MTL - The Pioneer of the Rebirth Era-v2 Chapter 1993 Don't worry about this one

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It is said that liquor does not enter Sichuan in the east of Anhui and the west, but in fact, many places have their own characteristic liquor. Not to mention the reputation, the acceptance of the local residents is not something that can be easily broken by foreign liquor.

For example, the loose white brewed from the grains of small workshops in Yunnan is the favorite of many local people in Yunnan. Even in many ethnic minority areas, people who get married in various Shengda festivals drink loose white, and there is no need for brand-name wine at all.

A good Sanbai drink has a unique aroma of grain, of course, this is the taste that can be tasted by drinking. People who don't know how to drink baijiu have nothing but spicy taste.

"Good wine, good wine, you must bring some back when you go back." After a sip of white wine, the uncle, who was a little reserved because he saw his in-laws for the first time, opened it instantly, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

The little aunt who was sitting on the other side frowned, but seeing Yang Dongxu sitting next to his husband and the wine bottle in the hands of his son Yang Dongjie, he was a little relieved while pouring the wine.

Otherwise, the uncle's character of Jiu Mengzi, who is open to wine, doesn't matter even if you give him a plate of peanuts. The drinks must be in place to feel happy.

"What good wine is not good wine, but the real food wine and habit, other wines are indeed a bit unpalatable." Dong Yao's father said.

This is not a boast, but compared to the current blending wine, drinking too much grain wine and other wines are indeed very tasteless.

Of course, there are also good wines that are brewed from pure grains and not blended, such as Maotai Wuliangye and the like. The expensive ones are not only the brand and the face you take out when drinking. The wine tastes really good.

Otherwise, if you take out the wine, in addition to pretending, the taste is not good at all. The effect of the pretense is definitely greatly reduced.

"Come and come, let's eat vegetables!" Dong Yao's mother quickly let him eat vegetables, and at the same time she frowned when she saw her husband's sip of white wine.

Although Dong Yao's father is not a drunkard, it is obviously not good for the five fans and three things to drink when they meet for the first time.

And now, although the wine glass is not the kind of big one-time three-tael liquor, but the wine glass of the hotel tableware is not small, so it is obviously a rhythm to drink more today.

"Yes, yes, come and eat first, let's try and see how the local specialties taste." Yang Dongxu glanced at Yang Dongjie when he got up and poured the wine, and stretched out his chopsticks to add vegetables to block it.

Yang Dongjie immediately put down the wine dispenser in his hand and took chopsticks to prepare to add vegetables. The scattered white was not packaged. It is made directly from a wine vat containing loose white with a large-capacity wine dispenser.

"Eat food is to eat food, fill up the wine first, how can you be the wine commander?" The uncle was instantly unhappy when there was no wine in the quilt, and looked at his son across Yang Dongxu with a bad look.

"Eat the food first, why are you in such a hurry to drink?" It was the aunt who spoke, and the uncle looked extremely unkind in his eyes.

"It's the rule that the wine commander can't keep the wine glass empty," the uncle said.

"The family doesn't have so many rules for eating. Come, come, uncle eat vegetables, this fish is good."

"Yes, yes, the fish is good, come and try it." Although Dong Yao's mother felt that the words on the table were a bit wrong, she didn't realize what was wrong for a while, and she politely let the food go along with the words.

"Then try the fish, come here, brother, let's go together." After drinking a glass of wine, he felt that he was no longer his uncle, and seemed to sense the killing intent in his aunt's eyes, so he could only change his mouth.

"All together, all taste!" Dong Yao's father said.

The inexplicably tense atmosphere on the table instantly eased a lot. Auntie glared at Uncle angrily, then winked at Yang Dongxu.

Yang Dongxu stretched out his hand and took the wine dispenser, "I'll pour the wine from here, you pour juice for the aunties and the others." There were only three people drinking on the table, Uncle, Dong Yao's father, and Yang Dongxu.

Dong Yao's mother doesn't drink, but Auntie and Zhou Ya can drink some, but they didn't drink on this occasion. Yang Dongjie and Dong Yao could also drink some of the juice they drank together.

After eating a few dishes, the uncle, who originally felt good after eating the dishes, began to keep his eyes on the wine dispenser, and the more he chewed the dishes, the less flavorful he was.

Yang Dongxu put the wine dispenser on his right hand, and his uncle and Dong Yao's father sat on his left arm.

He kicked his uncle under the table and said, "Uncle, this Ajie is still in college. If he and Dong Yao really get along, should he get married as soon as possible or wait until he graduates from college? If he is taking a postgraduate entrance exam or something."

Yang Dongxu's words instantly attracted the attention of Dong Yao's parents, which was what they cared about. Yang Dongjie was only a sophomore when the summer school started. If he graduated and got married, he would not be a graduate student, and it would be three years later.

Three years later, Dong Yao would be a twenty-seven or eight-year-old girl, let alone in the countryside. In this era of early marriage, this age is also a leftover woman in the city.

"Just his brain can still go to graduate school?" Uncle didn't know how to be euphemistic at all. It's not that he didn't care about his son's schooling since he was a child.

More than half of Yang Dongjie's beatings from childhood to adulthood were because of study problems, but his mind was not on study.

So when it came to the question of whether his son was going to graduate school, the uncle pouted and said, UU reading www. "I think it's better to get married as soon as possible."

Thinking of Dong Yao's parents here, he said, "Of course, Dong Yao's family must agree. And I checked, and colleges do not prohibit students from falling in love and getting married. Even if there are children during school, it is fine.

Life after marriage Don't worry about Dong Yao's parents. Although Ajie doesn't have much income from school, we can still work for his parents.

Herbs in the home field, greenhouse vegetables, and the annual dividend of the homestay. We won't say how well the others are, but certainly not worse than the others.

As for Dong Yao's long-term marriage, you can rest assured. Our Yang family in Shiliba Village can be regarded as a respectable person.

It is absolutely impossible to do something like bullying a non-local daughter-in-law and being stabbed in the spine. Besides, the young people now like to live in the city. It is estimated that the two of them will also live in the city after they get married.

When they want to develop in that city and don't want to live in the countryside, my mother and I will directly pay for the house, which I can guarantee in advance. "

As long as he is not fascinated by alcohol, his uncle's words and actions are still very well-organized.

"It doesn't matter if you buy a house or not, the main thing is that the two children can live a stable life. If you really buy a house, we will pay for the decoration.

My mother and I may not earn as much as you, but the renovation is still affordable. Moreover, his mother and I both have pensions when we retire. Although Dong Yao is an only child, he will not have any burden for us to retire in the future. "Hearing the uncle speak in this way, Dong Yao's father didn't hide his attitude.

"It's a shame to say this. We should prepare a house and a car for marriage. Besides, Dong Yao is such a good girl, it's our family's blessing to be married, and we mustn't wrong her." Auntie also said.