January, March, and Friday, but my classroom discipline is very strict. I can't talk in class and can't desert. I have to listen carefully to Teacher Han, take notes, and do homework."

Mr. Han... Su Xiaoxiao raised his hand and stroked his forehead. Rice **** are not a good teacher. He only picks people he likes to teach them. He doesn't pay attention to ordinary people. It's just that this little Liu is a talent, and inexplicably hit his point. That's why he agreed so readily.

Xiao Liu was naturally overjoyed: "That's great, that's really great, I'll go back and tell the principal, then do you need a few days to prepare? Or can you go to class tomorrow?"

Onigiri said: "It can be done tomorrow. I will go through the test paper first. It is impossible to greatly improve my grades in a short period of time. I have studied English with my mother for five years before I have the current level. You can give it to me. List a key point, and I will teach the class according to the key point, which is the most effective."

Xiao Liu nodded: "I wrote it down, and I will tell the principal when I go back."

The rice ball looked like an uncle, and took out a hand and waved: "Go, go."

Xiao Liu kept saying "thank you", and then left happily.

As soon as Xiao Liu left, the rice ball regained the child's heart, holding Su Xiaoxiao's hand and jumping: "Wow mom, I'm Teacher Han now, I never dreamed that I would go to class for my brothers, sisters, uncles and aunts. !"

Su Xiaoxiao rubbed the cub's head: "Mum didn't even think of it, but it's okay to teach them with your English level, you just need to be more prudent and not give people a feeling of lightness, your idea is also right, It is impossible to greatly improve the English level in a short period of time, but it is possible to consolidate it in a targeted manner and improve the grades on the original basis. If you have any doubts, you can also ask your parents. Comrades from the third generation, okay?"

Everyone's English level is generally not high these days. The focus is on the dictation and translation of some quotations. The rice **** have a good vocabulary. In addition, Su Xiaoxiao and Han Cheng have taught them intentionally or unintentionally these years. Sometimes the door is closed. I communicate in English. Since there is a radio at home, Hancheng's English tapes are often played and listened to. When encountering English broadcasts, they will deliberately listen to them. Hancheng sometimes gets some foreign language papers or magazines, and rice **** will join in the fun , If you don't understand anything, ask Han Cheng. He has a good memory and can remember basically everything he has learned. In fact, it is not only him, but also has a good sense of language with Xiaodoubao, and also has a certain foundation in English.

"The radio at home can also be taken to class, and you can listen to it between classes to enhance your listening and language sense." Su said with a smile.

Onigiri nodded: "Okay mom, I'll bring it over on Monday, mom, can you help me write a lesson plan? I'll compare the school's priorities and see how to teach them the best way to teach."

Su Xiaoxiao nodded: "Yes, you can teach your younger brother and sister some math first, I'll go and bake the fish and you can eat it."

The rice ball put his arms around his mother's shoulder: "Okay mom, right mom, I found that my sister prefers painting and ancient poetry, so it's okay to enlighten Xiaodoubao, Xiaoroubao prefers math and English, I plan to bring Xiaoroubao Learn more math problems."

In addition to eating a little bit of meat and a little skin, Xiao Rou Bao is actually a very smart and studious child. With a sweet mouth, he is also a good person, which coaxes everyone to like him.

The younger sister is a typical good younger sister. She has a soft and sweet personality. She bends her eyes and makes a little pear vortex. Everyone likes it without doing anything.

Therefore, the baby dragon and phoenix are the baby of the whole family, and everyone is very rare.

Rice **** and beanbags have always been a good helper for mothers, a good son and a good brother, as well as Zhuzi. They are very attentive when teaching Xiaoroubao and Xiaotangyuan. After the age of two, Su Xiaoxiao basically doesn't need to worry about it.

"You can make arrangements. Mom trusts you."

Onigiri narrowed his eyes: "Then I'll teach them arithmetic first."

Su smiled and nodded: "Go."

Back in the kitchen, Yali had put the marinated fish into the "oven". Yali studied with Su Xiaoxiao during this time, and let Zhang Hongtu eat in the army cafeteria at noon, while she and Zhuzi were in Su Xiaoxiao. Fire here.

Han Cheng is also making the final sprint for the postgraduate entrance examination. In order not to waste time on the way back and forth, he asked the comrades in the department to help him with meals at noon, and he stayed in the office to race against time to study.

In short, everyone is making the final sprint for the first exam after the resumption of the college entrance examination.

There is no exception in Sujia Village. Su Weimin has always respected intellectuals. He also set up a review class at the educated youth point, so that comrades taking the college entrance examination have a special learning atmosphere.

What is even more rare is that as soon as the news of the resumption of the college entrance examination was announced, Yang Nanhuai and his wife immediately returned to Sujia Village to be tutors for comrades taking the college entrance examination. The colleges they belonged to had to wait until after the college entrance examination before college students could go back to class, so they took the initiative to apply to come back and give them free of charge to members. Be a tutor.

Not only did they come back, but they also brought back a lot of textbooks and review materials. These things are especially precious at this time, and they can't really be bought with money. Everyone is very grateful to them.

If it wasn't for Yang Lin's laboratory being too busy, he would also like to come back and contribute.

Therefore, good people have good rewards. The Su Weimin family was very kind to their family at the beginning. Now they have the opportunity to do their best to help the members of Sujia Village. If they can teach a few college students, Su Weimin, the party secretary, will also record it. A work.

After Yang Nanhuai and his wife came back, Xiaobao was the happiest person. Whenever he was free, he took Yaobao to the class, regardless of whether he understood it or not, he just followed the class anyway.

What's interesting is that Liu Shuixian also signed up for the college entrance examination. She was not in the scope of the third class, but she was a widow of a martyr who was helpless and did not remarry. So the commune made an exception to let her participate.

It's just that she put down the book for too long, and it's very difficult to pick it up now, but there is always a way out, you have to try it to see if it works, right?

In short, whether it is Qingfeng Town or Sujia Village, everyone is racing against time to learn, and they all hope to change their destiny through the college entrance examination. The college entrance examination has become the most popular topic among the people, and everyone is highly concerned about this matter.