MTL - The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor-Chapter 63 Happy harvest(2)

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Chapter 63 A bumper harvest (2)

Just like the East Market, where nearly half of the noble families in Da Chu are concentrated, the South City is the territory of wealthy businessmen. The West Market where they are located is inhabited by ordinary people, while the North City is the smallest in area and is known as "the beggar in the rich township". "The nest", because the people living there are either poor people or beggars, and there are many sneaky people, and the order is very chaotic.

If Uncle Zhong’s daughter really appears there, it can only mean that her life is very difficult. No wonder he is worried.

Thinking of this, Mo Qingze consoled her: "Any news is good news. As long as Sister Xiu'er is still in the capital, we will find her sooner or later. If you need help, just tell Uncle Zhong."

Li Zhong patted him on the shoulder gratefully, thankful for countless times that his grandfather and grandson met the Mo family.

At this time, Mo Yan’s voice calling for dinner came from the main room, so the two of them stopped and went to the main room to eat together.

Seeing that her father and Grandpa Li didn't look very good, and thinking that Grandpa Li left early in the morning and came back late every day to look for his daughter, Mo Yan couldn't help but wonder if there was news, and the news might not be good, but neither of them seemed to be able to tell it. It seemed like she wouldn't just run around and ask.

Now that the vegetable seeds have sprouted, the most important thing is to keep them warm and moisturized.

When planting, Mo Yan listed a series of precautions, and explained each item in detail to several veteran farmers responsible for planting vegetables. For example, when the sun is shining, lift the oilcloth near noon to let in more sunlight and adjust the temperature. When it comes down, put it back down.

 If you encounter frost weather and the temperature is too low at night, you must burn the fireplace to heat the greenhouse; some vegetables need sufficient water, which should be watered appropriately every two days, while others need to be drier and watered once every five or six days, etc.

Although the instructions were very clear, Mo Yan would visit Liuyang Village every two days, mainly to inject spiritual spring water into the canals. These lands are higher than the river banks. To divert the river water into the canals, water trucks need to be pumped up.

At this time, there were already manual waterwheels, which were usually operated by two people. It would take two days to fill a canal of twenty acres of land.

In fact, driving is a tiring job, so when Mo Yan hires two people to do the driving, it is not calculated on a daily basis, but on a monthly basis. One person costs 500 cents a month, and each month lasts about fifteen to twenty days. It requires transportation, which is a bit higher than the 20 cents a day.

When hiring people, upon hearing that the wages were so generous, many people rushed to take the job. After consulting Mo Qingze, Mo Yan chose Zhang Erniu and Zhang Dayou, who worked very hard.

As for the ten old farmers who take care of the greenhouse, there are some from the Lin family and others with other surnames. They are all good at farming and growing vegetables. They need to stay in the fields every day, even at night. This is also very tiring, so Wages are also calculated on a monthly basis, which is 800 cash per month.

These twelve people had a large family and were short on food. Mo Yan was willing to help them. In addition, these people had worked very hard in the past and had made many suggestions. She had a very good impression of them. Hire them.

Facts have proved that the people she chose are indeed very good. These people are very responsible and take good care of the vegetables in the field. In just half a month, green vegetables, spinach, lettuce and other leafy vegetables have grown up one after another. Such a fast speed To everyone's surprise, the old farmers said that the feng shui in Liuyang Village was good, otherwise how could this vegetable grow so fast? Mo Yan snickered secretly.

Mo Yan went to Liuyang Village to take a look, and found that the quality of the vegetables in the greenhouse was much better than that in the small vegetable patch in the yard. There were two or three yellow leaves on each vegetable in the small vegetable patch, and the vegetables in the greenhouse were much better. But there was no trace at all, it was green, like delicate emerald.

It can be seen that even with the "cheat device" of Lingquan water, a certain environment is needed to ensure that vegetables grow fast and well. Now the first batch of vegetables is ready for sale, but the father and daughter, Mo Yan and Mo Qingze, have disagreements over how to sell them.

In the end, after Li Zhong’s analysis, he decided to use Mo Yan’s method of selling, that is, setting up a stall to sell on the vegetable market, and first make the name of Mo’s “greenhouse vegetables” known...

 (End of this chapter)