MTL - The Road to Slaying God-Chapter 524 The Return of the King [The Finale]

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Silver Charm's target is the person carrying the material under the spaceship. However, from the current situation, attacking these people is the optimal choice. .

This is the result of meticulous calculations.

After meeting "Fairy Road", Zhang Yang rarely used computing power, because his force is enough to resolve any misery, and now he can't do it. The slightest care will make him regret his life.

When Silver Charm flew towards the delta-winged spacecraft, Zhang Yang's unstoppable body grew wildly with the increase in speed at a distance less than 100 meters. Behind him, the ground was a terrible crack. , People are shocked ...

Dahe didn't move, but his eyes were filled with an incredible expression, his publicity surpassed his imagination, and he felt the pressure formed by the pure energy in the air.

The speed is getting faster and faster. When the silver charm turns into a silver line, Zhang Yang's body also becomes blurred, as if a plume of smoke moves in the air.

The river stood still.

It's close.

Getting closer!

The distance of 100 meters was only close to the distance of 20 meters in an instant. Silver Charm first showed off. After making a dazzling twist in the air, he turned suddenly at a 90 degree, avoiding the river, and circled a large circle toward the delta wing The spacecraft flew swiftly. I don't know if it was intentional or other reasons for the silver charm. The silent silver charm appeared with a thunder and thunder sound. Looking at the direction of Yin Mei, unfortunately, they can only see a line of nothingness ...

Dahe still stood still. He didn't care about the silver charms from the side to the back, and his eyes were full of gazing at the rushing Zhang Yang.

Although Dahe didn't move, the momentum was madly growing. Unlike Zhang Yang's murderous momentum, Dahe's momentum had a different atmosphere. Although not as powerful as Zhang Yang, it gave people a feeling of swallowing mountains and rivers.

This is the royal edition of "Long Xiandao".

The river is enlarged in the eyes of Zhang Yang, getting closer and closer ...

Fifteen meters!

Ten meters!


Zhang Yang silently calculated that his brain was running crazy, now, calculating various possible surnames after this attack.

Suddenly, Zhang Yang's pupils narrowed into a thin gap.

It's close!

The big river moved, and Dahe's body suddenly exploded, as if the whole person had expanded several times. The robe was violent, like a god, and the giant palm patted Zhang Zhang ...

A monstrous pressure swept across Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang did not retreat, but accelerated. The whole body emits a fluorescent light. This light envelops Zhang Yang. When you look at it from a distance, it looks like a rush of fluorescent light is rushing towards the river.

This was a shock to the ground.

Zhang Yang attack, Dahe Shou!

"Peng!" There was a loud noise, and the air burst like a bomb, and the big palm of the river and his open body bumped into one.

"Ka-cha, Ka-cha ..." The ground under Dahe made a burst of cracking sounds, numerous cracks in the thick palms cracked, and they were shockingly dense,

Dahe's body remained motionless, but her flamboyant body flew out like a shooting star.


Zhang Yang flew tens of meters away and fell heavily to the ground.

"Yeah ..." Zhang Yang, a mule on the ground, rolled over and half-knelt on the ground, spit out a blood spurt, his eyes became red, and he stared at Dahe tightly.


Between Zhang Yang's electro-optic flint that was blown off, Yin Mei encountered Yu Ji's interception after killing two engineers.

Although Yu Ji's hands were abolished, it was not that Silver Charm could defeat. Yu Ji is like a wall to block the killing of the silver charm. The entire spacecraft is under the control of Ji.

However, Yu Ji's hands were abolished, and it seemed a bit helpless to hunt down Silver Charm. The speed of Silver Charm made her tired ...

Silver Charm ’s surname Ge was already anxious. After encountering Ji ’s resistance, she became increasingly anxious. The small body turned into countless lines in the air, disguised actions one after another to confuse Yu Ji. Unfortunately, Yu Ji The sixth sense is especially strong when she wants to attack a certain target.

The situation entered a state of fierce heat, and Silver Charm seemed to have gone violently, squeaking madly attacking, and began a physical exhaustion battle with Yu Ji ...


When Yin Mei and Yu Ji entered the tug-of-war, Zhang Yang's half-kneeled body slowly stood up, the red eyes became clear again, and the strong absorption speed of "Fantasy Road" quickly became for him. Added energy.

Just now, in this head-to-head battle, Zhang Yang is on the downside. The two forces have a long distance. Dahe's "Long Xiandao" is more lethal.

However, Zhang Yang always felt that something was wrong there, and this feeling became stronger as his body recovered.

The river still stood in front of the delta-wing aircraft, like a mountain.

What's wrong?

Zhang Yang believes his sixth sense very much, but in this short time, he can't allow him to think, because the attack of Yin Mei has been blocked by Ji, he must break through the barrier of the river to destroy the aircraft ...

"Fantasy Road" is frantically gathering energy in the air.

The atmosphere became more dignified.

Dahe stared at Zhang Yang with deep eyes, he seemed to be waiting ...


Why didn't he take the initiative?

Even if it is delayed, you can take the initiative to attack. Dahe's martial arts are obviously better than him. There is no need to delay. Why?




Zhang Yang pushed towards the river step by step, "Fairy Road" followed the skyrocketing, and actually formed a void black hole in the air. This black hole swallowed a range of several kilometers with Zhang Yang as the center ...

When forced to pass, Zhang Yang's brain was not idle, madly calculating why Dahe did not take the initiative to attack, but took a stance of defense.

Vaguely, Zhang Yang felt that something was wrong there, but it seemed that he couldn't catch the point.

However, in any case, Zhang Yang will do his best to destroy the delta-winged spacecraft to take off. As long as the river leaves the earth and enters the vast galaxy, it will be the dragon returning to the sea. When the river returns, it will be a catastrophe for the entire human race, the entire earth. Human beings will be tied to his chariot.

At that time, even if the magnificent "Fantastic Road" reaches the highest level, it will not be able to stop the footsteps of Dahe ...

The air became depressed and dull again, as if it had reached the ignition point, and it actually caused a kind of heat to be burned by flames.


Zhang Yang's hair fluttered, her feet kicked abruptly, and her whole body flew in the air, rushing towards the river at a speed almost invisible to the naked eye.

Dahe, who has been standing still, stared at Zhang Yang tightly, a flash of anxiety flashed in his eyes, but this flash of anxiety flashed away, and he was immediately replaced by a stingy smile ...

However, that trace of anxiety was caught by Zhang Yang.

If there are people in this world who are smarter than Zhang Yang, then there are only young monks. As long as Zhang Yang is willing to use his brain, Zhang Yang's meticulous thinking is absolutely unparalleled in the world. Usually, because Zhang Yang has absolute force, he ignores his wisdom and admires it. Resolving them together by force, on the other hand, used less power, and the wisdom of publicity was fully reflected on the road of being hunted by Maimaiti.

Just when Zhang Yang flew towards the river, Yu Guang saw Yu Ji and Yin Mei playing a cat-and-mouse game. Yu Ji seemed to be a little bit tired at the end of the crossbow. After all, Yin Mei was known for its speed, even if it was She can predict the flight direction and attack target of Yinmei. She also has a lot of effort to intercept. Yinmei seems to have felt that she is gaining the upper hand. The speed is getting faster. The entire aircraft is surrounded by the silver lines of its body. .

Zhang Yang's eyes brightened, and his momentum became more and more magnificent. The leaves behind him rolled up a long dragon and shrouded the river ...



Dahe's warfare suddenly burst into flames. After the two of them drank at the same time, Dahe's swollen body master took the initiative ...





The ground was shaking, the landslide broke, the bodies of the two rammed in the air, the earth shook it, the wind and clouds changed color, the huge explosion sound was deafening, as if the end of the world was approaching, a group of engineers were startled and dull. Watching the silhouettes colliding in the air ...


After a fierce and violent collision, Zhang Yang finally lost to Dahe's arrogant body and flew out in the air, falling heavily on the ground.

"Well ..."

Zhang Yang tumbled on the ground for dozens of times before stabilizing her body, lying on the ground and spewing a few mouthfuls of blood with dazzling golden light.

Zhang Yang felt her body's internal organs tumbling for a while. The meridians of her body seemed to burst. Just now Dahe gave her a serious blow, and her body energy crystallized disappeared, exposing the human body's fragility.

Wiping the blood on the corner of his mouth, Zhang Yang's eyes fell on Dahe's body. Suddenly, Zhang Yang was ecstatic.

Dahe was also injured!

Zhang Yang absolutely believed that Dahe was also injured.

Because Zhang Yang saw that the body under the robe of Dahe was trembling slightly. This was not the wind blowing the robe. It was indeed that Dahe's legs were trembling. Although Dahe still agreed with the mountains, he was shaking But it cannot be disguised.

Why is this happening in Dahe?

The military force between the two has made an insurmountable gap, but Zhang Yang has continuously resisted Dahe for a few moves. This phenomenon is obviously abnormal ...





When Zhang Yang and Dahe fought madly, beside the passageway in that different space, the rolling battleships that stretched like clouds stretched for thousands of kilometers. This was an attack formation.

In the dozens of kilometers of flagship flagship control room, the long-haired middle-aged man looked indifferently at the vast star map on the screen. Behind him were dozens of men in armor.

The atmosphere seemed very depressing and dull, and dozens of big men looked nervously at the vast star map without speaking.

Time flies away.

Except for the long-haired middle-aged man who always stood like a javelin, dozens of big men started to restlessly, and all eyes fell on the bald big man.

"General, do you really want to take risks?" The bald hesitated after glancing at the crowd, and finally stepped forward to stand respectfully behind the long-haired middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man with long hair did not move. A pair of deep eyes looked at the star map on the screen. In the middle of the star map, there was a black vortex. The vortex was black and intoxicating, as dark as a bottomless depth. Tan, it's as dark as a hole without any life ...

Around the vortex, there were thousands of miniature battleships, densely packed with night sky.

The battleship's goal was that unpredictable whirlpool.

One battleship after another sank into the whirlpool, and the swallowed warships did not let the peaceful black stir up in the slightest, just like a drop of water in the sea, silent ...

"General, has entered 627 search warships. There is no information returned. I do n’t think you risk it ..." Seeing the middle-aged man with long hair, the bald man rubbed his own pair of hands a little Overwhelmed.

"Turn on the antimatter power engine."

The eyes of the middle-aged man with long hair remained motionless, and his expression was extremely determined.

"General ..."


"General ..."


The big men started to shout.

"Excuting an order!"

The middle-aged man with long hair turned around, danced with long hair, and watched with a knife-like gaze on everyone, the air became cold, and an invisible pressure spread over the earth.

"The battleship returns to our fleet!"

"Flagship accelerates!"

"Open the energy hood!"



Long-haired middle-aged issued a series of orders to the console.

Everyone looked at each other and sighed.

"You still have a chance to leave the flagship!" The middle-aged man with long hair issued a series of orders and turned his eyes to the crowd.

"Oath with the generals!"

"Oath with the generals!"


With a bang, dozens of heavy men in heavy armor suddenly knelt on the ground, a sound of golden iron and iron symphony, extremely heavy.

"You don't have to follow me to take risks." The general looked at the crowd on the ground, holding his hands slightly, sighing for a long time, and his cold expression softened.

The crowd felt a huge force pulling them up.

"No matter what the general's decision is, we will obey it unconditionally, but, general, we can open the space channel, we have the resources of the entire Tata Empire, all we need is time, we don't need to take risks at all ..."

The bald head seems to want to convince middle-aged people with long hair. At this time, the flagship is accelerating and getting closer to the black hole vortex. As long as it reaches the speed of sub-light, it will enter a state of space jumping ...

"I'm determined, if my loved ones can't rush home when they need me, what's the point if I return to earth space safely later?" The long-haired young man stared deeply at the black hole that expanded on the screen. At this time, a group of indulgent flagship soldiers had entered a dormant state. Their bodies were incomparable with those of the armored men, and they could not withstand sub-light flying jumps.


Everyone glanced at each other and said nothing, almost at the same time, everyone's eyes were looking at the other huge screen in the main control room, where is also a huge system, the star map of the entire Tata Empire, the vast The star map extends infinitely in black, boundless ...

Behind them is the position of the star map. They battled here for two years, conquered the Tata Galaxy of tens of thousands of planets, and laid down a large area. Now they are leaving, maybe, they will never come back, forever!

"Received a subspace channel galaxy, did you enter?"

"Received a subspace channel galaxy, did you enter?"


When everyone's face was lost, suddenly, the flagship intelligent system issued a series of electronic synthesized sounds, and the lights in the main control room kept flashing to remind everyone.


The crowd stayed for a while, almost ecstatic ran to the console.

"Detailed report, detailed report!" The bald head fluttered to the console and yelled.

"The subspace was artificially opened, unblocked, unblocked ..."


The middle-aged man with long hair danced with long hair and spit out two words.


Behind the dozens of kilometers of flagship, millions of warships entered this black vortex like a black dragon, densely packed, stretching tens of thousands of kilometers ...

The battle between Dahe and Zhang Yang has entered into a fierce heat. Zhang Yang is like a wounded beast, flapping wildly, and he has found the secret of Dahe.

Although Dahe's skill is behind him, Dahe can't use Zhang Xianman as fast as Zhang Yang to replenish his body's energy.

In other words, the energy consumed by each battle of the Dahe is the energy stored in the body itself, but Zhang Yang can extract energy from the universe indefinitely.

Jin Jia Dahan took Dahe's body. Although he possessed the powerful "Fairy Road", this body did not allow him to use "Fairy Road" to the extreme.

Because of this, Dahe would not dare to use the energy of the body too much. If he used the energy stored in the body unscrupulously, he would not be able to insist on it now, and he was not sure to let Zhang Yang hit a deadly blow.

With such scruples, Dahe's attack seemed daunting.


A scream broke through the sky.

It's Yu Ji's voice.

In a frantic chase, Silver Charm gradually gained the upper hand, and its sharp teeth tore off Yu Ji's broken arm from a **** flesh.





Just when Ji was injured, a series of screams sounded. At this time, the workers had all transferred the material to the delta wing aircraft. Some engineers were climbing up from the aircraft's belly, and silver charm attacked them.

Silver Charm was just a jumping attack. Seven engineers died at once, and a huge mouth was torn from their throats. Because of the power of Silver Charm on them, the hearts of those corpses were also crushed, and the flesh was blurred. Terrible ...

"Peng, Peng, Peng ..."

"His Majesty!"

Yu Ji's long legs attacked Silver Charm crazyly in the air, finally resisting Silver Charm's crazy attack. However, Yu Ji clearly knew that she could no longer stop Silver Charm's attack, and shouted loudly when blocked.

"Stop it, King will come soon!"

The momentum of the river was skyrocketing, showing a smooth white moon.

"Boy, let you know what the real immortal road is ..."

The eyes of the river flickered, the golden light fluctuated, as if to get out of the body, for a time, thousands of murderous!

Zhang Yang waved his hands suddenly, and an invisible force in the air immediately gathered into a vortex. The vortex is like an attractive force like a magnetic field. It absorbs tens of kilometers of energy on the surface of the sea, the waves are rough, and the sky is rolling with clouds. As if it was going to rain heavily, it was extremely depressing.




Both of them are running the whole body of skill, this will be a shock, a blow to the finals ...


With a loud noise, just when Zhang Yang's unbridled concentration of energy and 99% of the body's crystallization, Dahe suddenly launched a move in advance, a huge and unmatched force collided in the air, and the unexpected publicity was The Dahe was able to fly tens of meters high with a single blow, just like a projectile.

In the end, Zhang Yang is not as rich in battle experience as Jinjia Dahan.

Among them, the most important thing is that although Dahe cannot use Xiandao to absorb energy, this is also an advantage. After all, although Zhang Yang absorbs energy quickly, there is a process no matter how fast, Dahe tempts Zhang Yang to absorb energy suddenly. The attack succeeded with one blow.

Of course, Zhang Yang, who has the ability to absorb energy quickly, is not afraid of Dahe's shocking shock. He even secretly rejoices. At least, Dahe has consumed a lot of energy just now, and this blow will not cause him any real harm ...


What Dahe needs is a flash of light.

Just as Zhang Yang bounced in the air, Dahe turned around suddenly and made a disguised action. The huge body flew towards the delta-winged spacecraft. At this time, under the resistance of Ji, dozens of engineers were already in a hurry. Busily climbed into the delta-winged aircraft, while Silver Charm attacked Yu Ji insanely, Yu Ji was already **** and scaly ...

"Oh!" Dahe slaps at Yin Yin who is attacking Yu Ji.

"Squeak ..."

Silver Charm screamed, the small body was heavily dropped on the metal body of the delta wing aircraft, and then fell off.

No matter how powerful Silver Charm is, it can't stand the blow of the river after all.

"Silver charm!"

When Silver Charm fell to the ground, Zhang Yang felt a pain in his heart. He and Silver Charm were in the same heart, and felt that Silver Charm was seriously injured, his eyes were red, and he flung towards Silver Charm madly ...

"Yu Ji, stop!"


Just as Zhang Yang rushed to Yinmei, Dahe rushed into the belly of the delta wing, leaving Yu Jishou covered with blood.


Hugging the silver charm, Zhang Yang found that almost all the internal organs of the silver charm were broken, and even the silver hair that was as hard as iron became soft. Silver Charm was fatally wounded.

Zhang Yang's strong "Fantasy Road" energy was immediately infused into Yin Mei's body, and now Yin Mei is dying, and life and death are on the front line, no time delay can be tolerated.

Slowly, the silver charm's fur began to harden, and the cracked internal organs were slowly repaired under that powerful energy, and slowly repaired ...

Yin Mei's dull eyes showed red light.

Feeling the wriggle of Yinmei's body, Zhang Yang couldn't help but feel relieved. He and Yinmei shared their minds, experienced several lives and deaths together, and had long established a deep relationship.

Suddenly, Zhang Yang felt a strong airflow that made his body unstable.

Zhang Yang was startled, suddenly looked up, and suddenly found that the numerous holes in the abdomen of the delta-wing aircraft ejected a strong air stream ...

The big river is about to escape!

Almost subconsciously, Zhang Yang thought of this problem.

Between the electric light and flint, Zhang Yang ran towards the abdomen of the aircraft that was only less than thirty meters apart. At this time, the abdominal passage of the aircraft had not been closed ...


Seeing Zhang Yang rushing forward, Yu Jiqiang, who was standing on the belly of the aircraft, endured the pain in his body, and attacked Zhang Yang crazy with the remaining legs.




A series of collisions, although Yu Ji did not show off his opponent, but under desperate circumstances, it was not easy for Zhang Yang to break through her defense. At this time, Yu Ji had been bruised and covered with blood. Imagine a woman who can watch his crazy blow under such a serious injury ...

The airflow is getting more and more intense. Under this powerful airflow, Zhang Yang actually has a feeling that he cannot stand.

At this time, Zhang Yang was surprised to find that the 150-meter-long delta-wing aircraft actually took off slowly.

"Yu Ji, come up!" Dahe's face appeared at the entrance of the abdomen.


At the moment of Zhang Yang's astonishment, Yu Ji tried her whole body to attack Zhang Yang. With the reaction force of this attack, her body suddenly jumped up the channel opened by the belly of the delta wing. At the same time, Dahe's hand was stretched out. I grabbed Yu Ji's hand tightly ...

"Hmm ...!"

Looking at the delta-wing aircraft flying at high speed, Zhang Yang screamed loudly, his body suddenly exerted force, and the ground generated a huge vibration, shaking the mountain like an earthquake, and Zhang Yang's body shot like a cannonball towards the passage in the abdomen.

Yu Ji's arm has been pulled into the channel, and the door of the channel is slowly closing. Yu Ji looks at his man with a pair of loving eyes. This man has never abandoned him. Suddenly, she feels her body. Sink.

"Dahe, you can't run away!"

Immediately, Yu Ji lowered her head, and she saw a furious face, which was Zhang Yang's face. Zhang Yang grabbed Yu Ji's leg with one hand, and was climbing up hard.

Yu Ji's eyes flashed a little fanatical, and she had already made a decision between the flashes of light.

It was just the moment Ji made the decision. Suddenly, she felt the hand holding her arm loose, and her body was falling like a leaf.

Yu Ji looked up, she saw Dahe's expressionless face, slowly, slowly, that Muran's face disappeared behind the closed hatch ...

Yu Ji's heart was like falling into a black hole.

She didn't know how she fell to the ground from the air, and her world suddenly subverted.

Her Majesty abandoned her and abandoned her at the last minute. Although she has decided to give her life for Her Majesty, this is completely different from being abandoned.


The aircraft in the air is getting smaller and smaller, and finally disappears in the sea of ​​clouds, and the speed is no longer able to catch up with human power.

Zhang Yang was in a daze for a while, but at the last moment, he still fell short, and all his efforts were lost.

Looking at the woman squatting on the ground in a daze, Zhang Yang's palms were waved countless times, and after all, it still didn't fall. This is also a poor woman, a poor woman who has been abandoned. There is no difference between killing and killing, because, this The woman's heart is dead ...

Slowly bending down, gently holding up the silver charm, there was a loneliness in Zhang Yang's eyes. He had done his best, he did his best, and now, things had left his control.

"Open space channel!"

Just as Zhang Yang turned around and left, a cold voice called Zhang Yang.

"Space passage ?!" Zhang Yang's eyes lit up, and he looked back at Yu Ji who was cold and cold.

"It's too late to open now, he can't run away!" Yu Ji flashed a trace of determination.


"Yes, Earth's technology cannot create advanced spacecraft. As long as the space channel is opened, someone can catch up with him."

"it is good!"

Zhang Yang didn't hesitate, "The Immortal Road" swept out, rolled up a vortex in the void, and the energy of the vortex became more and more dense. Finally, the space channel was captured. For a split second, the blocked space channel was opened and opened. For a moment, Zhang Yang felt the countless lost warships in the empty chaos at that time.

Soon, the warships lost in turbulence formed a formation after the space channel was opened. Numerous giant ships jumped at the speed of sub-light at the speed of a torn channel ...


"I'll wait for the results." Zhang Yang sat on the floor with a sigh.


Yu Ji's face was as dead as a dead body, and she was sitting on the ground like a dead body. She had no pride and dignity anymore, but she was just numb.

Time passed minute by minute.

Suddenly, a familiar aircraft appeared in the air.

Delta Wing Aircraft!

The huge body of the delta wing aircraft flashed a metallic light in the air, and it looked extremely dazzling.


Yu Ji looked up and only glanced at her, with a flash of viciousness in her eyes, then she lowered her head again and didn't know what to think.

Zhang Yang can't help but somehow.

However, Zhang Yang soon understood the reason, and saw a black piece of black in the void, boundlessly bound together, as if the entire sky was occupied by black.

Slowly, the black gradually enlarged.

Amazingly, Zhang Yang stood up.

It was a battleship with no visible edge. The tens of kilometers of black hull was shining with metallic luster, and that dim luster was full of charming luster.

Behind this giant ship, there are densely-stretched battleships that extend to the sky. Various types of warships surround the back of the giant ship, and it also sets off the majesty of the giant ship.

Zhang Yang was completely dull.

Although he has seen these dozens of kilometers of giant ships in different space many times, but it is in different space, and it is observed with the sense of feeling, and it is totally different from the eyes.

These giant ships create a tremendous amount of pressure.

This is not a mechanical civilization that humans can fight against.

Zhang Yang believes that no matter what level of "Fairy Road" you practice, you should never try to defeat these huge and invincible giant ships. These are two kinds of forces that cannot be compared.

Suddenly, the giant ship opened the bottom to open a hatch, and a middle-aged man with long hair slowly volleyed down, his hair flying as if there was life in the wind. Behind him, dozens of armored men surrounded him.

A boundless momentum spread in the air.

When the middle-aged man with long hair was near the sea, his hands waved gently on the sea ...





Zhang Yang heard a slight sound, and Zhang Yang was shocked to find that the boundless sea was freezing quickly, and the undulating sea surface had become like a mirror.

One hundred kilometers?

One thousand kilometers?


Zhang Yang couldn't calculate how wide the ice surface was, because his eyes couldn't see it at all.

Immediately afterwards, the warship hovering in the air slowly fell down, with long hair and middle-aged people as the core, and an orderly formation of a circle, and the entire island group was surrounded by this densely packed warship.

At this time, the delta-wing aircraft of Dahe had been forced to stop on the ice.

Zhang Yang didn't move.

Yu Ji only glanced at her, but she still looked blank. Obviously, she was used to such a scene.

Just after some warships stopped, many warriors in armour came down, carrying unknown weapons around them and guarding hundreds of meters away from the middle-aged man with long hair.

Almost at the same time, countless engineering soldiers drove some unheard of mechanical tools to start building an elevated platform on the ice. The speed was amazing, but within fifteen minutes, a five-meter platform constructed of silver and white metal appeared on the ice.

Immediately above the platform was a thick velvet blanket, and dozens of wooden chairs like the earth's antiques were placed on it, and one of the carved dragon chairs was extravagant and luxurious, carved on the dragon chair. The nine dragons fly in the clouds, as if flying.

Just when Zhang Yang thought things were over, there was a shocking scene.

I saw that the surrounding black squadron suddenly slipped slowly and moved out of a passageway, up to 20 meters wide, the length could not be estimated, there was no end to it.

Red velvet blankets began to be laid in the twenty-meter-wide aisle.

There are too many engineering soldiers. Someone is connected to the red velvet blanket. Soon, the red velvet blanket is connected to the sky ...

Including the middle-aged man with long hair, the dozens of armored men did not sit down and seemed to be waiting for something.

It seems that they have forgotten the existence of Zhang Yang and Dahe.


Time passed slowly.

Zhang Yang felt a painful torment, and the strong pressure made it difficult for him to breathe.

Suddenly, Zhang Yang stood up and he saw one.

Buy buy mention!

It was Mai Maiti. Behind Mai Maiti, following Xuelian, Mai Maiti did not look at the publicity on the island. He lowered his head and stood behind the long-haired middle-aged man. Instead, Xuelian glanced at Zhang Yang and opened her mouth without speaking .

Seventh Brother!

It's Qige!

There is also Ouyang Zhengming, the real boss of sh, a figure that is of great importance both in the underworld and in the business world.


Zhang Yang's gaze turned into a gap. He saw two people, a short middle-aged man, with a general standing behind him ...

Liu Qingshan and Zhang Han.

Successor to the First Family in the United States.

The strong in Vietnam, the strong in Myanmar, the strong in India ...


Familiar people appeared on the red carpet one by one, each expression was extremely excited, but quite dignified, no one dared to speak, everyone stood behind the middle-aged man with long hair.

Finally, Zhang Yang saw Wang Yan, saw Nana, and saw Wang Feng, and there were many children about the same age as them ...

At this time, Zhang Yang saw that the middle-aged man with long calm hair became excited, his body seemed to be shaking slightly.

Zhang Yang saw that, whether it was Wang Feng or Nana, looking at the middle-aged man with long hair was full of enthusiasm, of course, including those who started.

More and more people.

Wang Yan's mother, Wang Feng's mother, and Lin Xueyi, as well as a woman who looks like Lin Xueyi, Zhang Yang seems to remember this woman, this woman is a singer, very famous, yes, called Lin Xuexin ...

Many beautiful women who do not know each other are standing beside the middle-aged man with long hair, and they are close together, and the eyes looking at the middle-aged man with long hair are full of tenderness.


The atmosphere is a bit weird. So many people, but no one speaks, each of them communicates with his eyes. The only thing that is a little fierce is that there is a woman and the bald head in armour tightly hugging, and the woman gently pulls Physically, behind the woman, there is a ten-year-old boy. Although not as rude as a bald head, the two are very similar.

Aze, Liu Biao, Xiao Lizi, and the three of them looked eastward and carefully walked over the carpet as if they had entered the Grand View Garden.

Zhang Yang's throat almost jumped, and almost at the same time, they saw Zhang Yang with a surprise, and the three of them didn't go to the high platform and ran to Zhang Yang all the way.

"Zhang Yang, you ***, welcome us to not have to engage in such a big battle, it scared my heart to throb ..." Liu Biao waited for Zhang Yang to speak, and held Zhang Yang in a hand.

"Ahem ..."

Zhang Yang coughed, and suddenly he felt a warmth. No matter how he is today, he still has three unwavering brothers.

"Zhang Yang, what's going on?" Azer saw a difference.

"Not my friend, it's probably my enemy, and I can't be sure."


The three took a sigh of cold air, unanimously, looking at Zhang Yang with wide eyes, with an incredible expression on their faces.

"can not confirm……"

"That ... Zhang Yang, I don't know you, don't say you know me ..." Liu Biao stepped back and forth, staring at the densely packed warships around, and glanced at the dozens of kilometers of flagship hovering in the sky .

"I don't know you, Zhang Yang, I don't know either ..."

Little Lizi quickly followed Liu Biao back.

"How about you?" Zhang Yang smiled bitterly at Azer.

"I want to go too." Azer shook his head and smiled.


"Hey, Zhang Yang, we all want to go, let's go out together, maybe we broke out, you see, there is sea water under this ice surface, or else, I broke the ice surface with brute force and dived to escape?"

The backward Liu Biao stopped, immediately sighed and stepped on his foot to freeze his face.

"Good idea, good idea ..."

Little plum nodded again and again and agreed.

"Do you think we can run away?" Zhang Yang said to the strong man on the high platform.


The two were discouraged and looked depressed.

"Look, you'll be fine."

"What are we okay with? Brothers are blessed to share, difficult to share, I rely on!" Liu Biao patted his chest fiercely.


Just when the four were pulling and pulling, the people on the stage arrived, and no one sat down except the middle-aged man with long hair.

At this time, Dahe slowly walked down from the delta-wing aircraft with a dead face. Although his face was not good, he had an unparalleled demeanor. There was a calmness that did not change his face in this million army.

Dahe walked slowly to Yu Ji and sighed.

"I betrayed you. I asked him to open the channel." Yu Ji looked up at Dahe with a stern expression on his face.

"It's you!" Dahe's face was discolored. Furious.


"You betrayed me, you betrayed me ..."

Dahe muttered his thoughts, impressively, the palm of his hand turned into a ghost image, and fiercely inserted into Ji's plump chest ...

"I am the last to betray you. You killed me with your own hands. I am very happy, very happy ..." Yu Ji did not resist, even her body did not move, a strange smile appeared on her face, and blood came from the corner of her mouth. overflow.

"Why? Why?" Dahe frowned.

"You are betrayal and you are still asking me why, Your Majesty, I love you, I am willing to give you everything, why do you abandon me, why?"

"I ..." Dahe looked dull.

"Sir, let's go to Huangquan together, together ..." Yu Ji's voice became weaker and weaker.

"Yu Ji, I am sorry for you, I am sorry for you, I am willing to die in your hands." Dahe closed her eyes slightly and sighed.


Dahe's body trembled, Yu Ji's broken arm had been inserted into his abdominal cavity, and two bloodbathed people leaned tightly together, his body twitching constantly.

Suddenly, Dahe opened his eyes suddenly, he had a strange feeling.

Sure enough, the middle-aged man with long hair was standing by his side, watching him coldly.

"Wang ... Wang Hao, you won ..." Blood dripped from the corner of Dahe's mouth.

"I didn't win, but you lost." The middle-aged man with long hair looked at Dahe coldly.

"Cough ... yes, yes, I lost, haha ​​... I lost, my royal family's pulse, cut off in my hands."

"No, it ’s in the hands of your ancestors. Tens of millions of years ago, your ancestors had planted cause and effect. The entire human race on earth is a descendant of your ancestors’ genes and animals on the earth. These things It ’s all done by your ancestors, because the royal family has abandoned them for their own sake. They use your royal family ’s genes to make fish in the sea and monkeys in the land become honest benevolence. Until today, humans have become high. IQ animals ... "

"So it is, so it is ..." There was a hint of relief on Dahe's face, and he closed his eyes slowly, but Yu Ji had already lost his vitality.


Looking at Dahe and Yu Ji's dead bodies, Zhang Yang and their middle-aged men with long hair were in a long silence.

"follow me."

The middle-aged man with long hair glanced at the bodies of the two and turned away, saying a word.


Zhang Yang looked at each other and silently followed behind the middle-aged man with long hair. Even Liu Biao, who had always been arrogant, behaved properly. Of course, his eyes were still frowning. For him, Tianwang Laozi It's not a big deal when it comes.

When the four stood on the stage, there was no sound around.

"You are Zhang Yang!" The middle-aged man with long hair slowly sat on the huge dragon chair.

"Yes." Zhang Yang felt his heart beat.

"What you cultivate is Xiandao Long?"


"Show me some energy."

"it is good."

Zhang Yang waved his hands and a vortex gathered in the air. Suddenly, Zhang Yang looked pale. He found that there was no energy in the air for him to absorb. Obviously, the middle-aged man with long hair had cut off all his external links.

"Well, it's good to know. If there is one day outside, I will introduce you to someone."


"You will know when you come." The middle-aged man with long hair smiled slightly.





There was a sound of heavy footsteps, Zhang Yang looked back, and saw a robot stepping up from the carpet step by step.

"Is it?" Zhang Yang looked at the middle-aged man with long hair suspiciously. He thought he would introduce him to some important people.

"Yes!" The middle-aged man with long hair looked at the robot with a smile, his eyes filled with tenderness.

"Zhang Yang." Suddenly, the robot shouted Zhang Yang.

"Ah ... it's you ... the little monk ..." Zhang Yang looked horrified and took a few steps back. He was too familiar with the voice. This was the voice of the little monk. Suddenly he saw that the little monk became a robot. He A little uncomfortable.

"It's me." The monk's innocent voice sounded again, and the red light in the robot's eyes flashed frantically. Obviously, the monk was very excited.

"Come here." The young monk beckoned to Zhang Yang.


Zhang Yang hesitated for a moment, still came to the little monk, the little monk stretched out a mechanical arm and touched it on Zhang Yang's head, his mouth made a vague voice of satisfaction.

"Xiaoyi's biggest dream is to be able to touch your head. Hey, Xiaoyi finally achieved the goal, Hao brother, this kid is over to you." The little monk gazed back and stepped back.

"Hehe, Zhang Yang, I'm very busy. You have seen it. Many people are waiting to see me. We haven't seen each other for almost two decades. So, I need you to make a decision right away. You have a few women, of whom With my daughter, who do you want? "The middle-aged man with long hair patted the young monk who walked to his side, and the young monk made a sound of contentment.

"..." Zhang Yang froze. He thought that the middle-aged man with long hair would have a lot to say. Then he knew that this was the first thing he saw, which left him unprepared.

"Hurry up, my time is precious."

The middle-aged man with long hair patted the chair lightly. Suddenly, a monstrous domineering came on his face, and Zhang Yang couldn't help taking a few steps.

"... Nana"

Zhang Yang did not dare to look into the eyes of a group of girls, but could only lower her head.

"Okay, that's it!"

The long-haired middle-aged man waved his hand, and suddenly, the densely packed warships began to lift off and immediately disappeared into the sky. When Zhang Biao was stunned, the vast warships had retreated like a tide, and that long The middle-aged man also left under the crowd, and countless engineering soldiers dismantled the high platform and packed the carpets ...

Ten minutes later, four people were left on the lonely ice, no! And Nana.

Nana glanced at Zhang Yang, saw Zhang Yang looking at her, and then she bowed her head timidly.

"Nana ..."

"Zhang Yang, don't say, I understand." Nana's soft palm gently closed Zhang Yang's mouth.


"Zhang Yang, we're home ... ah ... gosh, gosh, how can we go back?"

Liu Biao watched the solitary island howling, and Zhang Yang let go of Nana in her arms and looked away, only to find that the entire island had become nothing, Dahe and Yu Ji's body, and the delta wing Flying machine, as if there was nothing on this island ...


After three months.

Zhang Yang was lying in a villa by the sea, staring at the breeze.

"Zhang Yang, Zhang Yang!"

"Zhang Yang ..."


"Ah ... wife." Zhang Yang was awake suddenly, and saw Nana look at him with an angry look.

"I called you five times!"

"That ... I think I'm old, a little dementia ..."

"Zhang Yang, do you regret it?" Nana squatted on the ground, leaning her head on Zhang Yang's thigh, and stared at Zhang Yang with bright eyes.

"Remorse?" Zhang Yang frowned.

"Do you choose me and regret it?" Nana's resentful eyes made her heartbreak.

"No, no, I don't regret it, Nana, I love you."

"Oh." Nana closed her eyes contentedly.

"Don't think about it ..."

Zhang Yang sighed, looked at the delicate flowery face on his leg, and an inexplicable loss of mind. He thought of Wang Yan, thought of Liu An, thought of Xuelian ...

"Zhang Yang, I know you're not happy, you're not keeping your mind all day, shall we go to the Tata Empire tomorrow?"

"No, I like the Earth." Zhang Yang shook his head. Although he was yearning for the vast universe, he preferred this carefree and stress-free life.

"Go." Nana insisted.

"Don't go."


"Don't go!"

"There can be many wives over there, they have been waiting for you over there." Nana's face rose with a touch of red, her voice weak.

"Marry a lot of wives?" Zhang Yang almost fell to the ground.

"Do you need to be so excited?" Nana suddenly hugged Zhang Yang's thigh desperately.

"no no……"

"Father said, let you go."

"You ... you ... you want ..." Zhang Yang stuttered and looked at Nana's incredible expression.

"I dare to make fun of my father's words!" Nana said angrily.

"That's ... In fact, I also adore Hao, his idol, marry so many beauties ... Ah ... wife, don't be stingy, don't be stinging, I just don't go ..."

There was a cry of pain and joy in the sea breeze.

Postscript: Liu Biao followed the bald Sun Jian to battle the battlefield in a different space, and developed a wider star field. Aze followed the stuttering general into the army, and the official to the general became the leader of the Chinese hawks. As for the small plum, he still played On earth, mixed in ordinary people ...


[End of Book]