MTL - The Orc Old Attack Lightly Teases-Chapter 19 midwife

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Luosang's hot eyes gradually sank, and the long arm let go of him.

Fei Li will heal the disease, which is beneficial to the tribe, and he can't let him die.

Besides, the future is long, and he is not in a hurry at this moment.

the next day.

Lausanne and Fei Li inside the house were awakened by a burst of shouting, and they went outside the house.

A man with the appearance of an orc knelt in front of their house, and when he saw Luosang, he saluted.

"Lord Lausanne, my partner can't give birth to a cub, it's covered in blood, and half his life is almost gone, please let me go to the witch doctor of the mermaid clan to have a look?"

The moment the orc raised his eyes, Fei Li saw that his red eyes were another infatuated orc.

Maori before, now the man kneeling in front of Lausanne.

When mentioning the mermaid tribe, Luosang's face instantly turned black and blue.

Fei Lidu was startled by the speed at which Lausanne changed his face.

I thought that Lausanne hates fish and mermaids, so why would he agree with the witch doctor of the mermaids to come to the tribe?

Sure enough, Luosang snorted coldly, "Mudong, the tribe has its rules, and you know it better than anyone else."

"But my partner is about to die, Lord Luosang, I beg you." Mu Dong kowtowed to Luosang again.

Luosang's attitude was so firm that the surrounding orcs looked at Mu Dong with sympathy.

The two sides have been in a stalemate, Fei Li couldn't stand it anymore, and stood up from behind Luosang, "Can I try?"

When everyone saw Fei Li, they remembered that he was a witch doctor brought back by Lausanne.

A look of hope appeared on Mu Dong's face, and he dragged Fei Li to his room.

At this time, a group of orcs surrounded Mu Dong's house.

While everyone watched the excitement, they were also full of worries about their future.

Primitive society lacked witch doctors, and orcs seldom got sick, but the companions of orcs were ordinary humans who couldn't turn into orcs.

If they get sick, it's just luck.

If you are lucky, you can survive, but if you are not lucky, you can only wait to die.

Seeing Fei Li coming, everyone made way for him to enter the house.

As soon as he entered the room, the smell of blood in the air broke into his nostrils, and the room was scarlet.

He is a medical student, and he can be regarded as well-read. He knew at a glance that Mu Dong's partner was having a dystocia.

Male dystocia is more difficult than female dystocia, but fortunately, the males here are all strong and strong, which saves him a lot of trouble.

"Weina, he can save you, he must hold on." Mu Dong held his partner Weiner's hand and comforted him.

Fei Li took a look, took some hay and put it under Weiner's body, then turned to look at Mu Dong, "Go fetch some water for me, the more the better."

He couldn't boil hot water, so he could only make do with cold water.

The sun rises early in primitive tribes, and the river water is warm even in the morning, not too cold.

Wiping the blood off Weiner's body with water, he began to deliver Weiner's baby.

After his careful observation, the baby in Weiner's stomach is in a normal position, but it is a bit bigger, and it has been stuck underneath and cannot get out.

In addition, the orcs didn't have any medical knowledge, and Weiner's excessive force caused the lower part to be severely torn, which is why so much bleeding.

After finding out the reason, Fei Li breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it was not the modern dystocia, otherwise the medical conditions here are poor, and he would have no way to recover.

He taught Weiner to inhale and exhale, and then let Weiner slowly exert strength when Weiner was about to rest.

Sure enough, Weiner didn't feel so much pain this time.

When the child's head came out, he held the child's shoulders and pulled the child out in one go.

Weiner only felt that after a burst of severe pain, his whole body was relaxed, as if he was reborn.