MTL - The Sims: I Create a Fairy Way For All Beings-Chapter 60 martial arts rules

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Qing Yangzi was not surprised by Pei Xuanjing's special attention to the Cangjing Pavilion.

On the contrary, it looks like all young people are like this, and nodded, "Of course, but each person can only read three books per month. If you want to read more exercises, you must use the merits to exchange."

Pei Xuanjing asked for advice humbly, "I dare to ask the dean, how to get this achievement."

Qingyangzi said, "In addition to the salary issued by the imperial court every month, the martial arts institute will also issue corresponding merit points to each of you. Or be rated useful, then you will also get corresponding merit points.”

Speaking of this, he glanced at Pei Xuanjing.

"Of course, if you are willing to submit some martial arts and martial arts that are not included in the Book Collection Pavilion, you will get corresponding merit points according to different levels."

This is also considered a conspiracy, allowing some people to voluntarily contribute martial arts and martial arts.

Pei Xuanjing's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help asking, "No matter the level, is it okay to have low-level martial arts?"

Qingyangzi nodded, "Yes."

"I see." Pei Xuan nodded.

He has already made a decision. If possible, he doesn't mind exchanging the exercises collected from the Liu family and the Shen's Chamber of Commerce.

Anyway, for Pei Xuanjing, although there are a lot of these exercises and martial arts, most of them have not been practiced.

Originally thought that these things are of little use, but now it is a waste method.

Qingyangzi didn't know what Pei Xuanjing was thinking. If he knew, he would probably have said that he would not feel sorry for him.

In other words, a lonely person like Pei Xuanjing would do this, even the Zhenwu faction from Qing Yangzi would not do this.

You must know that martial arts, even the most inferior martial arts, even if no one cultivates, they will choose to leave it as a background, because no one knows whether there will be future generations to borrow from analogy, or the following Wait for martial arts to create more powerful martial arts for follow-up.

Twenty years ago, Tie Qianshan was not like this. He developed the iron palm sect's middle-level martial arts and developed it into a high-level martial arts, and then opened up the iron palm sect that dominated the side.

In fact, Pei Xuanjing himself is not like this. The "Four Spiritual Techniques" that he is practicing now is also derived from a few inferior martial arts.

Qing Yangzi took Pei Xuanjing around, and then took him to meet a few editors who arrived not long ago. After introducing each other, he called a little official and asked him to take Pei Xuanjing to choose himself. After the residence, he withdrew and left.

The martial arts institute was just established, and the dean didn't care about anything. As the vice dean, Qing Yangzi naturally had a lot of things to do.

It was already because this young man could speak, which made him very fond of him.

Under the guidance of the little official, Pei Xuanjing chose a slightly secluded place to live in the martial arts courtyard, and then brought some of his luggage in the inn to live in the martial arts courtyard.

I have to say that the designers of this martial arts academy know these martial arts practitioners very well. Everyone lives in an independent courtyard, and there is a specially built training room in the room.

"Pei Bianxiu, according to the rules, we will send you four servants tomorrow. I don't know what your requirements are." The clerk asked.

Of course, the servants mentioned by the small officials are not ordinary servants.

This is the Martial Arts Academy. Every one of the people who live in these small courtyards is a martial arts master. They can be servants to them, and they are not qualified by ordinary people. Even speaking, these opportunities to be servants have been robbed.

After all, as the servants of these masters, then there is the opportunity to obtain the master's guidance. For some people who have no chance to worship famous masters, it is undoubtedly a chance to get ahead.

Pei Xuanjing thought for a while, "I don't need that many here, you can just send one person."

He doesn't like such a noisy environment, one person is enough.

The clerk felt a pity in his heart, but he didn't dare to say more, and nodded his head.

Pei Xuanjing didn't know what the little official was thinking, but even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

At his current state, everything is done according to his own will, even if he treats the imperial power, he is only respectful, but not overly fearful.

Just like how he treated the dean Qingyangzi, it was more a kind of respect for the martial arts senior, not because of the opponent's power.

After the little official left, he picked up the volume of books in front of him and began to study it carefully.

This volume of books is not a manual of exercises, but about some rules and systems in the martial arts academy.

Since he decided to stay here, he naturally needs to know the rules here. After all, with his current strength, he is not enough to ignore these rules.

After a long time, Pei Xuanjing put down the book and knew a little about the situation of the entire martial arts institute.

In fact, the duties of this martial arts academy are somewhat similar to that of the Imperial Academy in the imperial The main job of these editors is to study martial arts, and then teach the students of the martial arts academy.

The origin of these students is that after having a clan, the descendants of honorable people, the second generation of civil servants and military generals who are interested in martial arts, and some disciples sent to study by some middle-aged families.

All in all, it is actually similar to a martial arts research and exchange academy.

Of course, there are not many students in the martial arts college now, and their professors' tasks are not heavy, and more focus is on studying martial arts and participating in the compilation of the "Martial Classics".

According to the request of the dean, that is, the emperor, this 'Martial Classic' will be divided into three volumes: upper, middle, and lower volumes, corresponding to the three realms of martial artist external training, internal training, and rebirth.

Moreover, the first volume is also about the outer refining. To be easy to understand, it is best to adapt to more people, so that more inexperienced warriors can break through to become advanced warriors.

According to the emperor's thoughts, it is not certain whether the middle volume and the second volume will be widely distributed in the world in the future, but the outer refining volume of the first volume must be widely distributed in the world, so that the entire Ming people can get it.

Therefore, there is another requirement for the first volume, that is, the martial artist who cultivates outside the first volume, even if he cannot obtain the next two volumes in the future, he can switch to other exercises without any trouble.

Such a request is easy to say, but it is not easy to do.

"It seems that His Majesty has a wide range of plans!" Pei Xuanjing thought.

It is conceivable, not to mention the middle and lower volumes, but if the first volume is successfully compiled, then the strength of the entire Ming Empire will increase by a large number.

And this kind of achievement is a little better than when Emperor Taizu compiled the "Yongle Great Canon".