MTL - The Strongest System-Chapter 39 Discriminatory practice

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After the medicinal herbs were finished, the cultivation was improved. Lin Fan licked his lips and there were some dissatisfaction. If there are more medicinal herbs, how happy it is, this uncle relies on peony and can also make a The world is invincible.

Turned over the things in the backpack, and did not see a remedy, then Lin Fan turned his eyes and aimed at the exercises.

I remember that I saw a few books in the past, and I don’t know how to do it.

For that Mo Yi Xuan, Lin Fan really did not hold much hope, this person is not a good person at first glance, and the practice is definitely not good.

However, soon, Lin Fan self-reflected a bit, how can a person with a discriminating look, this Mo Yixuan people are not embarrassed, but can change an unscrupulous person to such a cow ratio, this practice is definitely It is also appropriate.

Lin Fan took out a practice, and he suddenly smiled.

"Hey, congratulations to the discovery of the Heavenly Steps on the Heart of the Heart."

"The Heavenly Devil" is the foundation of the Wan Mo Zong Lizong. It is the eternal master of the Wan Mo Guardian. He worships the Heavenly Devil. After a hundred years of creation, only those who possess the body of the Devil can cultivate."

Seeing this introduction, Lin Fan sings, really blows the ratio, but forget it, the people of Niu than like to blow the ratio, and now they lack the mind, which just can make up for it.

"Do you learn "The Heavenly Devil"."


Just kidding, I still have a headache for my heart, what is missing from this, how can I not learn.

"Hey, congratulations on learning the level of the heart of the law, "No Heavenly Devil" level, experience (0/100000)."

“Hey, congratulations on learning “The Heavenly Devil”, True Yuan +1000.”

Lin Fanyi Le, learned the heart of the law, "The Heavenly Devil" has grown a thousand yuan, which is properly and strong. According to the introduction on the booklet, this "No Heavenly Devil" has a total of nine layers, but I don’t know if I can To what extent is the cultivation of "The Devil"?

At the same time, Lin Fan also found a problem. He now has a system. The number of layers of "The Devil" has been upgraded by himself. Is it upgraded by himself?

However, in Lin Fan's opinion, I am afraid it is not so simple. Others cultivate their minds, and the level of their minds goes up, and their own realm goes up.

And now that I still have personal experience, it seems that this upgrade depends on the experience of the characters, which has to be said to be a sad reminder.

Thinking about Lin Fan, I feel that my head is a bit too big, and I don’t want to take care of it. I am crazy all the way to the end, but I am afraid of it.

Then Lin Fan began to search again, and this has basic cheats, and I don't know if it will be embarrassing.

"Hey, congratulations to the discovery of the "Sword" in the heart of the heavens."

I am going to... It’s a heavenly heart, and it seems that this is the town’s method of neon.

Lin Fan snorted, this person is more dead than the people, it seems that this Ni Tiantian and Mo Yi Xuan are the seed players of Zongmen.

"Swords of the Sword", the exquisite swordsman opened the ancestor of the ancestor, and realized the supreme sword, to create this mind, and those who possess the body of the sword can cultivate this mind."

"Hey, learn."


"Hey, congratulations on learning the level of the "Sword" level of the first step, experience (0/100000)."

"Hey, congratulations on learning "Swords", real yuan +1000."

After learning the two top-notch methods, Lin Fan's heart began to swell, and there was a feeling that the uncle had become invincible in the world. Of course, this sense of expansion lasted for two or three seconds and then stopped.

Although these two methods have been introduced, the latter level still needs to be slowly practiced. It is also very bitter.

Later, Lin Fan checked the remaining exercises.

“Hey, congratulations to the discovery of the method of “Guihua Fuju”.

""Zhu Hua Fu Ju Zhi", Wan Mozong can create a unique approach, one finger can destroy the sky, only can be intended, can not be said."

"Do you study."

Wait, this is not the right thing.

Lin Fan was still very happy inside, as if it had been watered with a basin of cold water.

"Turning the Twilight", "Black Tiger Heart" If you add this "Dip Hua Fu Ju Zhi", this uncle will not become a human body developer?

Picking flowers, picking flowers?

No, no, this is absolutely impossible, as a person full of justice, how to learn these ambiguous exercises.

Do not learn, do not learn.

At this moment, Lin Fan felt a little hesitant when he touched his chin. He looked a little disappointed. After all, the exercises that he could hardly encounter could not be practiced.

By the way, the practice is not just about justice, only the people who use it are just.

That's right, that's the reason, how can you be intimidated by the introduction of this practice.

"Learn." Lin Fan did not hesitate to study.

“Hey, congratulations on learning the level of the “Changhua Fu Juzhi” level, experience (0/1000).”

Later, Lin Fan looked at the last martial art. At this moment, even "Zhu Hua Fu Ju Zhi" has learned, and there are still some exercises that can't be learned.

However, this practice did not disappoint Lin Fan. This is the practice of the neon, "Chasing the Wind."

The lower order.

Nowadays, this "Hunting the Sword" is the only attacking skill that Lin Fan can do now.

Just for Lin Fan who doesn't need a sword, this is also a bit embarrassing thing.

The things that have been scraped are basically used up, and the rest are just a few pieces of equipment.

For these pieces of equipment, Lin Fan does not have much interest.

Those who are defensive in the robes, Lin Fan does not need it at all, and "The Destruction of the Devil" is enough for him to play.

Then Lin Fan will scrape a piece of clothing, a pair of shoes, and a sword, all thrown into the stove, random forging.

“Hey, the sub-professional craftsman is not high enough to dissolve the forging.”

When Lin Fan threw these things into the fire, he heard such a sound.

Lin Fan sighed slightly, showing some helplessness. It seems that this is not enough.

Finally, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Lin Fan can only put it in his backpack, and he will have a chance to try it again in the future.

After all this, Lin Fan’s body and mind were relaxed.

After the day's color gradually dimmed, Lin Fan found a towering old tree, backed against the tree surface, and then closed his eyes to run the "No Heavenly Devil" heart.

Lin Fan can feel that there is a breath in the body, and then gradually grow.

"Hey, "No Heavenly Devil" experience +10."

"Hey, "No Heavenly Devil" experience +10."


At this time, Lin Fan opened his eyes and was slightly confused. This cultivation of the mind, how can the experience increase be so slow, unscientific is really unscientific.

Later, Lin Fan began to practice "Swords of Meaning" and wanted to verify what was going on.

"Hey, "Sword" experience +1."

"Hey, "Sword" experience +1."

What is going on here, both minds are heavenly exercises, and how to add different experiences.

Could it be that the "Sword of the Sword" is a good way to do it?

Lin Fan has some helplessness at this moment. According to this speed, the first layer of 100,000 experience, when will come to an end.

There must be something wrong, otherwise it will never be like this.

Although the cultivation of these two methods requires institutional conformity, but the system prompts to be able to cultivate, it will definitely eliminate these, but nowadays cultivation is so slow, there must be a special reason, but it has not been discovered yet.

PS: It's getting dirty. . . .