MTL - The Nation’s Male God Fell In Love With Me-Chapter 32 The conspiracy of Qiao Li's family

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  Chapter 32 The Conspiracy of the Qiao and Li Family

Qiao and Li's family made an appointment to have a meeting together, and everyone was in a bad mood. The banquet was messed up, and Li Hu and Fang Xiaoxia were very upset, especially when Qiao Xia said that he would take out the Li family's dislike of the poor and love of the rich. He was even more displeased with the recording.

  Li Hu didn't even consider that it was caused by his son's poor handling. From his point of view, when the women started arguing, it was because of the poor handling of the Qiao family.

  Now a man was bitten out halfway, sweeping the face of the two families, and taking away Qiao Xia. He is so arrogant that even Liu Yitian doesn't pay attention to him. Li Hu and Qiao Guang are very worried, fearing that the comer is not good.

   Li Hui finally came, and Qiao Lan went up to greet her. Li Hu said something to her, and she felt aggrieved.

  Li Hui held her hand comfortingly.

But he had another calculation in his heart. If he could persuade Qiao Xia to marry him, it would be best to get Qiao's shares. Qiao Xia seemed to be determined, and she was getting involved with Mu Liang again, so I'm afraid it was not in his mind long ago. Innocent girl.

   If you don't marry him, you can't take advantage of Mu Liang.

   "I saw that Qiao Xia was on a blind date, and I guess she plans to get married and get back the shares and the house." Li Hui said.

   Qiao Guang should take precautions against this matter in advance.

  Lu Mengxi sneered, "This girl is really naive. She is just a little girl, what can she do? Do you really think that getting married will give you peace of mind, and you can get shares and a house?"

  Qiao Guang said, "I didn't expect that she would actually get married because of the family property. The shares have been handed over a long time ago, and she can't get it even when she gets married. As for the house, the old lady is still alive. She wants to take it back. It's a dream."

   Qiao Lan asked, "How is his blind date?"

  Li Hui, "A man who looks obscene, I don't know where I found it."

Qiao Lan said triumphantly, "When she marries this wretched man, she will find out that getting married won't help her. If she can't get back the house and shares, then she will feel better. We will give him a sum of money and let him take care of Qiao Xia. .”

  Fang Xiaoxia thought of Qiao Xia's threat, and hated her too much, and agreed with Qiao Lan's approach.

  The three women almost hit it off.

  Li Hu is cautious, "Doesn't she have a will?"

Qiao Guang said, "It's useless to rely on a will alone, but just in case, we still have to guard against it. She can't get back the shares. I don't pay attention to a girl who doesn't know much about the world. As for the house, it's a few days away." The next day I coaxed the old lady to see how to transfer the ownership."

   "The old man kept a lot of money. Qiao Xia's consent must be obtained for the transfer, otherwise the transfer cannot be done." Lu Mengxi said, "I coaxed her to transfer many times when she was a child.

"What about forging a letter of consent?" Li Hui said, he wanted to cut off all hope for Qiao Xia, "Auntie may be able to help, if there is no will, forge a letter of consent, and use a little relationship, the old lady is still alive , the house will be transferred soon.”

   "All these procedures are completed, and it will take about a week at the earliest." Lu Mengxi has done it before, and it is quite clear that without Aunt Li Hui's help, it is estimated that she will not be able to come down for several months.

"Don't worry, she won't get married so soon, what's more, I won't let her get married before the transfer of ownership." Li Hui looked cold, "I arranged someone to watch at the Civil Affairs Bureau. If there is any movement from Qiao Xia, I will first time to receive."

   "It's better for you." Qiao Lan smiled sweetly, thinking of Qiao Xia's miserable future, she felt very happy.

   "Have you found out? Who is that man and what is his background?" Li Hu asked.

  Qiao Guang also eagerly wanted to know if he had offended some important person.

  Li Hui said, "His name is Mu Liang. I have never heard of such a person in City A."

  Li Hu was startled, "With such an arrogant attitude, is it the Mu family?"

Li Hui said, "I'm also worried about this. I checked and found that the Mu family has a simple population and there is no one named Mu Liang. Besides, the Mu family only has two brothers. I checked and found that there is no one named Mu Liang. people."

  Qiao Guang's heart fell back.

  Lu Mengxi said, "I don't know where the **** came from to pretend to be a scam in the name of the Mu family. You are too cautious. We have never met a person named Mu Liang. What kind of ability can he have."

  Qiao Lan said, "In my opinion, he may be an unknown figure from the Mu family, and he is just bullying others with the help of the Mu family."

   Li Hu pondered, maybe they were too careful.

   Next, let's see if anyone has done anything to the Qiao and Li families.

   After waiting for two days, no one did anything, and everything was calm.

  Qiao Guang and Li Hu both breathed a sigh of relief. It really was an embroidered pillow with no ability to bully others.

  (end of this chapter)