MTL - The Only Magician on Earth-Chapter 14 The atmosphere is not right

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   "Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

   An anxious shout, Xue Ting separated the crowd and ran in, panting, obviously rushing all the way.

   "Gu Feng, are you all right? This... what's going on?"

  Xue Ting was stunned by the scene in front of her.

   Just now Gu Feng was surrounded by monkeys and others, and someone called Xue Ting to report. As soon as Xue Ting heard it, she ran over without caring about anything. Don't talk about the guilt in her heart along the way. Gu Feng agreed to come to the school after she reassured that she was fine. As a result, she was blocked by people as soon as she entered the school. It can be said that it was entirely her responsibility.

   Blame yourself! Guilty! At the same time, he was very angry at Feng Kai's shamelessness. Yesterday's promise was fine, but today such a thing happened... anger!

   Unexpectedly, what I saw was a completely different scene.

   The scene where the ancient style was beaten in the imagination did not appear, but several monkeys were beaten to the ground.

   "It's okay, just a few annoying flies, it's settled, let's go!" Gu Feng clapped his hands, smiled, and walked forward first.

The classmates around    are still talking excitedly. After the paper tiger is knocked down, it is not so scary. The group of monkeys who fell to the ground miserably was not enough to make everyone afraid to speak.

  Xue Ting heard a few words, and then she roughly understood what happened just now. Stunned for a moment, his mind digested the scene in front of him and forced himself to accept this fact.

   Seeing Gu Feng walking away, he quickly chased after him.

   Until Gu Feng's back could not be seen, the monkeys and other people stood up with each other's support.

   "Brother Monkey, what should we do? Do we just let this kid go like this?" A small flat head asked, rubbing the footprint on his chest.

   "What if else? You catch up?" Monkey was upset.

   The little flathead quickly shook his head. joke! The lesson just now is deep enough, if you catch up, isn't it courting death!

   gave those people a blank look, and the monkey took out his mobile phone and dialed a number:

   "Hello? Feng Shao, it's like this..."

   After reporting, he put away his phone, and the monkey gave a yin and yin smile.

   "Don't worry, bros! Young Master Feng will take care of him. Our revenge will definitely be repaid. At that time, I won't be named Hou if I don't maim him!"

   The people next to him are naturally flattering.

   said, only to feel a gust of cold wind blowing, the monkey's body shivered, and he couldn't help wrapping his clothes.

   "Where did the cold wind come from in this big summer!" he muttered.

   A few people next to the monkey saw that the monkey's face was ugly, and they didn't take it to heart. After all, whoever was knocked to the ground in front of so many people and stepped on his face with his feet, it was estimated that his face would not be much better.

   A few brothers and sisters walked to the clinic with support.


  Gu Feng felt like his steps were vain while walking, and the excessive consumption of magic power caused a lack of physical strength. I was secretly vigilant in my heart, I was too careless just now.

   Always give yourself the strength to protect yourself, this is the most basic principle.

   "It seems that the days on this earth have been too peaceful since I crossed, and I lost my inner vigilance!"

   Gu Feng sighed with emotion. The days on earth are not knowing how much more comfortable it is compared to the magic continent. There is no need to be alert to possible death at any time, and people's hearts gradually relax.

   This is not a good sign. There are few real threats of death on Earth, but that doesn't mean there are none, there are many other threats.

  For example, now, if Feng Kai rushes to take revenge, Gu Feng will definitely not have the power to protect himself, and his life will not be a worry, but the humiliation in front of him is inevitable.

The    small magic power enhancer can restore magic power instantly, but can that thing be taken in a fair manner? Obviously not!

The peculiar effect of    was shown in public, and he had to be captured as an alien. ….

  Gu Feng thought while walking, but Xue Ting, who followed behind, was upset.

   "Gu Feng, you... how did you suddenly become so powerful?"

   "If it wasn't so powerful, wouldn't it be me lying on the ground?"

  Xue Ting was startled when she heard the words, her face was slightly red, thinking that Gu Feng was blaming herself:

   "Ancient, I'm sorry!"

   "Why?" Gu Feng was a little curious, but he didn't think so much.

  Xue Ting took this expression as a sarcasm, and her face became redder:

   "I promised yesterday that you won't be in trouble. But today, when you came here, something like this happened. Damn Feng Kai, he's so untrustworthy, I won't be able to forgive him in the future!"

  Xue Ting gritted her teeth.

  Gu Feng didn't take this matter to heart at first, but Xue Ting was still feeling guilty about it, and smiled slightly:

   "It doesn't matter! If this scumbag is trustworthy, then society will be in chaos! You don't have to worry, he can't help me!"

   If it was yesterday, Gu Feng said this, and it would definitely get Xue Ting a beautiful hygienic eye. However, with the carport incident just now, it is very convincing to say it again.

   "Two fists are invincible to four hands, good dog..." Xue Ting said here, suddenly realized that something was wrong, peeked at Gu Feng, and laughed out loud.

   "Anyway, you have to be more careful. Feng Kai is not as simple as you think. After all, the monkeys are just students. He also knows some messy people in society, and those people are not easy to deal with."

   "Thank you!" For Xue Ting's concern, Gu Feng is also warm in his heart.

   Even when she was at her worst, this girl often extended a helping hand to herself without laughing at it. This feeling was recorded in Gu Feng's heart.

  The school has no secrets. Before class time, the carport incident had completely spread.

   "Xiao Hua, have you heard? Gu Feng beat up a few monkeys in the carport." The first girl said in a mysterious tone.

"Cut! You only know now! It's so out! Now everyone is spreading this crazy thing! The ancient style is really hidden!" The second girl obviously knew it for a long time, and felt the lag in the news of the female companion. Disdain.

"You just heard about it? I saw it with my own eyes, it's amazing! Three punches and two kicks knocked down five or six people. I think that Guo Jing is nothing more than this!" The third girl looked at Mao Xingxing, her tone full of pride. To be able to see the carport incident with your own eyes is not the luck of ordinary people! What a show of capital.

   "No? The old fashioned, thin and weak can beat five or six boys?" Some people were also suspicious.

   "Why not! So many people have seen it with their own eyes, I lied, can so many people lie at the same time?" The third girl was anxious. This is a matter of reputation! How to make people think they are bragging?

"That's right! That's right! I saw it with my own eyes. The ancient style is so handsome! Three punches and two feet beat the monkeys and the others to lie on the ground like dead dogs. You have long hair and short knowledge. If you don't understand, don't talk nonsense!" Another girl passed by and immediately interjected, with an expression of doubting the ancient style and doubting me.

The authenticity of the    carport incident can no longer be questioned by anyone. This is not questioning the ancient style, but questioning the credibility of the onlookers!

   At this time, Gu Feng, the protagonist of the incident, was crawling on the desk in the classroom and sleeping soundly.

   Of course, in the eyes of outsiders, he is sleeping soundly, but in fact, he is meditating.

   On the way into the classroom, Gu Feng used the toilet to get rid of Xue Ting and found a place where no one was around. After taking a small bottle of magic power enhancer, the magic power consumed was basically replenished.

  However, Gu Feng prepared potions all night last night. Concocting a potion is different from meditation. Meditation is good for the recovery of the spirit, and the effect is better than sleep, but the preparation of medicine is extremely exhausting of mental power. ….

  Gufeng didn't have time to rest after preparing the potion, so he was dragged out by Sun Feifei knocking on the door, and then he encountered the carport incident when he arrived at the school. He used up the only magic power, which can be said to be extremely lacking in spirit.

  Fortunately, with the proficiency in controlling magic power in the ancient style, there is no need to pose for meditation, lying on the desk, which does not affect the effect of meditation at all.

   This morning, several teachers felt very tired in their lectures. It's not that they are embarrassed by sleeping in the ancient style. No one pays attention to the poor students of the ancient style.

   Moreover, the ancient-style seats are in the corner of the last row of the classroom, let alone sleeping on the stomach, even if you roll and sleep, it will not affect other students.

This kind of place can be found in any middle school and any class. The students dubbed it a "minefield". All students sitting here are assigned to the frontier, as long as they don't disturb the classroom order, sleep, etc. A tacit understanding has long been formed between teachers and students, which is irrelevant. (The president asks weakly here, classmate, have you ever had such an experience?)

  However, this morning was different. The whole class seemed to have fallen into evil. In class, they always turned their heads to look at the ancient style.

   Such a poor student, what's so beautiful? Does he have flowers growing on his head?

The   carport incident is only spread among the students, and has not spread to the teacher level for the time being. Such as monkeys and others, they naturally disdain to complain to the teacher when they are beaten, otherwise, they don't have to mess around.

   In order to draw back the attention of the students, the teacher wasted a lot of spittle for no reason.

The    carport incident still lingers, the teacher does not speak, and other students dare not come to disturb the new god. With the help of that small bottle of magic power enhancer, Gu Feng's meditation effect in the morning was excellent, and both magic power and spiritual power were restored to the best effect.

   When I was about to end the meditation, I suddenly felt that the surrounding atmosphere was not right. I immediately opened my eyes and sat up straight.

  I saw a sullen guy standing in the aisle of the desk, with his hands in his trouser pockets, looking at himself with a condescending look.
