MTL - The Sickly CEO Asks For Hugs Everyday After Obtaining The Ability To Read Minds-Chapter 5 calm! Never think about inheriting an inheritance

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"All the way with you" has been well promoted in the early stage, and the participating guests are also the most popular couples voted on online. Netizens have high expectations before the broadcast.

The reason why Shen Yu was invited to participate was entirely for the effect of the show and Qin Yuheng's super popularity in the brokerage industry.

However, it is actually very realistic to say that it is a program effect.

To set off the popularity of other guests, there are always some opposite examples.

And Shen Yu is the best choice.

Although it is not black on the whole network, he has a very poor reputation, and he often sees videos of bullying newcomers with big names on Weibo.

If there is such a scumbag, it is easy to attract the attention and scolding of netizens, and the effect is of course better.

And another point,

The director of this husband-and-wife business program has a deep friendship with Qin Yuheng, and the latter rarely opens his mouth.


Who doesn't know who Shen Yu's husband is?

President of Feng's Group, Feng Si Rui!

Not only is he the top of the rich list, but he also has a super high appearance. Even if he is married, he is elected as one of the men women most want to marry every year.

The point is, after Mr. Feng and Shen Yu got married, they never appeared in the same frame. It was rumored on the Internet that the two were married in person.

The director was certain that it was impossible for the pair to participate, and he was fully prepared to start the game as soon as the time came.

Unexpectedly, Feng Surui, whose natural traffic surpassed the popular star, actually agreed!

The director suddenly felt mixed feelings.

The joy is that the addition of President Feng will definitely make the ratings even more popular.

The worry is that if the service is not good, will this big iceberg... be blocked by him? !

There is a more important danger,

Along the way, there is a poor travel show where you are a husband and wife to enhance their relationship. If Feng Sirui and Shen Yu have a disagreement in the middle, or even shout the slogan of divorce, it will go against the purpose of the show!

The director's concerns were quickly dispelled by the producer,

"It was originally an open variety show. The more disagreements and disputes, the more popular it became. What do you care about divorce? What if the whole people are looking forward to it?!"

It makes sense to say that, so the director asked Art to re-create the promotional poster the day before the shooting started, highlighting the names of Feng Sirui and Shen Yu.

Netizens don't need to go into details about the frying pan. Anyway, a large piece of black Shenyu, and even the mourning cabbage was overwhelmed by pigs.

On the day of the filming of the show, Shen Yu walked outside with a suitcase, one step at a time, and the action was difficult. It seemed that she was not going to the filming crew, but the execution ground.

Outside the villa door, a man in a suit and leather shoes approached quickly, grabbed the suitcase in Shen Yu's hand, and threw it down coldly, "Mr. Feng is waiting for you in the car, don't linger."

Then turn around and leave.

Shen Yu, "..." Are you rushing to reincarnate so early? !

In my heart, my mother still pretended to be infatuated when she sold the approval, so she said affectionately when she got into the car, "Husband, you are so kind, are you waiting for me so early?"

- "This global limited edition broken car, I haven't touched my butt, what's the wind today?"

- "Don't say, luxury cars are comfortable!"

Shen Yu moved her body and put on a comfortable posture without a trace.

Feng Surui squinted at him, "So you are so materialistic?"

"Ah?" Shen Yu pretended not to understand, "What substance?"

- "You said that's bullshit, anyone can be born with a golden key, then the society must be harmonious, and I don't have to worry about resources, let alone try to curry favor with you, just to make tens of billions!"

Feng Si Rui looked back and said lightly, "I thought you didn't want to stay in the entertainment industry."

Otherwise, how can you be a demon?

Shen Yu suddenly turned her head in surprise, "Husband, don't you know what I'm thinking?"

- "One bite, one husband, I'm sick of you!"

- "Why did he ask what I thought? Is it really so smart to guess what other people think?"

- "Surely scheming!"

Feng Surui's face darkened, "Drive!"

He is absolutely crazy to turn off several decision-making meetings and outings, and come to accompany Shen Yu to some **** variety show!

All the way silent, including the voice.

Feng Si Rui felt a rare quietness, and soon arrived at the gathering place. He buttoned up his couture suit and was about to get out of the car, but an urgent voice suddenly sounded in his ear,

- "Trump him, fall him, stumble, fall him!"

- "I want to inherit the inheritance!"

[Dear host, you can't deviate from your affectionate character, and you can't curse your husband to death! 】

Shen Yu rolled her eyes, "I'm just trying to be obscene, not so vicious."

"Shen Yu!" Feng Sirui turned back angrily.

Shen Yu blinked innocently, "Husband!"

The meeting place was a five-star hotel, and the staff of the program team were already waiting in the lobby early.

Seeing Feng Si Rui walking into the revolving door with a face of "No strangers entering", he was immediately shocked by the powerful aura, and he didn't dare to go forward for a long time.

On the contrary, Shen Yu stood on tiptoe from behind and said in a playful voice, "The program team is good, the program team has worked hard..."

"We are busy with official business, and we are ten minutes late. The program team must not mind."

Hearing the words, Feng Surui glanced back coldly, and the warning was obvious.

Shen Yu, who was dawdling and procrastinating at home, smirked, "What's wrong, husband? What am I saying?"

- "Dog man, what's wrong with taking the blame? No responsibility at all, what kind of man is he?!"

The staff looked at Feng Si Rui nervously, and didn't seem to believe Shen Yu's rhetoric, but he didn't expect that the next second, the thin lips would speak coldly, "I'm the one who delayed for a while, sorry."

"It's okay, it's okay, we still have plenty of time, don't be in a hurry..." The program team rushed up to laugh, "Mr. Feng will go to the rest area to sit for a while, and wait for the five pairs of guests to arrive. Let's go together..."

"By the way, tell President Feng that we are in a live broadcast format, and there will be special cameras to follow the couple to shoot. If there is any inconvenience, please contact our program team in time."

Feng Si Rui narrowed his eyes, "Sleeping live?"

"No no no, I will avoid suspicion if it involves privacy..." The program crew was a little embarrassed.

"I see." Feng Si Rui dropped these words and walked to the sofa in the lounge area.

Shen Yu, who was not asked for his opinion during the whole process, "..."

- "Look, this is a typical portrayal of favoring one over the other. With Feng Si Rui, the program crew began to be licking dogs!"

Hearing the voice of his heart, Feng Sirui suddenly stopped and turned back, "Is it still not coming?"

- "Where are you greeting the dog?! You don't even have a title?!"

"Come on, husband!" Shen Yu smiled and gritted her teeth.

The show crew looked a little confused.

Does this couple seem different from the legend?