MTL - The Poison Doctor Mad Concubine is a Bit Tugged-Chapter 6 what the **** do you want?

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  Chapter 6, what do you want to do?

  Ye Yuting noticed Huang Fuxian’s disgusting eyes and cried out on the spot, “Woo-woo-hyun, it was Ye Feiran’s trash who designed me, really woo-woo”

   Ye Feiran looked at Ye Yuting who was sitting on the ground with her arms around her chest, and slowly said, "Second sister, you keep saying that I am a trash, then how does a trash design you as a genius girl?"

  As for Ye Feiran's questions, onlookers all agreed.

   "Yes, yes, Miss Ye is just an ordinary person, and Miss Ye Er is a ninth-level Qi training, how to design it?"

   "Ah, Ms. Ye Er herself and two wild men were found eludingly, and she deliberately framed Miss Ye? Miss Ye is so pitiful, she is really weak and bullied!"

  "Patriarch Ye and Madam Ye treated Miss Ye like this, are they worthy of the Ye family father and the dead brother and sister-in-law?"

   Ye Hai’s eyelids twitched, and he persuaded him with a smile, “Everyone, it’s really a misunderstanding. Don’t guess, please go back! We will handle the affairs of our Ye family by our Ye family.”

   Ye Feiran sneered inwardly.

  Go home and deal with it yourself? How is this possible!

  Ye Yuting and the others have designed such a big play. She doesn't make good use of it, how can she be worthy of the original owner who died of injustice?

  "Second Uncle, I am the Ye family’s auntie. Now I am being framed. Should you, the temporary Patriarch, take care of it? Otherwise, grandpa is back, how can you explain to him?"


   Ye Hai was choked suddenly, and the expression in Ye Feiran's eyes finally changed.

  Sure enough, this waste has changed, but she must not be allowed to succeed.

  Huangfuxian lowered his eyes, a glint flashed under his eyes, and said with his hands on his back, "Patriarch Ye, you will handle this matter in front of everyone. This prince still has to leave beforehand."

  After finishing talking, Huang Fuxian turned around and left in a big stride. He didn't want to drip this muddy water and tarnish his reputation.

  Ye Feiran looked at Huang Fuxian’s back and sneered in his heart. Since ancient times, the royal children are the most affectionate!

  Huangfuxian, a scumbag, she will slowly clean up later.

Ye Hai looked at Huang Fuxian's leaving back, clasped his hands and released them, "Ran'er, if Yu Ting really framed you, according to the family law, Yu Ting will be abolished and sent to the other hospital. Never step into the Ye family."

   "Puff, puff~" Ye Feiran chuckled lightly, and asked with his arms around his chest, "Second Uncle, Ye Yuting both admitted personally, what else is there?"

  Ye Hai took a deep breath, resisted his emotions, gritted his teeth and said, “Now I’m here to announce that Ye Yuting has framed her cousin, and the evidence is solid, and she abolished her cultivation base. Come here, immediately send Ye Yuting to the execution hall.”

   "Patriarch!" Zhu Shi looked at Ye Hai with disapproval, and he stood in front of Ye Yuting.

   Ye Hai silently winked at Zhu Family.

  Zhu Clan froze for a moment, and immediately started crying when he understood.

   "Woo~ Patriarch, you can't do this to Yuting"

  At the same time, the two Ye Family guards had already carried Ye Yuting, who had long been desperate, back to Ye Mansion.

   Immediately afterwards, Ye Hai looked at the people around him and said, "Everyone, I have dealt with this matter in accordance with the family law, let’s go away!"

   Ye Feiran glanced at Ye Hai, looked at the people around him, and said with a smile, "Everyone, Ran'er, thank you for your help today, but Ran'er has one more thing for everyone present to witness."

   "Miss Ye, you are welcome, this is what we should do."

  "Ms. Ye, please tell me, we can all witness it."

  The surrounding people looked at Ye Feiran, with bright smiles on their faces, they all spoke.

   Seeing this, Ye Hai almost sprayed out old blood.

   Ye Feiran is a waste, why is it so popular among the people?

  "Second Uncle, are you angry with Ran'er with the anger on your face?" Ye Feiran looked at Ye Hai with a smile.

  Thinking about it, Ye Hai's complexion worsened.

  However, thinking that Ye Yuting's matter still needs him to deal with, and not knowing what Ye Feiran's idea is about, she resisted the anger in her heart and forced a stiff smile on her face.

   "Ran'er, how could your second uncle be angry with you? You think too much. Look at your dirty clothes. Go back and change it!"

   Ye Feiran kept looking at Ye Hai, naturally did not miss the murderous aura that flashed through his eyes, and the corners of his lips curled up with an imperceptible arc.

   "Second Uncle, I have something to discuss with you."

   Ye Hai's eyelids twitched and looked at Ye Feiran warily, "You said."

   "I want to get back everything that belongs to my Ye family's daughter." Ye Feiran smiled coldly.

  According to memory, when Mr. Ye was at home, she lived the life that a daughter should have, but if she left Mr. Ye’s sight, she would not be as good as a dog, and the servants in the house would bully her.

  In fact, she can choose to leave the Ye family now, but the Ye family has a grandfather who loves her, and she does not want the Ye Hai family to succeed, so she must stay now.

  In a simple sentence, the amount of information is huge. Smart people only need to deliberate a little to understand the truth.

   Ye Hai looked at Ye Feiran, and a murderous look flashed across his eyes again extremely quickly.

   "Ran'er, what are you talking about, how come your second uncle can't understand." Ye Hai asked suspiciously.

   Ye Feiran's mouth raised a meaningful smile, approached Ye Hai's ear, and whispered, "Second Uncle, don't you understand why Ye Yuting ended up doing this?"

Hearing that, Ye Hai looked at Ye Feiran in disbelief. Although he knew that it was Ye Feiran who used her own way to treat her body, he thought that Ye Yuting suddenly lost control of her emotions, and a cold rushed from the soles of her feet. Start, reach my heart.



   Did Ye Feiran know medicine, or did he practice some sorcery?

  Or is there any expert behind Ye Feiran to help?

   Ye Feiran noticed the change in Ye Hai’s mood and continued, “Second uncle, don’t think I didn’t know that the second aunt and the third sister were also involved in this matter.”

   Ye Hai's pupils shrank suddenly, "Ye Feiran, what do you want?"

   Ye Feiran put his hands around his chest, his tone became cold, "I'll just ask you, do you agree?"

  Ye Hai noticed the changes in Ye Feiran’s overall popularity, and his heart rang loudly. He hesitated for a while, gritted his teeth and said, "I agree."

  He has now lost a daughter, and he must never lose his powerful wife and another daughter.

Ye Feiran nodded slightly, looked at the people around him, and said with a smile, "Everyone, honestly, I don't believe what my second uncle said, so I think he must make a blood oath in front of you today, you say is not it?"

  At this time, many people have already figured out the meaning of Ye Feiran's previous sentence, and the eyes looking at Ye Hai were full of contempt.

   Ye Hai is clearly the dove occupying the magpie’s nest.

   "Miss Ye Da said that is right, Ye Erye, hurry up and make a blood oath!"

  (End of this chapter)