MTL - The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor-Chapter 1079 Two wedding invitations, as a bridesmaid

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Chapter 1079 Two wedding invitations, being a bridesmaid

 The heavy snowfall has been a disaster, and it has been falling intermittently for more than half a month, and will stop in mid-February. At this time, Liuyang Village was in a mess. Most of the thatched houses were collapsed by the snow. Many villagers who had no time to escape were also seriously injured by heavy wooden beams.

For more than half a month, people often knocked on the door of Mo Yan's house in the middle of the night. The injured family members of the villagers begged Mo Yan in panic, hoping that she could lend a helping hand to treat their relatives who were seriously injured.

Human life is at stake and it belongs to the people in the village, so Mo Yan can't just ignore it. Every time someone shouted, she would immediately put on her clothes, carry the medicine box and go treat the injured villagers. There were several nights when she was called four or five times as if she was rushing to catch up. In the end, she didn't even bother to take off her clothes. When she came back after rescuing someone, she went directly to the space to catch up on her sleep.

At that time, the villagers only knew that Mo Yan had been studying medicine for a short time, and no one had ever seen her treating people. Who knew what her medical skills were, but the snow on the road in the middle of the night was so deep that it was difficult to walk, and it was dozens of miles away from the capital. In the land, even if the seriously injured person can be dragged to the capital, there is no way to enter the city.

The family members treated Mo Yan with the attitude of treating a dead horse as a living horse. Whether he can be revived depends on God.

 What the villagers never expected was that no matter how badly their relatives were injured or how much blood they lost, Mo Yan would definitely turn the corner. It didn't take long for Mo Yan's good medical skills to spread, and the villagers eagerly called her the "little miracle doctor".

Liuyang Village was not the only one affected by the disaster. Several nearby villages were also severely affected. Many people were injured but died of excessive blood loss due to lack of timely treatment. Later, after hearing that Mo Yan had superb medical skills, he carried the patient to Mo's house that night and knelt outside the door of Mo's house to beg Mo Yan for treatment.

 Mo Yan has a wealth of medical knowledge, but what he lacks is experience in practicing medicine. There is no shortcut for this and he can only do it step by step. Now there were ready-made injured patients who asked her to combine theory with practice. She simply opened a temporary clinic in the empty room next to the gate, where she treated the injured who came to her.

There are several wooden beds and ready-made beddings in the consulting room, which is very similar to a modern ward. Those injured who needed treatment did not have to lie on the cold ground waiting for treatment. This carefulness alone made them grateful to Mo Yan.

Of course, Mo Yan's saving of lives is not in vain. She charges consultation fees and medicines according to the prices of Du's Medical Clinic. When her family is in dire straits and cannot afford the medical bills, she either borrows money from others or gives money to the Mo family in exchange for work. You have to pay for your work, and you can't even write an IOU. In short, you can't treat people for free.

 This is something that Dr. Du has repeatedly warned. As for the reason, he doesn’t want anyone to take advantage of it. Some people pretend to be poor and refuse to pay for medical treatment even though they have the conditions. Most of these people who are greedy for petty gains and like to get something for nothing are selfish. Over time, they take it for granted. If you don't give them free medical treatment, you might get a knock on your door.

Once upon a time, there was a kind-hearted doctor in Beijing who saw that many people could not afford medical treatment, so he treated the poor people for free, even waiving the cost of medicine. As time went by, the hospital could not make ends meet, and in the end it was not enough even after filling in all the belongings. Seeing that the medical clinic could no longer be opened, the doctor stopped treating people for free.

His behavior greatly irritated the poor people who had received his help, thinking that he was a liar who deceived the world and stole money, and that he should not accept money. So the poor people joined forces and rushed into the hospital with wooden clubs and hammers, smashed, looted, and seriously injured the doctor.

The doctor was very old. After being seriously injured, he couldn't even get the money to see the doctor. He finally died of illness in the ruined medical hall. His body was discovered after it was rotten and smelly, and then wrapped in a straw mat. Buried in the wilderness without even a tombstone.

Since then, no medical clinic, large or small, in the capital will treat people for free. When encountering poor people who really cannot afford medical treatment, some well-meaning doctors will either charge less or ask the patients to compensate in other ways. In doing so, not only did no one criticize the doctor for being cold-blooded, but they praised the doctor for his kindness. Compared with the doctor who died miserably, it is quite ironic.

Mo Yan, who originally wanted to wait until the time came to open a free medical clinic to accumulate merit, gave up the idea completely after hearing about it. There are many ways to accumulate merit, and there is no need to choose this high-risk method. Moreover, as long as you cure people, you can also accumulate merit. There is no causal relationship with whether those people give money or not.

During these days, Mo Yan was very tired from treating people in several villages, but he also gained a lot. In addition to becoming more accurate in prescribing medicine, he also accumulated a lot of merit. He was so happy that Xue Tuanzi suddenly became diligent. He got up and kept harvesting food in the space. The huge granary he opened was filled to the brim.

On this day, the sky cleared up completely. The sun, which had not appeared for a long time, finally broke through the layers of clouds and hung high in the sky. The bright sunshine is a bit more dazzling than in summer, shining on the white snow, reflecting dazzling light.

However, the gloom that has shrouded people's hearts has not dissipated. Just because the weather has become warmer and the snow has melted, floods have occurred in many places. Many adobe houses were not crushed by the snow, but their mountain roots (wall roots) were damaged by the floods. to the point of collapse. Fortunately, there are no crops in the fields during this season, otherwise the losses would have been even more severe.

The terrain of Liuyang Village is higher, and the Xiaoqing River diverts water to discharge floods, so it is not greatly affected. The terrain of Mo's house is even higher. When the house was built, the underground drainage system was also well done, and it was not affected by the surge from the mountain at all. affected by snow and water.

 Outside the house, snow water flows down the eaves, forming a dripping music. Mo Yan sat in the consulting room and carefully felt the pulse of the middle-aged man sitting opposite.

“Little miracle doctor, how long will it take for the cloth on my head to be removed?” Seeing Mo Yan retract her hand, the middle-aged man pointed to the cotton strip wrapped around the back of his head and asked with a cautious look.

Mo Yan did not answer directly, but asked the middle-aged man a few more questions. After getting the exact answer, he said: "Your body is no longer seriously injured, and the cloth can be removed at any time. However, the dampness and coldness are quite heavy now. The wound has not yet completely healed and is prone to attracting evil winds, so you should continue to wrap it after changing the dressing every day, and then remove it after seven days."

"Yes, yes, thank you, little miracle doctor, thank you, little miracle doctor." Hearing that he was fine, the middle-aged man was very happy. While thanking Mo Yan, he took out the 20 cents of medical fees and medicine fees from his arms and put them away. On the desk.

 After the middle-aged man left, Mo Yan picked up the 20 cents and put them in a drawer. Then he got up and took the pulse of the three seriously injured patients in the next ward.

These three people were injured two days ago. Two were hit on the head by a collapsed house. One went to the mountains to cut wood to repair a house and had both of his legs broken by rocks rolling down the mountain. The three people's injuries were too serious and there was a risk of infection and death at any time, so Mo Yan let them stay for easy treatment. They each had their own family members to accompany them, and they did not need the Mo family to take care of their food, drink, and toilet.

Mo Yan was changing the dressing for the man whose leg was broken. A young man sitting on the corner of the bed asked in a low voice: "Little miracle doctor, when will my father's injury heal? Can you go home and recover slowly?"

This man is the eldest son of the injured person, who is in his early twenties. He will be his **** today. But I spent a long time there like an uncle, complaining about the money spent on my father who was very weak on the bed.

“If you want your father to spend the rest of his life lying in bed, you can take him home now.” Mo Yan said indifferently without even looking at the young man.

The young man smiled and quickly gave up the idea of ​​taking the old man home. The old man is a carpenter and can earn a lot of money from his family every year. Although it costs a lot of money to treat diseases now, it is nothing compared to what he earns.

Thinking like this in his heart, he cried out: "Little miracle doctor, there is nothing I can do about it. I am the one who supports the whole family. My father's leg is broken and he can't do any work." Not to mention, I have to spend a lot of money on it, and my family really can’t come up with any money, so I’m worried!”

Mo Yan finally raised his head and stared at the young man coldly. When he saw him lowering his head unconsciously, he said: "Do you think my charges here are high? In this case, why don't you send your father to a medical clinic in the city and ask the city to help you?" Let the doctor here treat your father."

The young man was startled, slapped his own mouth, and apologized to Mo Yan in panic: "No, no, no, little miracle doctor, it's me who can't speak. Don't take it to heart. My father is here to treat your injuries." , Our family is very relieved, we won’t go to the city, we won’t go to the city.”

 Just kidding, eating, drinking, and having **** in the city all cost money, and there may not be a free house for the old man to live in. Doctors in the city also charge much higher fees. If you encounter a sinister doctor, you will be killed even more severely. He only sent the old man to the city after he was full.

Mo Yan snorted, too lazy to pay attention to such things that got into Qian's eyes. She lowered her head and saw the old man shedding tears silently. She thought she was injured by her son. She sighed secretly and comforted: "Uncle, don't worry, these legs will last for a few months and will not affect your ability to walk on the ground in the future." .”

The old man quickly wiped his face and said gratefully: "I know, I know, thank you little miracle doctor."

Mo Yan smiled and shook his head. After helping him change the wound medicine and re-tie the splint, he went to the other injured person.

There are many people like the old man who have raised unfilial sons, and no one else can take care of them. What Mo Yan can do is try to heal the old man's leg injury as much as possible without leaving any sequelae. No matter how much more, he can't do it.

 After changing the medicine for those who needed to change the medicine, and adjusting the medicine for those who needed to adjust the prescription, Mo Yan was free and went to the study to start doing other things.

Not long after, Li Yan hurried in and said, "Sister Yan Yan, Mr. Cui is here and is waiting in the hall."

Mr. Cui? Cui Pingan?

Mo Yan got up and went to the main hall. Suddenly she realized that the clothes she was wearing were not suitable for meeting guests, so she said to Li Yan: "You entertain him first, I will go back to the house and change my clothes and come over."

Li Yan looked at Mo Yan's gray robe that was only worn when treating patients, said yes and went out.

Mo Yan went back to the house, changed her clothes and came to the main hall. She saw Cui Ping'an sitting on a chair seriously, with an uncontrollable joy on his face, and he somewhat guessed why this guy came suddenly.

Sure enough, as soon as he saw Mo Yan, Cui Ping'an couldn't wait to take out a bright red invitation card and said with a silly smile: "My young master is getting married. I'm here specifically to send you an invitation this time. You must come."

Looking at Cui Ping'an's happy face, Mo Yan was also happy for him. She took Dahong's invitation and opened it, and found that the wedding date was March 20th. She joked: "You are very fast. Will I receive a full-moon invitation from your son again at this time next year?"

After setting the wedding date, Cui Ping'an was teased a lot, and his face had been tempered for a long time. After listening to Mo Yan's words, he glared and lectured like an elder: "You are a girl who has not yet left the palace, and you are also saying this." Can you tell?"

Mo Yan rolled her eyes, closed the invitation and said speechlessly: "What did I say? Don't you want to have children?"

Cui Ping'an was no match after all, and his face suddenly turned red: "You are talking nonsense again, how can I, a man, give birth to a child?"

"Pfft!" Mo Yan suddenly burst out, suddenly feeling that the generation gap between her and this boy was at least as deep as the Mariana Trench, "Forget it, I can't tell you clearly, I will come to your house to congratulate you that day. If nothing happens, just leave quickly, I'm busy!"

"What, you want to drive me away?" Cui Ping'an's eyes widened. If Mo Yan didn't show a look of disgust, he almost thought there was something wrong with his ears: "Humph, you are so rude, how can I Is there any reason to drive the guests away? I'm in a good mood today. Please make some good dishes for lunch. I won't bother with you if I have a lot."

Cui Ping'an has always been obsessed with the delicious food at Mo's house, and he was planning to have a meal at Mo's house before going home. Unexpectedly, Mo Yan unexpectedly kicked him out. As soon as he said these words, he consciously regained his face and was proud of himself. He looked at Mo Yan proudly.

"I think you just want to have a meal from my family, right?" Mo Yan looked at Cui Ping'an with a half-smile, and revealed his thoughts: "You can eat if you want, but the old rule is to use the firewood in my woodshed. Come on, I will cook for you at noon and prepare a table of good wine and food to entertain you."

"You - you bully me again? Huh, don't even think about it!" Cui Ping'an stood up suddenly, put down these words, turned around and walked out.

Mo Yan looked at him with a smile and didn't say anything to persuade her to stay, but counted silently in her heart. As soon as she counted to three, someone rushed in front of her like a gust of wind and said viciously: "Chop it, it's not like I haven't done it before! But if you can't see sweet and sour pork at noon, I'm not done with you." .”

Having put down his harsh words, Cui Pingan angrily walked out of the back door, went to the utility room in the backyard, took his usual ax from there, and went into the woodshed. Soon, the sound of crackling firewood was heard in the woodshed, which made the two boys who arrived after them look at each other in a daze.

 “Haha—” Mo Yan smiled in an expressionless manner, tears forming in the corners of her eyes. It's been a long time since I bullied anyone. I didn't expect Cui Ping'an to be so easy to bully.

There wasn't much firewood to be chopped in the woodshed. Since there were three hundred retired soldiers living in the orchard, the Mo family had never worried about firewood. They went up to the mountain to collect firewood without any trouble, and even the Mo family's was ready. Some people even know how to burn charcoal. They dug a hole in the back mountain to make a charcoal kiln and burned a lot of charcoal.

 Throughout the winter, the Mo family was not short of charcoal and also saved a lot of money. Fortunately, they did not sell the charcoal, otherwise another old man in the village who makes a living by selling charcoal would have a difficult time this year.

 At noon, Mo Yanguo really cooked a table of delicious dishes, most of which Cui Pingan liked to eat, and also brought him a jar of fruit wine to entertain him.

Cui Ping'an was satisfied with his meal and said that Mo Yan was so kind. In a blink of an eye, he forgot about being bullied before, leaving the two boys speechless.

Finally, Cui Pingan was drunk and was helped into the carriage by two young men. Before leaving, he even stuck his head out of the car window, not forgetting to tell Mo Yan to go there early on the day of his wedding.

There is still one month before Cui Ping'an's wedding day. Mo Yan is not in a hurry to prepare gifts, but spring plowing has to be put on the agenda. The thirty acres of dry land in the village are still planted with corn and buckwheat as in previous years, which can be eaten by these people and used as chicken feed.

Rice is still grown in lowlands and terraced fields as usual, but the thousand acres of land on Zhuangzi need to be carefully planned. Needless to say, the two hundred acres of paddy fields among the one thousand acres of land will be used directly to grow rice. The slopes can only be planted with some dry season crops. Mo Yan plans to grow peanuts, cotton and other cash crops. The same is true for the large dry land. A few dozen acres of sandy land are used to grow melons, such as watermelons, melons, etc. When the time comes, the seeds in the space will be used, and the water will taste good even if there is no spiritual spring water.

The most troublesome thing for Mo Yan is the winery just built last year. The winery occupies a large area, and apart from the construction area, there is only bare yellow land. Since it is a winery, careful craftsmanship is indispensable, and some things related to red wine culture are essential.

 Mo Yan has been preparing these, and the relevant drawings are also ready, and he is just waiting to find a reliable gardening master to make the final design. There are a lot of things to prepare, including construction supplies, flowers, plants, etc.

There are a lot of flowers and plants in the space, but most of them are used for medicinal purposes and have little ornamental value. For this, you need to find a flower garden to carefully select them, but I am not in a hurry.

 After pondering for several days, Mo Yan made some minor modifications to the drawings and determined the final layout of the manor. He was just waiting for a reliable gardening master.

She didn’t know much about talents in this field at first, but later she asked Master Lu about it and found out that there was a famous gardening master in Jiangnan. However, the master is in a semi-retired state, and it is not easy to invite him to come out.

The winery has cost Mo Yan a lot of effort. She doesn't want to just find someone to do it, let alone give up such a talent. She decided to find an opportunity to ask Yan Junyu to see if he had any friendship with the master. If someone pulls the strings, she will be sure to invite the person in person when the time comes.

After the spring plowing was almost arranged, Mo Yan began to think about what gifts to give to the Cui family. But before she could think about it, her friend Liu Tinglan also sent a big red wedding invitation, asking her to be the bridesmaid. Unfortunately, Unfortunately, the wedding date is also on March 20th...

I would like to recommend a modern novel to my parents: book title - "Rebirth: Marriage Is Natural"

Author: Xiao Qingqing


She is hated by all women because of that godlike man.

He is envied by all men because of that evil woman.

Indifferent, indifferent, arrogant, alienated, indifferent, and arrogant, these are the evaluations of him from the outside world.

Rogue, beast, reckless and possessive, this is her evaluation of him.

In the office, the man gently hugged the sweaty woman, "Let's continue when we go home..." A **** husky voice whispered in her ear, and he pulled her into his arms, "Would you like the bedroom, the sofa or the balcony?" ?”

The woman gritted her teeth and said, "Get out!"

The man's ambiguous breath sprayed on her cheek, "Do you want to get out of bed? Let's continue now..."




 (End of this chapter)