MTL - The Nation’s Male God Fell In Love With Me-Chapter 1739 Lin, the choice is yours

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  Chapter 1739 Lin, the choice is yours

Lin Jingsheng looked at him deeply, a little dazed, and his mood was extremely complicated. It was his fault that Chu Lin was so insecure. Lin Jingsheng tried to recall what he had done to Chu Lin. Chu Lin was so insecure. , in fact, it's all his fault, it's his fault, this has to be admitted. He has never been able to make promises to Chu Lin, so there is no way to make him feel at ease. Lin Jingsheng looked at Chu Lin, and he tried to say something similar to promises to him, but he couldn't say it all the time, another kind of inability to say. I always feel that no matter what I say, the relationship between them will return to the original point.

  Children, church, promises, are all obstacles between them.

   are obstacles.

  He wants to be with Chu Lin, he has to go through too many difficulties.

   If he can't do it, he dare not make a promise.

  If you dare not make promises, how can Ah Lin feel at ease?

"A Lin, you also know my situation, I can't promise you." Lin Jingsheng said, if he had to choose between Chu Lin and the royal family in the future, he must choose the royal family, not Chu Lin. , Chu Lin should also have counted.

  Chu Lin said, "I don't want your promise, I just want to give me a word, do you love me or sympathize with me?"

  Lin Jingsheng closed his eyes, "I can promise you a lifetime, but you have to give me time to take care of these things. I need time to deal with church and government affairs, is that okay?"

   This is the most suitable method he can think of.

   "No, I want you to say something now, don't gossip about him."

   "A Lin!" Lin Jingsheng shouted angrily.

Chu Lin was originally the temper of the uncle, how could he stand the ambiguity for so many days, he wanted to ask the question hidden in his heart for a long time, but he couldn't find the right time, it was rare to find a suitable time, naturally Ask for a result. He hopes to hear what he wants to hear, even if he can't hear what he wants to hear, he still knows a bottom line, he thinks, he won't touch it again.

"If you don't love me, but just sympathize with me, I don't accept your kindness." Chu Lin said lightly, "Asheng, you know what I want, and you also know what kind of mood it is, I can retreat to the original In the position of being your friend, if..."

"I love you." Lin Jingsheng interrupted him suddenly, and didn't let him continue. He looked into Chu Lin's eyes, which reflected a face full of struggles. The things he had dreamed about for so many years finally came true. . He also didn't want to torture each other too much. It's not shameful to admit this, "A Lin, why do you think I don't love you?"

His eyes reflected Chu Lin's shocked face. It turned out that Ah Lin really felt that he didn't love him, not to force himself to say something. He felt a little uncomfortable. He unintentionally hurt his favorite. people.

   "If I didn't love you, how could I agree to such absurd conditions? If you want to find a lover, what kind of one am I looking for? I can't find it?"

   "I threatened you."

"What can you really do to me?" Lin Jingsheng said, "Just as I have never been willing to do to you, you must also be reluctant to do to me, so I know very well that it is just your stubbornness Well, I don't intend to get married."

   "But you said that you want a child."

   "Yes, I have already had a child." Lin Jingsheng confessed, Chu Lin's face changed drastically, becoming extremely ugly, cloudy, and he almost gnashed his teeth and said, "What did you say?"

  Lin Jingsheng said, "I have found a surrogate to give birth to a pair of twin sons."

"Lin Jingsheng, you..." Chu Lin gritted his teeth and looked at him, almost unable to hold back the anger in his heart, as if someone lit a bomb in his heart, forcing him to kill everyone, he was so angry that even if Lin Jingsheng Jing Sheng refused and never felt such anger.

   This kind of anger came very suddenly, as if someone had kicked over something, and it seemed that there was a raging anger hidden in his heart, ready to drag Lin Jingsheng to his death at any time. Lin Jingsheng had long expected that he would have such a reaction.

   "I should have told you sooner."

   "When did you start planning?"

"The child is almost four months old." Lin Jingsheng said that he had basically formed two very healthy boys. He didn't know if Chu Lin would compromise. At this point, at least he insisted, "I know you It is impossible to accept, so I have always kept it from you, I have always wanted to hide it from you, and even waited until the child was born to tell you that I must have my own successor, I am different from you, and I am willing to be born in the Chu family , carefree, no responsibility, no burden, do whatever you want, no constraints, but I can't, I really can't, so I can only have a pair of children to inherit my responsibilities, my obligations, my I can't just leave the whole country C behind. I will love them, educate them well, teach them how to be a good king and how to be responsible. When they grow up and inherit my position, I will hand them over to them I don't have any worries about myself, so I can have my own life. I want to eradicate the church, balance the interests of the major families, let them check each other, and there will be no more scenes where the Lu family dominates. This is my responsibility. The ambition is also my wish, and I hope it can be fulfilled."

   "Have you ever thought about me?" Chu Lin asked, "Have you ever considered my feelings at all?"

   "I've thought about it, and I won't accept it, but I can't find a solution. I can only train my heirs to take on my responsibilities. I'm already selfish enough."

   "You really..." Chu Lin was really going crazy.

Lin Jingsheng said, "A Lin, I envy you so much. Since you were young, you can do whatever you like, no one forces you or tells you what to do. We have come to a dead end. I love you and I want to have a relationship with you." A perfect solution, that's all I can do."

"Get out!" Chu Lin said, he was furious, his heart was full of coldness, there was an emotion brewing in his heart all the time, he wanted to kill this pair of children, what happened to four months, what happened to Ah Sheng's child, The arrival of such children is like slapping them in the face, and their love has been tarnished. He can't accept it, he can't accept it at all. Ah Sheng, why are you so cruel?

"This is the last thing I hide from you, and I will never hide anything else." Lin Jingsheng said, "This is my effort to be with you. Maybe in your opinion, it is ridiculous Yes, it's sad, but it's the only thing I can do, and it's also what I have to do. If you don't accept it, I really have no choice. The choice is in your hands, but, Lin, that's my child , But what do you do, at least think about it, my blood is flowing on them, if you touch them, we really can only do this in this life, although I will not kill you for revenge, maybe, me and you Can't even be friends."

   It's an update today, and I feel uncomfortable.



  (end of this chapter)

Read Kill the Sun