MTL - The Nation’s Male God Fell In Love With Me-Chapter 1773 ross and harry

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  Chapter 1773 Rose and Harry

   Lu Bai looked at Harry and smiled slightly, "Daddy is not angry."

  Harry breathed a sigh of relief, he hugged Lu Bai affectionately, "Daddy, do you miss me so much?"

   "Of course, you'd be too happy to be in London."

   "No, I miss you very much." Harry said coquettishly, "I miss Daddy and Mommy, and my brother very much."

   "Then come back to study?" Lu Bai said, "New York also has such a special training class. If you want to take a special training class, Daddy will set up a special training class for you. You don't have to go all the way to London to study."

  It would be great to have my son back.

   "Daddy, I know many children in the special training class. Everyone gets along very well. I'm used to it, and I can keep up with the courses. If I come back to study, the courses can't keep up, and I have to adapt again. I don't want to."

"Okay, I won't force you." Lu Bai pinched his little nose, "Now that you're old enough to make decisions for yourself, you don't need Daddy's opinion on many things, so you can do whatever you want , Daddy has no objection."

   "Thank you, Daddy." Harry hugged Lu Bai affectionately.

   "I'm afraid you are not used to it in London. After all, London's weather, food and New York are a lot of surprises."

   "I'm used to it. The housekeeper specially found a cook to make food for me, so the taste hasn't changed. As for the weather, it's pretty good. We live in the suburbs, where the sun is shining and it's not as cloudy as in the city."

   "The housekeeper of the Duke's house is so kind to you."

   "Yeah, the butler is very nice to me." Harry said, "It's a very cute old grandpa."

  Looking at Harry smiling, Lu Bai naturally felt relieved.

  After Lu Bai came out, Lu Xiaojiu pulled him aside and said softly, "Did you suppress your temper just now, what's wrong?"


"You have."

"Well, I have." Lu Bai said lightly, "Harry has not been with us since he was a child, and after a few years, he was sent to New York to study. I am reluctant. After he came back, he kept thinking about Duke Ross. At first he The closest people are not you and me, but Ah Sheng, now I feel that I can’t even rank third, and I’m not happy.”

  Lu Xiaojiu opened her mouth, "How old are you?"

"I'm serious." Lu Bo said, "When I picked him up at the airport, they were wearing the exact same clothes and the same shoes. I was very annoyed. Is this a father-son outfit? I'm the real dad Damn, I didn't even wear a father-son outfit with him."

  Lu Xiaojiu, "..."

  This problem seems a bit serious.

  Lu Xiaojiu said, "You are too naive."

   "I'm just upset."

"It's unreasonable for you to be upset. First, it was not the Duke of Ross who asked Harry to study in London. It was Harry who wanted to study in London alone, because the school is next to the Duke's estate. We are afraid that Harry will be bullied in London alone. , so the Duke of Taurus took care of them. Second, the Duke of Ross took care of Harry and did his best. Harry was raised so well, and I am very grateful to him. He is kind to them, so what are you upset about?"

   "I took so much money from me in a year, and I paid back all the kindness."

   "If you want to be like this, then I have nothing to say." Lu Xiaojiu said, "So, are you jealous?"


   "It's a pity, you have never been jealous of me." Lu Xiaojiu said.

   Lu Bai was dumbfounded.

   That's because you don't have any romantic partners around you.

  Lu Xiaojiu said, "I'm upset this time."

"Wait..." Lu Bai pulled her hastily, "We're not talking about my son, why did it come to me, besides, I've been jealous, I've been jealous of Xiao Qiao, God knows how much I killed Xiao Qiao, but I can't even beat you, how can I beat Xiao Qiao?"

  Lu Xiaojiu, "..."

   I don't know why, but suddenly I want to laugh, and he really does.

  Lu Bai also breathed a sigh of relief.

"I admit that what you said makes sense. It's my problem, not the Duke of Ross's problem. It's all my fault." Lu Bai said, he thought, he might care too much about his son, Harry is special in the first place, From childhood to adulthood, the closest person is not him, but Ah Sheng. Now, I feel like I was snatched away by an inexplicable person again. How can this be fun? This must be unpleasant, what else can be refreshing.

  But what Xiao Jiu said made sense.

   He made trouble for no reason.

   "It's good to know that it's unreasonable to make trouble." Lu Xiaojiu said, "When Duke Ross comes over, please be more polite."

   "When have I ever been rude to others?"

   "I see you have not been very polite."

Dudu has given all his enthusiasm to the new brothers. According to Qiao Xia's words, Dudu talks more in a day than usual in a week. The main reason is that Zhou Zhou is a chatterbox, and he is especially good at entertaining himself. Enjoy yourself. Even if Dudu ignores him, he can happily continue the conversation. He is talkative, lively, and humble. He is a good example for the general and future, so Dudu likes Zhouzhou very much.

   Talking a lot is better.

  He is not boring anymore, and listening to Zhou Zhou's speech is also very interesting.

  Yu Jiang was a little silent.

  Gordon said, "There is always someone who is colder than me, and I will never be complained by my mother again."

  Yu Jiang, "…"

Although there are many children, there is nothing that happens. Gordon and Dudu, Zhouzhou and Yujiang are very humble children. They each have their own tempers, but they don't quarrel. Gordon and Dudu, The three of them were able to play games for half a day, and Zhouzhou circled around them. Harry played with Zhouzhou when he came out. Every child liked Harry very much. Harry is very different now from before he was three years old. He combines all the strengths of Lin Jingsheng and Lu Bai in his life, making him very comfortable and likable. This kind of likability is not intentionally likable, but It's natural to be likable.

  In order to thank Duke Ross, Lu Xiaojiu prepared perfectly. She and two cooks prepared a large table of dishes, and asked Harry Rose about his taste, and cooked several London specialties.

  Lu Bai has been complaining that the diet in London is a gourmet black hole.

The Duke of Ross was very punctual. He said he would come at seven o'clock, and he did. As a guest, he was very thoughtful and prepared a gift for almost everyone, from Mu Liang Qiaoxia and his wife, Chu Lin and his son, and even Each newborn has a unique gift, and also prepared a rich gift for Lu Bai and Xiaojiu, a global black gold card of the FiberHome Group, which can stay in all hotels under the name of the FiberHome Group and take free rides on the FiberHome Group. For all the means of transportation under the group name, this card can also be used to contact the British embassy in all regions to request assistance, which has extremely powerful functions.

  Lu Xiaojiu was very surprised.

  This gift is extraordinarily precious.

   Harry asked, "Where's my gift?"

  Everyone has a gift, why doesn't he have a gift.

  Ross said lightly, "Your gift, I will give it to you when I return to London."

  Harry, "Then there is no joy in receiving gifts."

  Ross thought for a while, and seemed to find it very reasonable. He took off the obsidian necklace he had been wearing and put it around his neck, "Is that all right?"

"Okay." Harry thought, he had wanted this necklace for a long time, beat around the bush many times, but failed to get what he wanted. To Rose, this necklace seemed very precious, and he always wanted it very much. .

   Unexpectedly, it was so easy to get it.

  Extremely happy.

  Lu Bai's eyebrows twitched. This necklace looks familiar. He seems to have seen it somewhere, and he can't remember it for a while.

  Ross’s gift is very thoughtful, but it is obvious that Lu Bai and his wife’s gift is quite heavy. Mu Liang and Qiao Xia’s gift is a set of jewelry that cannot go wrong, which is different from a black gold card.

  Lu Xiaojiu thought to herself, Harry and Rose really don't see each other.

  The atmosphere between the two of them is also natural and intimate.

   "Duke Ross, don't spoil him, the child is not sensible." Lu Bai said, "Harry, return the necklace to the Duke."

  Harry shook his head, and Rose smiled faintly, "Brother Lu, it's okay, it's just a necklace, and it's nothing valuable."

Ross is a person who seldom smiles, and he is not very friendly when he smiles slightly, but the indifference of his whole body is neutralized. He was originally a handsome young man, and his temperament overrides his appearance. The young man who stood like a pine and cypress and smiled like a gentleman was even more likable than little Harry.

Lu Bai didn't quite believe the necklace worn by a duke, it wasn't anything valuable, it looked like a black gemstone, it couldn't tell the history, Harry liked the appearance very much, and it was very precious, Lu Bai couldn't say anything , lest the child be disappointed.

Duke Ross's manners are very good, but he is not very rigid. Harry took Ross to visit the top floor of the Beacon Group, and also visited his room. Harry's room is very cute, with blue walls and stars, moons and stars. Feel.

  Ross said, "It's beautiful."

   Relatively speaking, his London room is a little more rigid.

  Harry came over for dinner after showing him around. Harry was sitting next to Rose.

  Harry has short hands, and it was Rose who gave him the cloth.

  Lu Xiaojiu asked, "Duke Ross, are you still used to this taste? My dishes are more Chinese-style."

  Qiao Xia usually likes to study cooking skills, and there are more Chinese dishes, so they all have a good mouth, and they all like to eat Chinese dishes.

   "It's delicious." Rose said, "Harry likes to eat Chinese food, and the butler caters to his taste. There are only two owners in the Duke's Mansion, and I follow Harry's taste, and I am used to eating both."

  Lu Bai said, "Duke Ross, you don't have to accommodate Harry's taste."

  Ross looked gentle, neither happy nor angry, "It's okay, he's young, so it's okay to accommodate him a little bit."

  The problem is, when you say that you don’t need to accommodate, you don’t have to put on the expression that you dare to give it a try, maybe it will be more convincing.

  (end of this chapter)

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