MTL - The Orc Old Attack Lightly Teases-Chapter 67 Tiger Clan Attacks Mermaid Clan

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Wu Yue held Soma's hand, her eyes were full of doting, "Okay, I'll listen to you."

The two came outside the cave, and there was still the enchantment left by Elder Su at the entrance of the cave.

That year, after Fei Li died.

In order to prevent anyone from coming to destroy Fei Li's body, Elder Su specially sealed the entrance of the cave with an enchantment.

Three years later, Soma and Wu Yue didn't know anything about the situation in the cave.

Ever since Elder Su rescued Luosang, he hasn't appeared for three full years.

Wu Yue guessed that Elder Su had spent a lot of spiritual energy saving Luosang, so he began to practice in seclusion again.

For three years, Soma has visited the cave almost every day, always hoping for a miracle to happen.

Fei Li suddenly woke up!

Looking at the entrance of the cave, Soma shouted: "Master, are you okay in that world? Today I will become a partner with Wu Yue, and you don't have to worry about anyone bullying me anymore."

Sometimes, you just have to believe, with all the suffering you're going through right now.

All for better happiness in the future.

Happiness will be late, but never absent.

Soma's voice echoed in the empty surroundings, and Wu Yue squeezed his hand tightly.

"Fei Li, don't worry, I will definitely take good care of Soma."

Soma saluted at the entrance of the cave, and was immediately led away by Wu Yue.

At this time, the mermaid tribe was shrouded in joy.

The castle-like house was turned red by everyone's spiritual power.

The mermaids and the orcs were all immersed in an atmosphere of joy.

After the ceremony of becoming a couple, Wu Yue led Soma past each mermaid beast.

While introducing Soma to everyone, let everyone know Soma.

From now on, Soma will be respected by everyone in the tribe just like Wu Yue.

The atmosphere of joy made everyone relax their vigilance, and Huyin broke into the mermaid tribe with the most powerful fighting power of the tiger tribe.

Seeing the joy of the mermaid tribe, Huyin felt a strong hatred in his heart.

Lifting his legs and kicking the mermaid beast away, Huyin continued to move forward aggressively.

"Bang" came.

Everyone looked back and saw someone intruding, and everyone's faces were filled with joy.

Wu Yue and Soma also looked at the door together, seeing that it was Hu Yin who came, Soma's face sank.

"Who are you? What are you doing to the Mermaid Tribe?"

The mermaid beast closest to Huyin stood up, trying to stop Huyin, but was kicked by Huyin abruptly.

At this time, there were already two mermaid beasts lying on the ground, both of them looked pained.

Soma stepped forward, "Huyin, what exactly do you want?"

Seeing Soma, Huyin's mouth twitched into a sneer.

"I didn't expect you to become a partner with the leader of the mermaid clan. I'm here to congratulate you."

"You are not welcome here, please take your tiger clan orcs away."

Everyone can see that Huyin's comer is not kind.

Taking a closer look at Soma, Huyin turned his head and looked behind him, "Not only am I here this time, I also brought you an old friend."

After the words fell, a person slowly came up from behind the tiger orcs.

The familiar figure made Soma's face change suddenly.

Silver wolf?

How could it be him?

Seeing Soma's terrified expression, Wu Yue immediately understood.

About Soma's previous affairs, Wu Yue knew about it early in the morning.

He felt sorry for Wu Yue's previous sufferings, and expressed that he would cherish and love Soma forever.

But at the same time, he also understood that for the mermaid clan who practiced spiritual power, his clan could not accept a human being who once had a partner to become the partner of their leader.

It is precisely because of this that he did not tell the people of Soma's past.

Silver Wolf looked at Soma softly, "Why didn't you tell me in advance that you want to form a partnership with the Mermaid Beast? Although our partnership was terminated by Lausanne, I haven't agreed yet."

"We only need the consent of Lord Lausanne to terminate the relationship. You are a traitor to the wolf clan. What qualifications do you have to disagree?"

With a cold snort, Zhenglang tried to approach Soma, but was stopped by Wu Yue.

"Silver Wolf, Soma is my partner now, you'd better be aware of this." Wu Yue's words were full of protection.

Silver Wolf knew that he was no match for the leader of the mermaid tribe, and the mermaid tribe cultivated spiritual power.

It is not comparable to ordinary orcs like them.

But the tiger clan is different. The tiger clan has a strong bloodline, even the mermaid beasts who practice spiritual power.

Tiger Clan can also contend with it.

In order to pose a threat to the mermaids, Huyin deliberately brought many powerful tiger orcs.

The mermaids and beasts present looked at Wu Yue and Soma in bewilderment, and everyone stared at Silver Wolf curiously.

Huyin winked at Silver Wolf, and Silver Wolf said loudly, "Anyway, Soma used to be my partner. Let me come and see my former partner, isn't that right?"

Soma let out a "bah", and her cold eyes swept over Silver Wolf.

Wu Yue held Soma's hand that was trembling because of anger, and looked up at Silver Wolf, "You saw it too, can you leave now?"

"It's already here, the leader of the mermaid clan won't be so stingy, so he will drive us away immediately?" Silver Wolf was full of ruffian air.

"Silver Wolf, don't go too far."

Thinking of everything in the past, Soma wanted to kill Silver Wolf to vent her anger.

At this time, Huyin came forward, patted Zhenglang on the shoulder, and signaled Yinlang not to speak yet.

"I came here this time to find someone, may I ask if Fei Li is in the mermaid tribe?" Huyin looked around the mermaid tribe with his eyes.

Since Fei Li took Lausanne away last time, he had sent people to the wolf tribe to inquire, but Fei Li was not in the wolf tribe.

After thinking about it, he aimed at the mermaid tribe.

It was Wu Yue who rescued Soma back then, so he guessed that Fei Li should also be here.

But today was a good day for Soma, and Fei Li didn't show up, so he began to doubt again.

Isn't Fei Li here?

"What qualifications do you have to mention Fei Li?" Soma clenched her fists and glared at Huyin viciously.

"Why can't you mention it?" Huyin asked knowingly.

Soma's patience was at its limit, he strode forward and slammed Huyin's face hard with his fist.

If Huyin hadn't used despicable means to force Luosang to stay in the Tiger tribe.

Fei Li would not save Luosang with his own life, and all of this is Huyin's fault in the final analysis.

Seeing that their leader was beaten, the tiger orcs were eager to fight back.

"Wait!" Hu Yin stopped the tiger orcs, and continued to ask: "Wu Yue, I don't want to make things difficult for you and Soma, but if you don't hand over Fei Li, I won't let you mermaids go. "

The provocative mermaids stood up one after another not to be outdone.

In the face of foreign enemies, they chose to jointly resist foreign enemies, and then pursued the matter of Wu Yue and Soma becoming partners.

"Huyin, do you really think that a few tiger clan orcs can defeat us mermaid clan?" Wu Yue sneered and looked contemptuously over the tiger clan orcs.

"Then try it!"

After Hu Yin finished speaking, the Tiger Clan orcs took the lead in attacking.

Before the mermaid orcs could fight back, they were bounced off by a white light and fell to the ground one after another.

Huyin frowned and stared at the place where the white light was shining. What's going on?

This powerful spiritual power seems to be stronger than the spiritual power of all fish and beasts.

"Who?" Huyin felt an oppressive force coming.

Not only Huyin felt this way, even Wu Yue felt an unusual force approaching.

Suddenly, a figure descended from the sky and landed directly in front of everyone.

Everyone stared round, staring at the person in front of them with surprise.

This person was dressed like them, with fair skin and red lips.

A head of black and thick hair hangs naturally behind him.

There is a thin layer of fairy air covering the whole body.

"Wow, it's so good-looking, how can there be such a good-looking person in this world?"

"Is he human?"

"He must be an orc, only an orc can have such a powerful ability."

Turning a deaf ear to everyone's comments, he lazily raised his eyes to look at Huyin and Yinlang.

"After so many years, I didn't expect that you were still looking for me?"

Huyin and Yinlang looked at each other with the same puzzled look, "Who are you?"

"Aren't you looking for me? Don't you even know me?" There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and he impatiently played with his long hair. Unknowingly, why is his hair so long?

Although it is very beautiful, it is also very troublesome to put it together.

"You, you are Fei Li?" Silver Wolf spoke first.

"Yes! Finally recognized me?"

Fei Li?

Soma rushed to him first and stared at him for a long time.

how come?

He doesn't look like Fei Li at all, how could he be Fei Li?

Soma shook her head in disappointment, "No, you're not Fei Li, how could you be him?"

He thought that Fei Li had really woken up, but unexpectedly it was still a dream.

"Who the **** are you? Why did you pretend to be Fei Li?" Wu Yue asked, unable to bear to see Soma sad.

Now, it's Fei Li's turn to be puzzled.

He is obviously Fei Li, why does everyone look like he doesn't know him?

Just as he was about to explain, he caught a glimpse of Huyin's small movements.

Before Huyin could swing the stone knife at him, Fei Li took the stone knife away.

"You are still so despicable and shameless, you always like to do sneak attacks."

Shaking his head, Fei Li returned the stone knife to Huyin.

Huyin seemed to be stupid, not only did not dodge, but also let the stone knife cut straight.

"Master Huyin__" It was the first time the tigers and beasts saw each other, and Huyin didn't even dodge this simple attack.

"I advise you to leave quickly! Otherwise, I will personally send you away." Fei Li yawned impatiently, stretching his shins.

All the tiger orcs looked at each other and took a step back one after another.

Huyin couldn't help but said angrily, "Why are you hiding? We have to see how powerful you really are."

When the voice fell, the tiger's voice turned into a tiger shape, and the silver wolf turned into a wolf shape, and the two attacked Fei Li at the same time.

Soma on the side was slightly worried, "It's really shameless for two people to beat one."

"Don't worry, I always feel that this person is not simple, let's see what his background is first." Wu Yue maintained a high level of vigilance for the powerful characters who suddenly appeared in the tribe.