MTL - The Stepmother of a Wealthy Family Takes Care of Her Baby In Reverse In a Variety Show-Chapter 124 Qu Ning has bad luck but bad luck

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Although this was a comforting word, Zhou Xie was actually unsure of what he was saying.

 The main reason is that after Qu Ning fell into the water from here, he suddenly disappeared and sank into the water. Logically speaking, he should not be found.

As Fu Miao said just now, without a fast river, how could Qu Ning be washed away in one go?

 Time passes minute by minute.

 The people on the shore were extremely anxious, and the viewers in the live broadcast room were also very worried. As her online popularity grows, millions of viewers are now paying attention to Qu Ning's safety.

 However, due to the lens, the audience can only be anxious and cannot see the scene in the pond at all.

 The director and another staff member who learned about the situation are rushing here.

More than a minute has passed, and the photographer surfaced again, but this time he was still alone, with no figure of Qu Ning around him.

 Zhou Xian felt that his heart almost stopped.

Fu Miao, who was beside him, stumbled towards the other side of the pond.

 She found a place where the water looked shallower, and then began to take off her shoes.

Zhou Xie saw this scene and immediately guessed what Fu Miao was going to do. He asked, "Can you swim?"

 Fu Miao has already taken off one shoe: "Nonsense."

Zhou Xie was very worried: "You just fell down on your waist and legs, and you need to rest now. Even if you can swim and jump into the pond, you may not be safe. Don't fail to find Qu Ning by then, and something will happen to you!"

 Fu Miao also took off her other shoe and stretched her arm. The pain in her waist almost made her faint on the spot.

She gritted her teeth and held back.

Before jumping, she turned back to Zhou Xie and said, "I caused her to fall into the water. I will definitely rescue her."

 After saying that, Fu Miao jumped into the pond.

Zhou Xie was dumbfounded, and at the same time he gradually realized the seriousness of the situation.

 【Let me go, is it so serious? I always thought Qu Ning should be able to swim, but the photographer jumped in, and now Fu Miao also jumped in? 】

  【Mom, something big happened this time! 】

  【Qu Ning should be fine, right? How could Qu Ning be drowned in just a pond? 】

I can only pray, because I think of the ponds in our hometown. The water is not deep, but it is easy for people to drown. 】

  【Yes, yes, the rivers and ponds in our hometown are very easy to drown people. I heard from people of my grandma's generation that there are water ghosts inside. No matter whether you can swim or not, as long as you fall in, you will be immediately entangled by the water ghosts and then dragged to the bottom of the pond. No matter how hard you look for it that day, you can't find it. , and the person floated on his own until the next day. 】

  【There are such rumors in our place. What should I do? I have a bad feeling in my heart. I feel that Qu Ning is in danger. 】

 The barrages in the live broadcast room are wonderful.

Everyone shared on the barrage the strange drowning incidents that happened in the pond or river in their hometown when they were children.

 Each thing sounds more horrifying than the other.

 Many spectators were so frightened that they broke out in cold sweats.

It was only after Fu Miao jumped into the pond that he truly felt the depth of the water.

 The depth on the sides was as deep as her height, and the middle of the pond was estimated to be at least two to three meters deep.

 Did Qu Ning sink into the middle of the pond after choking on the water?

 No matter, let’s look for it first.

 Fu Miao swam towards the depths of the pond with all her strength. She had good water skills and had even passed the swimming certificate test before.

At this time, the photographer was already a little exhausted. He repeatedly went down and back up, and his strength was depleted quickly. He was worried that he would have an accident if he ran out of strength, so he could only swim to the shore to rest and wait for good news about Fu Miao. A minute passed. Fu Miao came up for air, and then continued to search downstream.

 Two minutes passed, and Fu Miao came up again for ventilation.

 A few minutes later, Fu Miao's face was pale when he surfaced.

Fu Suiyan stamped his feet anxiously on the shore, keeping his eyes on every movement in the water.

The photographer saw something was wrong with Fu Miao and hurriedly swam over to persuade him: "You can't go downstream anymore. You need to rest first, otherwise you won't have the strength to come back up again if you swim down again!"

 Fu Miao didn’t listen to the photographer at all.

 She took a deep breath and prepared to dive down again to find Qu Ning. Fortunately, the photographer swam faster and quickly caught Fu Miao, and continued to persuade: "You really can't dive any further, safety is important, you know!"

Zhou Xie, who was standing on the shore, also advised: "Fu Miao, you go to the shore to rest first. Now your physical strength has been exhausted. If you don't rest and dive down again, your life will be in danger."

 Fu Miao broke away from the photographer's hand and shouted angrily because she was too worried: "But Qu Ning hasn't been found yet!"

 The photographer's heart sank.

Zhou Xie on the shore also looked gloomy.

 Fu Suiyan burst into tears: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

This cry made Fu Miao feel very uncomfortable.

It was her fault. If Qu Ning really couldn't be found today, how could she explain to Sui Sui? How to explain to her brother!

 Such nothing can happen to Qu Ning, absolutely not!

“It’s okay, I still have the strength. Let me go and I’ll go down to look for you.” Fu Miao said to the photographer.

After all, the photographer had rested for a while, and now he was full of strength. Fu Miao, who was already a little weak, couldn't get away.

The photographer couldn't watch something happen to Fu Miao, so he said, "You go to the shore to rest first, and I'll look for him first. Don't worry, I will definitely find Qu Ning."

 At this time, almost the entire Internet is paying attention to the life safety of Zuo Quning.

Even the popularity of online viewing has reached a new high, with a speed visible to the naked eye rising to more than 6 million!

And it continues to rise, and the terms are also ranked on the hot search list.

Just when Fu Miao broke away the photographer's hand and was about to continue diving to find Qu Ning, Zhou Xie didn't know what he saw. He suddenly pointed in one direction and said loudly: "Look, look, look... that one with the long hair on his head." Who is that guy? Why does he look like Qu Ning?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked towards the other side of the pond, towards the man with the grass growing on his head.

I saw that the man had a lot of water plants wrapped around his body and his head. His clothes were wet and his feet were bare. His trouser legs were rolled up one by one, leaving layers of mud on his originally white ankles. .

 None of this is important.

The important thing is that the person is carrying a fish in her left hand and a duck in her right hand. At this time, she is walking home with her back bent.

Zhou glanced sideways for several times, and finally confirmed the identity of the person through his back. His face suddenly burst into ecstasy, and he said loudly: "It's Qu Ning! It's Qu Ning! She's ashore!"

 Fu Miao, who was exhausted in the pond:?

The photographer who is persuading Fu Miao:?

 The whole network audience:?

Suisui was crying so hard that when he saw the direction Uncle Zhou was pointing and recognized that person as Qu Ning, his first reaction was to stand up quickly and run in that direction quickly, while running Shout: "Mom, mom."

  Fu Miao and the photographer hurriedly swam ashore.

Zhou Xie immediately took off his coat and wrapped it around Fu Miao. Fu Miao raised his collar and asked, "Is that person running across the other side really Qu Ning?"

Zhou Xie nodded with certainty: "I have a photographic memory for women's figures. The person holding a fish in his left hand and a duck in his right hand must be Qu Ning!"

 Fu Miao is still not convinced: "It's not like... I feel that Qu Ning should still be in the pond."

 The more he spoke, the lower Fu Miao's tone became.

Her tone was full of deep self-blame and regret. She sniffed and said, "It's all my fault. Why did I run so fast at that time..."

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