MTL - The Supreme Lord Donghuang-Chapter 164 Gathering

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Su Mo’s gas-filled Dandan Fang, since it was approved by Xu Fu, the first alchemist of Ziyunxing, naturally went smoothly.

A thousand Lingshi, he was included in the space ring, and brought out the black market.

Of course, in order to be on the safe side, after the things arrived, Su Mo did not rush to leave the black market, but deliberately walked around the black market square for two hours before leaving the black market.

This is also done to avoid being caught.

In the eyes of many people, he will definitely leave the black market in the first time after completing the transaction.

However, he did the opposite and went to the black market for two hours, until the night, and entered the next morning, before leaving the black market and returning to the inn.

However, what Su Mo did not expect was:

Even so, he was still eyeing.

"The seventeen elders."

In the black market, in a brightly lit room, an old man reported to the middle-aged man. "From last night, let me check it out. I have seriously checked the people who entered the black market all day yesterday."

"There are strange faces, a total of fifty-two."

"The people on the black market are on duty, and they all say that they have no impression of these people. These people may be the first to come to the black market."

"Of course, there may be people who haven’t been here for a long time."

"The portraits of fifty-two people are here."

When the old man’s voice fell, he took a few steps and handed a large stack of portraits to the middle-aged man.

If Su Mo is here, you can recognize it at a glance:

This middle-aged man is the black market elder who traded with him last night.

And this black market elder, is also the seventeen elders of Shen Guangzong, Liu Xuanyu, a Yuandan martial arts monk.

Yesterday, the top official of the black market, Shen Guangzong three elders opened, although Liu Xuanyu did not let black black, corrupted the reputation of Shen Guangzong, but Liu Xuanyu did not die.

He intends to start from the people who entered the black market yesterday, mainly to investigate strange faces.

Because, he feels that people who can come up with the kind of Dandanfang can basically not be the people who often enter and leave the black market, and the ninety-nine is the strange faces.

"Fifty-two people..."

Nowadays, there are a total of 52 portraits in Liu Xuanyu's hands. There are old people, old people, middle-aged women, young women, young women, and several young girls.

Hey! Hey! Hey!


The fifty-two portraits that Liu Xuanyu had read through, the portraits of Zhou Donghuang and Su Mo are also impressive.

"Let's check these people... At the same time, check out the people who left the black market these days and compare the people who came in yesterday."

Speaking of this, Liu Xuanyu flashed a wise light in his eyes. "I... worried that he would go out in the black market for a few days."

"The person who left before the time I finished the transaction with him last night can be removed. It is much simpler to check it out."

Later, Liu Xuanyu added another sentence.

"Let's go. Remember to report the progress to me at any time."

Liu Xuanyu took a deep look at the old man in front of him. "If I can chase the thousand Lingshi and the space ring back... I will give you one hundred Lingshi."

"Thank you for the seventeen elders."

The old man even thanked him, and when he turned away, he walked with the wind.

One hundred Lingshi.

Even if he is the martial artist of the early Yuan Dan of the Shen Guangzong, he can only receive one Lingshi every month. It takes 1989 to get enough 100 stones.

After the old man left, Liu Xuanyu flashed a touch of fine mans and muttered: "If you only have dozens of hundreds of Lingshi, I am too lazy to spend so much time to check you... but, a thousand Lingshi, plus The last space ring, you, deserves my fanfare to check!"

Liu Xuanyu checked the person who sold the gas Dandan to give them the light of the sect, naturally not representing the black market, on behalf of the Shen Guangzong to check.

He is checking for himself.

After he came out, he prepared to take his own shot and seize the spirit stone and space ring in the other hand.

At that time, those spiritual stones and space rings will become his bag.

Liu Xuanyu, although he was a 17-year-old elder of Shenguangzong, he was trained to enter the middle of Yuandan... But every month, Shenguangzong also gave him three spiritual stones.

A thousand Lingshi, a space ring worth thousands of Lingshi, is worth the effort.


In a hotel in the Imperial Capital of the Kingdom of Light, Su Mo came back to the room of the teenager and beat the door.

"Master, that thousand Lingshi, is in this space ring."

After the teenager opened the door, Su Mo handed the space ring in his hand to the teenager, and looked at the teenager's gaze. Compared with the past, he became more respectful.

Xu Fu, the alchemy teacher of Shenguangzong, is the first alchemist of Ziyunxing, and it is from a planet with the power of Yuanshen.

However, Xu Fu said:

The cohesive Dandan party that his master took out, even if it is the planet with the power of the gods, there is no one that can be compared with it.

what does this mean?

It means that the level of Dan Dao of his young master is likely to be above the Danish level of the planet!

"My Xu Fu, in Ziyunxing, is recognized as the first alchemy teacher... But, as far as my level of alchemy is concerned, the planet on which my hometown is located is not worth mentioning!"

"Even if it is the first 10,000, it may not be able to get in."

This is the original words that Xu Fu said to the black market elder in front of Su Mo.

For this reason, Su Mo feels that his master is not simple. If he follows all the way, he may be expected to step into the realm of the law in the future, and even the realm of the gods!

As for the realm of Yuan Dan, there is no suspense for him now.

“Is it just a stone?”

Zhou Donghuang took over the space ring, and the infuriating atmosphere merged into it. There was a picture in his mind. The picture was a small space with a square foot.

A thousand Lingshi, almost filled with this small space.

The space ring is divided into multiple grades by the size of the built-in space.

The lower-space ring refers to the space ring with less than three feet of space inside, and the smallest is not less than one foot square.

This space ring in the hands of Zhou Donghuang, the space inside is one foot square, which can be said to be the defective product in the ring of the next product.

"Use it first... Wait for me to step into Yuandan, and then re-refin it with three real fires, you can raise the space to two feet square."

Zhou Donghuang secretly said.

With Zhou Donghuang's means, you can maximize the use of empty stone to refine the space ring.

Although the quality of the empty stone that refines the space ring in his hand is very poor, he can still use it to refine a space ring with a two-foot square inside.

"This hundred spiritual stones, you hold cultivation."

Zhou Donghuang took out a hundred pieces of Lingshi and handed it to Su Mo. He said: "The next time, I intend to retreat and practice... If you want to rely on these spiritual stones, you will enter the territory of Yuandan after half a year. If nothing happens, it is best to follow me and Daikin to retreat."

Later, Zhou Donghuang reminded Su Mo once, and then turned back to the room.


It was not until the door was closed by the teenager, Su Mo was awakened, watching the hundred Lingshi held on his hands, his eyes covered with incredible colors.

"Master...the master he just said...I...I can step into the realm of Yuandan after half a year?"

"real or fake?"

Because this is too scary, to help Su Mo can not believe, but in the end, he still chose to believe his master.

in the room.

Zhou Donghuang sat cross-legged on the bed, and on the bed around his body, a thousand Lingshi intricately placed there.

These Lingshi, at first glance, seem to be there.

However, if you look closely, but it is faint, you can find that the placement of these spiritual stones is obviously hidden and non-discretionary.

"I didn't expect to get a thousand pieces of Lingshi in such a short period of time... There are thousands of pieces of Lingshi, and I can barely arrange a small gathering."

As Zhou Donghuang put his hand on a stone in front of him, suddenly, the whole body moved, and a thousand Lingshi suddenly shone.

In the next moment, a thousand Lingshi shot a thousand white light, staggered together, and finally formed a bell-shaped mask to cover the Zhou Donghuang.

"There is this gathering of the spirits, coupled with the power of the Buddha's relics, the innateness of the sky... With the "four elephants alone," if there is no accident, within half a year, I will enter Yuandan!"

After Zhou Donghuang’s thoughts, he closed his eyes and began to practice.

At the same time, it can be clearly seen that the aura between the air is swallowed up by the polylings at a very exaggerated speed, forming a clear visible white mist twisting vortex at the top of the gathering.

After the aura was swallowed up by the gathering of the spirits, all of them poured into the body of Zhou Donghuang, running one after another big Sunday along the line of the "four elephants alone", and finally turned into the instinct that completely belonged to him.

Gathering the array is a kind of aggregating method that can absorb the surrounding aura at a very exaggerated speed.

Practice in the Gathering Array, and enter the country for a thousand miles.

Zhou Donghuang is now only a congenital monk. Even a small gathering of the spirits is enough to make his body become a fast-moving one.

Of course, while practicing, Zhou Donghuang did not forget to take care of Su Mo and Jin Guanying Daikin.

The power of the Buddha's relics stretched out and enveloped them.


A month later.

black market.

"The seventeen elders can basically confirm that ... the sale of the gathering of Dandan to give us the Shen Guangzong, is the middle-aged man of unknown origin."

Liu Xuanyu, the elder of Shenguangzong, was in the black room, and the old man told him.

"Can't find anything?"

Liu Xuanyu asked for a slight frown. The person who could not be found was either a hidden person from a small place, or a person with a background that could not be ascertained.

He had to be careful about the spiritual stone and space ring that went out of the black market.

"So far, I can only find him and the boy around him. He is driving the country that came to the early days of the demon beast Golden Eagle."

The old man said: "When I entered the city, the middle-aged man killed Yang Wei, the eight-year-old elder."

"Yang family, I am still chasing the murderer."