MTL - The Pioneer of the Rebirth Era-v2 Chapter 1981 family chat

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After getting up in the morning and having dinner, the group went to see the Grand Palace first.

When it comes to scale and construction value, the Grand Palace and the Forbidden City are not comparable at all. But only from the perspective of tourism and entertainment.

The Grand Palace is still very distinctive, especially the sharp corners on the roof that look like a pagoda. It gives a feeling of walking into a temple.

Even at first glance, it looks a bit similar to the architectural style in Journey to the West, approaching the foot of Foshan, when the Tang monk entered the Xiaoleiyin Temple.

After watching the Grand Palace and resting for a while, the group began to look at the elephants.

"This is much better than what you see on TV." Compared with the excitement of the children when they saw the elephant, the old people watched the elephant with constant emotion.

This is also the significance of taking the elderly to travel, although the transportation is very developed now. But the older generation is used to that step-by-step life.

Even now that Yangjia Village extends in all directions, many elderly people have never been out of a small county in their entire life, or even out of the small town where they are.

Every place, every scene, I just watched it on TV, I didn't see it with my own eyes at all. So while the old man's body is still healthy, Yang Dongxu also has this time.

Naturally, I have to take the old man around and look around, so as not to have a good life with the loess and the back to the sky all the time.

Of course this is his opinion. Perhaps for the elderly, seeing their children and grandchildren have a promising future to spend their old age in peace, in their opinion, is already the happiest life.

It was agreed that when it was hot at noon, I would go back and come out again in the afternoon. It turned out that I was very excited to play. In the end, I directly dealt with it at noon and found a place to cool down. The group continued to wander around the scenic spot.

Yang Dongxu was no longer holding a child in his arms, but started taking pictures with a camera. In addition to him, brother-in-law and Yang Dongjie also took pictures with cameras in their hands.

It can be said that everyone had a good time on this day. Even if they didn't climb the mountain, they all shouted that their legs were sore after returning to the hotel to rest for a while.

"The rice here doesn't taste very good!" When everyone was eating in the hotel restaurant at night, brother-in-law Liu Leehom chewed the rice in his mouth and said, "It doesn't have the fragrance of our rice, and it doesn't have the chewiness of our rice! "

"The growth time is different. The rice on their side is cropped several times a year, while the crop on our side is only once a year. It's like raising chickens that can be slaughtered in one or two months, and domestic chickens are fed at least half a year.

The raised muscles will be cooked just by frying them, and the domestic chickens will feel that the meat is still very strong and the bones are very hard even if you take it out of the stew! "

"It seems to be the truth. For example, for the sika deer I raise, the meat quality of a one-year-old deer is indeed different from that of a few years old deer.

However, venison is not as long as possible. On the contrary, one-year venison is more popular because it is tender enough to cook. "Liu Leehom nodded and said.

"Brother-in-law, you can raise deer over there. Can you hunt? I heard that there are wild boars and tigers in the mountains over there?" Yang Dongjie asked curiously.

Men are most likely to be interested in such exciting things as hunting.

"There are wild boars. The tigers have only heard from the old people in the village. Anyway, I have never seen them since I was a child. If you are hunting, you are not allowed to hunt them now. .

Carrying a guy into the mountains to hunt is definitely not allowed, and it is also very troublesome to be reported for hunting game, ranging from fines to prison. "

Hearing that Yang Dongjie couldn't hunt, he immediately lost interest, but Dong Yao asked curiously, "What about the giant panda, have you ever seen a giant panda?"

"It's not uncommon to see that thing in Sichuan Province. I took Jiajia to the zoo to see it on weekends. I've also seen wild giant pandas but didn't dare to approach them.

Don't be deceived by the cute ideas about the cuteness of giant pandas in the newspapers and on the Internet. Those were all taken at the zoo.

The bred giant pandas have a docile temperament, but it is still dangerous to approach this stranger. No matter how stupid and cute that thing looks on the surface, it is actually a bear. Especially wild giant pandas, those wild boars have to take a detour, and it is best to stay away when people encounter them! "

"It can eat people?" Dong Yao stared at Yanjing.

Liu Leehom's description obviously had a big impact on the image of the giant panda in her video.

"Whether it eats people is another matter. It is certain that it can kill people. And that thing is not just eating bamboo, it is an omnivorous animal and also eats meat."

"It's a bear, how can a bear not eat meat? Especially the giant pandas in the wild will hunt. So it's no joke to say that if you meet a giant panda in the wild and hide away."

"The giant pandas in the zoo don't eat meat," Jiali said.

Compared with other people, as a native of Sichuan, she has seen pandas a lot. Basically, she has nothing to do on weekends, or she often goes to the zoo for a walk during the holidays.

"That's because pandas have enough to eat when they are in the zoo, not only enough bamboo shoots, but also enough nutrients of various fruits and vegetables to keep up with the fat ones they eat. Naturally, they don't have to hunt and eat like giant pandas in the wild. Meat.

Under normal circumstances, it is actually the least dangerous for wild animals to be full, of course, only in relative terms. Many wild animals are territorial.

Even if it is full and generally does not hunt, it will still hunt if it thinks you are invading its territory. At the same time, carnivorous animals in the wild are generally more dangerous than herbivorous animals. "

Seeing that the adults and children on the table, except for Yang Dongxu and others who have survived in the wild, have little idea about the dangers in the wild, Liu Leehom couldn't help popularizing some basic knowledge of the wild.

After saying this, he turned to look at Yang Dongjie and gestured towards Yang Dongxu, "Actually, if you really want to hunt, you can find your brother.

Many wild animals in China are classified as protected animals, and it is basically impossible to hunt in the country. Even if there are, some of the animals are kept in the name of boring. If you want to hunt or go abroad, it is more enjoyable. If you don’t want to run far, you can go to North Russia to hunt. There are many virgin forests there. "

"Why don't Ajie go hunting, I think you want to go." Sister Hongying glanced at her husband.

Liu Leehom scratched his head in embarrassment, apparently being pierced by Hongying.

He really wanted to hunt, and there are two things he wants to do most now, one is to go fishing at sea, and the other is to go hunting in the virgin forest.

If he was asked to choose, he would go hunting in the primeval forest first, followed by fishing.

In recent years, Yang Dongxu has basically taken his family to travel every year, and fishing in the sea is not so urgent. But to go hunting in the virgin forest, because it is inconvenient to bring the elderly and children at home, they have never been there once, especially when they go to the north to get a gun, they want to go.

"It's okay to run around!" Yang's mother glared at her eldest son-in-law angrily.

You have to say that fishing is okay, this is not dangerous, but hunting is likely to hurt people, especially if you are hunting wild animals. Since it is wild, wildness is definitely not more dangerous than farmed.