MTL - The Rest Of My Life Is For You-Chapter 19 The taste of being left out

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的 Yu's villa in the middle of the night is brightly lit.

The family doctor hurried to check on Xiaoliu Liu.

"The young lady's mood fluctuates too much, and she cries again, and the wound is inflamed. I have reprocessed it, but she has burned a little bit, but she can't feed the fever medicine, she must find a way to lower her temperature. "

Dr. Qi stood up from the bed and said with a grim expression.

"I'm here to feed." Yu Yuehan heard the doctor's words, stretched out his hand, took the medicine, and hugged Xiaoliu on the bed.

My little girl was uncomfortable with burning, and now woke up staggeringly.

"Little six or six, you are sick, you have taken the medicine." Yu Yuehan coaxed patiently.

"Don't take medicine ... beautiful sister ..." She muttered, and when she saw Yu Yuehan, she thought that her beautiful sister was gone, and she wanted to cry.

"..." has a fever, still thinking about Nian Xiaomu?

What kind of soul soup did Xiao Mu give her the next year? !!

"You take medicine first, and when the fever is gone, let's talk about other things." Yu Yuehan looked at her little red face, and couldn't hide the concerns under her eyes, her tone softened.

"I hate bad sisters! I don't have a beautiful sister, don't take medicine ..." Xiaoliu Liu sobbed twice and pushed his chest with his small hand. The soft and waxy body slipped from him and got into the bed himself. .

He turned his back and refused to look at him.

Yu Yuhan: "..."

This is really angry.

A small one, curled up in the bed, like a wounded fox, licking the wound by itself.

Makes people feel inexplicably distressed, but there is no way to take her.

"Mr. Han, there is a wound on the little lady. This medicine must not be taken!" The doctor was anxious to remind him.

"Do you think I don't want her to eat?" Yu Yuehan's voice sank.

This is his little princess. Looking at her is uncomfortable, he feels worse than anyone else.

But his own daughter, he knew it.

Xiao Liuliu was okay from an early age, but she could n’t change it because she was sick and refused to take medicine.

When others were okay, as long as Xiaoliu Liu saw him, he would obediently obey.

This time it happened that he was driving out Nian Xiaomu's anger, and even he was useless.

This is what it feels like to be left out of your little princess?

He tasted it.

"Shan Han, otherwise, let me try?" Fang Zhenyi, who had been standing at the door, saw Yu Yuehan seem to be compromising, and suddenly spoke.

She managed to drive Nian Xiaomu away, and she must not be given a chance to return.

And now there is no way for everyone. If she can let Xiaoliu Liu take the medicine, it will not only break Nian Xiaomu's road, but also make Yu Yuehan look at her ...

When she thought of it, she was all excited!

I seem to have seen the bright future of my future life ...

"You?" Yu Yuehan heard her voice, as if suddenly remembered that there was still such a figure.

Qi Lengmu glanced at the person standing at the door.

Wu Wenyan said, Fang Zhenyi nodded quickly, "Yes, I have taken care of many children before, there is still a way to coax them, maybe I can let the little lady take medicine."

"Small cold, try it, the younger the sooner you take the medicine, the better!" The doctor reminded.

"..." Yu Yuehan's dark eyes were deep, staring at Fang Zhenyi's eyes, he couldn't see what he was thinking.

Don't comment.

When he saw this, Fang Zhen was eager for his work, and when he agreed, he hurried forward.

"Little Six Six, I am Sister Fang, we have seen ..."