MTL - The Royal’s Cute Little Wife-Chapter 101 Holy

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Yan Yu thought about this problem seriously, and felt that there were too few children to have at least three or four children.

After he told this idea to Xie Yuan, Xie Yuan calmed down.

Before she could answer, he changed his tongue: "No ... give birth to five."

Three men and two women are just right. Daughters are like her best. Sons can teach them slowly, one from the text and one from the martial arts, and one is spoiled by them and grows up freely. He thought about it beautifully, but Xie Yan knew his face well and pushed him away: "Who wants to have so many children for you? You want to be beautiful!"

Yan Yu was standing right on the edge of the corridor. She was shaken by such a push, and she was about to fall.

Xie Yan held his hand subconsciously, but how could her strength be more than his weight? He gently dragged her into his arms and the two fell to the ground together.

Xie Ye didn't feel much pain, because she was strictly guarded by Yan Yu.

She looked up and saw his smirking thin lips, biting angrily on his lips: "You did it on purpose!"

She deliberately pulled her down to see her ugly.

Yan Yu sat up straight and sat on the ground. She didn't care how dirty the ground was. She held her lips against her, and tangled with her more deeply. Fortunately, the maids around them were all opened up by them, otherwise they would be seen like this, wouldn't it make people laugh? Xie Yan thought absently, he bit her softly, and pressed her lips and asked, "What are you thinking?"

Hui Ye flashed in Xie Yan's eyes, "I wonder if Xiaoyu brother ate fennel at noon?"

After Yan Yu's meal, she loosened her eyebrows and looked at her silently.

... is this hurting self-esteem?

Xie Xun smiled, took the initiative to go up and kissed his mouth, "Did you forget that I also ate? I did not abandon you."

He pursed his lips without saying a word, and his dark eyes gazed at her quietly.

Xie Yan thought he was really angry, and when he was sulking and sulking in his mouth, when he was about to give up, he suddenly tangled up like a big dog and kissed her severely. Xie Yan's mouth was swollen with a touch of it. I really don't know if he is a loved one or a bite. "You can't be lighter?"

Yan Yu hugged her and sat up behind the snail-coupling under the corridor. She raised her hand and rubbed it on her lips. "You won't be swollen if you tap it?"

She snorted softly. "How do I know."

He just fell to the ground and kissed him again. Her neckline was half-opened, exposing a delicate and smooth skin on the neck, and then it was gradually curved. He inadvertently saw it, and felt a thirst in his throat, but he hadn't seen it, but every time he saw it, he couldn't help but feel dry, because he knew how beautiful and delicate the skin covered by the fabric was, and he couldn't help it.

His eyes were so hot that Xie Ye could not ignore it, and she stepped back and looked at him warily: "What are you looking at?"

Yan Yu don't look away. "Nothing."

... Who believes!

In the blue sky, Xie Yun didn't want to make trouble with him here, she kept sitting up and prepared to go back and change her clothes. When I was helpless, I was too anxious, stepped on my skirt with my left foot, and flung forward as soon as I leaned. Yan Yu was sitting in front of her, and she was all lying on his body, tightly against his chest.

Yan Yu took the opportunity to hold her waist, bowed her head and sighed in her ears: "So soft."

Knowing what he meant, Xie Yan burned from the back of the ear to the cheek.

Her **** were full and she couldn't hold one hand, but it was just right for him. Especially after the two of them rounded the room, he played with her every night to make her look ashamed.

What's so nice there! She thought softly, but he was happy ...

Xie Yan supported his chest and sat up, Fan Lip yelled: "You shameless!"

He became more and more shameless, and instead of refuting it, he picked her up horizontally and walked into the room, intending to shame his face.

Since Xie Rong got Gu Yi's painting, he went to the university scholar's office two times afterwards, one time to express his appreciation and the other time to learn. Xie Rong and Gu Yan can talk about one aspect in some respects. For example, if both of them like to play chess, they can sit under the tree for a whole day, even forgetting to eat lunch.

I haven't had a deep friendship before, and I didn't expect how their personalities would fit together.

On the day Xie Rong and Gu Yi played the last game, Black was forced to death by Bai Zi. There was no vitality. Gu Jigan bowed to the wind and sent him out of Li Pei Yuan. Xie Rong was going to leave the house, passing by a yard on the way. The yard heard the melodious sound of the piano. It was not like the gentle sadness of an ordinary girl's house, but an open and relaxed tune. Xie Rong paused outside the hospital for a while. He could hear the relaxed mood of the piano player from the sound of the piano. He couldn't help but take a piece of bamboo leaves beside him and placed it in the middle of the thin lips to blow.

At the same time, the two sounds were very clever over the yard.

Xie Rong just blew for a while and then stopped. He took back the bamboo leaves and continued to move forward as usual.

It was just a moment of whim, and I felt that the other party's piano sounded pleasing and wanted to echo one or two. He didn't want to cause trouble.

After taking a dozen steps, I came to the gate of Fang Cai's yard.

He walked through the door and noticed that a line of sight fell on him, and he tilted his head, Gu Ruyi was sitting in the yard with a piano in front of him. She smiled at him politely, without asking or saying much, just like two people meeting each other, nodding.

Xie Rong returned with a smile and strode away.

After that, he came to the university scholar's office. He occasionally met Gu Ruyi, and the two always maintained a bland and alienated relationship. Gu Ruyi knew that he was well versed in rhythm, and when he played a piano, he encountered a few sounds that he did not understand, so he consulted him while Gu Yan was present. He answered it for her, Gu Min laughed, "It's impossible to say anything like this, so why would Yongchang demonstrate it intentionally?"

Xie Rong learned piano music when he was 13 or 14 years old. At that time, Xie Liqing specially invited him as a musical instrument. He wanted to make him softer from the sound of music. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be of much use.

Xie Rong sat behind the piano, and his slender and resolute palm rested on the piano. He played a few notes without explaining, and played a whole song directly.

During that time, Gu's servant came and said that the university scholar Gu asked him something and called him away.

Only Xie Rong and Gu Ruyi remained.

After Xie Rong finished playing, he asked, "Did you understand?"

Gu Ruyi shook his head. "I still don't understand ... for example just here ..."

She pointed to a place on the tablature, and her long black hair slid down her shoulders, bringing a faint light fragrance. Before she finished speaking, she suddenly heard a question in front of her: "What are you doing?"

Xie Rong and Gu Ruyi looked up, and saw Princess He Yi and two palace servants standing at the gate of the courtyard, staring intently at them.

Gu Ruyi stepped back, "Yao'an ..."

Yan Yao'an glared at them fiercely, never expecting she would see this scene. She came to the university scholar's house whimpers today, and took the imperial dim sum in the palace to taste with Yan Yaoan, but never thought she would be with Xie Rong, and ... and the relationship is so close!

Her eyes slowly turned red, and angrily accused her, "You, you are too much!"

After receiving the sandalwood food box from Miyazaki, he fell to the ground severely, and broke the pastry preservatives on the ground. She turned and ran out of the yard, and never wanted to see them both again.

Gu Ruyi looked anxious. Although she didn't know why she was angry, she always explained her relationship with Xie Rong. So regardless of Xie Rong, took the skirt to catch up.


Xie Rong sits still under the tree until Gu Yan returns and sees that he is alone, and asks wonderingly, "What about Ruyi?"

He got up, but didn't explain much. "I quit first, show my strength, and we'll meet again later."

Said to step out of the hospital.

Although Gu Zheng was puzzled, he didn't ask much.

I thought this was just an episode. I didn't expect that after ten days, the people of the Ritual Department and Grandpa Gao came to the Dingguo Mansion with the decree.

The government office was surprised at all levels. I wonder what happened this time?

The people in Pu'an government kneeled in front of the imperial edict, and Grandpa Gao cleared his throat and said, "Holy Majesty. Dengguo's grandfather Xie Rong, the words Yongchang, Wentong Sanlue, Wujie Liutao, Xuefu five cars, brave and brave war ... Xun Li, graceful and beautiful, the special gift of Princess He Yi is a horse, and Princess He Yi is made in heaven. She is so relieved that she will be married by the Ministry of Ceremony on another day ... "

What else was said later, but the Thai half did not listen.

Until Grand Duke Gao read the decree, everyone looked at Xie Rong kneeling in the middle. He bowed his head slightly, unable to see any expression on his face.

Gao father-in-law said with a smile: "Thank you, son, let's pick up."

Waited a while, but he didn't see any movement.

The smile on Father Gao's face couldn't stop.

He nodded and said firmly, "Shuchen cannot take orders."

Gao father-in-law's face was stiff, and his eyebrows were also frowned. "What does this mean? Xie Gongzi might want to resist the impertinence?" When he said the last sentence, his tone was a little bit harsh.

Xie Liqing and Leng Shi did not know what was going on, but both looked at his son with anxiety.

Xie Rongduan was iron-hearted, "Chen cannot ..."

"Bad barrier!" The old lady scolded suddenly, then turned her head and smiled at the father-in-law, "This child was not clear for a moment, but said something nonsense, and he hopes that the father-in-law will not blame it ... You can leave this imperative, I will He would persuade him to agree. "

After the father-in-law left, Xie Liqing stood up from the ground with Leng's help, and asked suddenly: "Ronger, what is going on?"

Xie Rong frowned, remembering that she cried and ran away at Shifu University and Princess Yi that day. It was the last time they met. He didn't say anything at that time, and he didn't give her any illusion.

He settled down and took the imperial edict on the Eight Immortals table: "I go to the palace to see the Holy One."

The old lady called him desperately in the back: "Give me back!"

As if he didn't hear it, he strode out. 2k novel reading network