MTL - The Rebirth of Crazy Ger-v2 Chapter 168

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"You..." Pan Shulin gritted his teeth, after this person achieved his goal, his attitude towards him was much worse!

Pan Shulin endured it, did not speak, and turned to Pan Yue and said, "Brother, please stop talking."

"Bah!" Pan Yue spit at Pan Shulin, eyes full of anger and disappointment: "Who is your brother?"

Pan Shulin was taken aback, Pan Yue said: "Who would admit that there is a younger brother who helps outsiders to plot against elder brother?"

"..." Pan Shulin's eyes were gloomy, and Pan Yue said angrily, "I feel ashamed that the Pan family has you, Pan Shulin! Our Pan family is sorry for the city lord, let alone the people in the city, and ashamed of being the head of Xiangtang!"

"Okay! It's so noisy!" Zhao Yu roared angrily, and said to Xi Ning, "How is it? City Lord, do you want to continue to resist?"

Xi Ning was silent, Zhao Shan glanced around, leaned closer to Zhao Yu and said in a low voice, "Father, I didn't catch Xi Yao, and I'm right by Xi Ning's side."

Zhao Yu paused after hearing the words: "What about the ancient orc Yuan Heng?"

"I don't know where to go." Zhao Ji said.

Zhao Yu pursed his lips and said, "It doesn't matter, it's already like this now."

After that, Zhao Yu stood up and said loudly: "Xining, as long as you beg for mercy now, I will spare the lives of everyone present, including this Pan Yue. You can just leave Ning'an City, how about it?"

Xi Ning sneered, and tightened his sharp claws: "This Ning'an City has been the city of my Xi family since its establishment, and it is impossible for it to be snatched away in my generation."

After the words fell, the crowd suddenly became restless, and several large beasts appeared behind them, rushing towards Zhao Yu and others.

Zhao Yu and the others responded quickly, and Xin Ning led people to attack from the front.

Under the front and back attack, Zhao Yu and others gradually showed that they were invincible, but they were replaced by foreign orcs in a short while.

Those foreign orcs were all fierce, and they all had their own set of combat modes when dealing with large ferocious beasts and city guards, and they were evenly matched with Xi Ning and the others.

The two sides confronted each other, and Xi Ning frowned.

Shan Zhaoyu and others are not afraid even without the Pan family guards, but these foreign orcs...

Seemingly aware of the power of these foreign orcs, Zhao Yu hid behind them and yelled at Xi Ning: "What's the matter? Aren't you very powerful, Xi Ning? Come on."


Disgust flashed across Xin Ning's face, and the faces of the foreign orcs rushing to the front were also not good.

Just as the two sides were confronting each other, a white tiger with its wings retracted vigorously rushed over and stood in the middle of the two sides.

When Xi Ning saw the white tiger, his brows loosened a little, and Wang Jin raised his brows with joy, and called out: "Brother Heng."

Yuan Heng heard that he had transformed into a human form, and as soon as he transformed into a human form, the brother rushed up. Yuan Heng hurriedly stretched out his hand to embrace him, a little scared on his face, but seeing that the brother had no other discomfort except a little tiredness between his brows and eyes, he settled down. heart.

Leaning in the man's arms, Wang Jin felt extremely tired. He hadn't felt this way when Yuan Heng was away. When the man came, all his guard was removed in an instant, as if he had entered a comfortable place. In the environment, my heart instantly settled down...

Obviously this is still a battlefield, but he felt as if he had returned home. Wang Jin was hugged by the man with peace of mind, and he felt extremely at ease in his heart.

Anywhere with a man is home.

"Yuan Heng?"

Those ancient orcs seemed to know the man. They looked at each other after calling Yuan Heng's name, and their attacking movements seemed much slower. Many of them even took two steps back, their faces not only dignified but also a little panicked.

Seeing this, Zhao Yu stepped forward and said, "What are you doing? Come on!"

This looks like a win!

The foreign orc was annoyed by being urged, and couldn't help but reply: "...Why don't you go?"

Someone replied, and countless people expressed their dissatisfaction.

"Yeah, I just know to hide behind us!"

"That's right, those are ancient orcs, how could they beat them."

Xi Ning was surprised that this ancient orc had such a high prestige among those foreign orcs.

Zhao Shan gritted his teeth and stepped forward, "If you don't retreat, the matter of staying in the city will come to naught!"

Hearing this, everyone hesitated in retreating.

Seeing this, Yuan Heng frowned: "Stay in the city?"

"..." Among the foreign orcs, a black and thin orc was silent for a while, and took the lead: "Yuan Heng, don't blame us, everyone said when we were in Keyuan that we needed a place to live. So, now, the two of Zhao Yu promised to give us a place to live, all we need is..."

The orc didn't speak any more, but just stared at Xi Ning fiercely.

Seeing this, Xi Ning sneered, and then said, "Just deal with me?"

The orc acquiesced, and Xi Ning pursed his lips and said, "Ning'an City has always had a way for foreign orcs to stay. You just need to pass the test. You can obviously pass the test and stay with the wolves according to the formal procedures."

"There are fifty-six people in my Tana tribe, including old people. How could I pass your test? As the leader of the Tana tribe, how could I abandon my people and stay alone?" the orc retorted.

"..." Xi Ning frowned and remained silent. This person actually wanted to keep the entire tribe behind.

"Not only the Tana tribe, but also the Sangrui tribe, the Zhouquan tribe, the Mingyu tribe, the Quanyong tribe...every tribe here wants to stay." A man with braids came up behind him, and hei Shou The man stood in one place: "Jayer, what else do you want to tell them, let's do it directly. Although the ancient orcs are powerful, we have so many people!"

As the man spoke, calculation flashed across his eyes, and he said to the people behind him: "People from the three tribes of Sangrui tribe, Zhouquan tribe, and Quanyong tribe go first."

"Baal!" Juer exclaimed, lowering his voice, "What are you doing?!"

"What to do, keep fighting." Barr pretended to be stupid.

Jie'er gritted his teeth and said: "The leaders of these three tribes, Zhou Chen, Jian Hao, and You Lin, all went out of the city earlier. Before they left the city, they were entrusted to me to take care of them. How could they be allowed to go first!"

"Then your Tana tribe will go first?" Barr asked.

Jieer gritted his teeth: "There are 56 people in my tribe. Apart from the elderly, children and brothers, there are only about 20 people. How is that enough?"

After finishing speaking, he said in a loud voice: "Zhao You and Barr led the warriors from the Mingyu tribe and the Jiaoshi tribe to go out. Yuan Heng, plus my Tana tribe, now the three tribes are challenging you."

"..." Yuan Heng's expression turned cold: "None of you are my opponents."

"..." Hearing this, Jue'er's complexion was not good, and Barr was even more furious: "You are too proud, Yuan Heng."

Yuan Hengdao: "I'm telling the truth. In addition, if you only want a safe place, then there is no need to fight for it. I will allow you a safe place."

"You agree?" Zhao You walked out with squinted eyes, a trace of sarcasm flashed across his face: "Why do you agree?"

Yuan Heng pursed his lips and said, "Build the city."

As soon as the man finished speaking, all the people present fell silent, and the surrounding area was so quiet that if a needle dropped at this moment, it would probably be clearly audible.

"" are you kidding me? Baal wanted to ask, but when he met the eyes of the ancient orc in front of him, he couldn't ask.

The man's eyes were firm, as if the construction of the city would happen in the near future, his face was full of confidence, and his aura was like a king's, which made the people present dare not move at will. He said What he said is more like an imperial decree, which cannot be questioned.

After a long time, so long that it seemed that the entire century had passed, Zhao Yu saw the wavering of the foreign orcs, and reacted first, he said: "Naive, don't trust him, building a city is not so easy. Back then, Ning'an City was not so easy." It took four full years to build the city, and there are beast hordes every year, and it is because of the beast control skills of the Youxi family that they have survived the destruction of the beast hordes for four years, so that Ning'an City can be established today."

"This is unique. How could it be built? If it was that easy, there would have been tens of thousands of Ning'an cities."

Hearing this, Xi Ning chuckled, but the smile didn't reach his eyes: "Zhaoyu, so you still remember that it was the ancestor of my Xi family who used the beast control technique to resist the beast tide and protect this city. I thought you had forgotten all of these things."

"..." Zhao Yu was so choked that he had nothing to say, and looked at Xi Ning's expression became more and more gloomy: "Even if your Xi family can build the city and protect the city, so what, after today, the winner will be the king and loser, if you lose This city will belong to my Zhao family from now on."

The corner of Wang Jin's mouth twitched, and he muttered in a low voice: "It's the first time I've seen someone so cheeky."

Hearing this, Yuan Heng lowered his head and followed Wang Jin's line of sight to look at Zhao Yu, his face turned cold, and almost instantly, he saw only an afterimage, and Zhao Yu was beaten to the ground.

Everyone was astonished, they had never seen how the man made a move, and Zhao Yu had already been knocked down...

Zhao Shan was startled, and hurried forward, Zhao Yu cried out for pain, but there was no danger of his life, he breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at Yuan Heng.

No one can match the strength and speed of this ancient orc.

Everyone was surprised, even Wang Jin, who had been standing half leaning against Yuan Heng, was also surprised. He only felt a gust of wind coming and going. If it wasn't for an afterimage, he wouldn't have known that the man had left.

"Since I promised to give you a residence that is not worse than Ning'an City, then there is a way to do it. If you don't believe me, I won't force you, but if you continue to fight against the lord of Ning'an City, it will be my Yuan Heng's. enemy."

"..." The foreign orcs were all shocked, it was no small matter to fight against the ancient orcs.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

"People of the Sangrui tribe, why are you still hesitating?" A white black-spotted leopard suddenly rushed over and turned into a human form. It was a man with fair skin and yellowish hair.

Many people in the foreign tribe were extremely happy to see the man, and some even came over and stood behind the man: "Boss."

This person is the leader?

Wang Jin watched, looked at Yuan Heng, and seeing Yuan Heng made eye contact with the man, the man said loudly: "My Sangrui tribe would like to trust Yuan Heng, and now we all stand out and will not participate in the war."

"Zhou Chen." Jiaoer called out with a frown, the man glanced at Jiaoer and said: "You know Yuan Heng's ability, I am willing to trust him."

"..." Jier stopped talking.

"There is also our Zhouquan tribe." A golden lion walked over and took the shape of a human. The man's hair was yellow and hard, and it was a little erect. His bronze skin looked a little handsome.

The man also greeted Yuan Heng, and said to the outside: "The Zhouquan tribe will come out and will not participate in the war."


Dear goddesses, happy holidays~~ Those who have chased so far are all true love, and there are about 20,000 to 30,000 words to finish~~23333 is listed, and there are red envelopes for those who leave comments on this chapter today~~~~