MTL - The Nation’s Male God Fell In Love With Me-Chapter 1716 tacit understanding of brothers

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  Chapter 1716 The tacit understanding of brothers

  James is an uncertain person, he has a very big problem, easy to get angry.

  He is an irritable character.

  When a person is irritable, he easily loses his mind.

   "Have you figured it out?"

"Think it over." James said, and immediately sent someone to contact the top management of Fenghuo Group. He wanted to confirm whether what Lu Yuan said was true. Unfortunately, the person he contacted happened to be Lin Jingsheng. He couldn't grasp the phone, and he had to go through his mind three times for every word he spit out of his mouth to make sure there was no problem. He was afraid that the word was wrong and he missed the opportunity again.

  What should James do if he repents.

  If you didn't want to go back on your word, why did you make this call.

"Chu Lin is in your hands. You'd better let him go. Tell me what you want." Lin Jingsheng said, "I've already signed a contract with the Ministry of National Defense and got the promise. If you agree to let him go in private , the conditions are fine, I don’t have any problems, and it saves me a sum of money to reward the Navy.”

   "You can give me whatever conditions I want."

   "Within reason, I can agree." Lin Jingsheng said.

   James asked, "I want 50 billion euros, and a nuclear submarine."

"Do you think Chu Lin's life is worth so much money?" Lin Jingsheng sneered, "Fenghuo Group does control one-tenth of the world's economic lifeline, which is the property of the four of us, although I have been kicked out by Chu Lin , I still have a lot of shares in FiberHome Industry, but the parent company does not have a controlling stake. If you want to kill him, I would be happy. By the way, you can take a look at the news about FiberHome Group some time ago. It was a good show. I saved him for the sake of being a brother for many years, and the Ministry of Defense did not ask for too high a condition, if you tear up the ticket, maybe, I will give you a higher price, what do you think?"

  Lin Jingsheng pressed on the horizontal line every time without any fluctuation.

   This group of people backtracked.

   Lu Yuan on the side frowned. This James is not only a murderous maniac, but also a psychopath.

  Ordinary murderers are crazy.

James hung up the phone angrily, Jack took the tablet, and just called up the Fenghuo Group split case that had been raging a while ago. Chu Lin did take away Lin Jingsheng's shares, and fell out with Lin Jingsheng, and put him together. Putting forward the parent company, Lin Jingsheng now only has a subsidiary company, but he is still a member of the FiberHome Group. James said, "Mr. Chu, it seems that your partner doesn't care about you that much."

   "You made the wrong call." Chu Lin said lightly, "I'm dead, it's not good for you, I'm alive, it's the best way for you."

  James suddenly asked someone to take a small box. After opening the box, he took a needle and took a tube of light blue liquid. He smiled and asked Chu Lin, "Do you know what this is?"

   "Antibiotics?" Chu Lin looked at her legs without any fear.

   “Something that will get you hooked.”

  James plunged into Chu Lin's arm suddenly, "I promise to let you go back, but I don't guarantee whether you will die or live after you go back."

  Chu Lin gritted his teeth, and laughed when he was dying, "In this world, except for one person, there is nothing that can make me addicted."

   James knocked Chu Lin unconscious with one hand.

The submarine put down a motorboat, Jack pretended to be James, James pretended to be a militant, and boarded the motorboat together. Chu Lin was on another motorboat and went to the island together. Almost all the militants wore scarves around their necks to hide With his chin and mouth covered, and a hat that almost concealed his face, he didn't care about the hot weather at all.

Wesley, Joe, and Red are already on the island with a small group of people. Wesley is sitting, Joe and Red are standing, three marines are guarding, the helicopter is hovering, and Chu Lin is being taken On the shore, he threw it to the ground. Rhett hurried over and put one hand on his neck. Little Joe also came over. Rhett nodded to Wesley. Little Joe looked at his leg, very annoyed, and quickly Take him to the location of the helicopter.

   "Marine squad calling for helicopter."

   "Helicopter support."

  Xiao Qiao and Rhett took Chu Lin to the helicopter, and Rhett took Chu Lin back to the warship first.

  Jack pretending to be James said, "I've already given you the man, you'd better do what you say and leave this sea."

   "As you wish." Major Wesley sat indifferently, but his eyes were fixed on his hands, "Mr. James, why don't we talk about the hostage issue."

"I've already given you the person you want. We have nothing to talk about. Now we can coexist peacefully only if you withdraw from this sea area. Our submarine has been repaired and can dive at any time." James said, "First officer, please don't go back on your word." .”

   "I didn't go back on my word. We are talking about hostages, the hostages on your ship. Don't worry, I will keep my promise if I don't do anything, and it will be harmless to talk about it." Wesley said.

  Jack came over and sat opposite Wesley.

  James also came over and stood opposite Jack. Wesley didn't bring many people, which were about the same as theirs. James felt a great desire to kill them all.

   "The hostages on this ship cannot be given to you." Jack said, "This is the hole card."

   "What's the fun in killing?" Wesley said lightly, "You want to rob resources, you can rob resources, you want money, the goods at sea are all money, why do you want to kill people?"

   "You'll understand if you kill one." Jack said.

  Wesley said, "Hand over all the hostages, and you can bring up any conditions you want."

   "Follow me?"

   "Enough, it's agreed to let Chu Lin go, and you will leave. What terms are you talking about now?" James was furious and didn't want to negotiate terms with them.

  Wesley glanced at James and said lightly, "Your people really don't understand the rules."

  James looked at Wesley angrily, and immediately pulled out his gun. Xiao Qiao pointed his gun at him suddenly, and the two sides immediately drew their guns to meet each other.

  Xiao Qiao said lightly, "In the end, don't test whose hands are faster."

   Bullets don't have eyes.

  No one can dodge his first shot.

  Jack said lightly, "Don't get excited. Since it's a negotiated condition, then do it according to the negotiated condition. Don't waste each other's time or our feelings."

Wesley kept telling him to leave the ship and kill these people. He knew that what Wesley said was the truth and what he made was the right decision. However, he couldn't leave, but Wesley didn't understand why his brother refused to leave. What is it that attracts him.

  Xiao Qiao didn't know what Wesley was talking about with them, and he would blow the head off whoever dared to touch Wesley.

  (end of this chapter)

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