MTL - The Only Magician on Earth-Chapter 613 Nice to have you

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   Next comments, photos posted by others, and even a lot of videos... Lu Ya focuses on those photos and videos.

  More and more photos, more and more videos, more and more people swear that they saw someone flying in the sky with their own eyes... The direction of public opinion has begun to change.

  Although there are diehards who insist that they do not believe that someone can fly... After all, after so many years of education, scientific ideas have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

   However, more and more people are beginning to believe, maybe, that is the magician?

   After all, even if you take photos and modify videos, it is impossible for so many photos and videos to emerge at the same time! [

   You must know that when the ancient winds fly, they are worried and do whatever they want. Occasionally, it will fly over the city. Although it passed by, it was enough for many people to see. This doubt further enhances the persuasiveness of this fact.

What about   Luya?

   She has seen too much magic of antiquity, of course she will not doubt that these photos will be p.

  He is a magician!

   He really is a magician!

   At this moment, Lu Ya's heart firmly believes this.

   In my heart, I suddenly had an urge to see Gu Feng immediately. This windy man... From the moment of the parkour show, he has entered her heart. At this moment, the depression that had been there for many days suddenly erupted.

   Dressed neatly, quickly went downstairs, started the BMW mn, and galloped towards the health resort. At the same time, he "felt" out his phone. Dial the ancient number.



   just slowed down a little and answered the phone. After the call is over. In Gu Feng's mind, the female reporter who looked like a big ocean horse flashed.

   For Lu Ya's mind, he also understands a little bit. This female reporter, but she is absolutely unrestrained, has openly molested him more than once. Although it seems to be joking, Gu Feng also knows that this female reporter might be interested in herself.

   "Forget it! Don't want so much! Let her wait at the Health Care Villa first! I want to save people. I have to advance...too many things to do!"

  Gu Feng quickly put this matter down.

"A manly man, be a polygamist! I can't see it, your personality is quite open-minded. In this regard, why are you so awkward?" The cheap dad was right behind, and he naturally heard the call, and immediately raised his eyebrows. ' One pick.

   "Cough cough cough..." Gu Feng almost choked.

   This is definitely my father!

   A manly man. Be polygamous! What a thought for my son!

"Don't hesitate. You think that the current society is really monogamous! You are capable of everything! So many girls like you, and you have the ability to make people happy... If it is because of pedantic ideas, Unfortunately, then you are the one who really deserves to die! Don't think too much. After returning to Yangsheng Villa, I married all those girls. Honestly, it's the right thing to have a few more fat grandchildren for me." The cheap old man said in a voice. With majesty. [

   He lives in the health care villa, and he is not free to eat and drink. For some things, see clearly!

   "Cough! Okay! Now it's important for us to save people first. This topic...let's talk about it later!"

  Gu Feng quickly changed the subject, he really couldn't let Dad continue talking.

   But I couldn't help thinking about it. Sister Guan Guan, Sister Feifei, Liu Lili, Xue Ting, Youyou, Lu Ya... and even Qin Qing... all of them flashed in my mind.

   These women seem to have some ideas in their subconscious. Whether he wanted to admit it or not, if any of them announced that they were going to marry someone else, he would feel bad in his heart... just the fact.

   Or, as Dad said, be more open-minded and love what you love. What about fraternity? Anyway, he has the strength. Whether it's economic, or status, or... ahem! On the bed... With the strength and physical strength of the ancient style, it can give everyone happiness and "sex" blessings, so what if you take it all?

   This idea can't help but pop up.

The speed of   's flight has not decreased in the slightest. Soon, Nandu was close at hand.

  The thousand-year-old capital, first a giant beast squatted on the riverside.

  The ancient wind lowered the flight altitude and swept through the mountains and forests in the suburbs.


  The air is not well circulated in the cave.

  Several figures, all sitting crookedly against the wall of the cave.

   Guan Zishao's face was pale, and although he tried to comb his hair neatly, it seemed dry due to lack of care. The lips are even more terrible, chapped and bleeding.

  No food, no water...they've been on it for days. If it weren't for the fact that everyone was an ancient warrior, and their vitality was stronger than ordinary people, if it wasn't for the few mountain mice and bugs they caught...they would definitely not be able to hold on to it now.

  Rao is so, they are also on the verge of collapse.

   Even so, no one complained. Those who can follow Guan Zishao to escape here are her absolute confidants and absolutely trustworthy.


  Suddenly, footsteps sounded at the door.


  The originally lifeless crowd immediately became vigilant, and there was the sound of the pistol safety being pulled.

  Aben even flashed and appeared directly at the entrance of the cave. A few days of hunger and thirst made his tall figure look a little thin, but he was still strong. [

   "Gu Shao! It's Gu Shao!"

  Aben's surprised voice sounded.

In the    cave, everyone immediately became excited.


   Guan Zishao stepped forward for the first time.

  Gu Feng came in, the two were one meter apart, and they were quickly stunned.

  When the spiritual force probed in and felt the weakness of everyone and the harsh environment around them, Gu Feng immediately understood what kind of suffering everyone was suffering these days!

   "I'm here! You don't have to worry anymore!" Gu Feng only said this sentence.

   "Yeah! I always knew that you would come!" Guan Zishao also had thousands of words in his heart, but in the end, he just looked at Gu Feng and said this sentence, tears already flowing in his eyes.

   Immediately after that, the legs softened. After many days of torment, the woman's physique is worse, and it is a miracle that she can persist until now.

   The moment I saw the ancient style, I knew it was safe, my heart relaxed, and my body couldn't hold on any longer.

   She didn't fall to the ground. The moment her body was tilted, Gu Feng reached out and grabbed her.

   "It's great to have you here!" Guan Zishao just said this and then fainted. There was a relaxed smile on the corner of his mouth.

   This scene is so sad to see the ancient style. He probed his mental strength and knew that Guan Zishao was just too weak and passed out in a coma, and there would be no danger to his life, so he felt relieved. Rao is like this, but the anger in his heart has not been reduced by half.

   "Relax! I swear, this is the last time, I have put you in this situation. I will not let anyone who harmed you! Not a single one!" Gu Feng's joints tightened and he swore secretly.

Behind   , Daddy Cheap also looked gloomy.

   When he was released from prison, it was Guan Zishao and Gu Feng who went to pick him up. Then, Guan Zishao, together with Gu Feng, sent him to his hometown... In that scene, he also liked the cuteness of this little girl very much, and he had already decided to be his daughter-in-law "wife"... Of course, it was one of them.

   Now, the evil-looking daughter-in-law "wife" has been "forced" to be like this! The anger in the cheap dad's heart can be imagined.

   "Brother Aben, and everyone, thank you for your hard work!" Gu Feng looked at Aben and the others.

   "To protect President Guan, don't work hard!" The voices of Aben and the others were still firm.

"Okay! Thank you everyone, your hard work will be rewarded! After today's incident, your loyalty to President Guan is beyond doubt. You saved President Guan's life. I want you all to become billionaires. Millionaire, I want you all to become first-class ancient warriors!" Gu Feng threw out a promise.

  Billionaires, first-class ancient warriors... Every one of them is enough to make people go crazy.

  Paying is not in vain! Following Mr. Guan, although sometimes dangerous, the reward is even more crazy!

   "Also, those brothers who have sacrificed, have a good burial. After the aftermath, when Mr. Guan wakes up, he will arrange it himself, and it will never let the brothers feel cold!" Gu Feng said.

   Arranging the funeral of the sacrificing brothers... This is also a way to win people's hearts. Of course, it is more appropriate for Guan Zishao to come forward.

   For those who are alive, the rewards are so rich that it makes people jealous, almost crazy; for those who are dead, there is no need to worry about the aftermath... At this moment, everyone's loyalty to President Guan has risen to a higher level.

   "Those brothers who died on my behalf, thank you Gu Shao!" Aben bowed deeply.

   "You're welcome, these are what they should be." Gu Feng helped Aben. (To be continued.)

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