MTL - The Sims: I Create a Fairy Way For All Beings-Chapter 139 The wind of Ren Xia

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Who knows?

Bai Xiaosheng's light words made Pei Xuanjing more sure of his guess.

Daoist Qingxu didn't want to continue this topic and asked, "Then what about the second one?"

"Second, that is Maitreya's teaching." Bai Xiaosheng said.

"Maitreya?" Taoist Qingxu frowned.

Obviously, he doesn't like the Maitreya Sect very much.

Zhenwuzong is not only a major force in martial arts, but also a holy place of Taoism. As the current leader of Taoism, it is naturally opposed to Maitreya.

Pei Xuanjing combined his own news and said, "The layout of Maitreya Sect in the Northwest Road?"

"Huh?" Bai Xiaosheng glanced at Pei Xuanjing somewhat unexpectedly. He never thought that Pei Xuanjing knew so much.

Even if he knew that Pei Xuanjing and Maitreya Sect had a lot of grievances, the other party also destroyed a small force of Maitreya Sect in the Northwest Road.

But you must know that the Maitreya Sect is a professional rebel. Within the entire Ming Dynasty, the small forces they support are innumerable and numerous.

"It seems that he has another source of information?" Bai Xiaosheng had a guess in his heart.

This is what Pei Xuanjing wants, to add a touch of mystery to his identity.

Although there were many guesses in Bai Xiaosheng's mind, he didn't stop. He nodded and said, "Yes, Maitreya Sect has a layout in Northwest Road. According to the information I have now, Maitreya Sect has invested a lot of experience in Northwest Road. , and also pulled a lot of people into the water, ready to start a riot in the Northwest Road."

"Sure enough!" Pei Xuanjing thought in his heart.

This way, everything will be right.

In his initial simulation, the robbers he had encountered all the time, and even the riot that swept the Northwest Road, were all instructed by the Maitreya Sect.

However, just when Pei Xuanjing had already determined that the riot in the Northwest Road came from Maitreya Sect, he did not expect that Bai Xiaosheng's next words would surprise him even more.

"Originally Maitreya Sect doing this kind of thing, in my opinion, is a very common thing, it's nothing at all, and I almost have to ignore the past. It was only later that I discovered something, and after I continued to investigate, I found out that it was in the Maitreya Sect. There is a strong force behind it." Bai Xiaosheng had a solemn look on his face.

Originally, in his opinion, it was reasonable for Maitreya to teach such a rebel professional household to do this kind of thing. After all, people eat this bowl of rice.

It was just by chance that he discovered that a Taishang elder of the Maitreya Sect suddenly left the customs and went to a place, a place that no one could think of.

"Who?" Taoist Qingxu asked.

Pei Xuanjing was also a little curious.

He originally thought that Maitreya Sect was the last instigator of the Northwest Road, but he didn't want anyone else.

"Yangzhou, Ning Fan." Bai Xiaosheng spit out two words.

"It turned out to be him!" Daoist Qingxu looked moved.

He never thought it would be this one.

Bai Xiaosheng thought that Pei Xuanjing was not clear, so he explained to him.

Yangzhou, Ning Fan.

It refers to a person and a force, Prince Ning's mansion, Zhu Chenhao, the prince of Ning who is currently guarding Yangzhou.

Ning Fan, the original King Ning was the seventeenth son of Emperor Taizu.

Later, Emperor Taizong Jingnan raised an army, and King Ning followed by chance. After waiting for Emperor Taizong to ascend the throne, he changed the fief to Yangzhou as the Ning Fan who guarded Yangzhou.

It was only captured in the majesty of Emperor Taizong, even the nominal Lord of Yangzhou, the first generation of King Ning never intervened in Yangzhou affairs, and lived his life cautiously.

Zhu Chenhao, the current King of Ning, should be the uncle of the current emperor in terms of seniority.

He is frivolous and unpretentious by nature, but he is good at decorating himself with literature; he greedily accumulates money and has political ambitions; he rejects dissidents, framed and attacked;

It can be said that he has bad habits that others have, and he also has disgust that others do not have.

All in all, the current King Ning's reputation is almost as bad as that of a vassal king.

However, because he was good at ingratiating himself to the emperor, he was also a feudal lord, and his power was extremely heavy, and his position was also very stable.

"It's just an idiot's dream!" Taoist Qingxu said coldly.

Even if the emperor has no queen now, he may choose someone from the clan to inherit the throne in the future, but it will not be his turn. However, even Daoist Qingxu could not have imagined that this one actually wanted to rebel.

Bai Xiaosheng smiled and said, "But this King Ning has not only dreamed, but also put it into action."

The reason why he had a solemn expression just now was not because of how powerful King Ning was, but because of the combination of the two.

With the people of Maitreya Sect and the strength of King Ning, such an action would have a huge impact once a rebellion was set off.

Pei Xuanjing also frowned slightly: "Is there no way to stop it?"

He has no feelings for this King Ning, nor does he have a good impression of the emperor.

Even for him, it has nothing to do with who the emperor is.

But even if Pei Xuanjing kills without mercy, he still has a trace of compassion.

He can also imagine that once the Maitreya Sect starts a riot, coupled with the rebellion of King Ning, it will set off a big mess, and how many people will be displaced and lost and killed.

What's more, I didn't deal with Maitreya Sect in the first place. Of course, I had to try my best to stop what Maitreya Sect needs to do.

"Although I know about, I don't have enough evidence. Even if I pass the news to the Ming Dynasty, I'm afraid it won't attract attention." Bai Xiaosheng shook his head and said.

Originally, his identity was easy to be jealous of the Ming court, and there was no conclusive evidence for King Ning, even if it was passed on, it would be in vain.

Even, it will cause adverse effects and startle the snake.

According to the clues he has collected, the two parties should have been colluding for a short time, many things are not ready, and there is still some time before the real turmoil.

And now the Ming court still has the trouble of the Tatar bandits. If you start a panic at this time, the opponent will be forced to raise troops and start a riot.

When these two things collide, it's a lot of fun.

I am afraid that under the promotion of some people with a heart, it will soon become a sweeping trend and spread to the entire Daming territory.

Daoist Qingxu also understood his scruples and could only sigh helplessly.

"Since that's the case, why don't you catch the thief first, let me kill the king, so that the problem can be solved directly from the source." Pei Xuanjing suddenly said coldly, and a cold killing intent erupted from his body.

If the problem cannot be solved, it is better to solve the problem.

If killing this ambitious King Ning can eliminate a disaster, then Pei Xuanjing thinks it's a good deal.

Killing one person and saving ten thousand people is very cost-effective.

He killed King Ning, not for the **** Emperor Ming, but for those innocent people who didn't want to see them fall into war again and lose their innocent lives.

"Zhenzhen Pei really has the style of Ren Xia!" Bai Xiaosheng couldn't help but praise. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!