MTL - The Police Called Me For The Filing, Revealing Me, A Master-Chapter 9 Familiar voice, the anchor is you!

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  Chapter 9 Familiar voice, the host is you!

  For a brief moment, the speed was actually very fast, and the shadow of death eroded her senses in an instant.

  When I was in the police academy, I watched a lot of **** and violent movies to practice courage, but those are movies after all, and there is no real experience like personal experience.

  Being pointed at the muzzle of a black hole, the pressure in the heart is unimaginable to those who have not experienced it.

   "Go to **** with me, son of a bitch!"

  The robber laughed grimly, and quickly raised his gun to shoot.


  The child was distressed, and the heart-piercing cries of the child's mother could be heard from time to time in the crowd in the distance.

   But just as the robbers were about to pull the trigger,


   There was a sound of closing the electronic door behind Zhou Xiaoxiao and an electronic voice.


   "Welcome to your use this time, I wish you a happy life!"

  The robber turned sideways past Zhou Xiaoxiao and looked behind.

   Into the eyes, it was a young man staring at him in a daze.

   Seeing that the other party was not wearing a police uniform, the robber let out a sigh of relief.

   "Damn it, I scared me, I thought the police would come so soon!"

   The robber muttered something in his heart. He was cautious and did not take it lightly. He raised his eyes and looked at the young man opposite him.

  Wearing ordinary casual clothes, with a slightly thin figure, he is obviously just an ordinary young man, who poses no threat to himself.

the other side,

  Su Yun, who just came out of the ATM machine after withdrawing the money, stood at the door of the ATM machine in a daze, looking up to the front.

  However, after he raised his eyes, he met the robbers.

   Seeing the other party holding a pistol, he felt a thump in his heart. Looking at the surrounding scene, he immediately realized the situation in front of him. This is a robber!



   Why is it so unlucky, this kind of thing happened to me.

   Didn’t the old lady say that the robbers were at the gold store at Exit 2?

  Why did you come to South Street?

  It's quite a distance, the robbers don't rush when they run?

   Without time to think, Su Yun began to analyze the current situation.

  I saw the robber stalking his neck, pointing a gun at the policewoman's head with one hand, and staring at him contemptuously in an extremely weird posture, obviously not taking himself seriously.

   This made Su Yun frowned, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

  As long as you don't care about yourself, you have a chance to get away.

   On the other hand, Zhou Xiaoxiao also felt a little puzzled. Her back was facing Su Yun, so she didn't know what happened behind her.

   With the gun pointed at, Zhou Xiaoxiao naturally couldn't turn around and check.

  She could only see that the robber's puzzled eyes looked past her to the back, as if something had attracted his attention.

"What happened?"

   "Is the reinforcements coming?"

  Zhou Xiaoxiao didn't dare to act rashly. At this moment, she was staring at the robbers, planning how to counteract, at least rescue the hostages first.

  Although she didn't know what happened behind her, was it reinforcements?

  But she knew that as a policeman, she had to persist until the last moment!


  On the square at Exit 1 of Yida Shopping Center in Rongyang City,

  The armed robber and Su Yun stared at each other, and the atmosphere was a bit weird.

  Su Yun looked at the black pistol in the opponent's hand, and broke the silence first,

  He pretended to be a little embarrassed, and said, "Go ahead, I just came to get some money, and I didn't mean to disturb you."

  Although he was trying his best to keep calm, Su Yun couldn't help but feel a little guilty when he saw the opponent's pistol.

   After all, I am still an ordinary person, and even a mortal body can't handle this gun. I'm not afraid that it's a fake.

   On the other side, looking at the young man with complicated emotions who wanted to find a crack in the ground, the robber was also confused.

  What kind of situation is this, love at the corner?

  For a while, he really didn't know how to deal with the sudden situation in front of him.

  With her back to Su Yun, Zhou Xiaoxiao who dared not move was also taken aback when she heard this voice.

   She vaguely felt the voice of the person behind her be inexplicably familiar.

   I seem to have heard it somewhere...

  But I can't remember it for a while.

   Could it be that the support of colleagues has arrived?

  Just when Zhou Xiaoxiao was puzzled, the robber's scolding interrupted her thoughts.

   "What the **** are you doing!" The robber was stunned for a moment, then came back to his senses, and scolded Su Yun.

  Su Yun wondered what I was doing, and I said I was passing by, can you believe me?

  After thinking for a while, Su Yun slowly smiled and said, "Brother, do you think your posture is a robbery? In this way, I just took 200 yuan in cash."

   "Why don't I give you 200 yuan if you see me?"

   "Then I paid the share, can you let me go?"


  The robber felt a row of dots above his head.

  I have seen thick-skinned people, but I have never seen such thick-skinned people.

  The appearance of this kid has invisibly delayed my time, and I can't continue spending time with him.

   Now that the money and the hostages are in their own hands, there is no need for more troubles.

   It's important to run away!

   Make up your mind.

  The robber wanted to shoot the kid in front of him, but as soon as he moved his wrist, he suddenly thought something was wrong.

   This gun is threatening to the policewoman’s head. Once she takes it away, she has to aim it with a large movement. At this time, once she fights back...

  Thinking of this, the robber could only give up, waved his hand and scolded: "Go, fuck, who cares about your little mosquito meat!"

  200 yuan is naturally out of reach in the eyes of today's robbers, so they immediately chose to ignore the other party.

   It has been more than ten minutes since I robbed the gold store, and it is very likely that some policemen have already appeared nearby.

  He didn't want to shoot and provoke the nearby police, revealing his position,

  The top priority is to deal with the policewoman and the extra hostages. It is the kingly way to escape as soon as possible.


  Looking at Su Yun in front of him, the robber issued a final warning.

  However, Zhou Xiaoxiao overheard their conversation,

  She could confirm that what appeared behind her was just an ordinary person.

  Suddenly, she became anxious.

   Originally, having one hostage in the hands of the robbers was already tricky enough, but now another one appeared.

  The already urgent situation has added many variables.

   "Get out of here!"

   Zhou Xiaoxiao stared at the robber, but the words were obviously meant for Su Yun.

  At this time, she had completely put her own safety aside, and the safety of the hostages and the safety of the public became the only thoughts in her mind.

  (end of this chapter)