MTL - The Sacred Ruins-Chapter 1615 The first gathering of the heavens

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  Chu Feng had a real guilty conscience. In the unlikely event of a disaster, such as the catastrophic consequences of Emperor Beng, he would be considered a sinner.

  He felt that Gu Qing was also a bitter child, wrong, bitter old monster.

  Gu Qing was originally a generation of emperor and son, but as a result his father died early, and after so many years, he finally rose to the throne of God.

   "This, I was too excited for a while, talking nonsense, don't take it seriously." Chu Fengyi changed his words decisively.

  He was really afraid that Gu Qing would encounter accidents and couldn't bear it.

"You're worrying and jealous? It's okay, what's the hidden story, just tell it!" After Gu Qing came to the throne, she really had good luck, not angry but mighty, and now there is an unpredictable general situation and a majestic situation. Coercive possession.

  The entire central palace was trembling and roaring, and even Xiazhou began to resonate, and the ripples of the avenue expanded, affecting the rule operation of the great world.

   Where it rains, thunder and lightning are intertwined, making it more vigorous.

  Where there is snow, goose feathers are all over the sky, and the whole land is white and will be crushed.

  The land of the sun, the sun is getting more and more dazzling, as if the world's stunning fire is burning, scorching the sky.


   "Your Majesty, when you raise your hands, there will be a vision of heaven and earth that will show up in the world, and the heavens will appear. Be restrained!"

  An old man reminded that he is a top fairy king who has lived for two epochs.

  Gu Qing nodded, but still looked at Chu Feng and asked him to explain the situation. After ascending the throne, he was most concerned about this unpredictable crisis.

  All the immortal kings entered the Central Heavenly Palace, all staring at Chu Feng. This kind of huge pressure general evolutionary would definitely not be able to stand it. They exploded on the spot and turned into blood mist.

  Fortunately, Chu Feng's body of nine statutes is protected by stone pots, which is not affected.

  The King of Dogs, Carrion, Li La and others also came, showing their doubts.

  Because they all heard Chu Feng’s earlier words, and didn’t think he was okay to talk nonsense, what's the secret?

  Only nine ways are clear. Chu Feng told him about it back then.

   "Speak, all kings are here, don't worry!" Gu Qing said.

  After all, the throne has only risen. Although Chu Feng regrets a bit, he still needs to respect the new emperor and talked about the weirdness of the little underworld.

   "What, that planet keeps repeating similar old things, reincarnation of similar ancient history every certain period, deducing the living environment of the former emperor?"

   "There... is actually the hometown of Emperor Ye Tian?!"

  Some fairy kings were shocked, feeling that they were shaking.

  Because some people really know where the homeland of the emperor is.

   "Not only that, in the old days, that person was also born in today's little underworld, but in that era, there was still a great wasteland, and after the continent was broken, he interpreted as a star!" The carrion added.

  He knows something about this ancient secret.

  As for Jiu Daoyi, he did not speak, because these are the truth.

   "So, there are so many weird places in the little underworld, and that special planet is constantly performing and reincarnation?!"


  This can be said to make sense. In an old place, two powerful men have walked out one after another, which has aroused inexplicable attention and interest.

  So, that black hand is reshaping, in the artificial intervention of the earth's environment, let it reappear continuously, want to see if it can still give birth to unusual creatures? !

  Gu Qing was silent for a while, and when he really heard the hidden situation, he also had to consider the matter very seriously.

   "What do you think?" He asked the various immortal kings in the Central Heavenly Palace.

   "I have to take a look. This is a disturbing factor after all. If there is a catastrophe in the future, and if there is a catastrophe in the small underworld, it will be worse, it is better to solve it as soon as possible."

  A fairy king who is not very old, relatively speaking, spoke, very aggressive.

   "It makes sense!" Some fairy kings nodded one after another.

"No, so many years have passed, the place is very stable, nothing has happened, I think we should not take the initiative to lift the unknown seal as well, in case of catastrophic disaster, and I can't stop it, the consequences will be unexpected!"

  Some people also objected. Some old immortals took stability as the first element and did not want to take the initiative to cause any changes.

   "Senior, what do you think?" Gu Qing looked at Dog King and Nine Daoyi.

   In the final analysis, these two are the key figures, because the world-class powerhouses they follow have all come from that place.

  No one of the immortal kings here knows better, knows better, and cares more.

  The dog emperor calmly said with a big dog face, "I should go and find out, what else can I hesitate? Let the emperor take a look at which old king and eight laozi delusional to raise gu in the hometown of the emperor!"

  It was a little uncomfortable, thinking it was disrespectful to the Emperor of Heaven.

   Nine Daoyi pondered, and said: "I don't wait to cause trouble, but I am not afraid of it. After all, I can't deceive myself and others. Since I know it, and the sky is in the first place, naturally, nothing has happened."

  They all felt that instead of possibly detonating in the future, it would be better to investigate it too soon.

  Of course, this time it is impossible to kill directly.

  For this reason, the Heavenly Court is actually on the verge of an enemy, fully mobilized, and all the fairy kings are preparing to march!

  In addition, all the heavens and all realms, all the legendary ancestors, etc., will be found out and brought along.

  I have to say that Heavenly Court attaches great importance to it. Even if there is no big enemy there, it should not be underestimated at this stage of preparation, but to prepare for the worst in advance.

   "Senior, if you have a back hand and a hole card, don't forget, take them all!" The new emperor Gu Qing spoke privately to Jiudaoyi, the dog king, and the carrion.

  In the final analysis, this is his first action since he ascended to the throne of God.

   "This time, is this seat still carrying the emperor's corpse?" The dog emperor's voice was low.

  The man who lay his body on the emperor clock has now been put into the bronze coffin of Emperor Ye Tian.

  It seems that only the female emperor is unscathed among the three heavenly emperors, but she has suppressed the priest from entering the unnamed place and it is difficult to return.

  The other two, one's body is still there, but the soul?

  But Ye Tiandi disappeared without a trace, not knowing where he was, and unable to predict where he was hit.

  The dog king is sad, and he is rare to be very low. He wants to go to the little underworld immediately and take another look at the hometown of the emperor.

   "Bring God's coffin!" Carrion said.

  The heavens are moving everywhere, looking for some legendary supreme weapons.

   Soon, some broken clock pieces were sent from various places, and the former emperor clock was gradually repaired, only a little missing.

  At the time of the war, the emperor clock collapsed, and the fragments flew to all walks of life, and now all the races are back.

  Nine Daoyi is also preparing. Now that he has made a decision, he has to go to the small underworld to take a look, he naturally has to prevent various variables.

  In the past few days, in addition to wiping the rusty spear of the trophy that was left behind, he is still building an altar, and he wants to summon something.

  This incident directly alarmed all immortal kings. Gu Qing was also frightened and came in person. Does the old man Pi want to try to contact...that? !

  Jiu Dao glared, and said: "What do you think, if I can be contacted, how many epochs will I have to wait?! If he is still there, how can we allow the strange and ominous to appear, wipe out all!"

   "Then what are you doing?!" The Emperor Dog couldn't help asking.

  Nine Daoyi built a grand altar with his own hands, and that kind of boulder has ancient meaning, obviously it is something he has collected for a long time.

  Now, he is just reshaping, putting out the altar that once existed.

"Hey, isn't this going to expedition? After all, that place is too unusual. My old man can't help but want to see where the sacredness is performing. For the sake of safety, I want to call upon my soul and summon my blood and bones. , Let them come back, I want to go with the strongest body."

  When I heard the words of the old man, everyone was suppressed. This old guy is really...horrible, can he be stronger? !

  Chu Feng felt a sense of guilt. He felt that he shouldn’t tell everyone about it too early. If something went wrong, he felt that he would be upset and guilty for a long time.

  Even Jiu Daoyi was prepared with such a heavy heart, looking like a fight to the death, which shows how serious the situation is.

  "The man flies in the front, the soul is chasing in the back. The old man sits at home and waits for his return. Come back, my soul and blood!"

   Nine muttering.

  Next, he boarded the altar, did it himself, summoned in his mouth, and even used secret techniques, secretly imposing spells and urging the altar. That kind of ritual is very ancient and very strange.

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   At first nothing happened, the wind was calm and nothing happened.

  Until an hour later, he was still calling out unremittingly. In the end, the world really changed.


   Yin wind gusts, blowing from an inexplicable place outside the heavens, shadowy, accompanied by a lot of vague shadows, as if countless ghosts are about to emerge and gather.

  Even the immortal king felt depressed, as if a great murderer was about to be born.

  At the same time, the sky was red, and a certain area of ​​the border with the heavens actually seeped a drop of blood.

  This time, people were even more shocked. Is this all caused by the nine ways of one? How can it be!

Even though Jiu Daoyi was in a daze, he couldn't help cursing: "What's the situation? I haven't summoned 100,000 times for so many years. It's almost the same. There has never been a response. Today, you...are you really going to return? !"