MTL - The Supreme Lord Donghuang-Chapter 212 Arrived at Honglongxing

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The three Jindan monks who surrounded the Zhou Donghuang group heard the words of Zhou Donghuang.

After a while, I returned to God and looked at each other. I couldn’t help but laugh loudly. "Ha ha ha ha... I am laughing! I am a Jindan monk in the district, and I dare to call us?"

"He thought he was a French monk?"


When the three Jindan monks looked at Zhou Donghuang sneerly, they also had one more weapon in their hands. Two knives and one sword, and the golden real yuan was integrated into it. The golden light rose.

"Three pieces of top grade Yuan Dan Ling?"

Zhou Donghuang brows a pick.

He did not expect that this three Jindan monks who came out to rob him, even had the top grade Yuan Dan spirits... The top grade Yuan Dan spirits can increase the power of the real yuan 60%!

In Ziyunxing, because of the limitations of materials, people around Zhou Donghuang, he can not give them a one-of-a-kind Yuan Dan spirit, more people in the hands of the top Yuan Dan spirit.

"It is also... this planet, perhaps even the monks of the Yuanshen. Such a planet is not comparable to Ziyunxing. Just a Jindan monk, there is a Shangyuan Yuandan spirit is also normal."

I figured out that Zhou Donghuang was relieved.

"Since you don't want to leave, leave it."

Zhou Donghuang once again opened his mouth, his tone was indifferent, and above his right hand, the folding fan of the sword was held in my hand. With the golden real element injection, Jin Yan skyrocketed!

"The best Yuan Dan spirit?!"

Different from the narrow vision of the Ziyun Star Jindan monk, the three Jindan monks who surrounded Zhou Donghuang recognized the spirit of Zhou Donghuang in his hand as a superb Yuan Dan spirit.

In He Yuxing, let alone refining Yuan Dan Ling, even if it is a refiner who can refine the spirit of the law.

However, even a refiner who has the ability to refine the spirit of the law may not be able to refine the best Yuan Dan spirit, because the best Yuan Dan spirit is very difficult to refine.

The pattern of the best Yuan Dan spirit is very complicated, even more than ten times more complicated than the pattern of the upper Yuan Dan spirit!

In He Yuxing, there are very few refiners who can refine the best Yuan Dan spirits, and the chances of those who refine the best Yuan Dan spirits are very low.

For this reason, the best Yuan Dan spirit of He Yuxing is generally in the hands of the children of the big family or the disciples of the big family.

"It turned out to be the best Yuan Dan spirit! Made! Sended!!"

"I didn't expect it, it was still a fat sheep."

"Kill him! The best Yuan Dan spirit, it is ours!"

The three Jindan monks showed greed, almost at the same time, two swords and one sword, with a fierce golden light, like three lasers, went straight to Zhou Donghuang.

"Is it alive?"

In the face of the siege of three Jindan monks, Zhou Donghuang shook his head and sighed, and then the golden light of his body, which further surged and doubled in an instant.

The real power on the folding fan in the hand also doubled in an instant.

Zhou Donghuang's two Jin Dan's real elements, perfectly blended together, roared together, and after doubled by the best Yuan Dan spirit, it made the surrounding air seem to be a stagnation.

Hey! !

Zhou Donghuang moved and greeted one of the Jindan monks who had been killed by a knife. The speed was more than double that of the other party, and he passed away with him.


The golden light passed, and the head of Jindan’s monk flew into the sky.

Hey! !

When the other two Jindan monks rushed back and the face changed rapidly, another Jindan monk's head flew up.

There is only one Jindan monk who has a tremor in his heart. "What monster is this?!"

"His real yuan is more than twice as thick as ours! How could there be such a big gap? Who is he? Is he really human?"


The last Jindan monk with doubts, stepped on the footsteps of two companions, accompanied by a **** bloom in the air, his head followed by flying to the sky.


Three heads are landed one after another, with no more than one breath time.

Prior to this, Zhou Donghuang had already handed over their spiritual and space rings. "These three pieces of the instrument are all good materials. Unfortunately, the refining of the spirits is too bad. I Re-refining, you can refine them into the best Yuan Dan spirit."

"There are these three space rings, and the empty stone used is better than the empty stone used in the space ring in my hand... I re-refined and the interior space can become bigger."

"Sure enough... this planet has a Chinese stone."

In the space ring left by the three Jindan monks, there are a number of expensive Lingshi, many of which are in the middle of the spirit... In normal terms, the Jindan monks in the district, unless they are born, it is impossible to have so many wealth.

In the innocent universe, the value of a Chinese stone is equal to the sum of the ten lower spirits.

The three Jindan monks are all looting on the belts of the dry heads. Although there is no background, the luck has been good, so the family is not cheap.

Unfortunately, they met Zhou Donghuang unfortunately.

Now Zhou Donghuang, with the true element of the Yuan Dan’s realm, plus the battle experience of the previous millennium, and the best Yuan Dan spirit... even if the whole universe is viewed, the law is almost impossible. To the opponent.

Of course, just almost.

The universe is too big, including the stars and the stars, and there are many people who are born with strong physical strength and fighting against the sky, and Zhou Donghuang himself is only a mediocre human being among the universe.

Of course, among the entire universe, the number of human beings is also the largest, accounting for more than 80%.

Followed by the monster, occupying about 10%.

Less than 10% of the rest is other life.

"time to go."

After Zhou Donghuang took up the spoils, a flash appeared on the stone platform and landed on one of the sub-arrays of the interstellar transmission array.

At the same time, Zhou Donghuang lost ten pieces of Chinese stone in a rectangular groove in front of him.

The groove is large and can accommodate hundreds of stones.

Ten pieces of Zhongpin Lingshi came into the groove, and an inexplicable invisible force enveloped the whole person of Zhou Donghuang. At this time, Zhou Donghuang began to meditate on the name of the destination:

Tianma Star Field.

Honglong Star.

Tian Jianzong.

The use of interstellar transmission arrays, different martial arts monks, the cost of the spiritual stone is completely different.

Yuandan monk, if only in the same star domain to cross the planet, only need a Chinese spirit stone, with ten pieces of Lingshi instead.

And if it is transmitted across the star field, it will require ten pieces of Chinese stone, or one hundred pieces of Lingshi.

Switching to a French monk, using the interstellar transmission array, you need to pay ten times the price of the Yuandan monk...

Trans-planetary transmission, ten pieces of Chinese stone, or a top grade stone.

At this time, you can also use a hundred pieces of the next stone to carry out the transmission array.

And if it is transmitted across the star field, it requires a hundred pieces of Chinese stone, or ten top grade Lingshi, or a top quality stone.

At this time, there are no more undergraduate Lingshi can not be used.

Because the transmission array can only place a hundred Lingshi, this is the upper limit.

The Yuanshen monk uses the interstellar transmission array, and has to pay ten times the cost of the monk. In the future, it is the same.

For example, Zhou Donghuang's past life is the martial arts power of the heavens and the earth. Even if it is only transmitted through the interstellar transmission array, it needs a hundred pieces of the best spiritual stone.

Hey! !

Oh la la! !

Almost at the moment when Zhou Donghuang finished his destination, the array of patterns at his feet suddenly lit up, and the array of patterns on the four stone pillars around him also lit up.

The next moment, Zhou Donghuang's whole person was shrouded in light and his body shape was completely submerged.

After a while, when the light dissipated, Zhou Donghuang had disappeared, as if it had disappeared from the air.

At the same time, the stone platform and stone pillars of the interstellar transmission array have also returned to calm, as if nothing has happened.

For Zhou Donghuang, the moment of the power of transmission that was extended by the interstellar transmission array, after a blackout, the eyes turned into another interplanetary transmission array.

In fact, this interplanetary transmission array is almost exactly the same as the previous one.

However, because the place is not the same, Zhou Donghuang can conclude that it is another interplanetary transmission array, and the four stone columns around the interstellar transmission array are not the same.

Tianma Star Field.

Honglong Star.

Tian Jianzong.

Obviously, the destination has arrived.

Here, it is the Honglong Star of the Tianma Star Field.

Of course, although the coordinates of this interstellar transmission array are Tianjianzong, it must be located near the Tianjianzong resident, and it is impossible to be in the Tianjianzong resident.

Otherwise, can anyone directly transfer to the Tianjianzong station?

This interstellar transmission array is set by the monks of the Tianjianzong. It is convenient for people of Tianjianzong to travel to and from various stars and planets.

"There is Tian Jianzong."

This interstellar transmission array is located in a mountainous forest. Zhou Donghuang looked at the dangerous peaks that are not far from the clouds. Follow the memory and remember that there is Tianjianzong resident.

"Now, go to the north of the Tianjianzong station, the demon beast forest, look for the relics left by the monk of the martial arts."

Zhou Donghuang came up from the sky and went to the north side of Tianjianzong.

On the road, Zhou Donghuang’s attention is involuntarily concentrated on the interstellar transmission array:

"Interstellar transmission array, although it is not difficult to portray, as long as it is a martial arts monk above the Yuanshen, you can see the formation pattern. But it is really going to be pursued, but it involves space teleportation. ""

"Space teleport... Don't say that I used to be a monk of the heavenly monk, even if it is a **** robbing power above the heavenly monk, I can't do it."

"The back of the interstellar transmission... I feel the shadow of the legendary god."

"It seems that there is a great power in the world in the early days. In the innocent universe, the existence of all the elements of the Yuan Dan in the innocent universe can use the interstellar transmission array of the existence above the Yuanshen."

"The formations and maps of the interstellar transmission arrays are not traced from them. It is really traceable. It must be traced back to the ancient times, and even earlier."