MTL - The Reader and Protagonist Definitely Have to Be in True Love-~ 80 、

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Chapter79 God Tower: violent war songs.

Under what circumstances will a stranger call the name of another person?

A. You look the same as that person.

B. You have a similar place with that person.

C. You are the one.

Du Ze thought hard, and since I saw Corer’s "father", a stupid reader has been in my buddy. He wants to get the information of Genesis, but he did not expect to get such awesome news. In order to sort out the ideas, Du Ze listed various possibilities. According to the reaction of Correlong at the time, Du Ze ruled out the first article. If he really looks like a god, he will see that he will see him at the first sight. Call out "Father God."

The second conjecture is that Du Ze feels the closest to the facts. He should have a similarity to the creation, the world, or the temperament, or the breath, or something else. Since it can be recognized as the Father by the elf Lord God, then the similarity must be very special, only God will have it. From this conjecture, it can be extended. He really has some connection with the creation of the gods. Maybe the day behind the scenes, the BOSS jumped out and said to him: "Actually, I am your father!"

...NOOOOOOO! ! !

The conjecture was so horrified that he made a stupid moment fill his brain, and Du Ze did not calmly turn his attention to the third option. This conjecture is not selling Meng. Based on everything that is possible and seems to be the most impossible, it is ** and other criteria. Du Ze listed it - he realized even the most anti-scientific crossing, maybe one day he When crossing the beginning of the world, it was a time to create a world god. Since it is a creation god, it should not be difficult to change something. What is the more it feels that this is **? Stupid readers shamefully start yy, creating the name of the world **** sounds like a high-end foreign gas grade -

The afterglow of the corner of the eye saw the repair on the side, Du Zemo. Really. The protagonist is here, even if it is the ultimate BOSS, the only thing that can be done here is...

Meng, we are friends!

The cow's BOSS will eventually be pushed down by the protagonist. When will you not hold your thighs? Du Ze always felt that if he really became the last BOSS, Meng Meng would still push him down. As for what kind of pushdown...

Ha ha.

Du Ze wants to hide his face. Every time he thinks about something, he will become a brain and get out of hand. Now, no matter how entangled, there is no conclusion. The only informed Correlong has already gone to refresh, and Du Ze can only pin his hope on the next copy. The next layer should be a copy of the Tianzu, and the bright **** that arrogant must be able to drop a lot of intelligence.

At this time, Du Zehe and his team were staying in the rotunda. There were five stone statues around. Duze took a turn and focused his attention on the repair. Now he is listening to Rachel’s report on the Thunder Army. Because of the unexpected reunion of the tree of life, not only the number of teams has expanded, but also information about the tower. A lot of supplements.

Listening and listening, Du Ze only felt a chill rise from the soles of his feet. According to Rachel's description, the Thunder Legion has a total of 50 squads of 300 people, and the number of known killings has reached half. The survivors are those who have high-ranking martial arts or high-level gods, and the crucifixion of the tower. Upon hearing the experience of the Thunder Legion, Du Ze discovered how easy they were to climb the tower under the leadership of Xiu. Take the copy that was passed before, if the copy of the Mozu is not repaired, it will take at least a month or more to hit Barr alone, not to mention the horrific attacks such as Barna. However, a few people can do it; they are very easy to copy the undead, but from the experience of the Thunder Legion, the last few hundred thousand undead are the hardest part of the copy, because the human being suppressed by the undead has begun to rebound. . Once the number of undead in the hands of the towerers reaches 800,000, the Temple of Light will send out the Twelve Knights of Light. They are "absolutely restrained" to the undead - no matter what the undead, they will die under their attack. With the Alliance of Light Knights joining the war, if the towerers do not dispatch the army, the undead in their hands will be less and less. Once the number of undead is less than 500,000, the tower will directly determine their failure.

Du Ze suddenly felt that they could meet Rachel at that time. It was great to skip the hardest part and play BOSS. When it came to Louis, it was unclear to win the game. The Thunder Legion can be said to have won an extraordinary hardship. They almost sacrificed to the last one, and they ended up with Louis. Regarding the copy of the Terran, the existing Thunder team did not seem to have encountered it. Duze always felt that the Thunder team that entered the copy of the Terran was still trapped there. Although the Terran copy has no lethality, it can trap the tower--if no one can find the answer to the Sphinx, no one can escape from the hall of knowledge. Du Ze had to feel emotional, but fortunately they met Antonio at the time...

Du Ze suddenly stunned, and the thoughts that flashed in his head made him cold. One coincidence, two times lucky, three or even four times...? In the undead copy met Rachel, in the Terran copy met Antonio, the dragon copy Du Ze although I do not know what happened, but repair did also get important information; as for the Mozu and the Elf copy, are due to the identity And greatly reduced the difficulty. No matter which layer of the tower, they can get the benefits just right: either to meet the right person, or to benefit from the identity, so they are so easy to climb the tower. In this way, it seems like there is something in the middle that has been helping them. To be precise, it is helping to become the supreme god.

Judging from the progress of the Thunder's squad, the elite Thunder squad has only passed one or two layers of the tower, and more of it has been wiped out. Even if Duze exaggerated, the existing towerers can go to the third to fourth floors of the tower, like the repair of the fifth layer is only infinite. In this way, Du Ze did not doubt that the first to climb the top of the tower to become the supreme **** is definitely repair.

Because of the contrast, it was discovered that the tower was so cruel to others and so tolerant of it.

Rachel has finished the past copy and started to talk about the new copy. The stone statues they have not yet acquired are the gnomes, the celestial beings and the orcs. The gnome copy has been known as the gnome ruins. The copy of the celestial being is still unknown until now. Because there is no Thunder squad that passes the copy of the celestial family, Du Ze thinks those demons. The family should be angered by the light god. So now the main thing is the Orc copy, which is provided by a Mozu called Gary, who is the only survivor of his Thunder team, because all other teammates have been killed by him...

"... After we selected five companions, we joined the battlefield. After we entered, we saw many other stalwarts, and everyone was surrounded by the battlefield. The entire battlefield was in the banned field. Once a battle song rang, Different teams will attack each other.” Gary said almost in a hurry: “At first we didn’t find that there was a problem with the war songs. We only felt that blood and strength were stimulated, and there was an impulse to fight. Over time, the war songs were intermittent. It is getting shorter and shorter, and the duration is getting longer and longer. Gradually, we have lost our senses."

"When I get back to God, everything is over."

Du Ze silently listened to the so-called end of Gary's mouth. He reported to Rachel in detail the name of the teammate who died in his hands. Even the cruel demon of Gary, the pale face of Gary also shows that he is a companion to the hand. The matter is very painful. In this respect, the Orc copy is even the most cruel one of all copies. Du Ze sincerely hopes that they will not face the orc copy immediately, but...

I am really afraid of what comes and what is not what I want.

Duze silently looked at the tribe that was simulated by the tower of the gods. This is a typical orc tribe, and they came here through the light gate. After the instructions of the tribal chiefs and Gary, the repairer must choose five companions here and go to the battlefield to participate in the team battle. Others will wait here for the return of the participants. It is not necessary to choose from followers. Orc warriors in the tribe can also become companions of the towerers. It seems that the tower is prepared for those who walk alone.

I glanced at everyone and finally set my sight on Du De. Already aware of the sinister copy of the Orc, even if the repair is not willing to separate from Du Ze, he can not bring Du Ze around. After determining that the people in the tribe were absolutely safe, Xiu selected four orc warriors from the tribes - in fact, the original plan was to select all orc warriors, but the surviving Mozu volunteered to join. Considering that Gary has experience, he has promised to join him.

"Care the big man, please be careful." The Mozu sisters said with anxiety.

"Don't worry, I will take care of the little master." Old John smiled happily. As a mechanical shackle, Old John is not counted as a number, so he can join the team.

Rachel glared at Gary to protect him. Stretching his hand and holding his own stupid neck, leaned over and kissed Duze's soft earlobe.

"wait me back."

Du Ze only felt that the ear was first cool, and after it was cool, it burned like a mint, and it reached the bottom of my heart. He licked his red ears and looked up to see the back of the silver-haired elf. The huge wooden door of the tribe is like a chasing figure, and it is slowly and heavily closed when the practitioner leaves.

Du Ze looked at the closed door, and I wondered why there was a strong uneasiness in my heart.

The Shenta’s treatment for the left-behind staff is still very good. There is everything in the tribe. Du Ze even took a shower for a long time. Lying on a soft bed, Du Ze always thought, but the person who needs the most rest is not here. He looked at his own hand and did not appear in the last time when he came out from the copy of the elf, but the anxiety in Du Ze's heart did not retreat. He always felt his time, it seems that there is not much.

The orcs in the tribe are the illusion of the tower, which only has a prescribed pattern of behavior and cannot talk. Duze turned around in the tribe, and the huge wooden wall surrounded by the tribe was a good way to isolate his perception of the battlefield, not to mention the war songs that were said to make people violent, and even the killing sound could not be heard. So Du Ze can only sit in front of the gate and squat for a few days. He is not worried about repairing. Whether it is the strength of Meng, or the power of help, it ensures that the final winner must be repaired. He only Just wait for it.

So on the tenth day, the reader waited for his protagonist. Although Du Ze always knew that the squad won from the battlefield, he did not expect it to be such a terrible victory.

The heavy giant door slowly opened, and Du Ze was just happy to stand up, and the smell from the opened door slit made him kneel in place. The rich, snotty **** smell was blown by the wind, not only did it not spread, but it was as thick as a drip, filled with the nose of everyone. Along the opening of the wooden door, Ellie slammed her mouth, Moore screwed her brow, and the Mozu sisters hugged each other. Even Rachel, who was used to **** scenes, had to move.

The huge wooden door is presented to everyone, a fleshy purgatory. The whole scene can only be described by a meat grinder. The scattered limbs are stirred into a ball, and the red and white are mixed together, and the blood flows into a river. Duze looked at the corpses and couldn't swallow even saliva. Those bodies will not disappear because they are not the illusion of the tower, but the real creature. Judging from the equipment and posture of the body, it can be found that a considerable part of the creatures are dead in their own hands.

Bloody smell almost began to smoke his eyes, Du Ze slammed his eyes, he forced himself to see the horrible corpse blood, want to find the person in his heart. Then he saw, the red-haired lion standing on the pile of dead bodies. The repair has already been in the Orc form, and a considerable part of the animal has been formed, and the red animal prints appearing on his face and arms can be clearly seen. He raised his hand high, staring at a man's neck, and the long lion's tail hangs down, seemingly happy to lick.

Du Ze is full of mistakes, because it is not someone else who is holding this time, it is Gary! The face of the demon rose red, the blood dripped from him, and fell on the face of the repair, rendering the silky smile of the mouth of the mouth.

"That is...His Royal Highness?"

Rachel hesitated to ask, the lion's ear swayed a bit, and seemed to be alarmed by Rachel's voice. He turned his head and revealed a pair of meteorite-like eyes. The eyes glanced at everyone and eventually landed on Du also. For a moment, Du Ze felt that he was being stared by a beast.

"Be careful..." A faint voice came from the corpse. Duze found that John, who had only half of his body, warned them: "The little master is not sensible-"

You don't know that Xiaosheng knows too! QAQ

Duze looked at the repair that had already thrown Gary aside and came to him, unable to move like a poor prey that was pegged.

At this time, the coming of the beast **** saved the hard work and forced the reader to be in dire straits. Gnuu must appear with several beasts. When he saw the battlefield of purgatory, the eyes of the orc gods flashed a few surprises.

The appearance of the beast **** attracted the attention of the repair, and looked at the line of orcs headed by Egnu, who licked his paws like a hunter ready to go. I haven't waited for the Nunu to open, and the legs that have been beasted under the slight bend are like a string of arrows that rushed to Genu.


Gnu had to use the blood spear to block, but he was still smashed into the ground. The ground centered on two people began to collapse and collapse, forming a huge crack like a spider web. This is like a signal to start a battle. From all sides, a louder and louder drum sounds, and every sound of "咚, 咚, 咚" is knocked on the heartbeat. When the heartbeat coincides with the heartbeat, the drum sounds the heartbeat faster and faster, and more and more bloody. Du Ze had to follow his own fast-moving heart, accelerating the flow of blood to warm up the whole body, roaring to vent what, to destroy what.

Gnu was staring at the golden beast that was close at hand. He clenched his teeth, his blue veins were prominent, and he began to beast. The animal pattern climbed the frontal angle of Gnus, and the hands holding the blood spears became sharp and sharp. The Orc Lord God snarled, trying to get out the repairs that were pressed above him. The repair was backed by the force of Gnusu, who was not smashed by Gnu, but to avoid attacks from other beasts.

All the beasts and gods are mad in the battle songs, they will be surrounded by the repairs, and began the group warfare that the Orcs are best at. Moore and Rachel no longer hesitate and joined the battle. However, compared with the tacit cooperation between the beasts and gods, Moore and Rachel did not say whether there was any tacit understanding, and they still had to avoid attacking them. The repair is completely mad now, he does not distinguish between the enemy and me, only knows how to attack.

After disposing of the two beasts, Moore and Rachel also had to withdraw from the battle because of the injury. At this time, there were still the beasts of the orc, the gods, and two beasts, and they joined forces to attack the single-person. The repair does not care about the other side's more and less, the smile on his face is both pleasant and demeaning. Under the joint efforts of the three beasts, the repair was first suppressed, but as time passed, there was a fatal reversal on the field.

The high war songs have never stopped. Under the stimulation of the war songs, all the orcs have become more and more mad and more and more irrational. At a certain moment, a beast **** snarled and suddenly returned to his claws and grabbed his closest companion; the attacked beast also screamed and did not hesitate to start desperately with the beast. Duze stared at it all, watching the beast **** bite off his companion's neck and watching the bitten beast **** pull out the heart of his companion, watching the two beast gods die like this. In the hands of the companions, the whole scene is both funny and grotesque.

Du Ze felt the chill in his bones. When he saw this situation, he even vaguely knew the reason for the decline of the orc.

[The Orcs paid their sensibility and took away the mad war. 】

With the elves' predecessors, Du Ze listened to the war songs that agitated the heart, and inevitably had an idea - this should not be a masterpiece of the creation of the gods?

Only the Orc Lord God knows all this, but at this time the Orc Lord God is not able to play with it. On the corpse sea, two beasts are smashing - it is really two beasts, the Gnus who have been completely beastified and the repaired bites, and the sharp claws are trying to figure out the other's heart.

When he was repairing a bite, Gnu was just trying to dodge sideways, but he was suddenly slammed by something. It was the old John, only the mechanical arm of the upper body, clutching the tail of the orc god, and being dragged to the ground. In the battle, even a momentary pause is fatal. I took a bite on the neck of Gnu, and did not hesitate to bite through the carotid artery.

Gnuu’s huge body fell heavily on the corpse, and a red exit beam appeared in the tribe behind Duze. But at this time no one cares about the appearance of the exit, everyone is staring at the beautiful beast standing proudly on the corpse. The soft brown mane fluttered in the breeze, and the lion-like beast slightly picked up the golden eyes, suddenly jumped from the corpse and stepped on his prey in an elegant step.

In the face of the beasts that are getting closer and closer, even if they know that it is repairing, Du Ze still shamefully feels the legs are soft. That is the most instinctive fear of the creatures facing the beasts, not to mention the fact that the current situation cannot be said to be "normal". .

The eyes of the meteorites are very bright and thorough, but they lack rationality.

The huge cat was parked in front of Duze, and his armpit was stained with bright red blood. If it wasn't for a stupid habitual facial paralysis, Duze would cry at the moment when the beast was close, and he felt that he had now joined the KFC luxury lunch.

No one dares to speak out, for fear of stimulating the beautiful but dangerous beast.

Under the gaze of the golden scorpion, Du Ze twitched his hand and did not know what to do.


Seriously staring at Du Ze for a while, suddenly lowered his head, he smelled Duze's fingertips, and then used his face to cross Duze's hand.

The soft mane slipped over Duze's back and was soft and furry. Somehow, Du Ze was completely relaxed at this moment, and no longer felt scared. Before he even waited for Du Ze to speak, he suddenly heard Verla exclaimed, and then the collar was tight. When he returned to God, he was already bitten and brought up.

The huge beast glared at Duze and ran into the red beam without any hesitation. Du Ze only felt that the first thing was red, and then it was bright. At the end of the day, there was only a piece of steel gray. At the moment, he bite him back to the rotunda. There was no pause or gap. Into the light door, they arrived at the gnome ruins.

...what? ! ——

The author has something to say: everyone knows in the next chapter. Because the meat is always locked, and some mushrooms are not like to watch, the harmony of the following chapters is directly placed on the old songs, and it is given to everyone =w=

Recently, because I have already made an appointment with the publishing house to deliver the manuscript in October, the bad authors can't keep up with the 2nd and 3rd essays every day, so I can't really take care of this article. I would like to apologize here.

Thanks for the name is a trouble, A Di (3), Liu Xiaoqi (2), minami9608, Fujian and Taiwan ◆ glass ※ dad ing, Arno, white red towel, male feather, past life and life like a dream, 泠云霁月(2), magic card, painting (2), midnight, I will not take, one flower, one world, mud, minami960, left thousand condensate, y Ajiu, bottle home naive dog (2), Y. cloud , 嗷星人, with the wind, two aging cats ~, 簌簌 in the fall, cikie summer, Ending, wewe, orchid, fox, let go of the festival, pine tea, lazy bones (2), chrysanthemum garden, Nineteen miles, visit the rain mines~

Thanks for the lazy bones, You Xi, the month of trial, the mao party, the month sr grenade~

Thanks to the tiger is the rocket of Dandan and bing001646~