MTL - The Picked Lion Touched Porcelain-Chapter 64

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In terms of force value, if there is a rude and unreasonable person on the scene, it will not make a woman so arrogant.

"Oh, if your son wants to be with Bei Mo today, he can succeed by cutting his wrists. If others know about this, they are going to jump off the building. Does Bei Mo have to accept him?" Shen Sui'an was very speechless, "You think you are a living person who is a radish and cabbage sold in a vegetable market, can you still get a bunch of them to put at home?"

"It's okay for your son to think about other people's boyfriends. It's okay to scold him as a junior, but he would have beaten him if he had a bad temper! Others? As long as he wants to face, he can't do such a wicked thing!"

"I haven't seen a beggar begging on the street with a knife to his neck to force the bank to give him money. You people are not as good as beggars, are you?"

The thing that Shen Sui'an despises the most is the behavior of crying, making trouble, and hanging himself.

"Also, your son keeps saying repaying his gratitude, but what is the difference between this and revenge?"

"This year, saving people is still wrong?"

This posture is like a bear parent who condones bear children - arrogant and unreasonable, only caring about their own children's happiness and regardless of other people's life or death.

"This gentleman, do you care about your wife?" Shen Sui'an looked at the Minister of Finance.

"This...I can't control it either." The Minister of Finance spread his hands and pretended to be stupid.

He wanted his wife to make things bigger, so he held Gu Beimo in charge.

The Minister of Finance knows the Gu family very well.

Even if Gu Beimo doesn't like his son, as long as his son and Gu Beimo get the certificate and enter the door of Gu's house, he has room to operate.

He has been in the position of Finance Minister for many years. If the Gu family is willing to help deal with it, it is not impossible to go further.

Wait for him to climb up and go back to help the Gu family, who would refuse such a mutually beneficial thing?

"Really?" Shen Sui'an lowered his head and smiled, "Okay."

"If you have to force Bei Mo to be responsible, then if the mistress raised by the finance minister wants to be named for the illegitimate child she gave birth to, presumably this lady is also willing to marry her husband Divorce to make room for others?" Shen Sui'an casually dropped a bombshell.

"What nonsense are you talking about!" The woman exploded instantly and bounced off the sofa.

"No nonsense, that illegitimate child is two years older than your son, and the finance minister took him with him to teach him." and video.

The Minister of Finance did not expect that Shen Sui'an could even investigate this. He obviously did it so secretly that not even his political opponents knew about it.

Now being stabbed, his face is very ugly.

But the most important thing is to appease the wife first. If the wife tears up her face and sincerely makes a big issue, the regret will be very serious, "You listen to me explain—"

"Crack!" The woman was so angry that she slapped the finance minister directly, and slapped him in the face.

Shen Sui'an is particularly satisfied with this.

That's how people are, they don't feel pain unless the whip hits them.

He wanted to see if this kind of thing happened, if the woman still had the face to make Gu Beimo responsible for her worry-free son.

"You're crazy!" The Minister of Finance is the person who wants face the most. Now he was beaten by his wife in front of so many people. After being shocked, his eyes were full of anger.

"You are the one who beat me!" The woman's face was grim, "How dare you look for someone outside behind my back! There is a child!"

"If it weren't for our family, you would have achieved what you are now! Are you worthy of me!"

"Let's go back and talk about this matter. Let's settle the son's affairs first."

After so many years, how come you still can't tell the priority of things, only know how to use your emotions?

"The big family fights very hard for family property. I heard that some people deliberately raise their legitimate children to make room for their beloved illegitimate children."

"The finance minister allowed his wife's son to run after other men, and even encouraged his wife's son to do things when he knew he had a boyfriend."

Shen Sui'an thought that the fire was not burning enough, and continued to add firewood, "But he is very careful about the illegitimate child. When the illegitimate child is in power, the current wife and children are afraid that they will be swept out of the house?"

"The little three has swallowed her anger for so many years, can she be reconciled? When she takes the position, she may not know how to retaliate."

"What nonsense are you talking about! How could I do such a thing!" The Minister of Finance could not wait to sew Shen Sui'an's mouth with a needle and thread, and yelled at him angrily.

"Why are you talking nonsense, if it weren't for you, my son would be like this?" The woman said, jumping up and fighting with the Minister of Finance.

The words also came out directly, "You think I really don't want to teach my son? Every time he makes a mistake, I want to teach him a lesson, and you protect him."

"If you hadn't been accustomed to him again and again, would he be able to do this?"

"What else can you do besides yell at him? I don't protect my son, what if you kill him to make room for the mother and son outside!" The woman reasoned However, it was messed up again.

Shen Sui'an was very interested in watching the couple's dog bite the dog, and when he looked a little bored, Gu's father called for the bodyguard, "Okay, you have to fight back at your own house, we don't have time to accompany you. on."

As soon as he opened his mouth, the couple remembered the purpose of taking care of the family today, but their minds were not on this matter at all.

Shen Sui'an smiled, and continued to make up for the knife, "Madam, don't you want me to leave Beimo? Why don't you lead by example and make room for Xiaosan?"

"Anyway, your son is rushing forward even when he knows that someone else has a boyfriend. It's no different from a junior."

"Oh, there are still some differences. The third child is smart and knows how to hide himself and make a fortune. Your son is too stupid. face out."

"Shut up!" How many mothers can bear this slander of their proud son?

The woman's eyes were red, and she wanted to do something to Shen Suian.

But before she took a few steps, she was stopped by the bodyguard, clasped her hands behind her waist, and was extremely embarrassed.

Another bodyguard walked up to the Minister of Finance, and before he could do it, the Minister of Finance was very sensible, "I can go by myself."

I thought that the Gu family did things in a straight-forward manner, and that his son would definitely be responsible if he did this. Who would have thought that Shen Sui'an would be so articulate and know how to lead the way.

The Minister of Finance is particularly remorseful.

I would have known that I would accompany that ineffective son in the hospital.

It's too late to say anything.

The Minister of Finance only hoped that the Gu family would let them go for the sake of their son's attempted suicide.

As soon as the troubled couple left, the living room instantly became quiet.

Shen Sui'an looked at Father Gu and the others, suddenly feeling a little guilty.

Oops, I used to be gentle and generous to the outside world, but today I got dizzy and directly exposed their true colors, don't they want to return it?

"Sui'an, well done!" Mother Gu gave a thumbs up, her eyes full of admiration, "If you encounter this kind of thing in the future, let Bei Mo solve it himself, he made a mess, no Reason lets you clean up."

Shen Sui'an was stunned. He didn't expect Mother Gu to react like this. He subconsciously looked at Father Gu and met the latter's loving gaze.

"If someone dares to bully you in the future, just go back to it like today, don't get used to them." Father Gu wanted to write the words "protect the calf" on his face, "Of course, No matter what happens, you must put your own safety first, if you can't beat someone without protection around you, then don't act rashly, come back and tell us, we will help you clean him up!"

Shen Sui'an lowered her head and smiled, her heart warmed, "Yeah."

"Okay, it's getting late, go back to the house and sleep, I have to go to work tomorrow." Mother Gu yawned and walked upstairs.

Father Gu also followed.

Lying on the bed, Shen Sui'an was still a little lost, he put his arms around Gu Beimo's waist and looked up at his boyfriend, "Beimo, don't you think I'm too much? "

"What's too much?" Gu Beimo asked seriously.

"Just now I asked the finance minister and the others, and asked my uncle to help investigate their shortcomings." Shen Sui'an was afraid of seeing the look of disgust in Gu Beimo's eyes, so he lowered his head to avoid his sight.

"You did nothing wrong in this matter. Before I march to fight, I have to understand the enemy's situation before I can deal with it. I can't just rush up without knowing anything?" Gu Beimo's tone was called Of course, "What's more, they provoke them first, and they are not allowed to counterattack reasonably?"

"And you didn't put the mistress and the illegitimate child to the finance minister. He stabbed himself in the basket. Could it be that he blames you?"

Shen Sui'an was amused by Gu Beimo.

"Don't think about it, no matter what you do, we will support you." Gu Beimo rubbed Shen Sui'an's hair, his eyes full of pampering, "Of course, except for violations of law and discipline. ."

"I have you guys, how could I do such a thing?" Shen Sui'an felt much more relaxed, he drilled into Gu Beimo's arms and said sincerely, "Beimo, thank you ."

Thank you for being so kind to me.

"Fool." Gu Beimo chuckled, "Suian, I'm actually quite happy."

"Huh?" Shen Sui'an wondered.

"Thank you for trusting us and for telling me this."

Gu Beimo is not good at trusting people, he prefers practical actions.

But the adjutant said that many things are really nothing, just one person is crazy but dare not ask, the other is worried or does not explain, the lack of communication leads to more and more serious conflicts, and finally parted ways.

"What's wrong with me in the future, you must tell me directly, it's okay to get angry and quarrel, you can beat me to vent your anger, don't hold it in your heart."

"If you don't tell me, I don't know. The disappointment accumulates too much, and the feelings will be slowly exhausted. I don't want to go to that step, and I don't want to lose you for nothing."

"Loving a person means accepting all of him, good or bad? In front of us, you don't have to worry so much, just do what you want, okay?"

Once a rational person becomes emotional, who can stand it.

Shen Sui'an buried her face in Gu Beimo's chest, her eyes became wet unconsciously, and her voice became muffled, "Well."

Gu Beimo patted his back lightly, "Okay, let's sleep."

When Shen Sui'an was breathing smoothly, Gu Beimo didn't feel sleepy at all.

When he was just recovering, Gu's family, Gao Haoyu, was the chicken that slayed the chicken and the monkey, and successfully deterred other people who were just around the corner.

But people are very forgetful, and after such a long time has passed, the group of monkeys began to make small movements again, the son of the finance minister is just a stone thrown out by the group of people to try, and he doesn’t know what’s behind How many people are fueling the flames.

Gu Beimo was so annoyed by those guys who calculated this and that all day long, he sighed and put Shen Sui'an in his arms.

Uncle, uncle, come back quickly!

I can't ask for a name without your consent, otherwise where would there be so many bad things?


The next morning, Shen Sui'an couldn't stop yawning while eating breakfast, and was very sleepy.

His work and rest have always been regular, but he was disrupted yesterday, and now he can't bear it.

Thanks to Father Long and Mother Long for helping with conditioning, otherwise I will definitely not be able to get out of bed today.

"Sui'an, if it's really uncomfortable, just rest at home and I'll go help you ask for leave." Father Gu took the initiative to speak, reluctant for Shen Sui'an to go to work like this.

"Yeah, it won't be good if you miss a day." Mother Gu also helped to speak.

"Don't bother uncle and aunt, I'll wake up after a cup of coffee. I'm going to do a mock test today, so I can't be absent." Shen Suian said, and couldn't help yawning again.

Seeing his insistence, Gu father and mother did not force, "Then you should pay attention to your body, don't get tired."

"Well." Shen Sui'an nodded with a smile, and liked the feeling of being taken care of.

Shen Sui'an ate slowly, chewing slowly, Gu Beimo put down his chopsticks and found that Gu's father winked at him, then left the seat, stunned for a moment, got up and followed.

"Dad, do you have anything to do with me?" Gu Beimo was puzzled, what could not be said in front of Shen Sui'an, and it would be mysterious.

"When I went back last night, I figured it out with your mother, since you and An are already together, why don't you get engaged first, and hold the wedding after Uncle Sui'an comes back, lest those people think that we are in love with Sui'an Dissatisfied, deliberately delaying the marriage." Father Gu couldn't help sighing.

There are always some people who like to claim to be smart, and they think that everyone is as calculating as they are.

"Wait for you to contact Uncle Sui'an, I'll talk to his father and ask for their opinions."

"Okay." Gu Beimo responded directly.

At first he was worried that the relationship between the two would change too quickly, fearing that Shen Sui'an would not adapt, so he decided to take it slow, wait for Chu Liuyun to come back and propose marriage, but the matter of the finance minister's son gave him a wake-up call , It is true that Shen Sui'an can no longer be allowed to live in Gu's house only in the name of "boyfriend".

The corner of Gu Beimo's mouth couldn't help twitching when he thought that he would be advanced in the future and could use Shen Sui'an's fiancé as himself.

"Look how proud you are." Father Gu was amused by his son's stupidity, "Be nicer to Suian in the future, if you dare to do anything to hurt Suian, my mother and I will come first. I can't spare you! Did you hear me!"

"I see." Gu Beimo nodded and replied with a serious face.

If this matter is handed over to Shen Sui'an, some people must think that Shen Sui'an will take action when he is in a hurry, and he will jump more happily. Only Gu Beimo can use thunder to frighten those guys who are ill-intentioned. .

Imperial Marshal is not only a title, but also represents power and status, how many people can not be moved?

What's more, the Gu family behind Gu Beimo is also a behemoth. He is also young, handsome, strong, and dedicated.

There is no shortage of gamblers in this world, they all feel that they are special ones.

As long as everything Gu Beimo has is still there, there will be no shortage of suitors.

Of course, Shen Sui'an has many suitors, but he has been encircled by Gu Beimo in the territory, no one dares to take the risk of offending Gu Beimo to pursue, the last Li who dared to do so Triumph has no hope of turning over. With this lesson in mind, no matter how good they have for Shen Sui'an, they can only hide it in their hearts.

"I understand." Gu Beimo already has a plan in mind, and he will never soften to those who try to destroy his relationship with Shen Sui'an.