MTL - The Supreme Lord Donghuang-Chapter 209 Coming soon

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Sometimes, a choice can often determine a person's life.

In Yunyang, the people who have made good friends with Zhou Donghuang, in time, must fly to the sky, to achieve congenital, and even Yuan Dan, not to mention.

And the people who have sinned with Zhou Donghuang are all stunned and regretted.

Just like now.

Seeing the girl and the middle-aged girl standing on the back of the giant eagle with her little girl, she was stunned into the clouds by the giant eagle, and the high-rises of the Qin family of the Qingmen family were covered with confession.

"We Qin family, missed the opportunity to climb the sky!"

"In those days, if we did not stop the old family from collecting light rain for the righteous woman, the Qin family and the young master of the East Emperor would not break apart... regret! I regret it!"

"Light rain and Qin Zhen go, it must fly to the sky! And we are destined to look up to them in the future."


Not only people in the Qing family, but also those who regret it, there are many people who regret it.

Such as Yunfeng County, the city of the family of the family.

If it wasn't for the Lin family to expel Lin Biao from the family, Zhou Donghuang would become the son of Lin's family, and the relationship with Lin family was far closer than that of Lu Jia.

However, because of a wrong decision of the Lin family, they completely ruined their connection with Lin Biao and passed by Zhou Donghuang.

"The people of Lujia, all went to the Eastern Emperor Sect.... The place where the Emperor Huangzong was divided, the predecessor was Yaowang Valley."

"It is said that the Lujia people, but a little talent, have the opportunity to be sent to the Eastern Emperor Zongzong. As the former Lujia family, now the son of the emperor of the Eastern Emperor, Lu Qinghu, Lu Yuan, was sent to the East Emperor Zongzong."

"I heard that Lu Qinghu is now a monk of Yuandan... I remember that in the past, his strength was not even as good as our Lin family."

"If the non-owner will drive Lin Biao out of the family... He is now a monk of Yuandan. The position of the emperor of the Eastern Emperor is definitely the owner."

"One step wrong, step by step wrong."

"Scorpio! We Lin family, missed a big chance!"


Among the Lin family's house, a group of old parents and disciples squatted their chests, and secretly sneaked at home with their own eyes, so that Lin family missed a good opportunity to climb the sky.

The Lin Jiajia, the master of the forest, was already mad at bed after learning about Zhou Donghuang’s achievements today.

Now, up and down the Yunfeng County County, they are laughing at Lin’s excellence. The Lin family’s owner has no eyes and nostalgia.

"Ha ha ha ha... Chen Dandan, you have today! Kill well! Kill well!!"

Hong Yunda's young master Hong Yunfei, formerly Chen Dandan was expelled from Yao Wang, and after he returned to the Hongjia of Yunfeng County, he was closed to practice and rarely went out.

After learning that Zhou Donghuang had killed Chen Dandan in the Xuan Feast City, he was ecstatic and only felt that the great hatred had been reported.

"I knew that Zhou Donghuang’s kid could have it today... At the beginning, I should be right and left, and I would end up with Chen Dandan’s slut, and let him know."

The Hongjia family’s main confession was not at the beginning. “Otherwise, even if I am not as good as Lu Qinghu, I am definitely not going anywhere.”

Now, he is just a small gas monk.

Lu Qinghu is already a monk of Yuandan!

He must look up to the innate monk, let alone the monk of Yuandan?

"Hey! I am going to participate in the assessment of the Emperor Huangzong branch in Yunyang State this year, and strive to pass the assessment and become a disciple of the Eastern Emperor."

Hong Yunfei said with a serious look at Hong Yan: "The current Eastern Emperor Sect is more powerful than its predecessor Wang Gu Valley... From where to fall, from where to climb, I want to fight for the Eastern Emperor Zong!"

Of course, there is another sentence, he did not say.

He wants to meet the legendary lord Zhou Donghuang of the Eastern Emperor Sect, and thank him in person for killing Chen Dandan, indirectly reporting his **** vengeance!

"Zhou Donghuang, actually... have such achievements?"

Among the Lijiafu, Li Rui was pale, and never expected that Zhou Donghuang had already stood on the top of the Ziyun Star in a few years.

The current Zhou Donghuang is equivalent to the "day" of Ziyunxing. With only one sentence, you can decide the life and death of any one of Ziyunxing!

It’s better than this.


Donghuangfeng is now the resident of the Eastern Emperor.

Of course, the current Emperor Huangzong has not yet recruited disciples.

Shen Guangzong’s ancestral relocation, people went to the building, leaving no elders or disciples.

Of course, it is also that Zhou Donghuang did not let Shen Guangzong stay. Otherwise, he only needs one sentence. It must be who he wants, and who he will remain.

"Sister Jia Pei, I know that you also like Zhou Da Ge."

On the half-mountain of Donghuangfeng, in a quiet small courtyard, Yang Zizheng sat down with Ren Jiapei, who had just arrived in the Eastern Emperor, and held the hand of Ren Jiape with both hands and confided his heart.

"Sister Zi Zi, you can rest assured... I will not fight with you."

Ren Jiapei forced a smile.

"Sister Jia Pei, I don't mean this."

Yang Ziyan shook his head. "I just want to tell you that if you really like Zhou Da Ge, you don't need to take care of me."

"Because, even if I am... in front of Zhou Da Ge, it can only be regarded as a latecomer."

Yang Ziyan sighed. "Chou Da Ge, I already have a sweetheart."


Ren Jiapei’s fascination, she always felt that if the big brother of Zhou was looking for a good match, her sister-in-law was the first choice.

But now, her sister-in-law told her:

Big Brother Zhou, have a sweetheart?

"I don't know... I only know that she is not a Ziyun star."

"I speculated that I had asked Xiao Xiao, Xiao Xiao said... The sweetheart of Zhou Da Ge, when he was twenty, was already a monk of Yuan Dan."

"The 20-year-old Yuan Dan monk, who is not a Ziyun star, must have been born... The achievements in the future will definitely not be limited."

"I told you this, mainly to tell you: If you really like Zhou Da Ge, and don't mind if he has more than one woman at the same time, he must work hard to cultivate and try to keep up with the pace of that sister."

"I myself... I think so."

"Only in this way can we help the older brother of Zhou, and even get further recognition from Zhou Da Ge."

These words of Yang Ziyan have been lingering in my heart for a long time, and they are revealed in front of Ren Jiapei. For a time, Jia Pei has also fallen into silence.

For a moment, Ren Jiapei’s gaze was deep, showing a firm color.

"Of course, even if we do this, we may not be able to be with Zhou Dage in the future... The emotional thing, pay attention to the two feelings."

"But, I think, since I like Zhou Da Ge, even if I can't be together at the end, I will do more things for him. It is more appropriate to pay more attention to him."

When Yang Ziyan said that, with a glimpse of his eyes, with a bit of obsessive color, "I can see his happy smile, I feel worth it."

Not far from another quiet courtyard, Lin Biao stood there, watching Yang Ziyan and Ren Jiapei in the distance, long sighed. "How good a girl... If you can be my daughter-in-law, it would be fine."

"Miss, the young master of the East has grown up... the things of affection, let it be."

Lian's mother stood behind Lin Biao and smiled.

"Sometimes, I really don't know what the East Emperor's child thinks."

Lin Biao shook his head. "But... Anyway, he is about to leave Ziyunxing and do what he wants."

"If he had a relationship with the two gimmicks before he left, it would be unfair to them... At least, it seems that even if the emperor leaves, they will not suffer too much from Acacia."

When the voice fell, Lin Biao looked up and looked at the higher point of the East Huangfeng. "Those of the battles, the East Emperor should be ready."

"He will leave when he arrives."

In the depths of Lin Biao's eyes, the timely expression of a bit of reluctance.

Of course, although she did not give up, she did not force her to leave her meaning, because she knew that she had her own way to go.

"Twenty-three-year-old Jin Dan monk... Ziyunxing, can't accommodate him."

Lin Biao sighed softly.

Donghuangfeng Peak, a Zhou Donghuang who ran into the white snow, is standing in the air, pointing to the pen, condensing the golden real yuan, sketching complex patterns and lines on the cliffs.

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!


After portraying it for a while, he raised his hand, and a piece of Lingshi was like no money, and he did not enter some patterns.

He is in the process of painting the Guardian Order for the Emperor of the East.

This will also be the first guardian of the Ziyun Star.

No matter whether it is the other four ancestral gates of Ziyunxing, or the Xuan Yinzong that was destroyed by Zhou Donghuang in the past, there is no law of protection.

In the innocent universe, there is only one kind of sect in the innocent universe.

Because the method of protecting the sect is too much, the ordinary sects can't bear it.

Even the method of guarding the patriarchal clan, which Zhou Donghuang now depicts, is also arranged after he has cut down on the worst sect of the sect.

Otherwise, the resources in his hands are simply not enough to sustain the consumption of a sect.

"Defense array, there are other arrays, all don't... just stay attacking."

"The attacking method, the Lingshi I am now inlaid into, is enough to motivate it three times."

"Attack tactics, once mobilized, even if it is the general martial arts monk in the early stage of the law, it is impossible to escape death! It is more than enough to seriously hurt the general law of the mid-term martial arts monk."

This is also a 'bottom card' left by Zhou Donghuang before he left. He will hand it over to his mother Lin Biao and his sister Yunxiao.

"Get it done."

Half a month later, Zhou Donghuang successfully completed the layout of the formation.

Of course, these days, he is not always arranging arrays every moment, and the array of methods is not only a large array of guards, but also a few polyphony arrays.

During this time, Zhou Donghuang arranged the formation method in the leisure time of cultivation, and did not affect his cultivation.

"The next two days, I will accompany the mother and the younger sister... After two days, they will leave the Ziyun Star!"

The night is deep, and Zhou Donghuang looks up at the stars hanging in the sky without a star, and his eyes are full of anticipation and excitement.

He finally has to leave the Ziyun Star!

His current mood is even more exciting than when he left the earth in the past!

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