MTL - The President of Spicy Chicken Has Returned My Innocence!-Chapter 101

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On the last day, the program team made the first move and resolutely broke up the natural grouping of the guests.

The director took Meng Yingdi to shoot a promotional video for the tea farmers, the screenwriter took Yu Zhi to sell tea leaves, and Liang Xiao was responsible for leaving to guide Jiang Pingchao and Su Manchao tea.

The producer and the film crew together are responsible for packing the fried tea leaves.

The investor is responsible for enjoying the beauty of the tea garden.

"Mr. Jiang can actually enjoy the beautiful scenery."

Liang Xiao was actually a little worried about the strange taste mixed in the tea, so she suggested: "For example, with Mr. Huo-"

Su Man sighed: "Do you want to practice social skills in groups?"

Liang Xiao: “…”

When the crew was shooting, this kind of picture did not appear before.

During this period of time, their communication level with Mr. Huo has improved, and Liang Xiao was careless for a while, ignoring the possible situations that may arise when Huo Lan and Jiang Pingchao are put together.

Two cool and handsome dudes.

Liang Xiao woke up, leaned over to add firewood, and set the stove on fire: "Where's Teacher Jiang?"

"Outside the door." Su Man pointed, "Last night, I seemed to have quarreled with his manager. I didn't eat breakfast this morning, and I've been growing coriander."

Liang Xiao was stunned: "What's the noise?"

These two people can't tell who is in charge of whom, and it is not the first time they have had a conflict. Su Man just listened to a general idea, but also not very clear, and shook his head.

She had nothing to do, she rolled up her sleeves and looked around, bent over to follow to add firewood, but was stopped by Liang Xiao in time.

Su Man is a little regretful: "Don't you need to add it?"

Just use force when you want a big fire."

Su Man looked at him curiously for a while, took the handle of the bellows, studied and pulled it a few times.

Liang Xiao set aside the freshly picked tea sieve, but couldn't help but look at Jiang Pingchao.

Not only Jiang Pingchao's state is not right, but FollowPD, who is in charge of following the filming, has also changed.

Liang Xiao was not very relieved: "Is Mr. Jiang really all right?"

"It's hard to say." Su Man glanced at Jiang Pingchao, who was almost silent as a silhouette on the background board, "His fans have high expectations for him, and a few omega artists have posted them to hype, Fans are really blowing up inside."

Liang Xiao frowned and said nothing.

"An elite agent like Chi Che will definitely decide the most correct path for him, and will not let him affect his future development at all."

Su Man plucked the tea leaves twice: "Didn't Star Crown also plan for you?"

Liang Xiao smiled helplessly: "Why did you talk about me again..."

Su Man's personality since his debut has been free to do whatever he wants, and the restrictions are far smaller than those of them. He patted Liang Xiao on the shoulder extraordinarily high, and carried the small bench to pull the bellows.

Liang Xiao tried the stove temperature, rolled up her cuffs to her elbows, and washed her hands.

The freshly picked tea leaves are poured into the huge wok, and the extra strong tea fragrance is followed by a refreshing slice.

Liang Xiao was stunned: "What's wrong?"

The program team only wanted to film the guests returning home to Yuantian, not wanting the guests to be buried in Yuantian, and stopped him in a cold sweat: "It's too dangerous, just pretend..."

"It doesn't matter." Liang Xiao smiled, "Fried tea is like this."

He was measured and didn't let other people interfere, he stirred the tea a few times and looked at the color.

Liang Xiao hasn't done this for a few years, and it's not difficult to pick it up again. He neatly stir-fries the tea leaves in the pot and instructs others: "Use this method to directly kill the green, and the temperature should be based on the tea leaves. Old and tender control, it is best not to wear gloves when getting started."

Following the filming director was terrified, and desperately waved his hand politely: "Don't try, don't try..."

Liang Xiao was slightly dumb, and she stirred in an orderly manner for a few minutes, scooping up the tea leaves to test the temperature, and nodded.

The director was relieved: "Are you ready?!"

"It's still early." Liang Xiao clapped his hands, "This step will take an hour."

Following director: “…”

"Kneading and drying are all in this step." Liang Xiao scooped up another handful of tea and tried it. "It's really difficult to get started."

Tea has also not been completely replaced by machines.

Liang Xiao was scalded all over the floor when he was a child, but later he found the pattern and never got scalded again.

"Compared to you, we are all indistinguishable."

Su Man pulled the bellows to watch, couldn't help but sigh, "You are not old now, how old were you when you did this, did you hire child labor?"

Liang Xiao thought about it: "It's sixteen."

"I grew up fast when I was a kid."

Liang Xiao still misses the glory at that time: "At that time, I was tall and strong enough to knock down a young alpha with one hand..."

Su Man: "Wow."

“…” Liang Xiao: “Really.”

"Okay." Su Man clapped in cooperation, "Why did your family let you come out to do this?"

Liang Xiao's life experience has been confused by the joint efforts of the marketing account and Xingguan. She doesn't know the specific situation, so she speculates curiously: "It's not really the same as Yun Lian, right? Homeless, One person eats enough for the whole family not to be hungry…”

Liang Xiao thought about the situation at that time, couldn't help laughing, and shook his head: "Have a home."

"There is... a young alpha who can knock down with one hand."

Liang Xiao never told anyone before, but now that he has completed the past, he suddenly wanted to show off this to others, and his ears turned red: "I have to earn money to buy him food and nourishment ."

Huo Lan was not around, Liang Xiao plucked the tea leaves and was addicted to his words: "I control him every day, and he is very fierce. Let him concentrate on his studies, he will not be allowed to go out and run around, and if he can't memorize the book, he will Penalty..."

Su Man understands: "The mainstay of the family, earn money to support the family."

Liang Xiao liked this description very much and nodded: "Yes."

"Not easy enough."

Su Man gave him a suggestion: "You let them take a few more shots of fried tea, and go out and use the tag of #宮上事# to promote it, it will definitely make fans feel so distressed that they cry out of the Pacific Ocean with their mobile phones in their hands. ."

Liang Xiao was dumbfounded: "No need."

"Don't rush to refuse, ask your agent first."

Su Man half-jokingly: "He must have said it was the right thing to do."

Liang Xiao smiled: "It's not necessarily the right one for every path."

"Isn't it bad to go the right way?" Su Man glanced outside the door, pulling the bellows with great interest, "Traffic business complements each other..."

“Traffic artists are different from us, and I don’t know much about the field of work.”

Liang Xiao changed direction, rubbing tea in an orderly manner: "I am an actor, in the final analysis, I still have to return to acting."

"That being said, traffic is still in vogue now." The director sighed, "Without traffic, you won't be able to get good works, and if you don't have good works, you won't have traffic..."

Liang Xiao nodded: "So choose for yourself."

The director was stunned: "What?"

"Choose for yourself." Liang Xiao has pursued this philosophy since childhood. "Think clearly about the benefits and costs of each road, and then choose carefully. After you choose, you will recognize it."

"The path is chosen by oneself, and you have to recognize the cost."

Liang Xiao said, "It's the same in reverse. Since I've accepted all the costs, can't I choose which way to go?"

The filming director had never thought of this theory and was stunned for a while, unable to refute: "Yes..."

"It makes sense." Su Man nodded, "If it affects the traffic, I will run more announcements to increase exposure. If the works are not enough, I will take more dramas to make up for it. What's wrong with taking a fork in the road?"

Su Man hula pushed the bellows: "Is the only thing left for people to go to the top of the mountain in their life?"

Following the director of the filming, I didn’t know what to do, and I heard the excitement: "Not only."

Su Man pulled the bellows: "Can you see the scenery?"

Nodding with the director: "Look at—"

Liang Xiao smiled and went back to the topic: "So this kind of shot doesn't need to be too divergent, just bring a few."

His past is not universal, and he will not show fans that it is plain to inspire people to go to the North, and he does not want to shoot it in detail to make people feel distressed.

Su Man fanned the flames: "Don't want to make fans feel bad, or do you want your alpha to feel bad?"

In front of the camera, it is not good to be too outspoken. Liang Xiao was teased by her, and was inexplicably stabbed in the heart by this name. She laughed and was about to speak when she heard a sound from outside the door.

The two looked over together, and Jiang Pingchao outside the door had disappeared.

After a day of shooting, I finally managed to get enough shots.

Yin Chi burst into tears with joy, and high-fives with the entire program team like a new life.

According to the suggestion of an unnamed guest, in the afternoon recording summary, Yin Chi generously announced that half of the guests were released.

“After each group negotiation, leave a guest to be responsible for making up some shots that still need to be used…”

Duan Ming followed the car to pick him up and read the notice from the program team: "Don't you have to stay?"

Liang Xiao is very sure: "No."

"Who will stay in your group?" Duan Ming couldn't figure it out. After reading the group several times, "Mr. Huo——"

Duan Ming: "…"

Duan Ming put down the group carefully: "Mr. Huo?"

"Yes." Liang Xiao was very busy and reported a place name to the driver, "Better hurry up, every inch of time is worth an inch of gold..."

Liang Xiao couldn't sit still and watched the car door resolutely opened by the manager: "Brother Duan?"

"Go back and record!" Duan Ming didn't stare at him for a few days, and watched the artist go to the house to reveal the tiles, "How can you keep Mr. Huo? Do you know that everyone else keeps it? Who?!"

Liang Xiao was at a loss: "Who?"

Duan Ming was heartbroken: "Mr. Jiang, Mr. Su, and the famous director Song Qi."

Liang Xiao: “…”

Duan Ming: "Mr. Jiang's agent has gone to run the PR."

Liang Xiao: “…”

Liang Xiao couldn't bear to think, closed his eyes: "It's too late..."

Duan Ming was worried: "What's too late?!"

"Get on the bus." Liang Xiao said, "We are in a hurry."

Duan Ming: "?"

Liang Xiao also dragged him to help clean up the room, solemnly supported Duan Ming's shoulders, pulled the manager back into the car, and closed the door leading to the Antarctic Adventure program group.

On the way, the agent who had been disconnected for a few days finally reluctantly completed the missed plot.

"So." Duan Ming looked out the window, "Are we going to the house where you two lived?"

Liang Xiao was a little confused at this moment, looking at the scenery that was still very familiar along the way, nodded: "Yes..."

Duan Ming: "Hot tears of homesickness flowed out of the corner of his mouth."

Liang Xiao was fooled by him more than once, but was not fooled, calmly took out a mask and put it on his face.

Duan Ming was rather bored, sighed, and took a notice to him: "Just in time, there is an interview the night after tomorrow, you and Mr. Huo are ready."

Liang Xiao was stunned for a moment, then reacted: "To clarify the rumor?"

Duan Ming nodded.

Jiang Pingchao Studio and Xingguan's team communicate with each other and cooperate with the announcement of the "Sui Chu" crew, and they are actively responding to the joint sniping of several platforms.

Liang Xiao turned over a few pages of the plan, her mind moved slightly, and hesitated: "Or—"

Duan Ming has been busy for so many days, sacrificing five millimeters of hairline, and just got stuck in time to prepare all the supporting documents and contract reports that should be prepared, he just watched him say an "or": "…"

"..." Liang Xiao dragged the agent back from the car window: "I asked Mr. Huo to clear my innocence."

Duan Ming stared at him firmly.

Liang Xiao dignified and handed back the plan, silently reciting the wording of the interview several times.

"It's okay... After a few years, you can get an actor, and you can make it public as you want."

Duan Ming has also done a good job of psychological construction for himself these days. He was silent for a while, moved over and whispered: "See you at the top, you deserve it."

Liang Xiao smiled, nodded and said nothing.

Duan Ming didn't want to let him think about this, so he deliberately interrupted: "Let's clean up your house in a while?"

Liang Xiao nodded: "It's empty space, no one has lived in it for so long, it's probably broken..."

Liang Xiao suddenly calmed down, silent for a long while, looked out the window and sighed, rubbing his forehead.

Duan Ming watched his painting style change suddenly, not very relieved, and patted Liang Xiao's arm: "What's wrong?"

Duan Ming tried his best to slow down his tone: "Near nostalgia? It's alright, there is me—"

Liang Xiao was melancholy: "I forgot whether I closed the window when I left."

Duan Ming: "…"

Liang Xiao tried her best to recall: "I remember I closed it, but I'm not sure."

"Brother Duan, you know too."

Liang Xiao has actually been worried about this matter for a long time, and sighed: "People are always easy to doubt themselves."

Liang Xiao gave a vivid example: "For example, every time you close the door, you are suddenly not sure whether you have turned off the light, and when you go downstairs, you will feel that you have not locked the door..."

Duan Ming was indeed a little suspicious of himself, he acted indifferently, and put the plan on his face.

Liang Xiao caught the plan and looked out the window with a sad heart.

It was getting late, the car stopped outside the community, and the sky was dimly lit.

Liang Xiao got out of the car, listened to her heartbeat, and led her manager to the door of the building.

Duan Ming almost ran into him: "What's wrong?"

Duan Ming has been tortured by Liang Xiao endlessly all the way. He really doesn't want to discuss with him whether the window is closed or not. He warned in advance: "If you talk about the window, you will leave the party in place-"

Duan Ming paused, raised his hand and shook it in front of him.

Liang Xiao returned to God: "Brother Duan?"

Duan Ming frowned and looked at his face carefully: "If you are really worried, I'll take a look for you."

Liang Xiao shook his head and smiled: "No."

The two have been together for a long time. What Duan Ming is most worried about is that he is so calm and calm, and he almost regrets it for a while, so he took the initiative to bring up the topic: "Then let's talk about the window..."

Liang Xiao was almost tired of ink, looked at him in disbelief: "..."

Duan Ming was angry, didn't bother to talk nonsense with him, asked about the floor, and dragged Liang Xiao upstairs.

The community was high-end and brand new back then. Although it has been maintained throughout the years, it has become vaguely old.

The walls have been repainted, the scenery outside the window has changed, the ventilation windows have been adjusted, and the stairwell is spacious and bright.

I can't find many traces left in the past.

There are some paths... Obviously, I thought it was the most right when I chose it, and I thought about the price and could bear it.

I felt that I must have made the right choice.

Seeing that he was about to reach the door after turning a flight of stairs, Liang Xiao couldn't move any further, and tugged at him: "Brother Duan..."

Duan Ming stopped: "What's wrong?"

Liang Xiao smiled: "Wait for me for a while."

Duan Ming frowned, did not speak, stopped and waited for him quietly.

Liang Xiao took a few breaths, touched the handle that had been polished to an exceptionally smooth, and walked up the stairs step by step.

Their decade.

Liang Xiao walked to the door, took a deep breath, took out the key and opened the door.

"What's the matter?" Duan Ming looked at him in a daze, a little worried, "You really didn't close the window? It's okay, let's-"

Liang Xiao stood at the door, raised her hand and rubbed her eyes.


Su Man nibbled melon seeds and looked at the three famous guests Huo Lan, Jiang Pingchao and Song Qi who were said to be co-recording with him, sighed and raised his hand.

Yin Chi: "...Mr. Su."

Su Man: "Can you give me a sign language teacher?"