MTL - The Record of Unusual Creatures-Chapter 17 contract

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Hao Ren has a dream.

He hopes to become a part of the knights, holding the power that people can't, walking in the world, violently defending the good, not arrogant and strong, guarding the Quartet, being grateful to Dade by thousands of people, and being a great hero in the world.

Oh, that year when he was nine years old - a long time ago, and at that time his "quartet" was limited to two blocks around the Nanjiao Primary School. The upper limit of his power was his class teacher.

In the past two years, Hao Ren’s ambition has become a very realistic thing like most people: every month, he can earn more than the average line, and a woman above the average line, giving birth to one or two average lines. The children, the house is already there, so don't worry, the above is all of life - as of this moment.

Now that the turning point in life is close at hand, Hao Ren feels that he can almost see a very different future in front of him. He looks at the woman who claims to be a **** but does not look normal. He nodded hard: "Okay, I promise you."

There was no accident on the face of Raven 12345. It seems that she has been used to this kind of scene. She also knew how Hao Ren would answer. She just nodded. "Well, from today on, you are the grassroots trainee examiner of the Time and Space Administration. Previously, according to the preparation of foreign apprenticeship temporary workers..."

Hao Ren: "...Please don't say so in detail, I am so hard to courage!"

Raven 12345 seems to laugh a little. She sees that Hao Ren is still a little nervous and confused: "Don't worry, we are not evil forces, safeguarding world peace. You listen to this lofty cause, I want to be in other worlds. Looking for an assistant, the locals are just coming over the sea, but on the other side of the earth, you have embarked on the stage of development without gods, and the visual development is still very fast, so I have not intervened, and now I can only keep a low profile even if I look for an assistant. Act, don't think that your work can't be seen because of this..."

Hao Ren muttered: "How do I feel that you are not like God, is God like this?"

"Hey, don't say you, I'm not used to it," Raven 12345 smashed his hand, letting Hao Ren sigh with a tone of voice. "We are also the account that we changed in the past few years. We didn't call God before. Right, you If you are not used to this statement, you can also call us a Greek apostle. This is our race name. God is only our job."

"Hilling Apostle?" Hao Ren chewed this strange noun. "I don't listen like people... What do I usually call you? What about the goddess?"

Hao Ren suddenly felt a little crying and laughing. This woman claimed to be a member of God. I am afraid that I really want to call her the goddess, but how can he not find it? Hao Ren feels that the atmosphere when chatting with the Raven 12345 is almost equal to his chat with the big sister of the small supermarket in the street. Is this the goddess?

Your old man doesn't say that he has a light aperture behind his back. Can you at least lick your fingers when you speak?

The Raven 12345 didn't care much about this problem. She nodded to Hao Ren while playing with her fingers: "So I am not used to it, you can call me directly, or call me 12345."

Hao Ren: "...It feels less like a name..."

Next, the Raven 12345 began to explain to Hao Ren his future "work" details. In fact, there is nothing to say, just continue to receive those strange strangers. Since the family already has a werewolf and a vampire, Hao Ren thinks It can also handle the problem of more abnormal creatures - as long as the newcomer is as good as the current family.

"You can rest assured," Raven 12345 patted his chest and promised, "We are very concerned about the life of our employees. We will not let you fall into a dangerous environment. Those who send you through some kind of 'test', To ensure safety and reliability, you only need to let them eat well and live well, do not affect the normal person's life, this is your current job, other things are responsible for your temporary use. As for other situations... You have met again. Is there any problem?"

Hao Ren hesitated and asked what he cares most about: "What is it... What is Lily going on? Isn't that what you arranged?"

"No, I said, only the new tenants who come to your home in the future are the result of organizational arrangements. The can see it as fate, and it is because she is looking for you, and you seem to I am also very adaptable, I only choose you. The average person does not have such a strong ability to accept, and I just need a three-viewer who is strong and can be an assistant to be able to withstand such an impact."

"I just need to arrange the life of those 'customers' in the future. How should this ‘arrangement’ be judged? Is it the ancestors?”

"Not as long as they don't make trouble, the ultimate goal of all missions is to let human civilization develop as usual. Humans don't need to touch things that are inconsistent with their current development direction, because these things will make them misidentify their own laws of the universe. Knowing that human life is short-lived, this short-lived life leads to a misunderstanding of one or two generations that can ruin their developmental achievements for hundreds of years, and then have the same far-reaching future effects - based on your expression, I judge You should have begun to circle, so the next explanation is skipped," Raven 12345 said as he pulled out a piece of paper from the bucket. "In short, you are just a grassroots employee, and you are still a temporary worker. You can't know anything that is too complicated. Even if you know it, you can't handle it. I will tell you more when the time is right. Please be assured, I am not malicious, because it is not necessary. Now come and sign the contract... ..."

Hao Ren feels that there are many things in the other side, but he has nothing to do with it. Although the Raven 12345 speaks very well, she seems to be very principled. She should never say anything, and Hao Ren knows some. Things can't be rushed, and you should be cautious when you don't know anything.

Hao Ren vaguely felt that he was on a thief boat, but he did not have the courage to jump - he must have beaten any creature in this place, including the guy who was just like the fog.

Now Hao Ren looks at the contract in front of him and is in a state of indifference. The words on the contract are quite understandable, that is, the content is overwhelming. The title and the line are the "Inauguration Agreement of the Trainee of the Xi Ling Empire Space and Time Administration", the subtitle below. Written in the "Hilling Gods Affiliate Agreement", the subtitle under the subtitle reads "Imperial Civil Affairs Temporary Workers Related Documents", and then writes a line with the head of the fly, who does not know the title: One hundred and sixty revisions, re-ordered, and ordered, the final version, absolutely not revised, even if the imperial mother ordered that the version will not be changed any more - the imperial heads handcuffs, the offices will follow.

Further down is the contract text, which is easy to understand and writes about some of the staff's instructions and attendance system. It says that after the new employee joins the job, it is equivalent to the regional level/regional bishop candidate/regional prophet/regional street cadre/ The regional police officers and so on have a lot of identities, and the following notes indicate that this is based on the civilized form of the new employees, and is something that is indicated to facilitate the new employees to accurately position themselves.

Then there is the welfare system that is more ruined. The highest **** of the Greek gods clearly stipulates that the new censor of the local gods is converted into a civilized system that is the prophet, the first consciousness of the race. Employee benefits, including rice noodles and oils on the holidays, New Year's goods, and monthly consumption card subsidies. According to the different civilized environment, the local responsibility God arranges the above benefits...

Hao Ren looked at the contract and felt tears in his face. He vaguely thought that this thing was very familiar and quite familiar...

"How? How are our unit welfare good?" Raven 12345 sneaked over. "I know that you didn't have a good time to ask about the treatment of the unit. I have seen more people in these years. Most new people are very strange. It seems that they always feel that they should work for God. But the unit will definitely not do this. This contract is formulated by several experienced leaders. It is more in line with the rules of the mortal world. You look at it. Have you signed it without any comments?"

Hao Ren: "..."

He decided that he would never believe in TV and novels in his life!

(The first is =. = There are a lot of recommended tickets! I feel that I am a little hopeful to rush to the new book list! In addition, everyone goes to the Helling Empire to vote for this satisfaction, but it is a free vote.)