MTL - The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor-Chapter 1088 you are not my mother

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Chapter 1088 You are not my mother

 It was certain that Li Yu was Sinier. No matter how uncomfortable Li Xiu felt, she would definitely not do anything to seize other people's daughters. Putting away the reluctance in her heart, she began to think about Li Yu: "Xiao Yu is like this now. I don't know if she is willing to go back to Wu's house. Should I tell her about this first so that she can be mentally prepared? "

Mo Yan nodded: "Of course I want it, but Aunt Li, you should tell her personally and try your best to comfort her and don't let her hurt herself."

Li Yu suffered huge physical and mental trauma. She was just defensive about unfamiliar people and didn't like to talk. It wasn't that there was something wrong with her brain, and she was not an ignorant child. She still had to let her know what she should know. .

Li Xiu nodded silently, and suddenly looked at Mo Yan, with deep begging in her eyes: "Yan Yan, if, if Xiaoyu returns to the Wu family, can you help me beg Sister Wu for mercy and let me do this?" Xiaoyu’s godmother.”

Such a humble request was hard to refuse, so Mo Yan sighed secretly and agreed. Aunt Wu is not a narrow-minded person, and if one more person loves her daughter, she will only feel happier. Aunt Li has taken care of Sannier for so long, and she also teaches Sannier how to sew. With these two affections, she will not refuse her.

 “Yan Yan, thank you, thank you.” A smile that seemed both joyful and sad appeared at the corner of Li Xiu’s lips, and she ran out of Mo Yan’s house with staggering steps.

Looking at Li Xiu’s weak back, Mo Yan sighed deeply. After a while, she walked out of the house and went to Wu's house, telling Wu that Li Yu was Sinier.

Wu had thought of adopting Li Yu before, but Li Yu couldn't live without Li Xiu, so she gave up. Mrs. Wu seemed to really treat Li Yu as a fourth girl. She made her several sets of clothes and shoes, and often made delicious food for her.

During this period, Li Yu's mood was ups and downs, and the mother and daughter had not seen each other since their first meeting. Otherwise, after Li Yu gains weight and returns to her original appearance, Mrs. Wu might be able to see the shadow of Sini'er when she was a child between her eyebrows, and her mother and daughter will not miss several months in vain.

If Liu Tinglan hadn't seen it, who would have thought that fate was so wonderful. This child, who was picked up by Xiao Hei and was so thin that he was reduced to a handful of bones and almost disfigured, was the Sinier who made the entire Wu family sad when he mentioned it?

"Yan Yatou, you, you are saying that Xiaoyu is Sini'er, my daughter Sinier?" Wu looked at Mo Yan in shock, her hands trembled violently, and she couldn't believe her ears.

In Wu's expectant and panic-stricken eyes, Mo Yan said with certainty: "Xiao Yu is Sini'er. If Aunt Wu doesn't believe it, follow me to see her now. You can be sure when you see her."

"No, no, I believe you, my Sinier, that must be my Sinier, my Sinier..." Wu walked around the room at a loss, with a smile on her face, and in her eyes But he burst into tears.

Mo Yan was happy for the Wu family in her heart. The family had been separated for many years and suffered for many years. Now they are finally reunited. "Aunt Wu, this is a huge happy event. Please stop crying. Sinier is still waiting at my house." I’m waiting for you to pick him up!”

"Yes, yes, Sini'er is waiting for me. I will take her home right away. Let's go right now!" Mrs. Wu wiped away her tears excitedly and hurriedly walked out.

At this time, Shitou, who was playing under the eaves, and Da Nier, Sannier and Liu Qingqing, who were sitting together doing needlework, heard the movement in the house. They all raised their heads and saw their mother (mother-in-law) chanting He walked out mumblingly.

They clearly heard their mother-in-law shouting to pick up Sinier, and they all opened their mouths in shock. It was Liu Qingqing who reacted first and quickly stood up to stop Mo Yan who was also walking out: "Sister Yan, what's wrong with my mother? Is the third sister missing?"

Mo Yan was worried about Sini'er's situation after learning the truth. She didn't have time to explain it carefully to her sisters-in-law, so she hurriedly said, "Sini'er has been found, she is at my house" and chased Wu out of the Wu family's yard.

After getting the exact answer, Da Nier picked up Shitou, who had no idea what she was talking about, and shouted excitedly: "Shitou, your third sister has found it. Your third sister has really found it. That's great, that's great." !”

From the moment Si Nier was born, she was brought up by Da Nier. The relationship between the two sisters is deep. Four years ago, when Mo Hong sold Sini'er ruthlessly, Da Ni'er, who had always been submissive, resisted Mo Hong for the first time and wanted to take Sini'er back, but Mo Niu was instigated by Mo Hong. , Mo Ernier and her daughter were beaten severely.

At that time, she didn’t have enough to eat and didn’t even have water to drink. Da Nier was beaten so hard that she fainted on the spot. After waking up, Sinier had been sold. At that time, her pain was no less than that of Wu.

“Sister, put down the stone quickly, and let’s go to Sister Yan’s house to pick up Sinier.” Sannier couldn’t wait to put down the needle and thread in her hand, and rushed to hold the eldest sister’s hand.

“Yes, yes, yes, let’s go together, let’s go together.” Da Nier put down the stone, wiped her face randomly, then took Sannier’s hand and ran out hurriedly.

Seeing that the eldest sister and the second sister were gone, Shitou followed behind with short legs. Liu Qingqing also quickly put down her needlework, locked the door in twos and twos, and led her brother-in-law Shitou to Mo's house.

Liu Qingqing had never met Sinier. After marrying into the Wu family, she often mentioned her in private, only then did she realize that she had a sister-in-law whom she had never met. The sister-in-law's whereabouts are unknown after being sold, which has become a worry for her mother-in-law.

Although they have never gotten along with each other and cannot have any relationship, as the eldest sister-in-law, Liu Qingqing will fulfill her duties as the eldest sister-in-law. She secretly decided to treat this miserable sister-in-law well after taking her back and make up for her husband's loss. A debt.

The stone man walked slowly because of his short calves, so Liu Qingqing also slowed down. When the two of them walked into the courtyard of Mo's house, before they passed through the main hall, they heard the mother-in-law crying in the backyard, and her face changed slightly.

"Sunier, I am your mother, I really am your mother -" Wu looked sadly at Sinier who was hiding behind Li Xiu not far away, looking at her indifferently, almost feeling uncomfortable in her heart To die.

He is obviously her daughter, and he has clearly recognized her. Why is he unwilling to go home with her, but still looking at her like this? Are you resenting her mother for not being able to stop Mo Hongshi and protect her?

"Sunier, what's wrong with you? Why don't you even recognize your mother? I'm your eldest sister, have you forgotten your eldest sister?" Da Nier, who came one step behind, looked at her with a sad face and never looked at her. My own Sinier simply cannot accept the fact that her once well-behaved and sensible sister refuses to recognize them.

Compared to Wu and Da Nier who were sad, San Nier was more angry than happy to see her sister. She glared at the indifferent Sinier, not understanding why she wanted to deny that they were a family: "Sinier, how could you do this? You deny me, the third sister, and I have nothing to say. Why do you even have children?" You don’t recognize your mother who killed you or the eldest sister who raised you? Has your conscience been eaten by wild dogs?”

Facing Sannier’s sharp accusation, Sinier tightly grabbed Li Xiu’s clothes but said nothing, as if she didn’t hear her, let alone look at her.

Mo Yan, who was standing aside, had no idea that things would turn out like this. She thought that Sinier might not recognize her mother-in-law and that she would not be willing to go home with them, but she never expected that she After seeing Wu and Da Nier, they recognized them at a glance, but there was no joy at all in recognizing each other as a family. They actually said with an indifferent expression that she was a child picked up by the Mo family. She had no mother, so let them Don't come looking for her in the future.

How can Wu and Da Nier, who are looking forward to family reunion, accept this kind of thing?

Mo Yan could almost guess why Sinier was behaving like this, but she was a little uncertain and asked Xue Tuanzi in her mind: "Little...since Sinier can remember Aunt Wu and the others, does she also remember the abuse she suffered in the past? "

"Yes, she couldn't remember it before. It wasn't because her brain was severely damaged, but because she didn't want to remember the painful experience." Xue Tuanzi said in a heavy tone, and then slowly told Mo Mo the truth about everything she learned. Yan.

At that time, Mo Hong sold Sinier for a few sesame seed cakes. Renyazi used the same method to get twenty or thirty children of different ages. The beautiful little girls would be sold to the land of fireworks at high prices and trained as future courtesans. Some of the ordinary-looking ones will be sold to rich families, while others will be sold to places like textile and dyeing workshops, where they will have to do menial work every day and will not get a single penny except for three meals a day. wages.

Sinier’s appearance was not outstanding, so Renyazi sold her to a wealthy family in Yongzhou as a maid. Originally this was not bad, at least she would not starve to death, but as a wealthy family had many rules and regulations, Sinier was young and had no connections, so she could only be the lowest fire maid.

 However, the fight in the house was fierce, and somehow it got involved in the kitchen. Sini was pushed out in a daze and became a scapegoat. She was young and timid, and could not do anything bad like drugging people. However, the owner wanted to put things to rest, so he beat her up and sold her out.

The child, who was only six years old, was beaten ten times and almost lost half his life. He finally recovered and was sold by Ren Yazi to another Ren Yazi. After being tossed around five or six times, Sinier was brought to the capital by Ren Yazi and sold to a textile workshop.

 There are men and women, adults and children in the textile workshop. At first, Sinier was young and could not do heavy work, so she was responsible for cleaning. However, no one expected that there was a very perverted man inside who liked to molest little girls.

 Sinier was not very beautiful, but she was also delicate and charming, so she was stared at by that perverted man. She was not a fool. She knew that her daughter's body could not be touched casually. When the pervert cornered her and wanted to take off her pants, she picked up the stone on the ground and smashed the man's head. .

The blood on the floor, the men's howls of pain and vicious curses and threats all stimulated Sinier's fragile heart. That time, she was greatly frightened. Later, she was punished by the steward of the textile workshop, and she was imprisoned again. In the dark room, she didn't see anyone for three days and three nights, and she didn't eat a grain of rice or drink a drop of water. The fear and fear she had to endure in those days almost overwhelmed her.

The perverted man who had suffered a big loss refused to let Sinier go. He used to be the brother-in-law in charge and found various excuses to beat and humiliate Sinier every day. Those few years were very difficult for a girl under ten years old. For children, it is simply **** on earth.

From that moment on, Sinier seemed to be a different person. She was not like a child at all. She was full of guard against anyone and always wanted to escape. Finally, she escaped from the devil's cave on that snowy day last year. . Perhaps God had mercy on her, and she was lucky enough to meet Xiao Hei who was returning home, and brought her back.

Xue Tuanzi sympathized with Sini'er's experience, and finally sighed: "The past was so tragic, I wonder how this little girl survived! She has resentment in her heart, so she doesn't want to recognize her mother."

Mo Yan felt very sad after hearing this. What kind of desperate situation would it take to drive a timid child beyond recognition? If this happened to any child, I'm afraid she would resent the people she was closest to, resenting them for giving her life but failing to protect her properly, allowing her to be tortured and humiliated without the ability to protect herself. Life is worse than death.

Seeing that Mo Yan's expression was not good, Xue Tuanzi comforted her: "Don't worry, although this little girl's resentment towards the Wu family is true, her memory was confused before, but she still remembered her mother and eldest sister, which shows that she still has a deep heart. With these two people, it just takes time, and their family will be reunited one day."

Mo Yan shook her head: "I'm not worried about this. Sinier's mentality is obviously wrong. I'm worried that this will affect her future life. Also, if Aunt Wu knows about those experiences, she may not be able to bear it..."

"These are not things that you can solve by worrying about it!" Xue Tuanzi didn't take it seriously: "This little girl has suffered so much. A mother should know that and cherish it in the future! Besides, Wu didn't You think you are so fragile, even if the little girl tells all her experiences over the years, she will feel sad and won't be tempted to do stupid things."

 Mo Yan nodded and agreed with Xue Tuanzi’s statement. If Sinier is willing to become a mother and return to the Wu family, everyone will be happy. If she is not willing, she has no position to persuade her.

Sannier’s crusade against Fourth Nier continued. From the beginning to the end, Fourth Nier did not blink an eyelid, as if she was not the one being accused of being ruthless and ruthless.

"Sannier, Xiaoyu is your sister. You can't imagine the hardship she has endured in the past few years. You can't accuse her like this!" Li Xiu couldn't stand such accusations and held Sinier's hand tightly. , stand up and refute.

Her Xiaoyu is a bit taciturn and doesn’t know how to coax people with sweet words. Every time she cooks, she will light a fire under the stove. If she is thirsty, she will take the initiative to bring her water and give her foot-washing water at night... Such a sensible and considerate child, how could he be a supercilious person?

"Li, Aunt Li, it was she who denied my mother first!" Sannier had been taught embroidery work by Li Xiu. She respected Li Xiu very much in her heart. Seeing her helping Sinier, who was clearly at fault, she said, I couldn't help but feel very aggrieved.

Li Xiu ignored Sannier and turned to look at the silent Sinier: "Xiaoyu, they are all your relatives. They have worried about you every day for these years. No matter how resentful you are, they have never done anything sorry. Can’t you forgive them for what happened to you?”

Si Nier raised her head and looked straight at Li Xiu, her voice was heartbreakingly hoarse: "You don't want me too?"

Li Xiu was almost forced to tears by these words. She shook her head in panic, touched Sinier's face and said, "Xiao Yu, I wish you were my daughter, but they are your real relatives."

Si Nier seemed not to have heard the last sentence. She had an extremely innocent smile on her face, hugged Li Jiu's waist and said, "I'm so good, so I know my mother won't let me go."

Li Xiu couldn't convince herself to push away Sini'er, who was extremely attached to her, but Wu's painful cries echoed in her ears, making it impossible for her to hug Sinier back and say, "Mother wants you." Come.

“Sini’er, it’s my mother’s fault. Can you please forgive me? My mother is really wrong, wuwu—”

Mrs. Wu cried bitterly and looked at her little daughter who didn't even look at her. She never thought about meeting her again. What she received was not the joy of family reunion, but made her fall into an abyss of even more pain.

How much suffering did her little daughter have to suffer to hate her so deeply? They had obviously met once, so why didn't she recognize her biological daughter?

Thinking back to the scene of that meeting, that little face covered with scabs, that skinny figure, those empty eyes...the scenes were like sharp thorns, stabbing me hard. It has entered Wu’s heart!

  It is she who is sorry for Sinier. She gave birth to her and failed to protect her. It is she, the mother, who is sorry for her. How can she have the face to beg Sinier for forgiveness? How could she have the face to accuse Sinier of being unfilial and denying her as her mother?

At this time, Liu Qingqing appeared holding the stone. The two looked at Wu, then at Sinier, and walked behind Wu in silence to comfort her.

Sinier, who was buried in Li Xiu's arms, seemed to be aware of something. She stood up straight, and when her eyes swept across Shitou's face, something flashed across her face and fell on Wu. In addition to indifference and resentment, her eyes also There is deep pain.

She closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, there was nothing in her eyes: "Go back, I don't want to see you, you...just think of me as dead!"

Let's just treat her as dead. She was unnecessary in the first place. Who are she crying for now? She will never forget how the so-called mother hugged her brother tightly when the old woman who would die a thousand times said, "If you dare to make trouble again, you will trade the stone with someone else for the child to eat." , watching her being taken away by Ren Yazi without saying a word.

She cried and begged, but no one except the eldest sister who was knocked unconscious was willing to save her, no one!

 She is superfluous!

Anyone who encounters what happened to Sinier in childhood will probably not be mentally healthy! Every time I see the news about primary school students being sexually assaulted and molested, I won’t be in a good mood for several days. There are too many scum in the world, and I always wonder why so many thunders are fired every year, why aren’t these things inferior to animals hacked to death? , never be reincarnated!

   Writing this chapter, I feel very heavy...



 (End of this chapter)

Read Atticus's Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground