MTL - The Omega Can’t Pretend to Be a Beta After Accidentally Witnessing the Major General’s Susceptible Period-Chapter 94 National live broadcast

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"Do you know what you're shouting?"

The young and elegant prince standing on the terrace faced the crowd below who supported him,suddenly said.

His unwavering voice spread through the microphone in the square, like a basin of cold water poured on a fire.

The enthusiasm of the people suddenly weakened, no longer the previous high.

Standing in the corridor, Ji Shanhong frowned,immediately noticed something was wrong,he immediately wanted to reach out and open the door to the terrace,  ; but found that the door was locked from the outside.

At this moment, several soldiers standing behind Xie Quan belonged to the Ninth Corps and were firmly guarding the door,The door was pulled by Ji Shanhong and made a 'bang' The sound of bang, they seemed to be deaf,never even looked at it, let alone untied the locked chain.

Because they were secretly placed in this position,in order to complete their mission - to protect His Highness Caesar from being disturbed by anyone!

The locking of the door has made Ji Shanhong quickly realize that Xie Quan may be planning something, but the door cannot be forcibly broken at this moment,In that way, it will only arouse public suspicion.

He immediately ordered the people around him: "Cut off the national live broadcast signal! Then let people stop the broadcasting equipment immediately!"


Ji Shanhong stared at the door, his eyes became gloomy and dangerous.

Although he still doesn't know what Xie Quan's purpose is,but he must not allow the slightest risk.

He must cut off Xie Quan's communication channel with the masses!

At the moment outside, after Xie Quan's words, the crowd's voice gradually faded like a tide, and gradually,The voice slowly became silent, and then suddenly someone shouted a sentence , like an arrow breaking through the air.

"Your Highness! We know! We trust you to bring us a new future!"

With this sound,the voices of the people began to shout again.

However, Xie Quan laughed softly,His pure eyes looked at the people below without showing sadness or joy, but it was just like that, it seemed a little bit more ridicule.

He said in that calm voice: "No, you don't know."

"You don't even know what kind of person I am, why do you believe that I will bring you a new future?"

"What?" The people were dumbfounded,I didn't expect the people they support would say such things to them.

The people in the auditorium at the moment are also puzzled when they look at the big screen.

Saroyan frowned, "What is he doing?"

Lilith took a breath in her heart, and stared at Xie Quan on the big screen, without blinking.

In the corridor, Ji Shanhong listened to Xie Quan's words, his face has completely sank at this moment, and his voice has a kind of tense anger latently under calm, "Why not yet cut off?"

The deputy next to him knew that this meant that the marshal was already very bad, a drop of sweat rolled down his forehead, and went to contact again, but this time, he got the result immediately.

He held his communicator and swallowed because he was nervous, but he still gave a very concise and clear report, "Reporting the marshal, the current live broadcast line is not the royal line, but Disguised private line so we can't cut it!"

Ji Shanhong frowned, "Private line? Where does the private line come from to connect to the national screen signal?"

The deputy also replied with a somewhat disbelieving tone: "They did not connect, but directly invaded."

In the entire empire of hundreds of millions of square kilometers, there are more than one billion people, thousands of screens, and hundreds of channels were all invaded by one system!

How powerful a system does this need to be?

Invaded the whole country by oneself!

The police officers at the Information Management Office couldn't believe the fact they discovered.

At this moment, in the light brain on Xie Quan's wrist, a virtual intelligent image holds the virtual pipes of those data in the hands, and its connected tentacles extend to the whole empire. , at this moment it is on a huge net, and this net tightly wraps the empire.

People in the information security system are constantly changing new keys to prevent intrusions, but every time the key is updated within three seconds, it is quickly cracked again.

Xiaobai shouted domineeringly: "My lord, I am infinitely powerful, kill kill kill!"

After listening to the report, Ji Shanhong knew that this was Xie Quan and they had already prepared, but he didn't want to make him take it too lightly because of Xie Quan's previous obedience, and he never thought that Xie Quan would either not Resist, and as soon as you resist, there will be such a big deal.

He asked again: "What about the broadcasting system? Can't it be cut off?"

"..." The deputy said hesitantly, "It was cut."

The sound system in the auditorium, as well as on the terrace and in the square was indeed cut off.

However, this has no effect at all.

Limai in front of Xie Quan was indeed silent. He even gradually left the microphone, walked to the railing, and looked at those people more closely.

Then, in a casual, chatty tone, he said plainly, "I know the purpose of your stay here."

The minister next to him was shocked to find that even though Xie Quan did not use a microphone, his voice still resounded clearly in the sky above the square.

"I also know very well what the responsibilities I need to take for you to let me stand here." On Xie Quan's collar, a small radio was lit with a green light.

People near the speaker found that Xie Quan's voice didn't seem to come from beside the speaker, but from somewhere else, from above, from the side, in a closer place—

They searched carefully and saw silver ladybugs flying one by one in the air.

Xie Quan's voice came out clearly from those silver ladybugs.

Tang Wenshao, who was in the crowd, immediately recognized it. This is the miniature ladybug device designed by Xie Quan before! I don't want Xie Quan to actually use this device to connect with the radio, and then replace the audio.

But at this moment, Xie Quan is still continuing, he glanced coldly at the people and the banners they were holding high, he said: "But it's a pity, you guys Wrong person."

"You choose me because you think I can bring you a bright future, but I have no ability or willingness to take on this responsibility."

"Don't you think you are funny? You are Beta, I am an Omega, why do you think an Omega can bear the hope of Beta?"

He was indifferent and with a little curiosity and doubt, he asked: "Why do you let others work hard for your own happiness?"

As he asked questions one after another, the crowd in front of him was almost silent.

They looked at the man who was speaking from a high place with disappointed and hurt eyes, and in the silence, Ham, the leader, shouted with grief: "Your Highness! Forgot your father, the unfinished ideal of His Highness Qiong?! He is still dead!"


"His Royal Highness Qiong pity us, risking the loss of our future and risking our lives, but also to seek life for our Beta, how can you say that! You say this, how can you deal with the dead His Royal Highness Qiong How can you deal with his feelings that he would rather sacrifice himself in order to protect you!"

He asked, "Were you in the car? How did you know I was protected by him?"

"This..." Ham was at a loss for words, he could only say: "Pity the hearts of parents in the world, it must be like this..."

Xie Quan said: "That accident happened before my father, me, and the guards in the car could react. Whoever has sacrificed and who has been saved. Of course, I'm not complaining, I'm just telling the truth, I hope you can also look at my father objectively, he's not a god, he's just an ordinary person."

He continued, "He is no different from the unforgivable Saroyan, Amelia, and now King Hea, who you say is unforgivable."

After a brief silence, the crowd below became angry, "You lied!"

"You unfilial son! How dare you smear your father!"

"You are bullying the dead and can't speak!"

"Get off!"

"You don't deserve to be a prince!"


He said as if he had expected it long ago: "Look, I said, you have no idea what you are talking about."

"One minute, you thought I could be your hope, but now you think I'm not worthy of being a prince."

He lowered his voice, "Similarly, how much do you know about Joan? How much do you know about the Beta redifferentiation study that you call Hope?"

He asked: "Which university did Joan graduate from, what major did she study, and what book do you like to read? Do you know? How long is the research history of Beta redifferentiation research, and the specific experimental measures What are there? Is the experimental data public?"


The layer of paper was suddenly punctured, and most of the people were suddenly confused.

They suddenly didn't know how to answer. Thinking about it carefully, Xie Quan asked these questions, but they didn't seem to be able to answer any of them. And after looking at each other like this, they were shocked that they really didn't seem to understand much.

At this moment, people in front of the screen react the same way.

Some of them were outraged not long ago. The Betas who do it, the Alphas and Omegas who are determined to support the Empire's interests.

But at this moment, they realized that what they believed was just an illusion.

An illusion without a body.

In such silence, Xie Quan dropped the most powerful bomb in the most bland tone.

"The beta redifferentiation study is a hoax from start to finish."

"The Betas cannot be differentiated and their glands cannot be reactivated."

"As for why, do you think that after a person stands upright from crawling, he will return to the previous state of crawling?"

At this moment, Emperor Hea, who was sitting on the throne and wanted to see what a farce Xie Quanhui would perform, suddenly stood up, he lowered his brows, and hurriedly shouted: "Hurry up and break the door! Stop him!"

The author has something to say:Have everyone gone to the exam recently, and found that no one is reading the text (lying flat)
