MTL - The Supreme Lord Donghuang-Chapter 191 Spirit advancement

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Zhou Donghuang took the cloud and drove the golden crown eagle, leaving the king of medicine and going to the kingdom of the gods.

Originally, he was prepared to bring a big gold. After all, Dajin has traveled to and from the Shenguang Empire many times, and he has been familiar with it. However, Erjin insisted on going. He said that the young master was eccentric and had not left it to leave the Donggu Sixteen countries. In the backcountry, Zhou Donghuang also got it.

Moreover, now the repair of the two gold has also caught up with the big gold, the speed is not slower than the big gold.

"Young Master, listen to Daikin... The kingdom of the Imperial Empire is bigger than the ten kings of medicine?"

"Brother, are the people of the Shenguang Empire the same as those of our Donggu sixteen countries?"

After leaving Yaowang Valley, Erjin and Yunxiao, as if they were turned into ‘curious baby’, they couldn’t finish it.

At the beginning, Zhou Donghuang also explained a few words, and finally did not speak.

Now, the two golds have been the same as the big gold, and they have successfully condensed the inner Dan, and they have achieved the Yuan Dan big demon. They can already spit out people’s words, and they don’t need to communicate with Zhou Donghuang in the past.

Seeing that my brother is no longer taking care of himself, Yunxiao has some grievances and a small mouth, but after a while, he chats with Erjin, and occasionally makes a silver bell-like laugh.

As for Zhou Donghuang, he closed his eyes and sat on the back of the eagle of Erjin, as if he had turned a deaf ear to everything around him.


In less than half a month, the Imperial Empire has appeared in front of the two men and an eagle. With Zhou Donghuang’s opening, whether it’s the clouds or the two golds, it’s like staring at the distant one. The giant beast is in the general city.

For the first time in their lives, they have seen such a big city.

"Brother, I don't want to go to the black market with you... Can I go shopping here and the Imperial Empire?"

After being close to the Imperial Empire, Yunxiao looked forward to watching Zhou Donghuang, his eyes eager to move.


Zhou Donghuang nodded, but at the same time, his face was positive. "However, you have to promise your brother, you can't leave the kingdom of the gods... and, if you are in danger, crush the jade card that your brother gave you the first time. My brother will rush to the first time."

This time before the departure from Yaowang Valley, Zhou Donghuang specially refining several pairs of matching mother jade cards. The jade card was engraved with the array method. Once the Ziyu brand was crushed, the mother jade card would have induction. At the same time, it can be locked where the Ziyu brand is broken.

However, because of the material reasons, Zhou Donghuang's mother-of-pearl jade brand can only cover the entire Shenguang Empire country, and there is no way to sense it.

But this is enough.

"Know, brother."

At the same time, the eyes of the cloud stunned, and the mouth spit out the tongue.


After commanding the two golds into the Imperial Empire, after arriving at the black market, Zhou Donghuang took the Yunxiao Yukong out, and in the blink of an eye he landed at the black market gate. He just set up, Yunxiao greeted him and ran cheerfully. opened.

Seeing this, Zhou Donghuang shook his head, but he could understand.

Then again, Yunxiao is still only a child, and it is still a child who has broken down in Yaowang.

"East Emperor Dong, you are finally here."

The person in charge of the black market, Shen Guangzong three elders and hardships, once again saw Zhou Donghuang, could not help but relieved.

But at the same time, he also faintly discovered one thing... This time, goodbye to this young man, the spirit of the young man is more fierce, and the whole person is like a sword with a half-sleeve, just standing in front of him, let him I felt a lot of inexplicable pressure.

"Two years ago, only twenty years old, he was enough to defeat me... Two years later, his strength is definitely stronger. Just don't know, how strong it is."

There was a tremor in the heart.

Now, Zhou Donghuang's origins and details are no longer a secret for Yao Wang.


Zhou Donghuang nodded faintly, then immediately traced the pain and looked at it. "Is the materials I want, are all collected?"

"I have already been ready."

While hurriedly nodding his head, he sent a narrative to the hands of Zhou Donghuang. "The Emperor of the East, the materials you want are all inside."

"Give me a quiet room."

With the opening of Zhou Donghuang, Tuo immediately gave his room to Zhou Donghuang, and went out to wait outside. At the same time, his eyes showed a certain expectation... This young man can really refine himself. What?

In the room, after the painful departure, Zhou Donghuang took out his own folding fan.

Then, take out a pile of materials from the extension, take out some of the most precious materials, and start the refiner... However, instead of refining the spirit of the promise to help the reign of the gods, it is the top of the product. Yuan Dan Ling Folding Fan re-refined.

At the beginning, he asked the materials collected by Shen Guangzong, the most precious part of which was the material used to upgrade his own spirit.

With these materials, his spirits can be upgraded from the top grade Yuan Dan Ling to the best Yuan Dan spirit. The effect of the increase will be doubled from 60%, and the whole 40%!

After spending an hour and upgrading the grade of his own fan, Zhou Donghuang used the remaining materials to help Shenguang Zong refine the spirit. In a shorter time, he refines a sword. The blade is like a jade, crystal clear, and the invisible exudes a fierce breath.

Look closely, on the top of the sword, it is covered with countless complicated lines. It is the array method that Zhou Donghuang painted and arranged on it. As long as the real element of the Yuan Dan monk is injected into it, it can be motivated.

And this is also the principle that the spirit can increase the power of the true power.

"All right."

Tuoba thought that he had to wait for a few days and nights, but did not expect that, in less than two hours, the youth would push the door out and hand over a three-footed sword that was thoroughly smeared.

He experimented and confirmed that it was a genuine spirit.

For this reason, I couldn’t help but stagnate. "He... is it really refining?"

I haven’t thought about it. The spirit is ready-made. It’s not the youth’s own refining. The youth is just making a fool of it.

However, it is not necessary to think about it!

"I am going to go to the Shenguang sect."

When the painstakingly returned to God and looked at Zhou Donghuang with a look of sorrow, Zhou Donghuang spoke with an unquestionable tone.

The first bitterness is a glimpse, and then I quickly replied, "Emperor of the East Emperor, you are going to our Shenguangzong, our Shenguangzong is naturally welcome... The Sovereign, he has long wanted to see you, the peerless of our ancient Ziyunxing. genius."

"But... I want to ask you one thing before that."

Speaking of this, I looked at Zhou Donghuang with care and caution, and some of my words stopped.


As Zhou Donghuang once again opened his mouth and took a deep breath, some embarrassed asked: "We are the gods of the Tenth Emperor Lin Hantian, who have been to your hometown of the East Emperor... but he was thoroughly at that time. disappeared."

"But I don't know... Have you seen him?"

In the face of the painful enquiry, when Zhou Donghuang wanted to respond to him, he found that there was a sudden shock in his arms. It was the mother jade card that corresponds to the son of his sister Yunxiao. After the shock, and after the shock, a '啪' sounded softly and split directly in his arms.


When I heard the sound, I was shocked.

At this moment, I found that the face of the youth in front of me suddenly fell cold, as if covered with a layer of frost.

This is the first time he has seen such a big mood swing on the face of the youth. In the past, he saw the youth. Whenever the youth were calm, they were not shocked. Even the last time they were the ancestors of Shenguang Zong Jindan The youth’s face has never been too much.

Now, he clearly feels the chill of the invisible youth, which makes the temperature of the whole room seem to drop several degrees.


In the next moment, a slight wind rang, and the pain only felt that the white light flashed in front of him. The young man who had won the snow in white was completely gone, so that his pupil could not help but shrink sharply. "Hurry!"

This speed is so fast that he can't react at all.

"He was two years ago... absolutely impossible to have this speed!"

Although the youth was very strong two years ago, the painstaking efforts are certain that the other side could never have such a speed two years ago.


Yuntai Inn.

Speaking of it, this inn, Zhou Donghuang and Su Mo have lived for a long time.

Nowadays, in a large courtyard in the inner courtyard of Yuntai Inn, a middle-aged man wearing a gray-white robes is sitting at the stone table, staring at the one standing about eight or nine years old. Girl, "Shantou, since you don't have a teacher, you can go under my door."

"With your talent, go under my door... I, make sure that you can be in the fifteenth... no, before the age of thirteen, step into the realm of Yuandan!"

The middle-aged man made a few words and followed the temptation.

He never imagined that this time he left the Shenguangzong, came to the Imperial Empire, and went out to go shopping, he met such a good seedling.

It seems that even if it is less than ten years old, it is already a congenital martial artist, and it is obviously a gimmick that has never been involved in the world. Otherwise, it will not be very curious about everything in the streets of the Imperial Empire. look.

Such a good seed, the future is boundless.

If he can marry him, he will be able to benefit his children and grandchildren.

He also thought about this gimmick, will there be any big heads?

Even if it is not the disciples of the other four Zongmen of Ziyunxing, will it be a disciple of the hidden world, but the other party clearly told him that there is no teacher, I don’t know what is the teacher...

"Sister, I don't know how to accept the apprentice. You can worship under him, it is your blessing."

Next to the middle-aged man, stood a young boy about twelve or three years old, with a arrogance between the eyebrows.

"Which sister is it?"

Yunxiao hands akimbo, did not breathe a stunned teenager, "Little boy, you are only a few years old, dare to call my sister? You should call my sister! I am Yun, this year is already fourteen years old."