MTL - The Paranoid Bosses Are All My Boyfriends-v5 Chapter 86

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Chapter Six

The two were so close that even the slightest reaction from the other party would not be able to escape from each other.

Feeling Su Jingyan's change, Lu Yichen raised his eyes, raised his eyebrows, and blew into Su Jingyan's ear again, showing a fox-like, but also extremely inevitable smile, and teased, "You have a reaction?" gone."



I ain't I don't!

Lu Yichen's words immediately made Su Jingyan's face blush, his whole body tensed up from embarrassment, and he became uncomfortable everywhere?

Su Jingyan swallowed, unable to utter a word.

In addition, Su Jingyan is thin-skinned, and he himself had an indescribable reaction at such a critical moment. Even if he was not the one who provoked this incident first, he was so ashamed because of this reaction that he wanted to find a hole and jump in. , and then bury himself.

the vibe...

It's too ambiguous.

Su Jingyan bit her lower lip, and was so ashamed that she couldn't help covering her face with both hands, and suddenly lowered her head, her whole body trembling.

And the man who should have been the first to feel ashamed still kept his expression unchanged, without any sense of shame.

Lu Yichen stretched out his cool fingers, intentionally or unintentionally rubbing Su Jingyan's skin through the clothes on Su Jingyan's waist, the lingering movements made Su Jingyan tremble a little bit.

Lu Yichen looked at the small movements of the person in front of him with his obscure eyes, and let out a light, almost fleeting, undetectable chuckle.

Lu Yichen brushed his teeth with his scarlet tongue, then licked his dry lips, and took another step forward. With the other hand, he grabbed the opponent's waist and pulled it into his arms.

The man's shameless action finally angered Su Jingyan. Su Jingyan's brain, which had been blank for a long time, finally came back to his senses. He put his hand down from his face and pushed the man's chest with a blushing face.

But his strength was mediocre in front of the man, and he just pushed it away a little before he was firmly held down by the man again.

A dangerous light flashed in Lu Yichen's eyes, he rubbed against it, and said hoarsely, "Don't move, let it go away by itself."

"You don't want to escape, do you? Huh?"

Su Jingyan was choked again by Lu Yichen's words, but she was really a little out of breath, and stepped on the man's foot fiercely with her right foot.

But the man didn't seem to feel the pain, instead he pressed him tightly into his arms, like a piece of sticky cream that couldn't be shaken off, firmly stuck to Su Jingyan's body.

Su Jingyan's head was also attached to the man's chest, his head was covered, and his height crushed him.

At this moment, Su Jingyan was suffering in his heart.

Obviously because of the incident that just happened outside, his body was so cold that he was almost shivering, but now there is a certain place that is extremely hot, causing his heart to be a little turbulent, putting him in a double world of ice and fire.

And the person who made him angry was right in front of him, and even tried to fan the flames.

He couldn't do anything, couldn't do anything.

I can't even curse.


This is really, too aggrieved!

Makes people angry!

And the man's attitude and behavior are very similar to the sentence in the scumbag's quotations, "Baby, I'll just dawdle, I won't go in."


Thinking of this, Su Jingyan couldn't help but choked up. He didn't know whether he should admire himself for having leisurely thoughts at this moment, or throw this scumbag in front of him out of the house and get wet in the rain.

The sound of "ding" is the unique prompt sound of a certain software.

A message followed.

Zhou Xialei's pale face became even paler after hearing the sound of the phone ringing, her facial features were wrinkled into a ball like she was about to cry.

She was wet all over, and she didn't know whether it was because of her own willingness or for some other reason, but she was wearing a very plain white dress.

And this skirt is not like other skirts, the material looks very transparent, and the design of the skirt is a combination of various lace and hollowing out.

And she also painted an extremely light makeup, masculine lipstick, orange-toned blush, no eye shadow, highlight shadow, it looks like no makeup, soft and weak, making people look very protective .

Her white skirt, especially after being wet from the rain, can clearly see the underwear she is wearing underneath, which makes it easy for people to imagine...

She gritted her teeth, sobbed, and her body trembled slightly. The moment the phone rang, her eyes widened suddenly, then she turned off the phone on the table violently, and held it tightly in her hand Here, the strength is so strong that it seems that you want to crush the phone.


The door of the dormitory was opened with a "click" from the outside. The girl took the snacks she just went out to buy in big bags, threw the wet umbrella at the door, and walked in panting.

There was no light on in the dormitory, it was pitch black, it was night after all.

But as soon as she came in, she saw a girl in a white skirt standing in the middle of the dormitory. She almost had a heart attack from fright, and almost fainted.

Fortunately, she was quick-sighted, turned on the light in the dormitory, and saw who the person standing in the dormitory was, so she calmed down and yelled with red eyes.

Seeing Zhou Xialei's state clearly, she felt a sudden thump in her heart, and suddenly felt a strange feeling, she frowned, dropped the thing in her hand, put it on the ground, rushed up, and grabbed the opponent's arm wrist, and asked anxiously, "Xia Xia, what's wrong with you."

"Why don't you change your clothes when you're soaked like this?"

The girl is careful, and although some strange thoughts came to her mind, she hesitated for a while, and in the end she didn't ask the embarrassing question, but asked with great concern.

Zhou Xialei usually treats people very well and has a very good personality, but her state these days is such that anyone with a discerning eye can see that something is wrong.

They discussed it in the dormitory, and finally agreed that this might be related to her recent breakup, so they didn't dare to ask, and they didn't take her state during this period of time particularly seriously.

Zhou Xialei was in a daze for a moment, and when she saw someone, she subconsciously took a step back with trembling body, then stared and shouted, "Don't come here!"

The girl was startled, stopped by the shout, froze on the spot, and said anxiously, "Okay, okay, I won't come, what's wrong with you?"

Zhou Xialei's expression was in a trance again, and she began to talk to herself, "What's wrong with me... What's wrong with me? Hehehehe, what's wrong with me?"

As she was talking, her legs went limp, and she knelt directly on the ground, then bent her knees and hugged her head, hitting her thighs with her head, muttering like crazy, "What's wrong with me?" ?What's wrong with me?"

Completely looks like a bewitched.

The girl was so frightened by her sudden action that she couldn't utter a word, and immediately wanted to rush up, but Zhou Xialei suddenly raised her head, her red eyes startled, "Don't come here!"

And she was still holding the phone tightly in her hand, her body trembling with anger.

What the girl didn't know was that this phone had just received a message.

And that message reads:

[Master Z: You performed well today, everyone over there is satisfied, keep up the good work. 】



Su Jingyan gasped, and said a little bit dumbfoundingly, "I can't run, you hug me like this, how can I cook? Huh? Relax!"

Su Jingyan sighed, his body was still a little hot, especially the person behind him kept teasing him, touching his hair, ears, chin and waist from time to time, even the whole body was pressed against his body, I can't wait to be his conjoined twins.

He was forced into a corner by a man just now, and it took him a long time before the heat between them subsided. He didn't want another **** accident to happen.

But this sweet man is so annoying.

Lu Yichen's chin rested on Su Jingyan's shoulder, and he turned his head to stare at the other person's side face without changing his face, tilting his head from time to time, looking very seriously, and there was a faint burning and unthinking possessive desire in his eyes , even if Su Jingyan didn't have to look directly, he could vaguely feel the scorching love.


I was really scared of him, alas.

In addition to plain distress in my heart, there is also a bit of indescribable sweetness.

After hearing Su Jingyan's helpless complaint, the man still looked indifferent, and even continued to stare at the position of Su Jingyan's Adam's apple, his expression slightly lost.

She moved her lips lightly, "Yanyan, you smell really good."


He shouldn't be praying that a man will want to answer his questions like a normal person.

Su Jingyan wanted to help his forehead.

The light in the man's eyes flickered slightly, and he knowingly blew into Su Jingyan's sensitive ear. Seeing the unstoppable redness at the tip of the ear, he chuckled lightly, and then asked.

"Yanyan, can I kiss you now?"

After hearing these words, Su Jingyan's expression was slightly suffocated, and there was a brief blank on his face, the movements of his hands also paused, his ears were a little weak, and he didn't speak.

For no reason, he just felt that this sentence was extremely familiar, as if someone had said it to his ear thousands of times, which made him feel an inexplicable urge to cry.

That is to say, taking advantage of his ecstasy, the man chuckled lightly, and without hesitation, he bit his face with one bite, and repeatedly ground his teeth on his face intentionally or unintentionally. The strength was not strong, but because of the grinding After a long time, a row of teeth marks were bitten by the man abruptly.

The moment the man let go of his mouth, he made a "boo" and made a sound of drooling.

Su Jingyan was choked up speechless again by the man's coquettish operation, and the movement of cutting vegetables in his hand stopped.

After he regained his composure, he was so anxious that he used his hand full of vegetable crumbs to paste it on the man's handsome face.

It's almost like someone else saw a hooligan and yelled "Get out".

Su Jingyan said angrily, "The clothes are all ready, you are wearing wet clothes, you are not afraid of catching a cold! Go change! Don't disturb my cooking!"

The man raised his eyebrows, smiled, and then turned his head to rub against Su Jingyan's "mua", before loosening the restraint on him unhurriedly.

The author has something to say: Lu Yichen: I want to hug and hold high.