MTL - The Nation’s Male God Fell In Love With Me-Chapter 1727 Comrades and **

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  Chapter 1727 Comrades and

  When Mu Yuan woke up, Mu Liang was beside him.

   "Third Brother." Mu Liang called out his childhood address.

  Mu Yuan smiled slightly, a little reluctantly, his face was so pale that even smiling was difficult, Mu Liang pressed his hand, "Just wake up, I have already kept my family safe, your operation was a success."

  Mu Yuan nodded, his eyes turned around the ward calmly, Mu Liang asked, "Third brother, who are you looking for?"

   "No." Mu Yuan said, his throat still hurt badly, Mu Liang gave him a drink of water, and finally felt better, Mu Yuan said lightly, "Why are you here?"

   "Chu Lin was arrested together with you. I came to see him. I didn't expect you to be on the boat. It was a surprise. Everyone thought you were dead."

"I know."

A soldier who was out on military duty, lost contact for a month, and it can be judged that he was in danger, not to mention that he had no news for more than half a year. He was locked up under the submarine. He didn't know the year and month, and he had to rely on the newcomers to know that he was imprisoned. For a long time, there was no way out, until Jack appeared, he had hope, and at the same time, despair.

  Mu Liang said, "Your marriage is also messed up, you know that."

  Mu Yuan smiled, "That has nothing to do with me."

   "Why is it irrelevant?" Mu Liang said, "After all, she is your wife, oh, almost became your wife."

   "The marriage arranged by my father, from the engagement to the marriage, no one asked my opinion." Mu Yuan said, "If it's dirty, it won't matter, it doesn't matter."

   "The third sister-in-law is quite beautiful."

  Mu Yuan said lightly, "Yes."

   is quite beautiful.

   "Are you so calm?"

   "What should I react?" Mu Yuanying's sharp eyes seemed to be able to see through a person, and when he smiled slightly, he was extraordinarily sexy, "Stinky boy, you are trying to kill me if you are talking about me."

   "I don't want to die at all." Mu Liang said, "Well, the third brother is the third brother, and half of his life is gone. You can still be sober. How did you get caught by the Hurricane pirates?"

"When I returned to the army, I met Hurricane pirates who were robbing at sea. I accidentally got involved in their war and became a prisoner." This incident was a great shame in his military career, but there was nothing he could do at the time He was at sea, alone and helpless, unable to grow wings to fly, so he was caught just like that, and was injured in the battle. He was performing a mission, wearing civilian clothes outside, but a military uniform inside. This military uniform saved him One life, James wanted to win him over at the beginning. Although he is an army, he is also very helpful to them. When they perform ground missions, they need an experienced army officer to command them. He is the best choice. Naturally, Mu Yuan would not join forces, so he began to live a dark life on the submarine. James thought that after torturing him for a while, he would succumb. Unexpectedly, Mu Yuan carried it all the way down and waited until the rescue, although it was not from his own army. .

  Mu Yuan thought, he owed one person more and more.

  This is really not a good thing.

  He didn't want to owe Jack any favors.

   A long-lost boyfriend, oh, ex-boyfriend, desperate to save you, is not a good thing after all.

   "By the way, my marriage has gone bad, how many people know about it?"

   "This is a disgrace to our family, who dares to say it?" Mu Yuan said, "It's kept secret from the outside world."

"That's good."

"What's the matter, that woman ran away with someone." Mu Liang said, "This kind of woman, see if I don't kill her, the person she is looking for is simply blind, and he is actually an executive of Shunfeng Bank. Don’t even think about climbing up in your life.”

   "You don't have to take your anger out on others. I've never seen it before, and I don't have any grievances. Besides, my life and death are unknown. It's understandable for someone to find happiness elsewhere." Mu Yuan didn't want to embarrass a woman who had never met.

   "You have a good heart, third brother, you don't know her attitude at the beginning, and her attitude after knowing you are missing, they are completely different."

   "I said, it doesn't matter." This kind of A, B, C, D will not have any influence in his life, and he doesn't need to bother to deal with it at all. It's just a waste of resources, and Mu Yuan doesn't pay attention to it at all.

   "Okay, you are the boss who listens to you." Mu Liang spread his hands, the fact that Mu Yuan is alive is of great significance to him.

   It is of great significance to the entire Mu family.

  Mu Liang glanced at him, "By the way, your injury is very stable. I want to transfer you back to China. What do you think?"

"You arrange."

  He has no news for more than half a year, and his life and death are unknown. His parents must be very worried, and he also wants to go back to keep safe.


  Mu Liang said, "I wanted to transfer you back to China, but I was blocked."

   "What blocks?"

"Lieutenant Colonel Anderson said, you won't go anywhere." When Mu Liang mentioned this matter, his teeth were still itchy. It was obviously his third brother, a B, C, D, who hadn't said a few words, came to declare sovereignty, but he didn't It's unreasonable to let the third brother go home. Could it be that there is some grievance?

   But if you talk about grievances, what kind of grievances can make an American lieutenant colonel lurk on a submarine for more than three months just to save his third brother.

   There is gossip.

   "Notify the embassy." Mu Yuan said lightly.

  Mu Liang, "..."

  Mu Yuan frowned, led troops all the year round, and was in the position of commander, his words naturally had an aura of power without anger, "What are you doing in a daze?"

  Mu Liang thought, if he informs the embassy, ​​it will officially tear his face apart.

It is a joke that a lieutenant colonel in their country is here to recuperate and be sent back to China. An American lieutenant colonel came to stop him. It is impossible for Jack to stop him. This kind of sensitive thing is not good for anyone, as long as it is a rational person, it will not do such a thing.

  Embassy, ​​the fastest solution.

   "I see." Mu Liang said lightly.

Mu Yuan lowered his eyes slightly, and said nothing. Mu Liang has never been a gossip person. Maybe he has been with Qiao Xia for a long time. After all, he is an entertainment reporter. He is super gossip. He is also infected. He is really curious. .

   "Third Brother, what's your relationship with Jack?"

   "Former comrades in arms." Mu Yuan said lightly.

   "The comrades-in-arms have such a good relationship, and they can risk their lives to save you." Mu Liang didn't believe it at all.

   "I saved him, and he came to save me and return the favor." Mu Yuan frowned, "Stop your imagination, and then you can hold the Milky Way."

  Mu Liang didn't believe it at all. What comrades could have such feelings? Why didn't your other comrades come to rescue you, but Lieutenant Colonel Anderson?

"What's the answer to the former ***?" An indifferent voice sounded from behind, Lieutenant Colonel Anderson pushed the door in, stood at the door coldly, looked at them coldly, to be precise, looked at them coldly. Mu Yuan.

  (end of this chapter)

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