MTL - The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor-Chapter 1095 good news

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Chapter 1095 Good News

Liu Qingqing's illness was not difficult to solve, but considering that her body could not directly bear the impact of the spiritual spring water, Mo Yan formulated a step-by-step plan, proceeding slowly step by step. This would allow Liu Qingqing to suffer less and not attract the attention of others, who would just think that she had cured people through ordinary means.

Mo Yan asked Liu Qingqing to come to her home every day to get a jar of diluted spiritual spring water, and asked her to take it back and make medicine to drink. She added some auxiliary medicinal materials to the spiritual spring water, and combined with the medicine Liu Qingqing brought back before, it was good for the body and had no toxic or side effects.

After those few medicines are finished, he will change the prescription and take a few more medicines, and continue to use the spiritual spring water... In this way, Liu Qingqing's body will be fully recovered in as little as half a year, and at most a year, and there will be no problems in conceiving a child.

Liu Qingqing took the medicine for half a month and could clearly feel that her body was changing for the better. In the past, every time she had menstruation, she felt as if she had lost too much blood, her hands and feet were cold, and she was afraid of the cold. In the most severe cases, the lower abdomen becomes unbearably swollen and the pain can make you faint.

 But this time around, my menstrual period has reduced all the previous symptoms a lot, at least there is no pain that makes me unable to straighten my back. Liu Qingqing knew that the two big bowls of medicine he drank every day had an effect, and the hope of a cure arose in her heart. She became more and more cooperative and obeyed Mo Yan's instructions, for fear that if she missed a word, the disease would not be cured.

 The pace of time slowly passed through the hot June and entered the even hotter and unbearable July. It was a little better at night, and I could barely sleep with a mat on the ground. During the day, it was like a stove outside, and even going out became an extremely painful thing.

Mo Yan would stay in the clinic for an hour in the morning and evening to treat people who came for consultation. During the rest of the time, she would either stay in a space that was neither cold nor hot, or go deep into the mountains with her six animals.

The deep mountains are covered with tall and dense vegetation, which is much cooler than outside. In addition, the six beasts can always find a good place to rest and play. They often stay in the cool mountain streams all day without feeling bored at all.

There are also a variety of wild fruits in the mountains, such as raspberries and raspberries, which mostly mature in summer, and other unknown berries, which taste sour, sweet and refreshing. Mo Yan would eat until she was full every time, then pick a basket and put it back for her family to eat. If you can't finish it, it will be pickled into various delicious preserves. It's good to make too much and give it away.

On this day, after sending away the last patient seeking medical treatment, Mo Yan returned to the room and was about to change her clothes and go to the mountains. Li Yan came in with a letter: "Sister Yan Yan, Sister Lan Lan sent someone to deliver it to you. A letter.”

Mo Yan took it and guessed as he tore up the envelope: "Sister Lan just wrote a letter the day before yesterday and said that she came here to cool off. Is there something that can't be done?"

 Li Yan shook her head and said she didn't know.

Mo Yan unfolded the letter and read it halfway through, with a look of joy on his face. Then the smile on his face got bigger and bigger, and at the end he burst out laughing.

Seeing this, Li Yan asked curiously: "Sister Yan Yan, what did Sister Lan Lan write in the letter?"

Mo Yan was about to hand the letter to Li Yan for her to read, when she suddenly remembered that she didn't know much about literacy, so she smiled and said, "Sister Lan is pregnant. She is almost two months old. I will be a godmother soon."

"Really? That's great!" When Li Yan heard this, she was also happy for Liu Tinglan: "Sister Lan is so lucky. She got pregnant in less than four months."

Mo Yan nodded. This guy was indeed lucky, but he was too sloppy. It took almost two months to find out. Fortunately, nothing happened.

However, thinking about her friend’s letter saying that her morning sickness was a bit severe, and the hot weather making it impossible to eat much, Mo Yan became worried and decided to drive to Shen’s house now to have a look.

After Li Yan left, Mo Yan entered the space and took out five cans of candied fruits such as grapes and red dates. These five jars of preserves are made from fruits pickled in the space. During the pickling process, the spiritual energy inside is retained to the maximum extent. Only a small amount of sugar and salt are added. Pregnant women can suppress vomiting and whet their appetites. It will not cause any adverse effects on the fetus in the abdomen.

In addition to candied fruits, Mo Yan also prepared a large basket of fresh vegetables, and then went to the orchard chicken farm to get a hundred fresh eggs and put them there. Putting these things on the carriage, Xiao Hei went to the Shen family in the capital.

There is a lot of money in the capital, so the Shen family's house here is naturally not as good as the Shen family's old house. However, this house also has seven or eight rooms of various sizes, as well as a small courtyard where flowers and plants can be planted, which is pretty good compared to ordinary homes. It’s more than enough for a young couple and a couple to take care of them.

"Yan Yan, you're here." Liu Tinglan was prepared in advance as she expected that Mo Yan would come to visit her as soon as possible after getting the news. When she heard someone knocking on the door outside, she ran out of the main hall and saw Mo Yan who had just walked into the yard carrying a bamboo basket.

Liu Tinglan jumped over and didn't notice the frightened expressions of the couple who were taking care of her, but Mo Yan noticed it. She walked forward quickly, glared and scolded: "We are all going to be mothers, why not?" I'm so reckless, and I'm not afraid of scaring the baby in my belly."

Liu Tinglan smiled and held Mo Yan's arm, not minding her "unfriendly" attitude at all: "I was so happy to see you, didn't I forget it for a moment?"

Mo Yan rolled her eyes and raised her hand to knock her friend on the head: "You have done something wrong and you are still justified? Let my aunt know that you are so careless and have to live here to watch over you and give birth to the child safely."

After hearing this, Liu Tinglan suddenly wailed: "Don't tell my mother, she is menopausal. She came here after getting the news the day before yesterday. I was not sick and she made me lie on the bed to have the baby without blinking. He stayed by the bedside and kept telling me not to eat this or do that, until he turned on the lamp. If my father hadn't arrived in time, he would have driven me crazy."

 There is no word menopause here. Liu Tinglan learned it from Mo Yan. Of course, Mo Yan didn't tell her that the word contained derogatory connotations in some cases, otherwise she wouldn't have said it in front of Mo Yan.

Mo Yan's eyes twitched and she decided not to tell her friend: "Auntie still doesn't care about you? As long as you are honest and reassure her, see if she will tell you this."

Liu Tinglan finally got rid of the mumblings of her parents and husband. When she saw her friend coming again, she immediately covered her ears with a pitiful look: "Yanyan, please stop talking, okay? I will be obedient in the future. Really, really." Will be obedient!"

Seeing her friend like this, Mo Yan couldn't bear to continue talking. It's just that this guy is too out of touch, and he still warns me: "Then you must keep your word, and don't let people who care about you worry about you anymore. You must know that you are not alone now."

Liu Tinglan nodded hurriedly and patted her head on Mo Yan's shoulder: "I remember, but if you have nothing to do in the future, come and see me more often. I'm bored being alone!"

"That's natural!" Mo Yan responded immediately, pinched her friend's face and said, "When your pregnancy is stable, the orchard will almost have a good harvest. Then I will pick you up and live in my house for a while. I heard that pregnant women eat more With fresh fruits, the skin of children born in the future will be tender and white!"

Liu Tinglan was very excited when she heard this. Who doesn't want to give birth to a beautiful baby? "Then it's settled. You will definitely be very busy by then. I'll just ask Brother Jin to take me to your house."

Mo Yan nodded and began to silently exclude fruits that pregnant women could not eat.

Going to the main hall and sitting down, Mo Yan asked Liu Tinglan to stretch out her wrist to check her pulse.

Liu Tinglan was very convinced of her friend's medical skills, so she rolled up her sleeves and stretched out her arms without saying a word. She had been suffering from morning sickness for the past two days and couldn't eat anything. She didn't say anything, but she was very anxious in her heart. Even if her mother and doctor said this was normal, she couldn't feel completely at ease. She was afraid that if she was negligent, her unborn child would be harmed. There is something good or bad.

Mo Yan had observed Liu Tinglan when she entered the house. Seeing that she was in good spirits but not looking well, she guessed that she was suffering from morning sickness. As long as it's not a physical problem, you'll get better after vomiting for a while.

After a moment, Mo Yan withdrew her hand and said to Liu Tinglan, who was a little nervous, with a strange expression: "It's okay, your health is very good, and the child is also very good! However, you vomit as soon as you eat. You have to find a way to overcome this, and try to make it as easy as possible. Eat some yourself, the child needs the nutrients provided by the mother to grow up healthily."

Liu Tinglan didn't notice the difference in her friend. When she heard that the child was okay, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief and said honestly: "I know, I will definitely eat well."

"You are so quick to promise now, I'm afraid you won't be able to make it later." Mo Yan teased, knowing that morning sickness was not at all dependent on the will of the pregnant woman, so she pointed to the jars of preserves in the bamboo basket and said, " These are some kinds of candied fruits that I made by myself. They are refreshing and appetizing. If you really can’t eat them, just eating two of them will probably help.”

Upon hearing this, Liu Tinglan happily took out a jar of candied fruits from the basket, opened the lid on the spot and took out a few: "Ah, what is this? I seem to have never seen it before." After saying that, she ate all the raisins in one go. In his mouth, his eyes suddenly lit up: "There is a sweet and sour taste of grapes, or salt and pepper. Yan Yan, is this salt and pepper grape? It's delicious!"

Seeing the look of enjoyment on his friend's face, he obviously really liked it, and Mo Yan was also very happy: "These are salt and pepper raisins, as long as you like them! It's too hot to put away these candied fruits, so I brought these five cans over, When you finish eating, tell me and I will bring you some more."

Liu Tinglan waved her hands while eating: "No, this is enough for me to eat until the baby is born. If you eat too much at once, you will get sick of it. It will happen again next time you have a baby. What else can you use to stop the vomiting?"

Grapes are very expensive and cannot be bought with money. Liu Tinglan has not been short of rare fruits in recent years, and she is also blessed by Mo Yan. Only Mo Yan can make grapes into salt and pepper grapes. Mo Yan sent so many gifts all at once. Even if Mo Yan didn't care, Liu Tinglan couldn't accept them shamelessly.

Mo Yan didn't know what her friend was thinking. Seeing that she hadn't given birth yet, she thought about the next one and started joking again.

 In front of her only friend, Liu Tinglan was very open-minded and didn't mind the teasing at all. The two chatted and laughed lively, and time passed quickly.

 While having lunch, Liu Tinglan ate several sour plums at Mo Yan's reminder. When the food was put on the table, she took a few tentative bites. Although she still felt like vomiting, it was not too strong and she could barely finish the meal. In the end, I actually ate a small bowl of rice and drank a bowl of green vegetable and tofu soup.

Witnessing this scene in person, the middle-aged couple who took care of her almost cried with joy, and were very grateful to Mo Yan who sent her candied fruits.

The couple's surname was Lu. When Liu Tinglan and Shen Ji went to Beijing, Mrs. Shen assigned them to take care of their food and daily life. Both of them were gentle and taciturn, and would never interfere in their master's affairs. Except for the initial discomfort, Liu Tinglan is now used to the couple's care and trusts them.

Liu Tinglan fell asleep just after eating, but was too embarrassed to go back to her room to rest, leaving Mo Yan alone.

"Go to bed quickly. I can kill the time with a book. You don't have to worry about me." Mo Yan urged, pretending to be impatient, and helped Liu Tinglan into the inner room.

 The room is very cool, and the heat on your body dissipates a lot as soon as you enter. Mo Yan looked around the room and found two basins of ice cubes in the corner.

Sensing her friend's gaze, Liu Tinglan had a touch of sweetness on her face: "Brother Jin saw that I couldn't sleep because of the heat during the day, so he bought it from outside. When it was time for me to take a nap, Mother Lu would put two pots in the house in advance. "

Mo Yan lamented: "Brother Shen is really speechless in his treatment of Sister Lan!"

She has always known that Shen Ji is a considerate and attentive person, but she was still surprised that he bought ice cubes specifically so that his wife could have a good sleep.

In winter, ice cubes can be seen everywhere, even if they are thrown on the street, no one wants them. Summer is different. Some people store ice cubes in winter and sell them in summer. The hotter the weather, the more valuable the ice cubes are. Just one foot square piece, one tael of silver can only buy four pieces.

 Ice cubes are not very durable and melt quickly in hot weather. If you save one or two silver ice cubes, they can only be used for one day. Even if the Shen family is in good condition, spending one or two silver dollars a day to buy ice cubes is extremely luxurious.

Liu Tinglan couldn't hold back her sleepiness. She yawned and pointed to the bookshelf not far away and said, "There are many books there, including drawing books and travel notes. You can read them as you like."

Mo Yan nodded and signaled her to sleep quickly, then walked to the bookshelf, picked up a book, and sat on a chair beside the bed.

With her best friend by her side, Liu Tinglan felt very safe. She smiled vaguely at Mo Yan, then closed her eyes. Her breathing gradually became longer, but the smile on the corner of her mouth did not disappear. Quietly And beautiful.

Mo Yan's eyes passed over her friend's slightly rising chest and landed on her flat belly. It’s hard to imagine that in a few months, this place will become bigger than a basketball, and it’s even harder to imagine that a new life has been born here, just waiting for it to mature and meet this strange world with a loud cry.

It is a very happy thing to give birth to a child for the person you love, even if you have morning sickness and cannot eat anything, even if you have to avoid food and cannot satisfy your appetite, even if you become obese and out of shape, even if you have to endure inhumane conditions during childbirth, Pain, and even the risk of life, cannot stop them...

Mo Yan sat quietly like this for a long time and thought about a lot. It wasn't until her body became slightly stiff and uncomfortable that she slowly stood up, covered Liu Tinglan's belly with a thin quilt, then put the book back on the shelf and walked out, finding Ma Lu who was still busy in the kitchen.

There are many foods that pregnant women should avoid. Mo Yan was not sure how much Lu Ma knew, so she listed the foods that needed attention one by one. It wasn't until Lu's mother remembered everything that she walked out of the stuffy kitchen and returned to the room. She picked up a pen and paper and wrote down some things that pregnant women should not do, and put them on her friend's bedside table for her to Pay more attention at ordinary times.

Liu Tinglan slept for a long time and didn't wake up until the sun was less than ten feet high. At this time, Shen Ji had returned from Wu Daru's place and was sitting on the bedside reading the taboos for pregnant women written by Mo Yan, but his face was slightly red.

 Liu Tinglan woke up and didn’t see her friend, so she asked about her husband. I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed when I learned that my friend went home after a few words of advice after her husband came back.

Shen Ji’s mother-in-law once said that when a woman is pregnant, her emotions will fluctuate greatly, so he should be comforted. Seeing that his wife looked bad at this time, he quickly comforted her: "Miss Mo said she would come see you in two days. Before she left, she asked me to tell you to eat well, sleep well, and do what you promised her. If you behave Okay, next time she and Mao Tuan come to see you. If you don’t behave well, not only will she not come, but she will also complain to your mother-in-law. Let your mother-in-law watch over you every step of the way. "

When Liu Tinglan heard this, she burst into laughter: "This guy can really do such a thing. Really, am I that worrying?"

Shen Ji nodded subconsciously, but saw his wife's eyes squinting, and immediately changed her words: "You are the most worry-free woman my husband has ever seen, and you will also be the best mother in the future."

Liu Tinglan was very satisfied with her husband's answer and happily kissed her husband on the face as a reward. But after the kiss, she felt something was wrong. She reached out and touched her husband's forehead and asked worriedly: "Are you sick? Why is your face so hot?"

Hearing this, Shen Ji suddenly remembered what he had just seen, and his face became even hotter: "No, no, maybe it's too hot and a little dry."

Liu Tinglan didn't believe it. Seeing her husband holding a few pages of paper, she stretched out her hand and took it. When she read down the notes and saw the bold text of the sixth item, "Strictly prohibited from having **** within a month," her face instantly turned red, and she hid a few pages of paper under her pillow.

  Just the night before yesterday, the two of them were fooling around for a long time. Later, the doctor came to take a pulse and said that the child could not have **** within three months. They didn't take it seriously. They couldn't help but linger last night. They didn't expect that Mo Yan would see it. It was really embarrassing.

Mo Yan, who was still on the road, didn't know that as a doctor, she reminded the couple to be moderate, but she didn't expect that it would bring such embarrassment to the couple.

 When she came to visit her friend next time, she looked at her friend’s red and hot face and thought she was sick, which gave her a false alarm...

   Sorry guys, I got stuck today, so I posted late! It’s almost the end, I don’t know how to finish it, so I’m stuck︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿



 (End of this chapter)

Read Kill the Sun