MTL - The Strongest Arms Dealer-Chapter 41 : Edza

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Stick the seal on the iron door, but the glue is not enough, and the logistics soldier still uses his own saliva to stick it on.

Andrejevic made a deal, which is still in the making, and looked at Tang Dao eagerly, "Mr. Nicholas, what else do you want? Artillery? Firearms? We still have three "does" here!" He Speaking of this, he deliberately paused, and glanced at Tang Dao from the corner of his eye, he didn't believe that this guy wasn't tempted.

Sure enough, Tang Dao's right eyelid opened, and he became interested, "Okay, let's go and have a look."

This is the Mi-24, an epoch-making product of the Mili Helicopter Company. It was the first dedicated armed helicopter of the former Soviet Union. Even though it is an antique from the 1960s, it is hard to talk about it! A 12.7mm quad-barreled Gatling gun, blue-fired, AA-8 "Aphid", AA-11 "Shooter" or air-to-air missile mounted on a pylon at the lower part of the nose; AT-2 Anti-tank missiles; 57mm rocket launchers; 80mm, 130mm or 240mm rockets can knock down hills!

He is old, but he has a plump body and a coquettish position. The doe is also a nickname given by the NATO gangsters. Russian-made weapons have always given people the impression of being fierce and sturdy, and they look comfortable.

The biggest advantage of the Mi-24 gunship is that it has a wide range of uses. It can not only attack tanks, vehicles and personnel, but also can carry 8 soldiers in the cabin to do leapfrog tactics and occupy the commanding heights. Heavy, there used to be a helicopter called AH1 Cobra in the United States, which was small and exquisite, but in the early stage, it was rubbed against the ground by a doe almost in the order.

Later, the AH1 Cobra changed greatly after the T700 engine was replaced.

You can see it on almost modern battlefields.

When Tang Dao saw this famous warrior, it looked like an old man lying quietly and desperately in the warehouse, the spiral was blackened, as if telling that a former warrior had given up After realizing its ideal, it learned to be at ease!

There is also a lot of sadness on the windshield.

"What a crime!" Tang Dao was still really distressed, clutching his chest, he was about to be overwhelmed by Xiaomaozi's gang, his family is so rich, can he do whatever he wants like this? He turned his head and glared fiercely at Andreyevich and the others, which completely stunned him.

These three racks must not be moldy here.

He is obliged to let this old guy show his glory in the sky again.

Tang Dao suddenly felt that his sense of mission was so strong, and let these veterans go to the battlefield again.

He turned his head and looked at Andreevich, firmly saying, "10,000 coats, 5 tons of rice, 200 boxes of eggs and 50 boxes of canned food."

Don't look at the scary figures he yelled at this price, but in fact, if you calculate carefully, 5 tons of rice is only 5,000 kilograms, and it is only 40,000 to 50,000 US dollars if you convert it into US dollars. Otherwise, 5 tons of light water can get you half of it.

Andrievich discussed with Medevichuk for a while and shook his head.

"Mr. Nicholas, I don't think the price is right. You see, these three Mi-24 armed helicopters are a bit old, but their weapons and equipment are still there, and they are fully capable of combat. At least 10 tons of rice or 20,000 pieces coat."

"Sir, do you think I need to re-maintain and repair these weapons?"

Tang Dao squatted down and blew towards the cannon, a cloud of ash rushed out from inside, almost choking him to death, and some unknown insects crawled out from inside, and everyone in the entire warehouse immediately panicked. Very embarrassing.

Alexander Pierce was dumbfounded watching from behind. He finally saw soldiers who were lazier than American soldiers. During the Vietnam War, the most suffocating operation American soldiers did should be when they defeated their opponents, because the jeep failed to keep up, they gave up chasing...

Pierce was blushing all the time, but when he saw Ukraine, he felt much calmer.

"If I repair these weapons and repaint them, I will have to spend money. Sir, I don't think my price is disappointing. On the contrary, it is very conscientious." Tang Dao shook his head and stretched out his fingers , "I'll add up to 1,000 more coats."

"make a deal!"

Andrejevic admitted that what Tang Dao said was right. Of course, the most important thing was that he couldn't wait to sell these goods. If he didn't sell them, he would have no chance. Moreover, he still didn't think he was brave. Hearing what his uncle said, Some people asked how to sell the big Ivan, but he was directly rejected. Are you kidding, can the weapons that can drift the European continent be sold casually?

However, there are also people who hold objections, thinking that...the money from the sale will be shared with everyone.

Andrejevic was shocked when he heard the news.

After negotiating the price, Tang Dao clapped his hands and wiped off the dust on his hands. A group of people walked out of the warehouse, and the logistics soldiers were about to post the note, when they heard a very urgent shout from behind, "Wait a moment, wait a moment. "

Tang Dao looked back and frowned. I saw Kalinovka and Edza trotting over, and it was the latter who spoke, running up to him, panting.

Medevichuk stood up at this time, "Kalinovka, this place has already been ordered."

He stared at the opponent without flinching, his beard was blown to the sides by his breath, and he looked fierce. Even if this momentum could not scare a bear, it could still fight a hyena.

"General, please don't be angry." Edza moved his body, raised his hand, pointed to the warehouse with a smile on his face, "I just want the goods in it." He paused, "I can sell a lot of goods." High prices."

Suka is not listed!

This is grabbing business and grabbing his head. Tang Dao squinted his eyes and put them in his There was a fierce gleam in his small eyes.

Medevichuk looked at Andreevich very unintentionally, but the latter stood up and said righteously, "I'm very sorry, sir, the goods here have been ordered and cannot be changed."

Tang Dao looked at the little boy in surprise, and he was really trustworthy.

"Oh?" Edza frowned. He thought that the price he had paid was too high, so he stretched out two fingers, "I want the helicopter inside, and I am willing to pay 800,000 US dollars."

This price instantly broke Andrejevic's credit, 800,000 US dollars, and what a fart credit, he looked at Tang Dao expectantly, hoping that the other party could also negotiate a price.

"Sir, it's very impolite for you to do this." Tang Dao stood up and stood in front of Andrijevic. Robert and the others also stared at the other employee very unkindly. He had both hands hanging down, but if When the opponent made a move, he let them know what "quick gun!"

Pierce was very nervous. He hadn't participated in such an exciting game for a long time. His palms were sweating, but it was more of an adrenaline rush. His brain was spinning rapidly, and he even used mathematics to calculate how he would survive if there was a conflict. probability.

Brain supplements are easy to go wrong!

Edza is very proud, and I don't know where this stupid X is proud of. Anyway, Tang Dao doesn't like the look in his eyes, especially when he said, "Give me the goods inside, and I won't grab the rest from you."

Tang Dao laughed, tilted his head, and took out a cigar from his pocket. Robert came up next to him and helped him light the cigarette. Tang Dao took a deep breath, took two steps forward, and almost stuck to Edza's face, looking towards He puffed on his cigarette and asked with a smile, "Your father's name is George Herbert Walker Boo? Or is your mother's name Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor?"