MTL - The Supreme Lord Donghuang-Chapter 170 Zhou Donghuang's strength

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Xu Fu, from the planet of the rich resources of the cultivation of the Yuanshen monks, is well-informed.

However, now, when he looks at Dan Fang, his face is changing again and again, and from time to time he is more excited and whispers, "Miao! Wonderful! Wonderful!"

"These kinds of medicinal materials can be combined with this way... This works well, the effect is really better."


A moment later, Xu Fucai put down Dan Fang in his hand and reluctantly handed it back to the black robes behind the wooden table, namely Zhou Donghuang.

"Xu Danshi, how?"

The person in charge of the black market and the elders of Shen Guangzong and his elders looked at Xu Fu. Although he was asking, he actually had an answer in his heart.

After all, Xu Fu’s misconduct has been enough to explain everything.

"Danfang is true."

Xu Fu said very seriously: "However, that Dan Fang, even if it is in my hands, I will at least have to ponder for ten days and a half, and I am sure that I will refine the gas in accordance with Dan."

When the voice fell, Xu Fu’s eyes were hot. “Three elders, buy this Danfang.”

"Three thousand Lingshi, buy this Danfang... Later, the other four sects will definitely want us to share this Danfang with Shenguangzong. At that time, our Shenguangzong can charge a thousand Lingshi for a sect. Of course. Even if we don't share Danfang, we only provide them with a gas gathering, and we can earn back three thousand Lingshi."

Xu Fu solemnly said: "With this Danfang... We are in the Shenguang Zong, a talented monk who can even enter the innate world a few years ahead!"

Xu Fu’s words, the natural pains of suspicion, the first time to look at Zhou Donghuang, "Hello, three thousand Lingshi, we can not get out of the black market here... I need to send a message back to Zongmen, let Zongmen that Send Lingshi over."

"I can't wait that long."

Zhou Donghuang once again opened his mouth, and a piece of paper slipped out of his sleeve. He was then wrapped in a faint white mist and sent to the air in front of the extension, waiting for the pain to reach out.

"Yuandan monk?"

The painful face was shocked. Just listening to the voice of the black robes in front of him, he felt that the other party was at most twenty years old, but he did not expect that the other party turned out to be a Yuandan monk. Although it was only the early martial arts monk in Yuandan, he still let him Shocked.

"Is he really a monk of Yuan Dan?"

After the hard work, Shen Xuanzong’s seventeen elders, Liu Xuanyu’s pupil, shrank slightly. “ it really the middle-aged youth?”

Just now, Liu Xuanyu has confirmed the identity of the person in front of him.

However, now, the real person in front of him appears, revealing his facts as a martial artist in the early Yuan Dan, but he can not help but doubt the heart... The black robes in front of him are really the young man?

A young man under 20 years old, Yuan Dan monk?

He still can't believe it.

However, thinking of the ‘false news’ that the people passed down yesterday, his heart was involuntarily shaken.

"The material on the paper can replace Lingshi, and I have already marked the price."

Zhou Donghuang said faintly: "I will give you three days... After three days, if you can't get what I want, this Dan Fang, I will sell it to other sects."

"Your, the three days are too short."

Looking at the materials recorded on the paper, it is not difficult to find that these materials, even if they are placed in Ziyunxing, can be regarded as rare materials. Non-gold and silver can be purchased, and they are generally traded with Lingshi.

"Two days."

Zhou Donghuang spoke again.

When I heard the words of Zhou Donghuang, the painful face changed, and the two elders of Shenguang, who were behind the pain, also glared at Zhou Donghuang at this moment.

"Kid, here is the black market, it is the site of our Shenguangzong... If you want to leave the black market safely, it is best not to be too much."

Liu Xuanyu said in a loud voice.

"Scared me?"

Zhou Donghuang looked up and sneaked a look at Liu Xuanyu. Then he raised his hand and smashed his hands. He smashed the gathering of Dandan in his hand, and there was no possibility of splicing together. "One day... one day Inside, I don’t want anything, this Dan Fang is destined to miss the Shenguang Zong."

"In addition to this... he, now give me a hundred Lingshi, as a spiritual loss that just scared me."

Zhou Donghuang looked at the pain and pointed his finger at Liu Xuanyu.

"Kid, you are looking for death!"

Liu Xuanyu's face changed greatly. He never imagined that the person in front of him even dared to blackmail him, and suddenly he was furious.

Zhou Donghuang did not take care of Liu Xuanyu and continued to look at the pain.

"Seventeen elders, a hundred Lingshi, you give him first... The black market will help you with half, and later I will let the store give you fifty Lingshi."

The strength of the black robes in front of the eyes makes the elders of the Shenguang sect of the sacred sects somewhat unpredictable, but he knows that the sacred sects of the sacred sect must receive the sacred sacred sacred side, so for the time being, they can only choose to compromise and satisfy the black robes. The request, lest the other party to further increase the size.

When the opening of the pain, with the tone of command, even if Liu Xuanyu is not reconciled, he can only honestly take out a hundred Lingshi from the space ring in his hand and hand it to Zhou Donghuang.

However, he looked at Zhou Donghuang's gaze, but it was chilly to the ultimate killing.

Even if he only needs 50 Lingshi, it is not a small number. Although Shen Guangzong will give him a spiritual stone every month, it will take him more than a year to get fifty spirits. stone.

"Hello, we will try our best to get what you want... The next day, please wait a moment."

Now, I don’t dare to bargain again.


Zhou Donghuang’s tone was indifferent, and at this time, the pain also led people to leave the wooden house.

Under the watchful eye of a group of black robes outside the wooden house, the group of people who led the hard-working group directly returned to his room in the black market.

"Three elders, that kid is too deceiving!"

Just entering the room, Liu Xuanyu said in the first time: "In my opinion, we killed him directly, and it was convenient to win him. Even if the news is revealed, we Shenguangzong will take out four thousand spirits because of the destruction of the black market rules. Stone, as punishment, gives the four sects, it is worth it."

"And, as long as we promise to share Dan with them, or sell them to them...the four thousand Lingshi, we don't need to come out."

When the voice fell, Liu Xuanyu’s eyes were stunned.

"Danfang has been ruined by him."

Shaking his head.

Liu Xuanyu stunned and immediately said the fierce light: "Then we tortured him and forced him to re-write Dan Fang... Looking at his posture, it is obvious that the Danfang content has been thoroughly cooked and ready to write. Dan Fang. Otherwise, it is impossible to make a deal with our Shenguangzong after destroying Dan."

"Torace him? Force him?"

The pain continued to shake his head. "If he is unbearable and wants to die, we can't stop it... As a result, our Shenguangzong will completely lose the chance to get the Dandan side."

"You suggest this, it is not realistic."

The voice fell, and Xu Fu, who looked at the side and asked for help, said: "Xu Danshi, you just looked at the Danfang, remembered how much... Can you completely copy it out?"

Xu Fu shook his head. "I just read it... I only remember the one or two of the Danfang content. That Dan is very complicated. Even if I let me see it hundreds of times, I will remember it at most. Unless I have an unforgettable ability to forcibly remember it."

"In this case, we will help him prepare the materials according to his requirements."

With the extension of this Shenguangzong three elders, the highest official in the black city of Shenguang Empire was ordered, but the elders and disciples of the Shenguang sect who did not have the value in the black market were sent out to go to the various families of the Imperial Empire. And some small sects outside the capital, see if the family and the Zongmen have the rare materials that the young black robes want.

It must be said that the black market is very efficient.

Less than a day and a night, the next morning, I got together most of the rare materials that Zhou Donghuang needs.

The rest of the materials that have not been collected can only be paid to Zhou Donghuang with Lingshi.

"Hello, what you want is already here... Dan Fang, should you give me?"

Inside the wooden house, I looked at the black robes in front of me and said.

Now, on the wooden table inside the wooden house, in addition to a half-open wooden box containing a thousand Lingshi, there are also a variety of metal ore materials. At first glance, you can see that they are not Simple, not at all comparable to ordinary metal ore materials.


Zhou Donghuang glanced over the materials and Lingshi on the table and nodded. Then he looked at the pain and said: "You will come to Danfang one day later... The previous Danfang has been destroyed by me, I need to re Write it out silently. No one should disturb me in the wooden house, otherwise the consequences will be at your own risk!"

"it is good."

The painstaking response took people out.

However, although he retired, the pain did not leave the wooden house, and even the elders of the black market, the elders of Shenguangzong, were present. They stood in all directions of the wooden house and stared at the wooden house as if they were afraid that the people inside would escape. general.

"Now, let alone he is just a martial artist in the early Yuan Dan, even if it is a mid-Manadan martial arts monk, it is difficult to fly!"

Liu Xuanyu stood in the corner of the wooden house, staring at the wooden house, and the killing in his eyes was out of control.

Inside the wooden house.

Silently writing Dan Fang, naturally it takes less than a day.

The reason why Zhou Donghuang let the painful one day come to Danfang is because he intends to use the materials brought about by the pain to refine the piece of the instrument he wants. "I gave the list of materials to be hardened. It is a list of materials needed to refine the best Yuan Dan spirit..."

"Although he didn't get all the materials."

"But, these materials are enough for me to refine the top grade Yuan Dan!"

Yuan Dan Ling, a special instrument for Yuan Dan monks.

The next product Yuan Dan Ling, integrated into the real yuan, can only increase the power of 10%.

Zhongpin Yuan Dan Ling, can increase by 30%.

The top grade Yuan Dan spirits can increase by 60%.

The best Yuan Dan spirit, can double the increase!