MTL - The School Prince’s Exclusive Sweetheart-Chapter 983 My dream is you 7

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Biquge, the fastest update honey love 100%: the latest chapter of the school's exclusive sweetheart!

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Doudou's voice softened and kicked him. "But, would anyone say that I'm jealous? I'm not a sinner because of your relationship with your parents!"

Yan Mosheng looked at her from top to bottom: "Where do you look like?"

Doudou seemed to be insulted. He pushed him away and pulled his placket. "Get off! Don't let me see you again. (Fastest update) Please search the most complete! The fastest updated novel."

Yan Mosheng was not annoyed when he was pushed to the ground. Instead, he grinned at the corner of his lips, and his eyes were vividly surprised | ‘Yan’, he asked gently, “Do you agree or disagree?”

Doudou thought about ‘private’ running, and said without thinking: “Bring the hukou to talk to me again!”

Yan Mosheng raised his eyebrows and made a long "Oh" sound.


The next day, when Doudou slept droolily, he was awakened by Yan Mosheng's phone.

She pressed the answer, leaned to her side, put her phone on her ear, and didn't even bother to move.

Yan Mosheng said briskly, "Doudou, I bought you Xiaolongbao, get up."

As soon as I heard it was my favorite xiaolongbao, Doudou sat up from the 'bed', rushed to the bathroom to wash, and stepped out of the 'door' on the slippers.

Yan Mosheng stood on the sidewalk opposite her house, waved her hand, then lowered her head and held the phone a few times, and Doudou heard her cell phone beep.

Taking a look, it turned out that Yan Mosheng sent a picture.

A picture of the ... <>

Doudou choked, and raised his head, Yan Mosheng stood in the position of Xiangyang, the sun fell on his hair, the white 'color' shirt was blown out of the beautiful folds by the wind, holding her favorite Xiaolongbao in one hand, Holding a small book in one hand.

Doudou feels that his eyes are a little 'tide' wet, and what fluid is trying to break away from the tear glands.

She saw Yan Mosheng walking towards her step by step, as if she came with happiness and warmth.

However, within three seconds of being moved, an accelerating motorcycle flew across the sidewalk, and Yan Mosheng was only thinking of Doudou. He was completely stunned and was knocked to the ground.

Doudou panicked, trotting over, the motorcycle owner stopped to take a look, originally wanted to be responsible, but saw the blood wiped from the wrist of Yan Mosheng, and then retreated.

He started the car and left.

Seeing this, Doudou threw the slippers on his feet.

Doudou ’s arm strength, which once won the shot put championship, is quite horrible, and it hits the motorcycle owner ’s face in a very precise way.

The man was stunned, but he still wanted to run, and Doudou shouted, "Run! You run! Anyway, I remember your license plate, there is monitoring nearby, and you run to the ends of the earth, I also I can find you! I really do n’t know how you got your driver ’s license. Do you know how much you have to pay for speeding? Do you have to bear any responsibility for crashing? How long does it take to escape? Hehe ... why do n’t you run?

After the man heard it, he silently got out of the car and apologized.

Yan Mosheng didn't feel much pain, but when he saw Doudou defending him so desperately, he felt that Doudou ... was also very cute.


Yan Mosheng was taken to the hospital by Huang's father and treated the wound.

The doctor examined him all over the body, but it turned out that he had a slight concussion, and suggested that he be hospitalized. <>

This time is good, even Yan Yan's parents were alarmed.

When she saw that her mother was full of murderousness in the hospital, Doudou felt that a **** storm was coming ...

: ..

Heavy recommendation [I eat tomatoes (tomato) new book];