MTL - The People of the Motherland Are Coming, Fortunately, I Am Superman of Doomsday-Chapter 344 The Doomsday Family and the Green Lantern Corps

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  Chapter 344 The Doomsday Family and the Green Lantern Corps

  DC Dreamland, the original universe.

  In the vast space, an Apocalypse warship broke away from the interstellar transition and appeared in the space area near the central jurisdiction of the Green Lantern Corps.

  In the control hall of the Apocalypse warship.

  As the Green Lantern Corps, Hal Jordan, the only human race in the Green Lantern Corps, said to the three behind him: "The front is the central jurisdiction of our Green Lantern Corps."

Among the three of them, the girl wearing a Kryptonian skirt opened her beautiful eyes wide, and looked at the planet approaching by the battleship with great interest, "That is, the Green Lantern Corps base planet that governs most of the civilized areas in this universe. It's pretty pretty."

The lightning icon in front of Sturdy’s chest was electrified, and Black Adam, dressed in the uniform of the old black god, reminded: “Be serious, Kara. We are not here for tourism, but as members of the ancient Doomsday family, we are here to compete with the Green Lantern Corps.” negotiation!"

   "Okay." Superwoman Kara stuck out her tongue, put her hands on her slender waist, and despite Krypton's powerful genes, she still had a certain aura.


  That was a flirtatious woman wearing a cloak, her eyes shining like the red flames of Darkseid.

She was unceremonious and shameless towards the Green Lantern Corps, and sneered: "Green Lantern Corps, that's all. Those who are afraid of this and that all day long have divided the earth into a guardian territory, and they can fight around with Daxed warships. When they ruled the earth for a year, why didn't they make a move? Now that Darkseid and Apocalypse have been wiped out, they ran out to gain a sense of presence!"

  Green Lantern Hal Jordan hesitated to speak, but he still endured the three 'villains' in front of him.

   Indeed, the Guardians of the Green Lantern Corps do things too timidly.

   Rather than being too cautious, it is more timid.

  The earth was attacked by the Apocalypse Star Darkseid, and the Green Lantern has been asking for reinforcements from the Green Lantern Corps and even the guardians of the Green Lantern Corps. But after the guardian learned that the attacker was the Apocalypse, he ordered that other Green Lanterns not be allowed to help, so as to avoid unprecedented losses caused by the death battle with the Apocalypse Darkseid.

  For Green Lantern Hal Jordan, this is indeed a disgrace to the name of "Guardian of the Universe".

   So leads to now—

  The family forces that wiped out the forces of Apocalypse and expelled them from the earth came to talk with the Green Lantern Corps about the ownership of the universe, and the Green Lantern Corps naturally couldn't take it.

Green Lantern felt that he still wanted to help his boss and save the face of the Green Lantern Corps, and said slowly: "The guardians are also thinking about the overall situation. If the Green Lantern Corps loses too much, hundreds of millions of civilizations in the universe will be lost. Defend."

As one of the members of the ancient Doomsday family, Greer, the daughter of Darkseid, folded her arms and said, "Take care of the overall situation? You're as timid as a mouse! This time, they probably don't dare to meet me directly, so they sent you here in advance." as an intermediary agent."

  Green Lantern Hal Jordan gave a wry smile, unable to refute.

  Green Lantern Guardians are human beings who have lived for countless billions of years. If they want to protect this universe, the most important thing is to be dog-friendly, and to be on guard against all threats to their own existence.

   Now Greer, who has inherited the power of Darkseid and half of the anti-life equation, is one of the extremely dangerous characters in this universe for the Green Lantern Guardian.

   "Okay, Miss Greer. I've come to someone else's territory, so give them some face."

  Superwoman Kara stepped forward, took Greer's arm, and swayed it slightly.

   Greer snorted coldly, and said nothing more.

  Green Lantern gives Supergirl Kara a grateful look.

   "Here we are." Black Adam said suddenly.

  The Apocalypse warship flew into the base planet of the Green Lantern Corps, and descended slowly to reduce its altitude.

  However, the entire desolate planet surrounded by green light is silent, and there are no figures or traces of any living creatures.

   "It feels like something's wrong." Greer narrowed her red eyes and whispered.

   "Green Lantern Corps headquarters, are you the only one?" Black Adam looked at Green Lantern Hal Jordan.

"how is this possible!"

  Green Lantern shook his head violently, facing the sudden and terrifying silence of the Green Lantern Corps headquarters, he also had an extremely ominous premonition.

  Green Lantern Corps now has thousands of Green Lantern members. Although most Green Lantern members usually guard their respective cosmic sectors, there will be at least a hundred Green Lantern elites staying at the Green Lantern Corps headquarters...

   Besides, the matter of receiving members of the ancient Doomsday family has been approved by the Green Lantern Guardians, and now according to the procedure, a team of Green Lanterns should come to meet them.

   "Here we come, something is coming this way!"

   Eyes flickering, Superwoman Kara said suddenly.

   The voice just fell.

   Woo! Woo! Woo!

   There are strange shadows floating like ghosts without entities, surging up from the surface of the Green Lantern Corps headquarters consciously. At a glance, there are tens of thousands of terrifying numbers, rushing towards the Apocalypse battleships from all directions!

   This is a sudden mysterious attack!

  In an instant, these weird shadows formed a net of virtual blackness covering the sky and covering the battleship!

   "Is this how your Green Lantern Corps treats guests?" Black Adam widened his eyes angrily.

   "No, it's not the power of the Green Lantern!" Green Lantern doesn't know why a mysterious force of unknown origin suddenly appeared at the headquarters of the Green Lantern Corps.

  Glerel didn't hesitate, and shot directly!

  Crimson flames shot out from her eyes, drawing a parallel Z in the battleship room, and appeared outside the battleship the next moment, piercing through thousands of strange shadows in an instant!

  The parallel Z-shaped scarlet lightning is like an eraser, erasing all the existences it passes through!

   Omega Effect Rays!

  However, the weird shadows seem to be endless, rushing one after another in the sky, like a terrifying wave of shadows!

  The simple and brutal destruction and erasure of the omega effect rays obviously cannot keep up with the coverage speed of the shadow army!

  Seeing that the battleship was about to be completely enveloped by the Shadow Legion, Superwoman Kara's eyes glowed red, and she said decisively, "Give up the battleship and rush out with me!"

   Three seconds later.

  The mysterious legion formed by the condensed strange shadows enveloped the Apocalypse star battleship, as if eating up the entire battleship, and dragging it into another dimension.


  At this time, two red hot eyes from the inside to the outside, tore apart the battleship and the Shadow Legion to open a channel!

  Supergirl is in the front, Greer is behind, and Black Adam and Green Lantern, the four of them fly at extreme speed, breaking through the shadow army through the fusion channel.

  The four of them landed on the ground, and then looked up at the sky again. The 300-meter-long Apocalypse warship had been swallowed up by the shadow army!

   "What the **** is that?"

  Everyone was in shock.

  Behind him, a deep man's voice suddenly sounded: "Sure enough, that alone can't solve you."

  The four supergirls turned their heads suddenly, and saw a tall and strong bald-headed alien, wearing a yellow light ring in his right hand, standing on a platform on the top of a small mountain not far away.

  Green Lantern Hal Jordan immediately showed shock and anger when he saw the other party:

   "Sinestro, it's you!"

  (end of this chapter)