MTL - The Nation’s Male God Fell In Love With Me-Chapter 1686 Duke Ross and Harry

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  Chapter 1686 The Duke of Ross and Harry

Yuri walked over. He was about fifteen years old, younger than Duke Ross, and he respected him in front of him. He didn't dare to make mistakes. Yuri said, "Master, the airport and customs are still closed. There is a very strange Phenomenon."

He looked at Harry on the side, and said softly, "Although adults have gone through very strict inspections to leave, it is still normal, but if children around three or four years old want to leave, it is as difficult as going to heaven. The inspections are very strict. strict."

  Ross nodded. As expected, the person he rescued was a big man and very smart. Rose looked at Harry aside, Harry seemed to understand nothing, eating cake, looking at him innocently, Rose patted his head.

So cute.

  It is also great if the child is smarter.

  Harry quietly looked at the sky again, and Rose said, "Harry, your family didn't tell you, in fact, satellite tracking, you don't need to look at the sky all the time, you just need to be outdoors."

   "Ah..." Harry blinked, "Big brother, what are you talking about?"

  Ross smiled.

  In the monitoring room of Fenghuo Group, a monitor shouted, "Second young master, I found young master."

Lu Bai, who had been sleepless for several nights, woke up from the chaos and rushed to the monitoring station. The monitor enlarged the screen, and the satellite analyzed the iris and biological signs, which completely matched Harry. After sending it to Lin Jingsheng, Lu Bai watched his eldest son eating the cake carefree and chatting happily with the boy beside him. The other party gently stroked his head without any intention of hurting him. Lu Bai The heart hanging in his throat finally fell back.

  Harry is safe.

   These days, it's been like a nightmare.

  Being missing for more than 24 hours, they have to prepare for the worst.

What's more, with their identities, if someone finds out the identity of the child, if they don't blackmail them, they will definitely tear up the ticket, unless they don't know who saved them, or Harry himself is injured and loses his memory, or he doesn't know where he was trafficked. After all, he disappeared in the slave market. He was very scared these days. In the monitoring room, he even told Lu Xiaojiu that he was going on a business trip for a few days. He didn’t dare to meet Lu Xiaojiu’s eyes. He just thought, if there is no news from Harry today , he told Lu Xiaojiu the truth, so that she also had a preparation in mind, and he regretted not installing a monitor in Harry's skin. The main reason is that the nano-tracking developed by FiberHome Group's latest technology is a bit toxic. When it gets trapped in an adult's body, a small amount of toxins will be purified. The child's resistance is weak and the body is growing. Lu Bai is afraid of harming the child's body, so he chose It is not embedded in Harry's skin, and he is afraid that the exposed monitor will bring more fatal harm to Harry, so Harry has always been allowed to live like an ordinary child.

   Fortunately, he is fine.

   "Monitor here at any time."


  Harry's leg was injured. The monitor zoomed in on the screen, and Lu Bai could see it clearly. He was very distressed. Harry didn't look very painful. He was thinking that it might be a sprain, and it would be fine if he raised it.

   "Who is this boy? Check."

   "It's strange that no matching biometrics were found in the global database." The monitor has tried to analyze his biometrics and found a match, but it was not found in the global database.

  Lu Bai frowned, "How is that possible."

Anyone's biological characteristics will be recorded, and they cannot escape satellite tracking and analysis. There are more than 30,000 satellites in the world, of which more than 10,000 satellites have this function, unless the person has been living in a place without sunlight and Perhaps, this person has never been under surveillance, which is impossible.

   "Second Young Master, there really isn't one."

Lu Bai's heart skipped a beat, and he had a bad premonition. For example, he, Chu Lin, and Lin Jingsheng all had such information, but this young man did not. There is another situation...someone is interfering with the operation of the satellite and intercepting it all year round. Their information transmission database, otherwise this situation would not be possible, he also remembered one thing, White Night and Black Jack had never appeared in the global database in terms of biological characteristics, they seemed to have another way to stop it. But their satellites can easily find them, why is this? It must be found if there is information, otherwise it would be impossible to find someone by analyzing anyone's Facebook. Is it possible that the number one terrorist organization has their information in their own system? Who is this person?

   "Go to check the address and see who the owner of this house is, whether it is private or public. If it is a tourist, check the registration information."

   "Already investigating." Another monitor said that he had already extracted the information. "The owner of this house is an Englishman, an old man. Here are all his information."

  The owner's information is displayed on the big screen.

   "The butler of the Duke of Ross?"

   "Master, Duke Ross is sixteen years old this year. This is his photo. This young man is Duke Ross."

  Lu Bai nodded, rewinded the satellite, and saw the scene of Duke Ross holding Harry coming out, which became more and more distasteful, "Tell Ah Sheng to pick him up quickly."


  Duke Ross ordered, "There will be guests in a while, don't act rashly and invite them in.


As soon as he finished speaking, within five minutes, three pure black bulletproof off-road vehicles stopped in front of the house. More than a dozen armed Fenghuo Group guards got out of the vehicle and surrounded the place. Lin Jingsheng got out of the vehicle, Yuri made a gesture to tell the agents of the No. 1 terrorist organization not to act rashly. He came out to meet him. Lin Jingsheng looked at the security team on the second floor. There were at least sixteen people, and there were guards in every corner, as well as snipers. Watertight protection.

   "This is where the Duke of Ross promised to stay. Please leave your people one meter away."

  Lin Jingsheng looked a bit haggard, but still smiled very gently, "I came to look for my son, and I don't mean to offend."

  He raised his hand, and Morgan led the people back two meters to show his sincerity.

  Yuri thought, the Duke is really good at predicting things.

"Please come in."

Lin Jingsheng had received the news, but he was still a little worried. He had to see that Harry was safe and sound with his own eyes, so that he could feel at ease. When he saw Harry when he entered the courtyard, Harry wanted to jump down in surprise. , held him down.

   "Little Daddy." Harry opened his arms, Lin Jingsheng hurried over, hugged him, Harry whimpered and cried, "Little Daddy, why did you come to find Harry, Harry is so scared."

   "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, don't be afraid, Harry, Daddy is here and will take you home right away."

  Harry wiped away his tears, and Lin Jingsheng comforted the frightened child.

  (end of this chapter)