MTL - The Police Called Me For The Filing, Revealing Me, A Master-Chapter 267 The origin of the myth, the ascension of the earth!

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  The nine planets gradually formed a line, and Su Yun finally waited for this moment.

  He gradually gathered the extraordinary aura on the wooden knife in his hand. When the nine stars were connected, he could clearly feel the extraordinary aura in the universe began to surge.

   This is the opportunity that Su Yun needs most. To open up the cultivation world requires an extremely huge force, and it is obviously impossible for him to do this alone.

  That's why Su Yun spent a lot of effort to create an opportunity for the Nine Stars Lianzhu, so as to mobilize the huge extraordinary aura for his own use.

  As Su Yun slowly raised the wooden knife in his hand, it was visible to the naked eye that the golden light in the universe converged towards the wooden knife.

  Perhaps it was because the blade carried too much energy, causing the wooden knife to tremble uncontrollably in Su Yun's hand.

   Fine cracks have even begun to appear on the wooden knife, which means that the wooden knife is on the verge of the energy limit it can withstand.

  Su Yun watched with firm eyes that the Nine Stars Lianzhu was finally formed, and his body also formed an independent space that seemed to be isolated in the universe because of the huge extraordinary aura.


  As the wooden knife that had been stored for a long time fell, a shocking force impacted the vast universe.

   At the same time, the golden light of the Twelve Immortal Palaces and the Heavenly Cauldron was dazzling, and thirteen beams of light went straight into the sky, gathered around Su Yun's body, and then formed an even larger beam of light that fell from the sky.


  The beam of light impacted on Tianding Mountain. This huge extraordinary aura made all practitioners afraid to avoid it.

  Although they can cultivate by mobilizing the extraordinary aura, the current extraordinary aura is too pure and huge, and it is simply not something they can bear.

  Ten miles around Tianding Mountain began to shake violently, and the earth began to spread terrifying cracks.

   But to everyone's surprise, these cracks didn't exist for long, and they started to repair automatically, and there was always a mysterious force lingering around Tianding Mountain.

  In the golden beam of light, Su Yun descended from the sky. He stuck the wooden knife in his hand into the ground, and then strode towards the Tianding Mountain in front of him.

   And when Su Yun takes every step, a mysterious array will always be formed under his feet, and the extraordinary aura flowing around Shen will gradually form a series of complicated magic marks.

   "Inheriting the power of the heaven and the earth, taking advantage of the opportunity of the Nine Stars Lianzhu, to open up the law of the ages, and create the supreme realm!"

  Su Yun's Dao sound echoed in Tianding Mountain, and all practitioners could feel the powerful power in this sound.

   This made many cultivators feel awe in their hearts. They stared at Su Yun surrounded by the golden light on the mountain top, as if the legendary **** descended to earth.

  Su Yun gritted his teeth, spread his hands, and forcibly gathered the extraordinary aura raging near Tianding Mountain.

  Under Su Yun's control, the original huge beam of light gradually compressed, forming a palm-sized light ball.

  When the energy is compressed to a extreme, a qualitative change will also occur at the same time.

  I saw that the space near the light sphere began to distort, as if a pair of invisible hands were rubbing the nearby space.

  Accompanied by the shaking of the earth and the shaking of the Tianding Mountain, the wind blowing from all directions always disappears quickly when passing through the ball of light, as if there is a void space hidden in the ball of light.

  Everyone's eyes widened and they stared at Su Yun intently. At this time, Zhang Keqi and others were also analyzing what Su Yun was doing through the Tiannao satellite.

  Through the calculation of the simulated data of the computer satellite, Zhang Keqi and others have roughly figured out what Su Yun just did.

   At the moment when the nine stars were connected, many energies in the universe that were originally silent began to boil.

  Su Yun mobilized the formation power of the 12 Immortal Palaces and Tianding, forcibly colliding with the power in the universe, so that this power can be blended.

  Su Yun then used himself as a carrier to support this force and inject it into the earth.

  The whole process is easy to say, but it is hard to imagine how much pain and risk Su Yun is facing when he bears such a huge force.

In fact, this is indeed the case. When Su Yun used himself as a carrier to absorb this force, Zhang Heqi and others could clearly see from the detection data on the screen that Su Yun's body was being continuously absorbed by this force. Forcibly destroy.

   Fortunately, his realm is high enough, so after this damage, the body will always repair itself.

   That is to say, looking at the entire earth today, except for Su Yun, no one else can do this step even if they have the heart.

   What's more, it is enough to mobilize the power of the whole earth with one's own power, and bombard the huge power raging in the universe with just one knife.

  The combination of the two forces made Su Yun see the hope of opening up the cultivation world, and the light cluster he is constantly gathering at this moment is the most important step of the whole plan.

  Until now, Su Yun is still releasing power and compressing it into the light sphere.

  Nine Stars Lianzhu lasts very short time, once any planet is slightly deviated, it is impossible for him to mobilize such a huge force in the universe.

   During the continuation of this rare celestial phenomenon, all the forces in the universe are in the most excited state of excitation.

  In the vast universe formed by the Big Bang, there are many powers dormant, and the extraordinary breath is just one of them.

  When the nine stars are connected, the universe will become unstable from dead silence, and this will give Su Yun the opportunity to mobilize these forces.

  These raging powers were purified through Su Yun's body. Although this transformation process was extremely painful, Su Yun never showed it at all from the beginning to the end.

  At this time, the light ball was compressed to a new level in front of Su Yun, and the distorted space around it became larger and more obvious.

   Perceiving the energy in front of him, Su Yun knew that it was almost time.

  So he quickly stepped forward, and under the astonished gaze of everyone, Su Yun stabbed his hands into the ball of light.

  Faced with such power, if ordinary people put their hands into it, they would probably turn into white bones in an instant.

   Fortunately, Su Yun was protected by an extraordinary aura, but even so, Su Yun still felt great pain.

  As Su Yun gritted his teeth and continuously deepened the strength in his hands, the condensed ball of light was vaguely pushed open by Su Yun, and behind this gap was not the appearance of Tianding Mountain.

  Through the Tiannao satellite Zhang Keqi and others were also shocked to discover that an independent space different from the existing space was formed in the light sphere at this time.

  Su Yun is constantly exerting force at this moment, making the gap in the light sphere bigger and bigger, as if opening a door leading to an unknown space.


  As Su Yun exploded all his power in his hands, suddenly the ball of light exploded.

  The golden aftermath stretched for more than a hundred miles, and where it passed, mountains fell and the earth cracked, and the sky was dark and dark.

  All the practitioners instinctively mobilized the extraordinary aura to protect their bodies, so that they were not affected by the aftermath.

But because of the landslides and landslides all around, the dust in the sky covered everyone's sight. When the dust gradually dissipated, the practitioners climbed up from the ground in a state of embarrassment, and raised their heads towards the place where Su Yun was before. look.

  However, Su Yun's figure had disappeared at this time, and a "door" like water ripples appeared at the original position of the light ball.

   Practitioners can see that the flowing water ripples are actually the purest extraordinary breath.

   And looking inside through the transparent ripples, it seems to be a barren place.

  That does not belong to Zenith Mountain, let alone any place on earth.

  The practitioners who didn't know why were stunned in shock. What they didn't know was that Su Yun had already stepped into the ripples just now.

  When Su Yun slowly opened his eyes, what he saw was a barren land.

  Looking up, it is a dark sky, but there is no sun or moonlight on this sky.

  This is an independent small world, with no rules, no order, only the newborn barrenness.

  Su Yun slowly spread his hands, and a ball of extraordinary aura was easily gathered in Su Yun's hands.

  The extraordinary aura in this world is very strong. Anyone can step into the practice here without any talent, and can easily achieve achievements that were unattainable before.

  The golden extraordinary aura gathered in Su Yun's hands, and Su Yun calmly watched the darkness above his head:

   "Where is the light?"

  Following Su Yun's voice, he lightly threw the ball of light in his hand into the air, and then the ball of light rushed into the dark sky at an extremely fast speed, and then burst into dazzling golden light.

  The darkness was dispelled, and the golden light hung on the horizon, like the independent sun of this world, illuminating this world, the blue sky.

   Immediately afterwards, Su Yun stretched out his hand slowly, and twisted it slightly, the golden light gradually disappeared, replaced by boundless darkness.

  But the difference this time is that there is a vast starry sky in the darkness, and there is a bright moon hanging in the sky.

  Su Yun is the owner of this small world, which is like the former spiritual world.

   Everything that Su Yun can do as he pleases in the spiritual world can still be done here.

  The constant change of night and day, and the passage of time between stars and stars, Su Yun can control everything freely.

  He is formulating the necessary laws for this small world, the four seasons alternate, black and white are distinct.

   After finishing all this, Su Yun released his extraordinary aura and sensed this small world.

  Currently this side of the world is not too big, its area is about the size of a small city.

  But the edge of the world is still spreading outward at a certain speed, which is the characteristic of the cultivation world.

   At this moment, Su Yun felt a familiar aura coming from behind him, and then he looked back.

   At this moment, Zhao Guofeng stood outside the entrance of the small world in astonishment, looking up and down with a face full of shock.

  Standing here, Zhao Guofeng could see behind the ripple-like entrance, a barren space he had never seen before.

   And Su Yun was standing there right now, looking back at himself.

  Following Su Yun waved his hand towards him, Zhao Guofeng understood Su Yun's meaning, and reached out his hand to touch the water ripple with some caution, but found that his hand could easily pass through the water ripple.

   This made Zhao Guofeng calm down for a while, and then mustered up the courage to step into this brand new space.

  In the past few years, Zhao Guofeng has long been a practitioner of the third realm, so the moment he stepped into this space, Zhao Guofeng felt an unprecedented abundance of extraordinary aura.

  Just a few breaths, Zhao Guofeng felt comfortable all over. If he practiced here, he would definitely be able to get twice the result with half the effort.

   Soon, Zhao Guofeng came to Su Yun's side, looking around in shock:

   "Taozu...this is..."

   "This is the cultivation world I opened up for all mankind, which can be called the extraordinary world.

  This is an independent small world, but because it has just been opened up, the systems and laws in this world are not yet perfect.

  But you should already feel the extraordinary aura here. If practitioners can practice here, the achievements they can achieve in a year are not comparable to the outside world. "

  Zhao Guofeng is very clear that Su Yun's words are not false. He can easily perceive that the extraordinary aura here is very strong, and it is stronger than that on the earth, and purer than that in the universe.

   Turning his head to look at Zhao Guofeng beside him, Su Yun said word by word:

   "I forcibly opened up the miracle of the Nine Stars Lianzhu, just to create this cultivation world.

  The cultivation world will expand by 10% every year, and will gradually integrate with the earth.

  It is estimated that after 50 years, the cultivation world will completely absorb the earth, allowing the earth to complete the ascension and become the original place. "

   "Ascension of the earth? The original place?"

  Zhao Guofeng had never heard of this term, so naturally he felt a little confused.

  Feng Yun walked forward and explained to Zhao Guofeng beside him:

   "The original land is the name of the earth after it has completed its ascension.

   To put it simply, this is like the starting point of the Big Bang, where everything will change again, and all creatures on the earth will also rise from three-dimensional creatures to higher-dimensional existence after this.

   All along, the laws that bind humans on Earth will have no effect.

   Practitioners in this world are like gods in legends.


   To be precise, the original land after the ascension is the source of the legendary fairyland, and all the practitioners on the earth will be the origin of the legendary fairy gods! "

  Everyone's voices were not in a hurry, but Zhao Guofeng's heart was full of turmoil.

  He finally understood the intention in Su Yun's heart. He wanted to open up the only fairyland in the universe and make all the myths and legends come true.

   Let the earth become the origin of mythology. If there are still monks practicing in the future, then the earth after the dimension upgrade will be the fairyland where all monks yearn to ascend!

  After this idea appeared in Zhao Guofeng's mind, it made him look horrified.

  How could he not know what this means for Earth?

  Su Yun is not opening up the future for the people on the earth, but opening up a brand new definition of creatures and the world for them.

  The extraordinary world, the original land, the fairy world...

   will eventually change the entire earth, and even the entire universe!

  Although this requires a relatively long process, since today, mankind has embarked on this new journey... (End of this chapter)