MTL - The Nation’s Male God Fell In Love With Me-Chapter 1781 happy birthday my prince

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  Chapter 1781 Happy Birthday My Prince

Harry’s thirteenth birthday was celebrated in London. Almost every birthday is celebrated in New York. It’s basically a family reunion. For this year’s birthday, Gordon went to a summer camp. Xiaojiu was on a business trip and suffered a minor injury. He is recuperating in Cuba , Lu Bai went to Cuba to accompany Xiaojiu to recuperate. Harry’s birthday could only be celebrated in London. Harry didn’t feel too sorry about it, because Lu Xiaojiu had only met him a month ago when he was on a business trip in London. have met before.

Thirteen-year-old Harry is already a young boy. His appearance is different from that of when he was a child. He is a handsome and handsome son. He has been raised in the Duke's mansion in London for several years and has raised a noble son. On his birthday, the butler cut him a very well-fitting little suit. Thirteen is a coming-of-age ceremony in the duke's mansion. If the old duke is there, thirteen is a big birthday party. Being an adult marks many things, and the child can transition from recognition.

  The butler is sixty-five years old this year. Three generations of the family have been the butlers of the Duke's Mansion. The three generations of grandparents are the third in his life. His son is studying at Cambridge, and he will also serve the Duke's Mansion after graduation. The kind-hearted old butler is particularly attractive to Harry. Harry likes the kind-hearted old butler the most. The old butler looked at Harry's attire and was extremely satisfied, as if his own son was wearing this suit, which was unbelievably beautiful.

   "Young master, it's very suitable, neither fat nor thin, handsome and tall, and looks best in a small suit."

   "I think it looks good too, butler, your craftsmanship is really good."

  The butler smiled cheerfully.

  Harry walked happily through the garden of the manor, and ran to Rose with a smile.

   "Ross, am I handsome?"

  Rose had just met the queen, and was reading in the garden when she got home.

  At this point in time, Harry should be at school, and he was surprised to see Harry.

"get out of class has ended?"

   "get out of class ends early today."

   "Why did you finish class early today?"

   "Don't you remember?" Harry asked, Rose remembers his birthday every year, why can't he remember this year, because he was too busy, didn't he remember? Or went to meet the queen and was in a bad mood so can't remember?

   It doesn't matter, he has a lot of adults, so I won't blame him.

  Ross smiled, "Why don't you remember?"

He looked at the little boy in front of him. Harry came to London when he was very young. He remembered that when Harry first came, he was just a little one. Very flattering. His fate with Harry started from the foot in the slave market. It was rare for him to show kindness and save Harry. As for Rose, he was rather ruthless.

  No empathy, no affection.

  Only for Harry, it was different.

  Harry would have died if he hadn't offered a helping hand back then.

  Although, he was also the one who caused Harry to fall into the trap.

  But he firmly believed that if he hadn't saved Harry, Harry would have died.

  The child who almost died that year is already thirteen years old, and he is an adult in the Duke's mansion.

He is slightly taller than his peers. Especially in the past two years, his body has been pumped so high that Harry’s calcium can’t be supplemented. Sometimes his bones always hurt. The doctor has no good idea except to ask him to supplement calcium. .

  Such a fragile life, under his eyes, thrived.

  Growing up, she emitted a different kind of light, which always attracted his attention.

  It seems that I have been with him for many years and spent many years.

He remembered that one year, he was injured. At that time, he didn't realize that there was a child in the family. The wound was not deep, and he didn't care much, but Harry was very distressed. While wiping his tears, he begged him to go to the doctor, Jiao Didi He asked him if it hurt, and helped him blow the wound. After that, he rarely let Harry see blood. He knew that Harry would be sad. Such a young man who was not in the plan grew up in the Duke's mansion. .

  In the eyes of London nobles, the Duke's Mansion is a palace of hell.

This is an old manor that has been passed down for more than 200 years. It is full of conspiracy and blood. There have been tragedies of father and son killing each other, brothers turning against each other, and even family extermination. There are vivid stories here. Life is paying homage. The manor is too small, and it is always full of various legends. One of the servants even said that the manor is always haunted after being fired, so the news of the duke's mansion is not a day or two, and no one wants to come to the manor as a guest.

  Ross doesn't care, nobody hangs out with him, doesn't matter.

  He is not rare for people to associate with him, most of them are fawning on him.

   Those who fawn on him are not qualified to come to the manor as guests.

   So, Ross doesn't care.

  But in this eerie manor, Harry was raised.

  The sun is shining brightly, and there is no shadow in his heart.

  Who dares to say that his manor is gloomy?

  Even if thousands of lives were killed here, he still cultivated a sunny child.

"Good-looking." Rose said, Harry is a rare child with very standard facial features, just like the child in the painting. When he was young, his face was exquisite, but when he grew up, it became more exquisite. His brown eyes were slightly darker, and his outline became more and more beautiful. It was darker, his skin was fair and healthy, and his smile was always so comfortable. Duke Ross liked his smile the most, and his tiredness could melt away in his smile.

  He likes Harry's smile.

   "Did you forget what day it is today?"

   "Your birthday," Ross said.

   Harry, who was full of displeasure, became happy again after hearing this.

   "Your daddy called me in the morning, and he insisted on holding a birthday party for you to compensate you." Ross said.

  Harry was sullen, "Daddy told you, you only know my birthday."

  Ross handed him a little book on the desk.

  Harry asked, "My gift?"

  Ross will give him a little surprise on his birthday every year. He has long been used to it. Today, he opened his eyes and was waiting for his surprise. I don’t know what kind of surprise Rose will give him. He is looking forward to it.

  A small black book?

  Ross often used a small book.

   Carry it with you.

  Give it to him?

   "This is my notepad." Ross said, "You turn to the latest page."

  Harry opened the notebook in puzzlement, and saw the latest page of the notepad.

   March 13, my prince's birthday.

  Harry looked at Rose with a smile, slightly shy.

My prince.

  He smiled at Rose.

  Ross said, "Look, this is the notebook, the last page forever."

  So, he is reminded of Harry's birthday every day, even if he forgets his own birthday, he will never forget Harry's birthday.

  He has already written it down on the latest page of the notepad.

   I also remembered it in my heart.

  (end of this chapter)

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