MTL - The Sage Who Transcended Samsara-v9 Chapter 25 Acquaintance

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After a short while, the immortal **** with the ancient barbaric totem on his face returned and saluted the two of them: "The Taoist Master invites you in."

Meng Qi hesitated, but didn't say much, and stepped into the sea of ​​clouds with Gu Xiaosang.

Heavenly monster or devil Ananda really dare to see yourself at this time?

Or is there another arrangement in the Zixiao Palace, and "He" intends to start with the help of Dao Zun?

Or is it just an instinctual reaction to illusory imprints?

The spirit was rolling, the clouds were flying, Meng Qi and Gu Xiaosang appeared in front of a palace that seemed to be wrapped by chaos. The purple meaning was hidden and the shape was ancient. The five virtues and the five elements turned into gods and beasts. There are two big characters written in the pattern:

"Purple" "Xiao"!

They are all words, and they can be written into a book, which is meaningful.

At this moment, the gate was open, revealing the vast and deep inner hall, the candles were lined up, and they would never extinguish, illuminating the darkness.

The ancient immortal **** with a totem on his face walked ahead silently, leading the Meng Qis to the stairs, entering the hall, and then saluting solemnly in front of them: "Return to the Supreme Court, the two guests have arrived."

Meng Qi looked up, his eyes penetrated the layers of candlelight and dimness, and saw the end of the palace, the top theme, the futon empty, how can there be any Taoism!

"Is Taoist here?" He asked in a puzzled tone.

The ancient immortal **** with a totem on his face stared blankly at him, and cast his gaze on the empty futon: "Don't the Taoist just sit there? I'm asking you to sit down."

The state of the immortal was clearly reflected in Meng Qi's eyes. There was no trace of lying, nor could he hide the realm and level of the other side's inspection.

Somewhat interesting ... Meng Qi walked forward with a smile, and Gu Xiaosang arbitrarily found a futon to sit down, and the ancient fairy **** bowed and did not stop.

The deep hall was suddenly quiet and abnormal, and the passage of time seemed slow. Except for the Meng Qi couple, it was empty and there was no trace of the existence of Taoism.

"Brands have disappeared? Can the historical process be maintained?" Meng Qi directly spoke with Gu Xiaosang without hesitation.

Gu Xiaosang sat down and Li Zuo was pretty: "This is not the Tao fruit. You are wrong when you say it, and you are wrong when you think about it. Xianggong must have thought of meeting one of the heavenly monsters, Ananda Ananda, or his own branding. I guessed wrong. "

She looked around and looked around. The words just now were both ridiculous and speculative. Nothing similar happened to the Buddha's imprint last time.

Of course, at that time, my father-in-law didn't know anything, so he couldn't guess.

If Meng Qi thought for a while, he smiled leisurely: "If so, go to the other Taoist friends for your husband first."

The ancient crown on his head was delivered, and a clear breath rushed out of the mud pill palace, turning it into a white robe with red teeth and white sand, and stepping on the glass, stepping on the lotus, stepping out of the Zixiao Palace-at this time in the past In the epoch, before the other bank will be rejected by history, and because it is too far away from the current node, the repulsive force is so extreme that if it is not sent, the rest will be thrown back to "now" within a few breaths.

Dancing like a Buddha, a flash of light appeared in the Western Elysium, and saw the sleeping Amitabha, which led the Buddha a few epochs!

After the two sides saw the ceremony, Amitabha put his hands on his knees and made the appearance of all beings:

"Dao You come from Zixiao Palace?"

"Of course." Zhending Rulai Meng Qi smiled and nodded. "Specially asked Taoist friends, who is the other product of Taoist deduction?" But the devil? "

Amitabha's voice was magnificent and solemn: "Thank you for your kindness, but Taoists were wrong in this case. Huang Laojun was cut out in the era before Taoism."

"Huang Laojun?" Meng Qi knew the taboo, because it was mentioned in some books on earth, it seemed to be the influence of the remnants of imprints between heaven and earth, but I did not know that he was the product of Taoism.

"In the era before Haotian Daoyou, the immortal world is indistinguishable from Jiuyou, mixed with the real world, people, gods, ghosts, demons, monsters, and immortals. The head of the five-party emperor at that time was Huang Laojun. In fact, Friends will not be unfamiliar to him, even people who know him well. "Amitabha said of a certain ancient era that Meng Qi has not traced back to.

"Familiar?" As the other bank, even if he had never known the history, it was a little bit clear. After hearing the words of Amitabha, Meng Qi probably knew who it was, and said with a smile, "Huang Laojun's enlightenment is the tree of the avenue?"

Amitabha gently bowed his head: "The tree of the avenue was born with Huang Laojun. It is suspected that Daozong's blood and blood were condensed. At that time, the real world was the immortal world and it was also Jiuyou. The avenue tree is a peach-shaped tree that can swallow the avenue and grow the corresponding leaves and turn into a **** in charge of this kind of authority. Therefore, the ghosts and gods are easy to change, and they are very afraid. They are the enlightenment of Huang Laojun. At the end of that era, Huang Lao Jun also inevitably fell, and a heavenly monstrosity was born from his legacy, and a bit of incomplete aura turned into the next epoch, and became a Taoist friend who knew him. When he landed on the other side, the Taoist Supreme transcended himself. "

"Eastern Emperor Taiyi." Meng Qi said with a certain and calm taste. In a world with a "map of the fairy industry", Emperor Taiyi is also known as "Yellow Emperor Taiyi." Also, Cangtian is dead, Huang Tian is standing!

No wonder he knows all the secrets of the heavenly monsters, and can even fuse with the dominant advantage to escape the doom that died in the hand of God of Hao Tian. At that time, Yuanshi Tianzun and others were still observing the way of Taoism ’s transcendence and making changes to the product of reduction and emptying. There is not enough understanding, so there is no small possibility of being concealed.

The demon Buddha knew the whereabouts of the earth, and found the Taoist treasure raft, which relied on Dongyi Taiyi, who was a heavenly monster.

That question is back to the beginning. At that time, the demon Buddha could not be a great magical creature. What was used to control the heavenly monster? Who is the enemy that He always fears? What are the benefits of repeated betrayal, and what purpose do you want to achieve?

Amitabha said with compassion on his face:

"Good and good."

"At that time, the tree of the avenue withered with the fall of Huang Laojun, leaving two seedlings. One was unknown, and was later given to the true martial arts friend by Dao Zun. He got your destiny, and one planted with him. After reincarnation, he lost to Haotian Daoyou, fell into the hands of the other side, and was planted at the end of the East China Sea, becoming the ancient hibiscus tree today. "

Meng Qi nodded thoughtfully. Until today, he has figured out the origin and context of the tree of the avenue and the ancient hibiscus tree.

Normally, at the beginning of an epoch, things similar to the construction of wood will naturally be born between heaven and earth, supporting the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Realm and all realms of the heavens and heavens. When the epoch is about to end, things similar to the construction of wood will draw various avenues between heaven and earth. , Bearing a fruit, then withering and collapsing itself, bringing about the destruction of an era, this fruit may be the source of similar wood in the next era.

This era belongs to the last calamity. The implication is that after Jianmu collapsed and died, because the fruit was taken away by the Buddha, or for other reasons, no similar thing will be born, and there will be no next era. Totally silent, Meng Qi leaned towards the latter, otherwise the Buddha did not take away the fruit of Jianmu so easily.

The tree of the road and the ancient hibiscus tree are outside the theory, and may be able to replace the building tree to support the next era. Therefore, Haotian God planted the ancient tree and tried to replace the peach with a stump.

They represent the hope of the next era!

And all this began with the original detached Taoist Supreme!

"That's it, thank you, Daoyou." Zhending Rulai folded her hands, dissipated in the paradise world, and returned to Meng Qi's mud pill palace in a clear breath.

He smiled at Gu Xiaosang and said, "The root of the avenue of Donghuang's flesh and blood was originally cutting seven swords. Unfortunately, the quantity and quality of refining at that time were limited, otherwise I would be able to use it to cut out 'Su Meng Tianzun'."

"It turned out that Tao Zun's other product of reducing and seeking was Dong Huang Taiyi. It's no wonder that the demon Buddha knew so much." Gu Xiaosang is so smart, Wen Xiange knows elegance.

At this moment, the illusory time around the river was highlighted, and Meng Qi said leisurely: "Let's go back to the current node in the Zixiao Palace and see where it is currently 'body'. Can we find something else?"

Time flies, and time flies, Meng Qi saw the Taoist waiter's birthday, and saw a boy wearing a tortoise with a turtle and snake intertwined with a robe. He had a clear eyebrow and a short childishness. Various changes, but never saw the mark of Taoist respect.

I don't know how long after that, the long rivers are flowing slowly and comfortably, and the two return to the current node of the earth, and the Zixiao Palace has entered the real chaos.

Outside, Tan Ping, the reincarnation of Shuizu, finally proved the Dharma Body, opened another hidden treasure, found the treasure, and prepared to explore the hidden Taoist Relic House in the chaos! (To be continued.) 2k novel reading network